Search Results
Discussion Paper
How Prevalent Were Racially Restrictive Covenants in 20th Century Philadelphia? A New Spatial Data Set Provides Answers
Santucci, Larry
One of the tools used by early 20th century developers, builders, and white homeowners to prevent African Americans from accessing parts of the residential real estate market was the racially restrictive covenant. In this paper, we present a newly constructed spatial data set of properties in the city of Philadelphia with deeds that contained a racially restrictive covenant at any time from 1920 to 1932. To date, we have reviewed hundreds of thousands of property deeds and identified nearly 4,000 instances in which a racial covenant had been included in the deed. The covenanted properties ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers
, Paper 19-5
Working Paper
Economic Activity by Race
Mboup, Fatima
We observe empirical differences between races across various macroeconomic variables for the White, Black, Asian, and Hispanic populations in the U.S. For instance, the Black unemployment rate in the U.S. is more often than not double the White unemployment rate. In this paper, I treat nine macroeconomic variables as noisy indicators of economic activity and estimate an index that measures the economic activity of racial demographic groups in the U.S., called Economic Activity by Race (EAR). The noise of the indicators motivates the use of Kalman filter estimation to extract a common ...
Working Papers
, Paper 23-16
Working Paper
Hispanics in the U.S. Labor Market: A Tale of Three Generations
Zavodny, Madeline; Orrenius, Pia M.
Immigrants? descendants typically assimilate toward mainstream social and economic outcomes across generations. Hispanics in the United States are a possible exception to this pattern. Although there is a growing literature on intergenerational progress, or lack thereof, in education and earnings among Hispanics, there is little research on employment differences across immigrant generations. Using data from 1996 to 2017, this study reveals considerable differences in Hispanics? employment rates across immigrant generations. Hispanic immigrant men tend to have higher employment rates than ...
Working Papers
, Paper 1809
Working Paper
The Slaughter of the Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on the Great Plains
Gillezeau, Rob; Feir, Donna; Jones, Maggie E. C.
In the late 19th century, the North American bison was brought to the brink of extinction in just over a decade. We show that the bison?s slaughter led to a reversal of fortunes for the Native Americans who relied on them. Once the tallest people in the world, the generations of bison-reliant people born after the slaughter were among the shortest. Today, formerly bison-reliant societies have between 20-40% less income per capita than the average Native American nation. We argue that federal Indian policy that limited out-migration from reservations and restricted employment opportunities to ...
Center for Indian Country Development series
, Paper 1-2019
Working Paper
The Lasting Impact of Historical Residential Security Maps on Experienced Segregation
Aaronson, Daniel; Hartley, Daniel; Mazumder, Bhashkar
We study the impact of the 1930s HOLC residential security maps on experienced segregation based on cell phone records which track visits out of and into home neighborhoods. We compare adjacent neighborhoods, one of which was assigned a lower grade for creditworthiness than the other. We use a sample of neighborhood borders which, based on estimated propensity scores, are likely to have been drawn for idiosyncratic reasons. Neighborhoods on the lower graded side of the border are associated with more visits to other historically lower graded destination neighborhoods. Today, these destination ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper WP 2023-33
The Limited Role of Intergenerational Transfers for Understanding Racial Wealth Disparities
Sabelhaus, John Edward; Thompson, Jeffrey P.
Transfers of wealth between generations—whether through inheritances or inter vivos gifts—are less important in explaining racial disparities in wealth than might be expected. While this factor looms large in the media’s discussions of racial inequality, it explains relatively little of the disparities evident in the data. One reason is that most people, regardless of race, receive no inheritance or other transfer of substantial value. In addition, most recipients of inheritances ultimately consume those bequests and do not plan to leave substantial gifts to their offspring. Further, ...
Current Policy Perspectives
A New Look at Racial Disparities Using a More Comprehensive Wealth Measure
Thompson, Jeffrey P.; Volz, Alice Henriques
Most research measuring disparities in wealth by race relies on data that exclude resources that are disproportionately important to low-wealth and non-white families, namely defined benefit (DB) pensions and Social Security. This paper finds that once these resources are included, disparities in wealth between white families and Black and Hispanic families are substantially smaller and that they are not rising over time. The powerful equalizing roles of DB pensions and Social Security highlighted here are further motivation for maintaining their fiscal health. This paper also presents ...
