Search Results
Working Paper
How successful is the G7 in managing exchange rates?
Fratzscher, Marcel
The paper assesses the extent to which the Group of Seven (G7) has been successful in its management of major currencies since the 1970s. Using an event-study approach, the paper finds evidence that the G7 has been overall effective in moving the U.S. dollar, yen and euro in the intended direction at horizons of up to three months after G7 meetings, but not at longer horizons. While the success of the G7 is partly dependent on the market environment, it is also to a significant degree endogenous to the policy process itself. The findings indicate that the reputation and credibility of the G7, ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 24
Time variation in asset price responses to macro announcements
Grisse, Christian; Goldberg, Linda S.
Although the effects of economic news announcements on asset prices are well established, these relationships are unlikely to be stable. This paper documents the time variation in the responses of yield curves and exchange rates using high-frequency data from January 2000 through August 2011. Significant time variation in news effects is present for those announcements that have the largest effects on asset prices. The time variation in effects is explained by economic conditions, including the level of policy rates at the time of the news release, and risk conditions: Government bond yields ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 626
Working Paper
Can risk explain the profitability of technical trading in currency markets?
Famiglietti, Matthew; Ivanova, Yuliya; Neely, Christopher J.; Weller, Paul A.
Academic studies show that technical trading rules would have earned substantial excess returns over long periods in foreign exchange markets. However, the approach to risk adjustment has typically been rather cursory. We examine the ability of a wide range of models: CAPM, quadratic CAPM, downside risk CAPM, Carhart’s 4-factor model, the C-CAPM, an extended C-CAPM with durable consumption, Lustig-Verdelhan (LV) carry-trade factor model, and models including macroeconomic factors, and foreign exchange volatility, skewness and liquidity, to explain these technical trading returns. No model ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2014-033
Working Paper
In Search of Dominant Drivers of the Real Exchange Rate
Miyamoto, Wataru; Nguyen, Thuy Lan; Oh, Hyunseung
We uncover the major drivers of each macroeconomic variable and the real exchange rate at the business cycle frequency in G7 countries. In each country, the main drivers of key macro variables resemble each other and none of those account for a large fraction of the real exchange rate variances. We then estimate the dominant driver of the real exchange rate and find that (i) the shock is largely orthogonal to macro variables and (ii) the shock generates a significant deviation of the uncovered interest parity condition. We analyze international business cycle models that are consistent with ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper 2022-09
Working Paper
Managing Macroeconomic Fluctuations with Flexible Exchange Rate Targeting
Mihov, Ilian; Heipertz, Jonas; Santacreu, Ana Maria
We show that a monetary policy rule that uses the exchange rate to stabilize the economy can outperform a Taylor rule in managing macroeconomics fluctuations and in achieving higher welfare. The differences between the rules are driven by: (i) the paths of the nominal exchange rate and the interest rate under each rule and (ii) external habits in consumption, which leads to deviations from uncovered interest parity. These differences are larger in economies, which are very open, which are more exposed to foreign shocks, or in which domestic and foreign goods are highly substitutable.
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-028
Working Paper
Geopolitics and the U.S. Dollar's Future as a Reserve Currency
Weiss, Colin
I survey the role of geopolitics and sanctions risk in shaping the U.S. dollar's status as the primary currency used for international reserves. Without changes in the economic incentives for holding FX reserves in U.S. dollar assets, an increased threat of sanctions is unlikely to drastically reduce the dollar share of FX reserves. Currently, around three-quarters of foreign government holdings of safe U.S. assets are by countries with some military tie to the U.S. Even a reduced reliance on the U.S. dollar for trade invoicing and debt denomination by a large bloc of countries less ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1359
Discussion Paper
The Perplexing Co-Movement of the Dollar and Oil Prices
Klitgaard, Thomas; Wang, Linda; Pesenti, Paolo
Oil prices and the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the euro have often moved together over the past decade or so, but it is not at all clear why they should. The standard interpretation of oil price movements as a response to global oil supply and demand shifts makes it unlikely that the correlation stems from the dollar’s effect on oil prices. In addition, the notorious difficulty in predicting currency moves makes it hard to believe that oil prices dictate the dollar’s value. Improbability aside, however, in this blog post we document the tendency for the value of the dollar to ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20190109
Working Paper
Oil Prices, Exchange Rates and Interest Rates
Kilian, Lutz; Zhou, Xiaoqing
There has been much interest in the relationship between the price of crude oil, the value of the U.S. dollar, and the U.S. interest rate since the 1980s. For example, the sustained surge in the real price of oil in the 2000s is often attributed to the declining real value of the U.S. dollar as well as low U.S. real interest rates, along with a surge in global real economic activity. Quantifying these effects one at a time is difficult not only because of the close relationship between the interest rate and the exchange rate, but also because demand and supply shocks in the oil market in turn ...
