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Discussion Paper
How Prevalent Were Racially Restrictive Covenants in 20th Century Philadelphia? A New Spatial Data Set Provides Answers
Santucci, Larry
One of the tools used by early 20th century developers, builders, and white homeowners to prevent African Americans from accessing parts of the residential real estate market was the racially restrictive covenant. In this paper, we present a newly constructed spatial data set of properties in the city of Philadelphia with deeds that contained a racially restrictive covenant at any time from 1920 to 1932. To date, we have reviewed hundreds of thousands of property deeds and identified nearly 4,000 instances in which a racial covenant had been included in the deed. The covenanted properties ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers
, Paper 19-5
Working Paper
How Much Should We Trust Regional-Exposure Designs?
Majerovitz, Jeremy; Sastry, Karthik
Many prominent studies in macroeconomics, labor, and trade use panel data on regions to identify the local effects of aggregate shocks. These studies construct regional-exposure instruments as an observed aggregate shock times an observed regional exposure to that shock. We argue that the most economically plausible source of identification in these settings is uncorrelatedness of observed and unobserved aggregate shocks. Even when the regression estimator is consistent, we show that inference is complicated by cross-regional residual correlations induced by unobserved aggregate shocks. We ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2023-018
Working Paper
The Size of U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Rappaport, Jordan; Humann, McKenzie
Metropolitan areas—unions of nearby built-up locations within which people travel on a day-to-day basis among places of residence, employment, and consumption—serve as a fundamental unit of economic analysis. But existing delineations of U.S. metro areas—including metropolitan Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs), Urbanized Areas, and Commuting Zones—stray far from this conception. We develop a flexible algorithm that uses commuting flows among U.S. census tracts in 2000 to match varied interpretations of our metropolitan conception. Under a baseline parameterization that balances ...
Research Working Paper
, Paper RWP 21-02
Working Paper
Market Size and Trade in Medical Services
Dingel, Jonathan; Gottlieb, Joshua D.; Lozinski, Maya; Mourot, Pauline
We measure the importance of increasing returns to scale and trade in medical services. Using Medicare claims data, we document that “imported” medical care—services produced by a medical provider in a different region—constitute about one-fifth of US healthcare consumption. Larger regions specialize in producing less common procedures, which are traded more. These patterns reflect economies of scale: larger regions produce higher-quality services because they serve more patients. Because of increasing returns and trade costs, policies to improve access to care face a ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers
, Paper 068
Working Paper
Floating Population: Migration With(Out) Family and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity
Imbert, Clément; Monras, Joan; Seror, Marlon; Zylberberg, Yanos
This paper argues that migrants’ decision to bring their dependent family members shapes their consumption behavior, their choice of destination, and their sensitivity to migration barriers. We document that in China: (i) rural migrants disproportionately move to expensive cities; (ii) in these cities they live without their family and in poorer housing conditions; and (iii) they remit more, especially when living without their family. We then develop a quantitative general equilibrium spatial model in which migrant households choose whether, how (with or without their family), and where to ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper 2023-26
Working Paper
Spoils of War: Trade Shocks and Segmented Labor Markets in Spain during WWI
Fuchs, Simon
How does intranational factor mobility shape the welfare effects of a trade shock? I provide evidence that during WWI, a demand shock emanated from belligerent countries and affected neutral Spain. Within Spain, labor predominantly reallocated locally, while the most affected provinces experienced drastic increases in wages and consumer prices. Embedding imperfect labor mobility in an economic geography model, I show that external demand shocks can improve allocative efficiency, but asymmetric shocks cause localized increases in wages and consumer prices instead of reallocation. Adjusting an ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2021-14
Working Paper
How Centralized is U.S. Metropolitan Employment?
Smalter Hall, Aaron; Brown, Jason; Rappaport, Jordan; Maloney, Maeve
Centralized employment remains a benchmark stylization of metropolitan land use.To address its empirical relevance, we delineate "central employment zones" (CEZs)- central business districts together with nearby concentrated employment|for 183 metropolitan areas in 2000. To do so, we first subjectively classify which census tracts in a training sample of metros belong to their metro's CEZ and then use a learning algorithm to construct a function that predicts our judgment. {{p}} Applying this prediction function to the full cross section of metros estimates the probability we would judge ...
