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Keywords:Child care 

Working Paper
Does family structure affect children's educational outcomes?

In this paper we examine the effect of family structure on children?s educational outcomes by exploiting the sibling structure in the NLSY and NLSY-Child to control for unobserved heterogeneity across families and individuals. We also compare outcomes for children within the same family?stepchildren with their half-siblings in the same blended family who are the biological children of both parents. Using panel data methods to control for unobserved heterogeneity across families, we find that family structure effects are statistically insignificant. Finally, comparing half-siblings in our ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2000-13

Journal Article
Child care costs and the return-to-work decisions of new mothers

Women's labor force participation has nearly doubled in the past 50 years. The increase has been even more dramatic for women with young children, and recent reforms to welfare programs are likely to push the participation rate for this segment even higher. This article examines the economic determinants of a woman's decision to return to work quickly following childbirth, looking in particular at sensitivity to child care costs.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 23 , Issue Q IV , Pages 42-55

Working Paper
An analysis of women's return-to-work decisions following first birth

Women's labor force participation rate has increased sharply over the last two decades. The increase has been particularly dramatic for married women with young children suggesting that women are spending less time out of the labor force for child-bearing and rearing. Using the relatively detailed information available in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, this paper explores women's decisions to return to work within one year of the birth of their first child, focusing particularly on the effect of child care costs. Consistent with economic theory, women who face lower child care ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-98-9

Journal Article
Family values: child care in the '90s

Regional Review , Issue Spr , Pages 19-24

Working Paper
Intra-household allocation and the mental health of children: structural estimation analysis

This paper estimates the structural parameters of a dynamic model where parents with one child periodically decide whether or not their child uses various mental health services. In this model, mental health services improve a child's mental health (which parents care about), however, mental health services may be costly to the parents both in terms of utility and household consumption. Using a panel data set collected as part of the Fort Bragg Mental Health Demonstration, we estimate the model with a maximum likelihood procedure that accounts for unobservable differences in mental health ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1999-30

Journal Article
Corporations, child care, and changing times

Offering child-care benefits may improve a company's bottom line.
Cross Sections , Volume 12 , Issue Fall , Pages 1-7

Journal Article
Mind the gap: grandparents raising grandchildren

The population of grandparents raising their grandchildren is rising. These families face unique pressures, such as finding appropriate and affordable housing. In Boston, one housing community meets their needs. Others around the country may be on the way.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 3-7

Working Paper
Does Access to Free Pre-Kindergarten Increase Maternal Labor Supply?

We evaluate the effects of free pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) programs on the labor force participation of mothers. We use variation in Pre-K rules across all U.S. states, including income eligibility requirements in some states. To estimate the causal effects of access to Pre-K on labor supply, we exploit the panel aspect of the monthly Current Population Survey between 2002 and 2019. Specifically, we look at the change in labor market behavior of women when their child becomes age-eligible for Pre-K, controlling for individual factors. We find that access to free Pre-K programs increases overall ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 21-11


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