Working Papers
, Paper 1914
Journal Article
New summary measures of the foreign exchange value of the dollar
Leahy, Michael P.
The multilateral trade-weighted index of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of the other countries in the Group of Ten (G-10), developed at the Federal Reserve Board in 1971, has played an important role in staff analysis of foreign influences on the U.S. economy for more than twenty-five years. However, changes in international trading relationships and in the structure of international financial markets have led to increased interest in the currencies of U.S. trading partners outside the G-10 countries. Furthermore, the establishment of the European ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Volume 84
, Issue Oct
Working Paper
Overborrowing, Underborrowing, and Macroprudential Policy
Arce, Fernando; Bengui, Julien; Bianchi, Javier
In this paper, we revisit the scope for macroprudential policy in production economies with pecuniary externalities and collateral constraints. We study competitive equilibria and constrained-efficient equilibria and examine the extent to which the gap between the two depends on the production structure and the policy instruments available to the planner. We argue that macroprudential policy is desirable regardless of whether the competitive equilibrium features more or less borrowing than the constrained-efficient equilibrium. In our quantitative analysis, macroprudential taxes on borrowing ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper WP 2023-20
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 41 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 41 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 17 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1 items
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Globalization Institute Working Papers 38 items
Working Papers 34 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 26 items
Staff Reports 13 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 10 items
Working Paper Series 10 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 5 items
Current Policy Perspectives 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 3 items
Liberty Street Economics 3 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Staff Report 2 items
FRB Atlanta CQER Working Paper 1 items
Public Policy Brief 1 items
Speech 1 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 1 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 124 items
Report 18 items
Journal Article 5 items
Discussion Paper 3 items
Newsletter 2 items
Briefing 1 items
Speech 1 items
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Bianchi, Javier 6 items
Fatum, Rasmus 6 items
Neely, Christopher J. 6 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 5 items
Hevia, Constantino 5 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 5 items
Nicolini, Juan Pablo 5 items
Ayres, Joao Luiz 4 items
Bräuning, Falk 4 items
Heipertz, Jonas 4 items
Kılıç, Rehim 4 items
Mihov, Ilian 4 items
Santacreu, Ana Maria 4 items
Stavrakeva, Vania 4 items
Tang, Jenny 4 items
Timmer, Yannick 4 items
Yamamoto, Yohei 4 items
Arce, Fernando 3 items
Auer, Raphael 3 items