Research Working Paper
, Paper RWP 17-16
Working Paper
The City Paradox: Skilled Services and Remote Work
Ganapati, Sharat; Walsh, Conor; Eckert, Fabian
Large cities in the US are the most expensive places to live. Paradoxically, this cost is paid disproportionately by workers who could work remotely, and live anywhere. The greater potential for remote work in large cities is mostly accounted for by their specialization in skill- and information-intensive service industries. We highlight that this specialization makes these cities vulnerable to remote work shocks. When high-skill workers begin to work from home or leave the city altogether, they withdraw spending from local consumer service industries that rely heavily on their demand. As a ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers
, Paper 43
Working Paper
The supply and demand of skilled workers in cities and the role of industry composition
Brinkman, Jeffrey
The share of high-skilled workers in U.S. cities is positively correlated with city size, and this correlation strengthened between 1980 and 2010. Furthermore, during the same time period, the U.S. economy experienced a significant structural transformation with regard to industrial composition, most notably in the decline of manufacturing and the rise of high-skilled service industries. To decompose and investigate these trends, this paper develops and estimates a spatial equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms and workers that allows for both industry-specific and skill-specific ...
Working Papers
, Paper 14-32
Working Paper
The role of two frictions in geographic price dispersion: when market friction meets nominal rigidity
Choi, Horag; Choi, Chi-Young
This paper empirically investigates and theoretically derives the implications of two frictions, market friction and nominal rigidity, on the dynamic properties of intra-national relative prices, with an emphasis on the interaction of the two frictions. By analyzing a panel of retail prices of 45 products for 48 cities in the U.S., we make two major arguments. First, the effect of each type of friction on the dynamics of intercity price gaps is quite different. While market frictions arising from physical distance and transportation costs contribute significantly to volatile and persistent ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 219
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 6 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 1 items
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Working Papers 30 items
Research Working Paper 7 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 5 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 5 items
Staff Reports 5 items
Working Paper Series 4 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 3 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 3 items
Economic Policy Review 2 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 2 items
Review 2 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 2 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 1 items
Policy Hub 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Rubinton, Hannah 8 items
Buzard, Kristy 5 items
Carlino, Gerald A. 5 items
Carr, Jake 5 items
Hunt, Robert M. 5 items
Rappaport, Jordan 5 items
Smith, Tony E. 5 items
Abel, Jaison R. 4 items
Aliprantis, Dionissi 4 items
Eckert, Fabian 4 items
Schweitzer, Mark E. 4 items
Choi, Chi-Young 3 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 3 items
Fee, Kyle 3 items
Fuchs, Simon 3 items
Gabe, Todd M. 3 items
Porcher, Charly 3 items
Santamaría, Clara 3 items
Walsh, Conor 3 items
Atalay, Enghin 2 items
Brown, Jason 2 items
Chudik, Alexander 2 items
Coughlin, Cletus C. 2 items
Deitz, Richard 2 items
Dinlersoz, Emin M. 2 items
Dunne, Timothy 2 items
Foong Wong, Woan 2 items
Ganapati, Sharat 2 items
Greaney, Brian 2 items
Haltiwanger, John 2 items
Hartley, Daniel 2 items
Karahan, Fatih 2 items
Lin, Jeffrey 2 items
Penciakova, Veronika 2 items
Rhee, Serena 2 items
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban 2 items
Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G. 2 items
