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Keywords:Consolidation and merger of corporations 

Conference Paper
The merger boom: an overview

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 31 , Pages 1-16

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, January 26, 1989 (corporate restructuring)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar

New evidence on the effectiveness of the proxy mechanism

The proxy fight literature to date has focused exclusively on proxy fights that progress to a shareholder vote or near-shareholder vote stage. In contrast, this paper uses a sampling methodology which retains all cases where a proxy fight is threatened, whether or not a vote eventually occurs. Less than one half of threatened proxy fights ultimately result in a shareholder vote. Votes are avoided in three-fourths of dropped contests when the target firm agrees to be acquired, reaches a settlement with the dissident, or restructures to the dissident' s satisfaction. These avoided contests are ...
Research Paper , Paper 9503

Conference Paper
The free cash flow theory of takeovers: a financial perspective on mergers and acquisitions and the economy

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 31 , Pages 102-148

The British invasion: explaining the strength of U.K. acquisitions of U. S. firms in the late 1980s

Research Paper , Paper 9016

Journal Article
The merger boom: an overview

New England Economic Review , Issue Mar , Pages 22-32

Working Paper
Merger momentum and investor sentiment: the stock market reaction to merger announcements

This paper examines the effects of mergers on bidding firms? stock prices. We find evidence of merger momentum: bidder stock prices are more likely to increase when a merger is announced if recent mergers by other firms have been received well (a ?hot? merger market) or if the overall stock market is doing better. However, there is long run reversal. Long-run bidder stock returns are lower for mergers announced when the either merger or stock markets were hot at the time of the merger than for those announced at other times.
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-04-07

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, February 2, 1989 (corporate restructuring and the need to reduce the federal budget deficit)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Apr , Pages 267-272

Journal Article
A regulatory perspective on roll-ups: big business for small formerly private companies

Emerging Issues , Issue Mar

Working Paper
Empirical evidence on vertical foreclosure

Recent papers have shown conditions under which vertical, mergers can result in anticompetitive foreclosure of unintegrated rivals. These models imply that a necessary but not sufficient condition for anticompetitive foreclosure is that unintegrated rivals are less profitable after a vertical merger. We test this hypothesis by examining the stock prices of unintegrated rivals at the time of a vertical merger announcement and at the time of a government antitrust complaint. We find no evidence to support the foreclosure hypothesis.
Working Papers , Paper 93-4



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Journal Article 26 items

Working Paper 14 items

Conference Paper 10 items

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Rosengren, Eric S. 8 items

Browne, Lynn E. 5 items

Berger, Allen N. 3 items

Greenspan, Alan 3 items

Mahoney, James M. 3 items

Mahoney, Joseph T. 3 items

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