Bengui, Julien 3 items
Diez, Federico J. 3 items
Ding, Ding 3 items
Kollmann, Robert 3 items
Miyamoto, Wataru 3 items
Nguyen, Thuy Lan 3 items
Niepmann, Friederike 3 items
Oh, Hyunseung 3 items
Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim 3 items
Stein, Hillary 3 items
Abbassi, Puriya 2 items
Amador, Manuel 2 items
Amiti, Mary 2 items
An, Lian 2 items
Bacchetta, Philippe 2 items
Barbiero, Omar 2 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 2 items
Bocola, Luigi 2 items
Bodenstein, Martin 2 items
Bordo, Michael D. 2 items
Chaboud, Alain P. 2 items
Correa, Ricardo 2 items
Crucini, Mario J. 2 items
Davis, J. Scott 2 items
Del Negro, Marco 2 items
Engel, Charles 2 items
Fratzscher, Marcel 2 items
Giannone, Domenico 2 items
Giannoni, Marc 2 items
Glick, Reuven 2 items
Hottman, Colin J. 2 items
Humpage, Owen F. 2 items
Itskhoki, Oleg 2 items
Ivanova, Yuliya 2 items
Johannsen, Benjamin K. 2 items
Konings, Jozef 2 items
Lerman, Robert 2 items
Monarch, Ryan 2 items
Osler, Carol L. 2 items
Perri, Fabrizio 2 items
Presno, Ignacio 2 items
Shintani, Mototsugu 2 items
Sondergaard, Jens 2 items
Tambalotti, Andrea 2 items
Truman, Edwin M. 2 items
Tsuruga, Takayuki 2 items
Van Wincoop, Eric 2 items
Vigfusson, Robert J. 2 items
Wang, Jian 2 items
Weller, Paul A. 2 items
Yue, Vivian Z. 2 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 2 items
Adrian, Tobias 1 items
Ahmed, Shaghil 1 items
Anatolyev, Stanislav 1 items
Averell, Vicente García 1 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 1 items
Beetz Fenske, Caroline 1 items
Benigno, Gianluca 1 items
Berger, David W. 1 items
Bergin, Paul R. 1 items
Berka, Martin 1 items
Bigio, Saki 1 items
Boehm, Christoph E. 1 items
Bonadio, Barthélémy 1 items
Ca' Zorzi, Michele 1 items
Carlson, John A. 1 items
Casas, Camila 1 items
Castañon, Calixto López 1 items
Chang, P.H. Kevin 1 items
Chernenko, Sergey V. 1 items
Cheung, Yin-Wong 1 items
Chien, YiLi 1 items
Claessens, Stijn 1 items
Clarida, Richard H. 1 items
Clark, John 1 items
Converse, Nathan L. 1 items
Coulibaly, Brahima 1 items
Cuba-Borda, Pablo A. 1 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 1 items
De Michelis, Andrea 1 items
De Paoli, Bianca 1 items
DeMarco, Laurie 1 items
Delgado, Martha Elena 1 items
Devereux, Michael B. 1 items
Domanski, Dietrich 1 items
Drozd, Lukasz A. 1 items
Du, Wenxin 1 items
Eichenbaum, Martin S. 1 items
Etula, Erkko 1 items
Famiglietti, Matthew 1 items
Fan, Zhenzhen 1 items
Fischer, Andreas M. 1 items
Fischer, Christoph 1 items
Fisher, Mark 1 items
Fornaro, Luca 1 items
Fujiwara, Ippei 1 items
Gagnon, Etienne 1 items
Gagnon, Joseph E. 1 items
Giorgianni, Lorenzo 1 items
Goernemann, Nils 1 items
Gopinath, Gita 1 items
Gornemann, Nils M. 1 items
Gospodinov, Nikolay 1 items
Gould, David M. 1 items
Grisse, Christian 1 items
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Hannaoui, Oliver Zain 1 items
Herreño, Juan 1 items
Hjalmarsson, Erik 1 items
Hobijn, Bart 1 items
Hofstetter, Marc 1 items
Howorka, Edward 1 items
Hutchison, Michael M. 1 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 1 items
Iyer, Tara 1 items
Jamali, Ibrahim 1 items
Jermann, Urban J. 1 items
Joaquim, Gustavo 1 items
