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Keywords:Banks and banking - Europe 

Journal Article
Assessing the Euro three years after its launch

The Region , Volume 15 , Issue Dec , Pages 14-16

Working Paper
Monetary and financial integration in the EMU: Push or pull?

A number of studies have recently noted that monetary integration in the European Monetary Union (EMU) has been accompanied by increased financial integration. This paper examines the channels through which monetary union increased financial integration, using international panel data on bilateral international commercial bank claims from 1998-2006. I decompose the relative increase in bilateral commercial bank claims among union members following monetary integration into three possible channels: A "borrower effect," as a country's EMU membership may leave its borrowers more creditworthy ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2008-11

Conference Paper
Investment banking in Europe after 1992

Proceedings , Paper 243

Working Paper
To what extent will the banking industry be globalized? a study of bank nationality and reach in 20 European nations

We model two dimensions of bank globalization -- bank nationality (a bank from the firm's host nation, its home nation, or a third nation) and bank reach (a global, regional, or local bank) using a two-stage nested multinomial logit model. Our data set includes over 2,000 foreign affiliates of multinational corporations operating in 20 European nations. We find that these firms frequently use host nation banks for cash management services, and that bank reach may be strongly influenced by this choice of bank nationality. Our results suggest limits to the degree of future bank globalization.
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2002-25

Conference Paper
Cross-country comparisons of competition and pricing power in European banking

Proceedings , Paper 1107

Conference Paper
The financial competitiveness implications

Proceedings , Paper 296

Journal Article
Implementing the single banking market in Europe

Financial integration of the European Community requires actions by both the EC and its member states to create a common EC-wide competitive and regulatory environment. This paper focuses on the EC's creation of the single market for retail banking services. It tracks the EC legislative process and the adoption of EC directives designed to create the single market. The study also examines some of the costs and benefits associated with the single banking market. This paper evaluates the EC's success in creating the single market by examining the rate of implementation by the member states ...
Economic Review

Working Paper
Determinants of domestic and cross-border bank acquisitions in the European Union

This paper analyzes the determinants of bank acquisitions both within and across 25 members of the European Union (EU-25) during the period 1997?2004. Our results suggest that poorly managed banks (those with a high cost-to-income ratio) and larger banks are more likely to be acquired by other banks in the same country. The probability of being a target in a cross-border deal is larger for banks that are quoted in the stock market. Finally, banks operating in more concentrated markets are less likely to be acquired by other banks in the same country but are more likely to be acquired by banks ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2008-26

Testimony on the economic and fiscal challenges facing Europe

Testimony before the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, Committee on Financial Services, United States House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
Speech , Paper 78


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