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Journal Article
Review essay on an economist's perspective on history. Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance by Douglass C. North, 1990
Douglass North earned a share of the 1993 Nobel prize for economics for two decades of research that culminated in the development of an innovative framework for analyzing economic history. This review essay discusses the book that most comprehensively presents North's paradigm, which characterizes history as the record of an evolving game in which institutions, organizations, and individuals function as the rules, teams, and players. Through examples, the reviewer illustrates how North's game theoretic paradigm can serve not only as a tool for analyzing historical events but also as a ...
Journal Article
Book review: Depression and innovation
Review of Alexander J. Field's "A Great leap forward: 1930's depression and U.S. economic growth," published by Yale University Press, 2011.
Journal Article
Book review : The precursors of financial crises
"This time is different: eight centuries of financial folly" by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009, 463p.
Journal Article
Review essay on \"Privatopia\" and the Public Good by Evan McKenzie, 1994
In Privatopia, Evan McKenzie documents the history and legal structure of common interest developments, a form of residential community organization. McKenzie also looks at possible explanations for the rising popularity of these organizations despite the fact that their governing associations may impose more onerous restrictions on residents' behavior than municipal governments do. In this essay, the reviewer discusses McKenzie's explanations and adds his own based on an appreciation of the underlying economic forces that have shaped these types of communities. The reviewer concludes that ...
Journal Article
Book review : not by bullets alone