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Keywords:Conservation of natural resources 

Journal Article
Environmental finance for affordable housing

Two wallets are better than one, as partnerships between environmental groups and affordable housing advocates are demonstrating.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 22-23

Journal Article
Trading spaces

Econ Focus , Volume 11 , Issue Spr , Pages 28-31

Journal Article
Soil conservation: Market failure and program performance

An examination of the economic rationale behind soil conservation programs, an assessment of the magnitude of the soil erosion problem, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of U.S. soil conservation policies.
Economic Commentary , Issue Jan

Journal Article
Pipe dreams

The district is awash in expensive projects to bring water to sparsely populated areas. Are they worth it?
Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Sep , Pages 1-5, 7

Journal Article
CRP: Green if good, but more green is preferred

Conservation Reserve Program is losing ground, but intent on enrolling more environmentally sensitive land.
Fedgazette , Volume 20 , Issue Nov , Pages 16-19

Journal Article
Tapping into savings

No-build approaches and alternative technologies can reduce the cost of water upgrades in small towns.
Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Sep , Pages 10

Journal Article
Paying the piper

Somebody has to pony up billions of dollars to upgrade drinking water and sewer systems throughout the district.
Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Sep , Pages 8-11

Journal Article
Common ground : big business and the environment shake hands

Econ Focus , Volume 10 , Issue Sum , Pages 10

Journal Article
Complete communities: green space and affordable housing

When advocates for affordable housing and parks join forces, both are more likely to accomplish their goals. The authors describe successes that are inspiring replication nationwide.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 6-8

Journal Article
The path not taken

Big pipelines aren't the only solution to the water problems of rural areas.
Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Sep , Pages 6