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Keywords:Banks and banking, Central - Japan 

Journal Article
Political pressure on the bank of Japan: interference or accountability?

Markets have come to believe that the Bank of Japan can and will raise Japan?s inflation rate to meet its new target.
Economic Synopses

Conference Paper
Housing and monetary policy in Japan

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
Central bank capital, financial strength, and the Bank of Japan

This Economic Letter addresses central bank capital and financial strength in the context of Bank of Japan policy (Cargill 2005). Specifically, it reviews general considerations about central bank capital and financial strength, discusses recent Bank of Japan policy in the context of capital structure, evaluates the Bank of Japan's concern in the context of the broader issue of central bank independence, and draws some lessons from recent Bank of Japan policy.
FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Japan's approach to monetary policy

The goal of monetary policy as conducted by the Bank of Japan is to contribute to the sound development of the national economy through the pursuit of price stability. The objective of price stability, however, is not precisely defined as it has been for other central banks. Following the implementation of the new Bank of Japan Law in 1998, the monetary policy framework is characterized by central bank independence, the primacy of the price stability objective, instrument independence, and policy decisions made by a monetary policy committee with regular meetings and published minutes. At its ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Q 2 , Pages 39-43