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Keywords:Commercial paper issues 

Journal Article
Why has the nonfinancial commercial paper market shrunk recently?

The total volume of nonfinancial commercial paper outstanding peaked in the fall of 2000 and has declined rapidly ever since. By September 2002, the market had shrunk more than 50 percent. Relative to historical patterns, both the magnitude and the timing of the decline are unusual. The decline is the largest on record, and the market started to shrink before the recent recession began. In the past, the volume of commercial paper outstanding tended to increase during the early stages of recessions. ; Commercial paper is an important source of external funding for corporate borrowers and has ...
Economic Review , Volume 88 , Issue Q I , Pages 55-76

Journal Article
Commercial paper: a colossal market

National Economic Trends , Issue Oct

Instruments of the money market


Working Paper
The term structure of commercial paper rates

This paper tests the expectations hypothesis in the market for commercial paper. Our main dataset, which is new to the literature, consists of daily indexes constructed from the actual market yields for nearly all commercial paper issued by U.S. corporations between January 1998 and August 2003. We show that the term premia built into commercial paper yields rise dramatically at year-end, causing the expectations hypothesis to be rejected. However, once we control for these predictable year-end effects, we find the reverse--that commercial paper yields largely conform with the expectations ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2004-18

Commercial paper


Journal Article
The evolution of the U.S. commercial paper market since 1980

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Dec

Working Paper
The effect of a rating change on commercial paper outstandings

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 185

Journal Article
Are bank loans still special?

Economic Review , Volume 77 , Issue Q III , Pages 71-84

Instruments of the money market (foreword)


Working Paper
Debt maturity choice and risk-free assets: the \"clientele effect\" and the commercial paper market

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 94-4


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