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Keywords:Banks and banking - Massachusetts 

Journal Article
Banking unbanked immigrants through remittances

High service fees for sending money abroad can be a financial strain for low and moderate-income immigrants. George Samuels explores how some mainstream financial institutions are offering competitive pricing for the service and, as a result, are banking a new set of customers.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 3-8

The Bank of North Dakota: a model for Massachusetts and other states?

In 2010, Massachusetts legislators considered whether to create a state-owned bank as a means to address concerns about credit availability and other economic challenges stemming from the financial crisis and Great Recession of 2007-09. In 2011 a commission was established to investigate the feasibility of setting up such an institution. This research report informs the work of that commission. ; The report provides an in-depth examination of the only state-owned bank in the nation, the Bank of North Dakota (BND). It discusses BND?s history and current operations, and analyzes the degree to ...
New England Public Policy Center Research Report , Paper 11-2

Journal Article
We just knock on doors

C&B talks to Pedro Arce, CEO of Veritas Bank. Veritas, a new bank, will work with community groups on development projects and serve the 70 percent Latino population of Lawrence, Massachusetts, in ways that might not be practical for large regional or national banks.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 28-30