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Keywords:Debit cards 

Conference Paper
Interchange fees in credit and debit card industries : what role for public authorities : conference summary

Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences , Issue May , Pages xix - xxxix

Working Paper
Pricing and welfare implications of payment card network competition

This paper examines how competition among payment card networks three-party scheme networks and four-party scheme networks affects pricing as well as the welfare of various parties. A competing network has an incentive to provide rewards to its card users. By providing more generous rewards than its rival networks, the network can increase its own card transactions because multihoming cardholders who hold multiple networks cards choose to use its card instead of using its rivals. Although a monopoly network does not have such an incentive, in a monopoly four-party scheme network, competition ...
Payments System Research Working Paper , Paper PSR WP 06-03

Developments in interchange fees in the United States and abroad

Payments System Research Briefing , Issue Apr

Journal Article
Update : as payments go plastic

TEN , Issue Sum , Pages 26-28

Working Paper
Credit card debt and payment use

Approximately half of credit card holders in the United States regularly carry unpaid credit card debt. These so-called "revolvers" exhibit payment behavior that differs from that of those who repay their entire credit card balance every month. Previous literature has focused on the adoption of debit cards by people who carry credit card balances, but so far there has been no empirical analysis exploring the relationship between revolving behavior and patterns of payment use, such as substitution away from credit cards to other payment methods. ; Using data collected in the 2005 Survey of ...
Working Papers , Paper 08-2

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, September 24, 1997, (debit cards and unsolicited \\"loan checks\\")

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Nov , Pages 884-887

Journal Article
Wave good-bye to swiping : customers can pay without a pin, signature, or cash

Banks and credit card issuers are embracing contactless payment, the next phase in payment technology
TEN , Issue Spr , Pages 6-9

Conference Paper
General discussion : Weiner-Wright : Interchange fees in various countries : developments and determinants

Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences , Issue May , Pages 65-72

Conference Paper
Where to go from here?

Proceedings , Paper 659

Discussion Paper
The efficiency and integrity of payment card systems: industry views on the risks posed by data breaches

Consumer confidence in payment card systems has been built up over many decades. Cardholders expect to use their cards to execute payment instructions in a reliable and timely manner. Data breaches that degrade the perceived safety and reliability of payment cards may weaken consumer confidence in those systems and potentially cause cardholders to shift to other, and perhaps less efficient, forms of payment. A sizable shift away from payment cards ?induced by the consequences of one or more data breaches is unlikely. Even so, the probability of such an outcome is uncertain. In other words, ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 12-04


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Conference Paper 35 items

Journal Article 17 items

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Briefing 6 items

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Hayashi, Fumiko 8 items

Weiner, Stuart E. 6 items

Stavins, Joanna 5 items

Sullivan, Richard J. 5 items

Brouwer, Hendrik J. 3 items

Shy, Oz 3 items

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