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Keywords:Bretton Woods 

Working Paper
Federal Reserve Policy and Bretton Woods

During the Bretton Woods era, balance-of-payments developments, gold losses, and exchange rate concerns had little influence on Federal Reserve monetary policy, even after 1958 when such issues became critical. The Federal Reserve could largely disregard international considerations because the U.S. Treasury instituted a number of stop-gap devices?the gold pool, the general agreement to borrow, capital restraints, sterilized foreign-exchange operations?to shore up the dollar and Bretton Woods. These, however, gave Federal Reserve policymakers the latitude to focus on domestic objectives and ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 1407

Working Paper
Bretton Woods and the Reconstruction of Europe

The Bretton Woods international financial system, which was in place from roughly 1949 to 1973, is the most significant modern policy experiment to attempt to simultaneously manage international payments, international capital flows, and international currency values. This paper uses an international macroeconomic accounting methodology to study the Bretton Woods system and finds that it: (1) significantly distorted both international and domestic capital markets and hence the accumulation and allocation of capital; (2) significantly slowed the reconstruction of Europe, albeit while limiting ...
Working Papers , Paper 2019-30

Bretton Woods and the Growth of the Eurodollar Market

The postwar system of fixed exchange rates forced many countries to impose capital/currency controls. Banks created a loophole with the eurodollar.
On the Economy

Working Paper
The Consequences of Bretton Woods Impediments to International Capital Mobility and the Value of Geopolitical Stability

This paper quantifies the positive and normative effects of capital controls on international economic activity under The Bretton Woods international financial system. We develop a three-region world economic model consisting of the U.S., Western Europe, and the Rest of the World. The model allows us to quantify the impact of these controls through an open economy general equilibrium capital flows accounting framework. We find these controls had large effects. Counterfactuals show that world output would have been 6% larger had the controls not been implemented. We show that the controls led ...
Working Papers , Paper 2020-042

Working Paper
The International Consequences of Bretton Woods Capital Controls and the Value of Geopolitical Stability

This paper quantifies the positive and normative effects of capital controls on international economic activity under The Bretton Woods international financial system. We develop a three region world economic model consisting of the U.S., Western Europe, and the Rest of the World. The model allows us to quantify the impact of these controls through an open economy general equilibrium capital flows accounting framework. We find these controls had large effects. Counterfactuals show that world output would have been 6% larger had the controls not been implemented. We show that the controls led ...
Working Papers , Paper 2020-042

Working Paper
The Evolution of the Federal Reserve Swap Lines since 1962

In this paper, we describe the evolution of the Federal Reserve?s swap lines from their inception in 1962 as a mechanism to forestall claims on US gold reserves under Bretton Woods to their use during the Great Recession as a means of extending emergency dollar liquidity. We describe the Federal Reserve?s successes and failures. We argue that swaps calm crisis situations by both supplementing foreign countries? dollar reserves and by signaling central-bank cooperation. We show how swaps exposed the Federal Reserve to conditionality and raised fears that they bypassed the Congressional ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 1414

Working Paper
The Impact of Bretton Woods International Capital Controls on the Global Economy and the Value of Geopolitical Stability: A General Equilibrium Analysis

This paper quantifies the positive and normative impacts of Bretton Woods capital controls on global and regional economic activity. A three-region DSGE capital flows accounting framework consisting of the U.S., Western Europe, and the Rest of the World (ROW) is developed to quantify capital controls and evaluate their impact on the world economy. We conduct counterfactual analyses that eliminate Bretton Woods’ capital controls and find these controls substantially reduced global capital flows, had large negative welfare effects on the U.S., raised welfare substantially in the ROW, and ...
Working Papers , Paper 2020-042

Working Paper
The Consequences of Bretton Woods’ International Capital Controls and the High Value of Geopolitical Stability

This paper quantifies the positive and normative effects of international capital controls on global and regional economic activity under The Bretton Woods international financial system and thereafter. A three region, open economy, DSGE capital flows accounting framework consisting of the U.S., Western Europe, and the Rest of the World, is developed to identify capital controls and quantify their impact. We find these controls had large positive and normative effects by restricting international capital flows. Counterfactual analyses show world output would have been 0.6% higher had there ...
Working Papers , Paper 2020-042

Working Paper
The Impact of Bretton Woods International Capital Controls on the Global Economy and the Value of Geopolitical Stability: A General Equilibrium Analysis

This paper quantifies the positive and normative impacts of Bretton Woods capital controls on global economic activity. It applies a three-region DSGE model consisting of the U.S., Western Europe, and the Rest of the World (ROW) to measure de facto capital controls and analyze their effects. Counterfactual analyses show Bretton Woods controls significantly prevented ROW capital from flowing to the U.S., had large negative welfare effects on the U.S., raised welfare in the ROW, and increased global output. Why did the U.S. support controls, given lower welfare? By keeping capital in the ROW, ...
Working Papers , Paper 2020-042

Bretton Woods and Europe’s Postwar Reconstruction

The Bretton Woods system appears to have lessened investment flows to Europe after World War II, slowing the region’s pace of reconstruction.
On the Economy



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