Current Policy Perspectives
Working Paper
How Foreign- and U.S.-Born Latinos Fare During Recessions and Recoveries
Orrenius, Pia M.; Zavodny, Madeline
Latinos make up the nation’s largest ethnic minority group. The majority of Latinos are U.S. born, making the progress and well-being of Latinos no longer just a question of immigrant assimilation but also of the effectiveness of U.S. educational institutions and labor markets in equipping young Latinos to move out of the working class and into the middle class. One significant headwind to progress among Latinos is recessions. Economic outcomes of Latinos are far more sensitive to the business cycle than are outcomes for non-Hispanic whites. Latinos also have higher poverty rates than ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2104
Journal Article
Do Family Structure Differences Explain Trends in Wealth Differentials?
Lerman, Robert
Race and ethnic wealth differentials are wide and increasing. Some of the gaps are associated with education differences, but education alone cannot account for the substantially higher net worth of White families than of Black and Hispanic families. As of 2013, the median wealth of Black college graduate families had fallen to only 13 percent of the median wealth of White families. One possible explanation is the significantly lower shares of married couple and married parent households among minorities. For example, even among college graduates, only 41 percent of Black family heads were ...
, Volume 99
, Issue 1
, Pages 85-101
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 16 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 12 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 1 items
show more (8)
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Working Papers 48 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 11 items
Working Paper Series 11 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 7 items
Policy Hub 7 items
Review 7 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 5 items
Current Policy Perspectives 4 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 4 items
Center for Indian Country Development series 3 items
Chicago Fed Letter 3 items
Liberty Street Economics 3 items
Staff Reports 3 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 2 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 2 items
Research Working Paper 2 items
Working Paper 2 items
Economic Bulletin 1 items
Economic Policy Review 1 items
Economic Review 1 items
FRB Atlanta Community and Economic Development Discussion Paper 1 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 1 items
show more (17)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 94 items
Journal Article 17 items
Discussion Paper 8 items
Report 7 items
Newsletter 3 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 13 items
Zavodny, Madeline 12 items
Lambie-Hanson, Lauren 9 items
Aliprantis, Dionissi 7 items
Gregory, Victoria 6 items
Hartley, Daniel 6 items
Kozlowski, Julian 6 items
Rubinton, Hannah 6 items
Thompson, Jeffrey P. 6 items
Willen, Paul S. 6 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 5 items
Martin, Hal 5 items
Burns, Kalee 4 items
Hotchkiss, Julie L. 4 items
Mazumder, Bhashkar 4 items
Aaronson, Daniel 3 items
Feir, Donna 3 items
Gerardi, Kristopher 3 items
Goodman, Sarena 3 items
Hannon, Simona 3 items
Hinrichs, Peter 3 items
Hirtle, Beverly 3 items
Isen, Adam 3 items
Kovner, Anna 3 items
Kuhn, Moritz 3 items
Mezza, Alvaro 3 items
Rajan, Aastha 3 items
Ricketts, Lowell R. 3 items
Schularick, Moritz 3 items
Shampine, Samantha 3 items
Shi, Ying 3 items
Stuart, Bryan 3 items
Tauber, Kristen 3 items
Bartscher, Alina K. 2 items
Canner, Glenn B. 2 items
Carroll, Daniel R. 2 items
Chyn, Eric 2 items
Conklin, James 2 items
Emmons, William R. 2 items
Greene, Claire 2 items
Ilin, Elias 2 items
Mileo Gorzig, Marina 2 items
Nakajima, Makoto 2 items
Phelan, Brian J. 2 items
Rose, Jonathan D. 2 items
Sabelhaus, John Edward 2 items
Sakong, Jung 2 items
Shy, Oz 2 items
Terry, Ellyn 2 items
Volz, Alice Henriques 2 items
Wachtel, Paul 2 items
Wozniak, Abigail 2 items
Young, Eric R. 2 items
Abel, Jaison R. 1 items
