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Keywords:Corporate bond market 

Working Paper
What's Wrong with Annuity Markets?

We show that the supply of life annuities in the U.S. is constrained by interest rate risk. We identify this effect using annuity prices offered by U.S. life insurers from 1989 to 2019 and exogenous variations in contract-level regulatory capital requirements. The cost of interest rate risk management accounts for at least half of the average life annuity markups or eight percentage points. The contribution of interest rate risk to annuity markups sharply increased after the great financial crisis, suggesting new retirees' opportunities to transfer their longevity risk are unlikely to improve ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2021-044

Working Paper
Impacts of the Fed Corporate Credit Facilities through the Lenses of ETFs and CDX

In this study, we use the liquid and efficient bond ETF prices and CDX spreads to quantify the effects of the announcements of the Primary and Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facilities on the underlying corporate bonds. We find that those announcements triggered: (i) large and positive jumps in the prices of directly-eligible ETFs as well as ETFs holding eligible bonds and their close substitutes; (ii) a discrete drop in the perceived credit risk of eligible bonds especially following the April 9th announcement; (iii) a roaring back of investment-grade issuance and a pick-up in high-yield ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-2020-14


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Corporate bond market 2 items

Annuities 1 items

Balance Sheet Policy 1 items

Credit Easing 1 items

Interest rate risk 1 items

Life insurance 1 items

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