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Keywords:Banks and banking, Foreign 

Journal Article
GATS and banking in the Pacific Basin

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
International banking, risk, and U.S. regulatory policies

Economic Review , Issue Fall , Pages 36-43

Journal Article
Foreign financial institutions in Japan

FRBSF Economic Letter

Follow the money: quantifying domestic effects of foreign bank shocks in the Great Recession

Foreign banks pulled significant funding from their U.S. branches during the Great Recession. We estimate that the average-sized branch experienced a 12 percent net internal fund ?withdrawal,? with the fund transfer disproportionately bigger for larger branches. This internal shock to the balance sheets of U.S. branches of foreign banks had sizable effects on their lending. On average, for each dollar of funds transferred internally to the parent, branches decreased lending supply by about forty to fifty cents. However, the extent of the lending effects was very different across branches, ...
Staff Reports , Paper 545

Conference Paper
Deposit guarantees, nonperforming loans, and the postal savings system in Japan

Proceedings , Paper 425

Working Paper
The poor performance of foreign bank subsidiaries: were the problems acquired or created?

We examine foreign acquisitions of United States banks around the time of the ownership change to determine whether the observed poor performance of foreign subsidiaries is the result of changes in business strategy or the preexisting characteristics of the target bank. We find that many of the problems were already present at the time of acquisition. However, changes in business strategy by the foreign owners were generally not successful in raising the banks's performance level to that of its domestic peers.
Working Papers , Paper 98-3

Conference Paper
The banking crises in the Scandinavian countries

Proceedings , Paper 423

Working Paper
Is money still useful for policy in East Asia?

Since the East Asian crises of 1997, a number of East Asian economies have allowed greater exchange rate flexibility and abandoned monetary targets in favor of inflation targeting, apparently because the perceived usefulness of money as a predictor of inflation, i.e. the information content of money, has fallen. In this paper, we discuss factors that are likely to have influenced the stability of the relationship between money and inflation, particularly in the 1990s, and then assess this relationship in a set of East Asian economies. We focus on (1) the stability of the behavior of the ...
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series , Paper 2001-12

Journal Article
Recent activities of foreign branches of U.S. banks

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct

Discussion Paper
International trends for U.S. banks and banking markets

Staff Studies , Paper 156


FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 12 items

Conference Paper 6 items

Report 6 items

Working Paper 5 items

Discussion Paper 1 items

Newsletter 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Banks and banking, Foreign 32 items

Banks and banking, International 5 items

International finance 4 items

Deposit insurance 3 items

Financial crises 3 items

Argentina 2 items

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