Abraham, Alexander T. 1 items
Akee, Randall 1 items
Almagro, Milena 1 items
Amornsiripanitch, Natee 1 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 1 items
Avenancio-León, Carlos 1 items
Avery, Robert B. 1 items
Avtar, Ruchi 1 items
Badel, Alejandro 1 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 1 items
Baran, Cavit 1 items
Barkely, Brett 1 items
Bennett, Katherine 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Bodenschatz, Hope 1 items
Boerma, Job 1 items
Bradbury, Katharine L. 1 items
Buckman, Shelby R. 1 items
Butcher, Kristin F. 1 items
Cain, Lucas 1 items
Cairó, Isabel 1 items
Cajner, Tomaz 1 items
Cattaneo, Laura 1 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 1 items
Cheremukhin, Anton A. 1 items
Choi, Laura 1 items
Cohen, Elior 1 items
Cook, Robert E. 1 items
Coven, Joshua 1 items
Crosignani, Matteo 1 items
Daly, Mary C. 1 items
Daniels Jr., Gerald Eric 1 items
Deitz, Richard 1 items
Derenoncourt, Ellora 1 items
Di, Wenhua 1 items
Elzayn, Hadi 1 items
Faberman, R. Jason 1 items
Feir, Donn L. 1 items
Feldman, Maryann P. 1 items
Fishback, Price 1 items
Fletcher, Carla 1 items
Frame, W. Scott 1 items
Freeman, Lance 1 items
Freyaldenhoven, Simon 1 items
Garcia-Jimeno, Camillo 1 items
Garriga, Carlos 1 items
Gillezeau, Rob 1 items
Glover, Andrew 1 items
Gompers, Paul 1 items
Gordon, Grey 1 items
Greer, Sarah 1 items
Gubbay, Natalie 1 items
Gullo, Stephanie 1 items
Gupta, Arpit 1 items
Haggag, Kareem 1 items
Hanson, Andrew 1 items
Hawkins, Brandon 1 items
Hawley, Zackary 1 items
Howard, Troup 1 items
Hu, George 1 items
Huang, Ruidi 1 items
Hur, Sewon 1 items
Jackson, Osborne 1 items
Jacobs, Lindsay 1 items
Jones, John Bailey 1 items
Jones, Maggie E. C. 1 items
Karabarbounis, Loukas 1 items
Kent, Ana Hernández 1 items
Kim, Chi Hyun 1 items
Kobler, Ryan 1 items
Koedel , Cory 1 items
Kondo, Illenin O. 1 items
Kuka, Elira 1 items
Laderman, Elizabeth 1 items
Langford, W. Scott 1 items
Le, Hanh 1 items
Lee, Sang Yoon (Tim) 1 items
Lerman, Robert 1 items
Levine, Phillip B. 1 items
Lipton, Avi 1 items
Llanes, Elizabeth 1 items
Mann, Alexis 1 items
Mau, Ron 1 items
Mayer, Erik J. 1 items
Mboup, Fatima 1 items
Mertens, Karel 1 items
Meschede, Tatjana 1 items
Migueis, Marco 1 items
Moore, Kevin B. 1 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 1 items
Myers Jr., Samuel 1 items
Neelakantan, Urvi 1 items
Nwokolo, Ramzee 1 items
Orane-Hutchinson, Angelo 1 items
Park, Minsung 1 items
Passmore, Wayne 1 items
Perry, Ryan 1 items
Phillips, David 1 items
Pinkovskiy, Maxim L. 1 items
Pinto, Santiago 1 items
Pollard, Emily 1 items
Prummer, Anja 1 items
Radler, Tyler 1 items
Ratner, David 1 items
Reid, Carolina 1 items
Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 items
Rho, Deborah 1 items
Richter, Alexander W. 1 items
Rinz, Kevin 1 items
Ritter, Dubravka 1 items
Robb, Alicia M. 1 items
Roman, Raluca 1 items
Santucci, Larry 1 items
Schlagenhauf, Don E. 1 items
Seitelman, Lily 1 items
Shapiro, Thomas M. 1 items
Shin, Minchul 1 items
Shin, Yongseok 1 items
Shukla, Soumitra 1 items
Siedlarek, Jan-Peter 1 items
Smith, Chloe N. 1 items
Snowden, Kenneth A. 1 items
Storrs, Thomas 1 items
Suarez, Gustavo A. 1 items
Suher, Michael 1 items
Sunderam, Adi 1 items
Sylvera, Craig 1 items
Tan, Eugene 1 items
Taylor, Joanna 1 items
Thomas, Jasmin 1 items
Vasudevan, Kaushik 1 items
Vidangos, Ivan 1 items
Voorheis, John 1 items
Webster, Jeff 1 items
Xu, Jessie 1 items
Zeida, Teegawende H. 1 items
Zentefis, Alexander 1 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 1 items
de Zeeuw, Mels 1 items
show more (188)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 21 items
J24 17 items
G51 16 items
D31 15 items
J61 15 items
J18 13 items
D63 11 items
E52 11 items
R31 10 items
R23 9 items
I24 8 items
J16 8 items
J21 8 items
O18 8 items
D14 7 items
I38 6 items
J31 6 items
E21 5 items
E24 5 items
I31 5 items
N92 5 items
G50 4 items
I22 4 items
J11 4 items
J13 4 items
N32 4 items
R21 4 items
A11 3 items
A23 3 items
D61 3 items
G28 3 items
H72 3 items
I14 3 items
I28 3 items
J32 3 items
J38 3 items
J64 3 items
J7 3 items
J71 3 items
R58 3 items
D91 2 items
E01 2 items
E22 2 items
E40 2 items