Bleakley, Hoyt 1 items
Brennecke, Claire 1 items
Brinkman, Jeffrey 1 items
Caliendo, Lorenzo 1 items
Choi, Horag 1 items
Choi, Taelim 1 items
Crawley, Andrew 1 items
Cuberes, David 1 items
Desmet, Klaus 1 items
Dingel, Jonathan 1 items
Duranton, Gilles 1 items
Faberman, R. Jason 1 items
Falcettoni, Elena 1 items
Fries, Charles 1 items
Ganguli, Ina 1 items
Garcia, Daniel I. 1 items
Goldman, Benjamin 1 items
Gottlieb, Joshua D. 1 items
Gourio, Francois 1 items
Handbury, Jessie 1 items
Hejlesen, Mads 1 items
Hershbein, Brad 1 items
Hortacsu, Ali 1 items
Humann, McKenzie 1 items
Imbert, Clément 1 items
Jacewitz, Stefan 1 items
Kaplan, Greg 1 items
Kaza, Nikhil 1 items
Kilian, Lutz 1 items
Kleineberg, Tatjana 1 items
Klier, Thomas H. 1 items
Lambert, Dayton 1 items
Lester, T. William 1 items
Liu, Sitian 1 items
Lozinski, Maya 1 items
Majerovitz, Jeremy 1 items
Maloney, Maeve 1 items
Monras, Joan 1 items
Mourot, Pauline 1 items
Novy, Dennis 1 items
Parro, Fernando 1 items
Pogach, Jonathan 1 items
Pominova, Mariya 1 items
Robertson, John C. 1 items
Runyun, Mustafa 1 items
Rupasingha, Anil 1 items
Santucci, Larry 1 items
Sastry, Karthik 1 items
Schuetz, Jenny 1 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 1 items
Seror, Marlon 1 items
Shell, Hannah 1 items
Smallwood, Aaron 1 items
Smalter Hall, Aaron 1 items
Sotelo, Sebastian 1 items
Stolarick, Kevin 1 items
Stuart, Bryan 1 items
Su, Yichen 1 items
Syverson, Chad 1 items
Tannenbaum, Daniel 1 items
Trachter, Nicholas 1 items
Tranfaglia, Anna 1 items
Ulu, Mehmet Faith 1 items
Walstrum, Thomas 1 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 1 items
Zylberberg, Yanos 1 items
reynolds, nicholas 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
R23 12 items
J61 9 items
O33 8 items
J22 7 items
J24 7 items
R11 7 items
F16 5 items
O31 5 items
F10 4 items
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I10 4 items
J28 4 items
J31 4 items
R31 4 items
E21 3 items
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F14 3 items
F15 3 items
R21 3 items
R41 3 items
C21 2 items
D83 2 items
E23 2 items
E24 2 items
E31 2 items
G21 2 items
J11 2 items
J15 2 items
J20 2 items
J21 2 items
L26 2 items
O10 2 items
O18 2 items
R13 2 items
R14 2 items
R32 2 items
R42 2 items
C12 1 items
C18 1 items
C22 1 items
C23 1 items
C26 1 items
C35 1 items
C45 1 items
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D5 1 items
D57 1 items
E32 1 items
E62 1 items
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G34 1 items
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H50 1 items
I11 1 items
I12 1 items
I13 1 items
I18 1 items
I24 1 items
I28 1 items
J16 1 items
J23 1 items
J38 1 items
J64 1 items
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K25 1 items
L11 1 items
L16 1 items
L25 1 items
L6 1 items
L62 1 items
L81 1 items
N14 1 items
N72 1 items
N9 1 items
N90 1 items
N93 1 items
O15 1 items
O30 1 items
O40 1 items
O47 1 items
Q33 1 items
Q43 1 items
Q54 1 items
R10 1 items
R2 1 items
R28 1 items
R30 1 items
R4 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
economic geography 10 items
geographic concentration 5 items
spatial equilibrium 5 items
Labor Force Participation 5 items
Skill Biased Technical Change 5 items
Technology Adoption 5 items
spatial clustering 5 items
Great Recession 4 items
Opioid Abuse 4 items
Opioid Prescription Rate 4 items
R&D labs 4 items
inequality 4 items
localized knowledge spillovers 4 items
City-size wage premium 3 items
Establishment-size wage premium 3 items
occupations 3 items
patent citations 3 items
Agglomeration 3 items
Commuting 3 items
Technological change 3 items
labor mobility 3 items
Philadelphia 2 items
Regional labor markets 2 items
Rural 2 items
business dynamism 2 items
business formation 2 items
entrepreneurship 2 items
firm entry 2 items
infrastructure investments 2 items
knowledge spillovers 2 items
migration 2 items
mobility 2 items
multimodal transport 2 items
precautionary savings 2 items
race 2 items
wealth 2 items
Agglomeration Economies 2 items
Cities 2 items
Interstate migration 2 items
Local Labor Markets 2 items
Skills 2 items
Spatial Economics 2 items
Adaptation 1 items
