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House Hunting in a Period of Social Distancing

Lower housing demand due to quarantine orders, slowing price growth and mortgage originations, and a historically high housing supply are all hitting the economy at the same time.
On the Economy

Reopening the U.S. Economy an Industry at a Time

A novel index of physical contact exposure helps to identify the industries that are the most contact-intensive and might reopen later, as well as lower-contact industries that could reopen sooner.
On the Economy

The Impact of COVID-19 on Labor Markets across the U.S.

On the Economy

Social Distancing and Contact-Intensive Occupations

Some jobs certainly require more close interaction with other folks than other jobs. Which occupations are the most interactive, and which states have higher shares of these jobs?
On the Economy

Hot Money Credits to Kick-Start a Stalled Economy?

Stimulus checks that must be spent within a certain amount of time could help trigger spending if the economy continues to stall.
On the Economy

Working Paper
Racial Disparities in Frontline Workers and Housing Crowding during COVID-19: Evidence from Geolocation Data

We document that racial disparities in COVID-19 in New York City stem from patterns of commuting and housing crowding. During the initial wave of the pandemic, we find that out-of-home activity related to commuting is strongly associated with COVID-19 cases at the ZIP Code level and hospitalization at an individual level. After layoffs of essential workers decreased commuting, we find case growth continued through household crowding. A larger share of individuals in crowded housing or commuting to essential work are Black, Hispanic, and lower-income. As a result, structural inequalities, ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers , Paper 37

COVID-19 and Unemployment Risk: State and MSA Differences

Which states and MSAs have large shares of workers at high risk of unemployment?
On the Economy

Protectionism and Dependence on Imports of Essential Medical Equipment

The COVID-19 global pandemic has led to a surge in protectionism, which poses challenges to countries dependent on imports of essential medical equipment.
On the Economy

How Will COVID-19 Affect the Spending of Financially Distressed Households?

Consumer spending will drop substantially due to COVID-19, and the declines will hit hardest in households already in financial distress.
On the Economy

Possible Fiscal Policies for Rare, Unanticipated and Severe Viral Outbreaks

What should guide a fiscal authority in conducting macroeconomic policy in the event of a severe viral outbreak?
On the Economy

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Ebsim, Mahdi 5 items

Famiglietti, Matthew 5 items

Gascon, Charles S. 5 items

Leibovici, Fernando 5 items

Mather, Ryan 5 items

Sanchez, Juan M. 5 items

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C63 1 items

C80 1 items

D14 1 items

D83 1 items

D84 1 items

E21 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Coronavirus 50 items

COVID-19 48 items

Labor 10 items

Financial Distress 6 items

Unemployment 5 items

Social Distancing 5 items

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