E42 2 items
F22 2 items
G41 2 items
H21 2 items
H43 2 items
H75 2 items
I15 2 items
I23 2 items
J01 2 items
J22 2 items
J3 2 items
J68 2 items
K37 2 items
L26 2 items
N22 2 items
O33 2 items
R11 2 items
R12 2 items
A13 1 items
C18 1 items
C22 1 items
C23 1 items
C81 1 items
D02 1 items
D04 1 items
D10 1 items
D12 1 items
D22 1 items
E20 1 items
E31 1 items
E37 1 items
E51 1 items
G01 1 items
G18 1 items
G2 1 items
G22 1 items
G23 1 items
G24 1 items
H12 1 items
H23 1 items
H30 1 items
H40 1 items
H5 1 items
H50 1 items
H55 1 items
H71 1 items
H73 1 items
H76 1 items
I1 1 items
I10 1 items
I12 1 items
I18 1 items
I26 1 items
I30 1 items
I32 1 items
J0 1 items
J00 1 items
J08 1 items
J1 1 items
J10 1 items
J12 1 items
J20 1 items
J44 1 items
J62 1 items
J63 1 items
J65 1 items
J70 1 items
J78 1 items
K11 1 items
K25 1 items
K42 1 items
L11 1 items
L20 1 items
L23 1 items
L25 1 items
N11 1 items
N12 1 items
N31 1 items
O12 1 items
O4 1 items
R10 1 items
R2 1 items
R20 1 items
R38 1 items
Z10 1 items
show more (125)
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FILTER BY Keywords
racial inequality 14 items
racial disparities 12 items
inequality 11 items
race 11 items
education 10 items
home equity 8 items
income inequality 8 items
mortgage refinancing 7 items
COVID-19 7 items
Discrimination 7 items
Immigration 7 items
mortgage repayment 6 items
neighborhood segregation 6 items
segregation 6 items
Labor market 5 items
Monetary policy 5 items
Pandemic 5 items
Student loans 5 items
Unemployment 5 items
racial wealth gap 5 items
Great Migration 4 items
immigration policy 4 items
migration costs 4 items
mismatch 4 items
pensions 4 items
people-based 4 items
place-based 4 items
racial labor market disparities 4 items
social costs 4 items
Delta Index 4 items
Entrepreneurship 4 items
Household finance 4 items
Immigrants 4 items
Wealth 4 items
Wealth distribution 4 items
human capital 4 items
unauthorized immigration 4 items
Children 3 items
Consumer credit 3 items
E-Verify 3 items
Forbearance 3 items
Hispanics 3 items
Redlining 3 items
gender in economics 3 items
higher education 3 items
lifetime earnings 3 items
neighborhood effects 3 items
professional labor markets 3 items
recommendation letters 3 items
research institutions 3 items
urban renewal 3 items
Mobility 3 items
affirmative action 3 items
hand-to-mouth 3 items
income distribution 3 items
saving 3 items
Business Cycle 3 items
Income 2 items
Indigenous peoples 2 items
Intergenerational Mobility 2 items
Low-wage automation 2 items
Native Americans 2 items
Neighborhood 2 items
Race and ethnicity 2 items
Racial discrimination 2 items
Social Security 2 items
college admissions 2 items
housing choice voucher program 2 items
housing mobility program 2 items
housing wealth 2 items
inheritance 2 items
minimum wages 2 items
mortgage 2 items
mortgage lending 2 items
opportunity mapping 2 items
payment card adoption 2 items
payment choice 2 items
payments inclusion 2 items
race and ethnicity in economics 2 items
retirement plans 2 items
routine-biased technical change 2 items
Age 2 items
Coronavirus 2 items
Gender 2 items
Heterogeneous agents 2 items
Labor Force Participation 2 items
Labor Markets 2 items
Marginal Propensity to Consume 2 items
Maternal labor force participation 2 items
Mortgages 2 items
Temporary Protected Status 2 items
Universal pre-K 2 items
Wealth effects 2 items
Access to credit 1 items
Bank fees; Deposit accounts; LMI; Majority-minority 1 items
Banking 1 items
Beliefs 1 items
Border and internal enforcement 1 items
Buffalo 1 items
Child care 1 items
Code of the Street 1 items
Cultural Integration 1 items
Cultural Transmission 1 items
Current Population Survey (CPS) 1 items
Deaths of despair 1 items
Development 1 items
Disadvantaged Communities 1 items
Discrimination in mortgage loans 1 items
Displacement 1 items
Diversity 1 items
Diversity & Inclusion 1 items
Early education 1 items
Earnings Inequality 1 items
Economic History 1 items
Economic conditions 1 items
Economic growth 1 items
European Union 1 items
Extinction 1 items
FAFSA 1 items
Foreign-born workers 1 items
Gender equality 1 items
Gender wage gap 1 items
Gowanus redevelopment 1 items