Amenities 1 items
Baltimore 1 items
Banks and banking 1 items
Bartik instrument 1 items
Big Box stores 1 items
Borders 1 items
COVID 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Canada 1 items
Chicago 1 items
City Growth 1 items
City and Suburban Employment 1 items
City size 1 items
Climate Change 1 items
Community banking 1 items
Congestion 1 items
Consolidation 1 items
Diversity 1 items
Education reform 1 items
Employment density 1 items
Equality of opportunity 1 items
Fee-for-service 1 items
GIS 1 items
Gender wage gap 1 items
Geography 1 items
Gravity 1 items
Gross flows 1 items
Healthcare access 1 items
Heterogeneity 1 items
High-skill services 1 items
Home Bias 1 items
House price 1 items
Housing Boom 1 items
Income 1 items
Industrial Cluster 1 items
Information technology 1 items
Intergenerational mobility 1 items
Interregional trade 1 items
Land use 1 items
Learning 1 items
Leisure 1 items
Location Quotient 1 items
Locational fundamentals 1 items
Market-size effects 1 items
Medicare 1 items
Medicare claims data 1 items
Metro Areas 1 items
Metropolitan Areas 1 items
Metropolitan land use 1 items
Metropolitan size 1 items
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) 1 items
Mortgage 1 items
Multiple equilibria 1 items
NETS data 1 items
Path dependence 1 items
Primary care physicians 1 items
Production 1 items
Property Investors 1 items
R&D 1 items
Reallocation 1 items
Regional Economics 1 items
Relationship lending 1 items
Remote work 1 items
Resettlement 1 items
Retail location 1 items
School access 1 items
Second Home Buying 1 items
Self-driving cards 1 items
Skill biased 1 items
Skilled labor 1 items
Spatial Attenuation 1 items
Spatial Changes 1 items
Specialists 1 items
Specialty procedures 1 items
Speculation 1 items
Supply 1 items
Temperature 1 items
Time use 1 items
Trade Costs 1 items
Trade and geography 1 items
Trade in services 1 items
U.S. cities 1 items
United States 1840-2017 1 items
Urban 1 items
Urban Labor Markets 1 items
Urban Land Use 1 items
Urban Shadows 1 items
Urban Systems 1 items
Urban growth 1 items
Value of Time 1 items
Wage differentials 1 items
Wage inequality 1 items
Wages 1 items
agglomeration effects 1 items
applied econometrics 1 items
automobiles 1 items
birth rates 1 items
bottlenecks 1 items
branch closures 1 items
business dynamics 1 items
central business districts 1 items
coagglomeration 1 items
creative destruction 1 items
credit supply 1 items
death rates 1 items
disruptions 1 items
earnings 1 items
employment 1 items
endogenous transport costs 1 items
exclusionary zoning 1 items
expectations 1 items
factor mobility 1 items
firm age 1 items
firm size 1 items
gains from trade 1 items
geographical reallocation 1 items
globalization 1 items
government transfers 1 items
gross domestic product 1 items
high-growth firms 1 items
house prices 1 items
housing bust 1 items
human capital 1 items
industry 1 items
infection rates 1 items
innovation 1 items
interferences 1 items
intersectoral linkages 1 items
investment 1 items
job creation 1 items
job polarization 1 items
joblessness 1 items
labor market pooling 1 items
labor markets 1 items
local concentration 1 items
location 1 items
manufacturing industries 1 items
marked point process 1 items
monocentric model 1 items
multiple invention 1 items
national product-market concentration 1 items
oil price 1 items
organizational structure 1 items
patents 1 items
persistence 1 items
place-based policies 1 items
population aging 1 items
property 1 items
racially restrictive covenants 1 items
random labelling test 1 items
recessions 1 items
redistribution 1 items
regional data 1 items
regional divergence 1 items
regional heterogeneity 1 items
regional propagation 1 items
remittances 1 items
resource boom 1 items
safety net 1 items
segregation 1 items
shift-share instruments 1 items
social interaction 1 items
spatial autocorrelation 1 items
spatial competition 1 items
spatial distribution of jobs 1 items
time variation 1 items
total factor productivity 1 items
transport network 1 items
unemployment 1 items
urban-rural 1 items
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