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Journal Article
International activity at New England banks
Journal Article
New England banks: the past ten years
Discussion Paper
International remittances: information for New England financial institutions
Each year, individuals in the United States send billions of dollars abroad. Most of these remittances are sent by immigrants to their home countries, and the majority of them flow through a handful of service providers who dominate this highly profitable business. As the immigrant population in the United States continues to grow, the volume of remittances climbs each year, reaching nearly $35 billion in 2004. Bankers and other financial professionals are taking notice, and financial institutions around the country are investigating ways to enter the market and capture a share of this ...
Conference Paper
The New England credit crunch
Journal Article
Bank regulatory agreements in New England
New England's recovery from our most recent recession has been marked by unusually slow growth in bank lending. As of the third quarter of 1994, total loans still had recovered only to 76 percent of the level attained at the peak in the third quarter of 1989. Numerous recent studies have identified low bank capital ratios as a factor contributing to slow growth in loans, but a direct link between the level of bank lending and bank regulation has been established only recently.> To better understand how regulatory policy might directly influence bank lending, this article examines the ways ...
Journal Article
Getting the banks into balance: implications for borrowers
Journal Article
Current trends at New England banks
Working Paper
The role of real estate in the New England credit crunch
Banks, particularly in New England, have experienced major losses of capital as a result of their exposure to risky real estate loans. These losses, accompanied by strict enforcement of capital regulations, have caused banks to shrink their assets in an attempt to improve their capital/asset ratios. Poorly capitalized banks have contracted their real estate loans much more than their better-capitalized peers. In New England, which experienced widespread shocks to bank capital, credit availability for real estate is being constrained by capital-impaired lenders.
Journal Article
New England banks and the Texas experience
New England banks are currently suffering from problems similar to those that caused the demise of many Texas banks. In both cases, a boom in the real-estate sector was followed by a sharp contraction caused by weakness in the leading sectors of the economy. In both cases, banks had greatly expanded their real-estate lending, and the declining real-estate prices produced substantial loan losses. ; This study suggests, however, that these similarities do not imply that New England will go on to repeat the Texas experience. The author finds that New England does not suffer from construction ...