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Keywords:Commercial loans - New England 

Journal Article
The Business Consortium Fund: working capital for MBEs

The New England Minority Purchasing Council offers minority business enterprises (MBEs) help in obtaining short-term working capital.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 13-15

Journal Article
Finance companies vs. small banks in rural commercial lending

In rural New England, it used to be the small community banks that dominated small business lending. However, nonlocal finance companies are aggressively entering rural banking markets, adding a new element of competition.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 8-13

Journal Article
Microfinance in good times and bad: Yankee ingenuity keeps microfinance strong

With banks still facing challenges, alternative sources of credit are likely to play an increasingly important role in financing small businesses. The authors describe what ACCION USA has learned as its approach to microlending has evolved.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 12-14