Granular income statistics 1 items
HMDA 1 items
History 1 items
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 1 items
Home ownership 1 items
Housing 1 items
Housing crowding 1 items
ICU 1 items
Illegal immigrants 1 items
Illegal immigration 1 items
Immigration enforcement 1 items
Income Shock 1 items
Incomplete Markets 1 items
Indigenous 1 items
Insurance 1 items
Interpersonal Violence 1 items
Inuit 1 items
Investment 1 items
Irregular migration 1 items
Kalman filter 1 items
Labor Market Outcomes 1 items
Labor and demographic economics 1 items
Labor supply 1 items
Latinos 1 items
Leadership 1 items
Mortgage Financing 1 items
Native American 1 items
Neighborhood Effect 1 items
Neighborhood Externalities 1 items
Networks 1 items
North American Bison 1 items
Nurturing Relationship 1 items
Opportunity Atlas 1 items
Philadelphia 1 items
Public health 1 items
Race Preference 1 items
Race gaps 1 items
Race/Ethnicity 1 items
Racial discrimination Regression discontinuity 1 items
Regulation C: Home Mortgage Disclosure 1 items
Reparations 1 items
SAFMR 1 items
Savings and asset prices 1 items
Small Business Credit Survey 1 items
Social Influence 1 items
Temporary foreign workers 1 items
Toxic Stress 1 items
U.S. immigration policy 1 items
Unauthorized immigrants 1 items
Unbanked consumers 1 items
Vertical and horizontal externalities 1 items
Wealth accumulation 1 items
Wealth inequality 1 items
algorithmic decisions 1 items
approval 1 items
assimilation 1 items
asylum seekers 1 items
audits 1 items
biases 1 items
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business dynamics 1 items
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college access 1 items
community banking 1 items
consumer finance 1 items
crime 1 items
crises 1 items
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default risk 1 items
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earnings dynamics 1 items
economic activity 1 items
economic resilience 1 items
electronic verification 1 items
employment 1 items
equity 1 items
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firm exit 1 items
fiscal impact 1 items
gender equality policies 1 items
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hospitals 1 items
household credit 1 items
household finances 1 items
housing choice vouchers 1 items
immigrant generations 1 items
incarceration 1 items
income mobility 1 items
inequality aversion 1 items
infection rates 1 items
inflation 1 items
job creation 1 items
job destruction 1 items
labor force 1 items
labor market gaps 1 items
labor market trends 1 items
land use planning 1 items
landlord 1 items
loan officers 1 items
loan outcomes 1 items
local government 1 items
location economics 1 items
macroeconomic data 1 items
macroeconomic forecasting 1 items
mayor 1 items
measurement 1 items
migration policy 1 items
minority borrowers 1 items
minority employment 1 items
minority serving institutions 1 items
minority-owned banks 1 items
minority-owned businesses 1 items
misallocation 1 items
mortgage history 1 items
multiracial 1 items
neighborhood sorting 1 items
occupation 1 items
opportunity neighborhood 1 items
parent PLUS 1 items
place effect. 1 items
police 1 items
population growth 1 items
poverty 1 items
productivity 1 items
property 1 items
public goods 1 items
publicly provided local goods 1 items
racial equity 1 items
racial equity planning 1 items
racial identity 1 items
racial stratification 1 items
racial wealth inequality 1 items
racially restrictive covenants 1 items
raids 1 items
refugees 1 items
shared-minority identity 1 items
skills 1 items
small area fair market rent 1 items
small business 1 items
small business credit 1 items
small business finance 1 items
social insurance 1 items
social interaction 1 items
spatial analysis 1 items
student debt 1 items
subprime 1 items
take-up 1 items
unauthorized workers 1 items
unbanked 1 items
unemployment insurance 1 items
unemployment rate 1 items
venture capital 1 items
wages 1 items
wealth concentration 1 items
working class 1 items
worksite enforcement 1 items
zoning 1 items
show more (328)
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