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Keywords:Banks and banking, Foreign - United States 

Journal Article
International banking, risk, and U.S. regulatory policies

Economic Review , Issue Fall , Pages 36-43

Journal Article
The growing presence of Japanese banks in California

Economic Review , Issue Sum , Pages 3-17

Journal Article
Final rule on procedures to qualify as a financial holding company and permissible activities

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Feb

Journal Article
Emerging titan

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
New report collects data on U.S.-controlled foreign bank branches

Financial Update , Issue Jan , Pages 5-6

Journal Article
Foreign Bank Act

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Foreign bank presence in New England and the United States

New England Banking Trends , Issue Sum , Pages 3-5

Working Paper
The poor performance of foreign bank subsidiaries: were the problems acquired or created?

We examine foreign acquisitions of United States banks around the time of the ownership change to determine whether the observed poor performance of foreign subsidiaries is the result of changes in business strategy or the preexisting characteristics of the target bank. We find that many of the problems were already present at the time of acquisition. However, changes in business strategy by the foreign owners were generally not successful in raising the banks's performance level to that of its domestic peers.
Working Papers , Paper 98-3


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Journal Article 35 items

Conference Paper 3 items

Report 3 items

Working Paper 2 items

Monograph 1 items

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