Kang, Wensheng 1 items
Kilian, Lutz 1 items
Kim, Yun Jung 1 items
Klitgaard, Thomas 1 items
Kolbin, Sergey 1 items
Kos, Dino 1 items
Kroner, Niklas 1 items
Kwon, Hannah 1 items
Küçük, Hande 1 items
Lahaye, Jerome 1 items
Lansing, Kevin J. 1 items
Leahy, Michael P. 1 items
Leduc, Sylvain 1 items
Levin-Konigsberg, Gabriel 1 items
Lewis, Karen K. 1 items
Liao, Gordon Y. 1 items
Liu, Edith X. 1 items
Liu, Emily 1 items
Liu, Runjuan 1 items
Liu, Xiaochun 1 items
Liu, Zheng 1 items
Londono, Juan M. 1 items
Lopez, Jose A. 1 items
Loretan, Mico 1 items
Lustig, Hanno 1 items
Ma, Jun 1 items
Mandel, Benjamin R. 1 items
Marin, Emile A. 1 items
McCarthy, Jonathan 1 items
McCrone, Annie 1 items
Mehl, Arnaud 1 items
Meisenzahl, Ralf R. 1 items
Meleshchuk, Sergii 1 items
Mitchener, Kris James 1 items
Moessner, Richhild 1 items
Morisse, Kathryn A. 1 items
Moskowitz, Tobias J. 1 items
Muck, Jakub 1 items
Na, Seunghoon 1 items
Naknoi, Kanda 1 items
Nechio, Fernanda 1 items
Nelson, William R. 1 items
Nosal, Jaromir B. 1 items
Pedemonte, Mathieu 1 items
Pesenti, Paolo 1 items
Pieters, Gina 1 items
Potter, Simon M. 1 items
Puria, Kovid 1 items
Ratti, Ronald A. 1 items
Rebelo, Sergio 1 items
Reichgott, Dan 1 items
Ross, Chase P. 1 items
Ross, Sharon Y. 1 items
Rubaszek, Michal 1 items
Saffie, Felipe 1 items
Saure, Philip 1 items
Schmitt-Grohe, Stephanie 1 items
Schreger, Jesse 1 items
Shapiro, Adam Hale 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Shousha, Samer 1 items
Singh, Sanjay R. 1 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 1 items
Sun, Bo 1 items
Teranishi, Yuki 1 items
Tong, Jiadong 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Uribe, Martin 1 items
Vasudevan, Kaushik 1 items
Vespignani, Joaquin L. 1 items
Wang, Linda 1 items
Wei, Bin 1 items
Weiss, Colin 1 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 1 items
Wu, Jyh-Lin 1 items
Wu, Thomas 1 items
Wynne, Mark A. 1 items
Xiao, Xiao 1 items
Xu, Jiayun 1 items
Yilmazkuday, Demet 1 items
Yilmazkuday, Hakan 1 items
Yu, Jianfeng 1 items
Yung, Julieta 1 items
Zhang, Jing 1 items
Zhang, Ren 1 items
Zhang, Tony 1 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 1 items
Zhu, Guozhong 1 items
Zikes, Filip 1 items
Zlate, Andrei 1 items
show more (223)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
F41 55 items
G15 40 items
F32 19 items
G12 19 items
E52 14 items
E44 13 items
E31 12 items
E43 12 items
E58 12 items
F33 11 items
F34 9 items
G14 9 items
F30 8 items
E32 7 items
F14 7 items
F37 7 items
G11 7 items
D40 6 items
E42 6 items
E51 6 items
F36 6 items
G32 6 items
F43 5 items
G21 5 items
F3 4 items
F44 4 items
C14 3 items
C32 3 items
C81 3 items
F00 3 items
F65 3 items
G10 3 items
G18 3 items
G20 3 items
G23 3 items
G28 3 items
G38 3 items
C22 2 items
C53 2 items
D12 2 items
D20 2 items
E01 2 items
E24 2 items
E30 2 items
E4 2 items
E5 2 items
E61 2 items
F15 2 items
F21 2 items
F42 2 items
F51 2 items
F53 2 items
G13 2 items
G24 2 items
L10 2 items
L50 2 items
N1 2 items
C11 1 items
C13 1 items
C23 1 items
C43 1 items
C58 1 items
D22 1 items
D53 1 items
D61 1 items
D83 1 items
D84 1 items
E41 1 items
E47 1 items
E63 1 items
E71 1 items
F10 1 items
F38 1 items
F4 1 items
F40 1 items
F5 1 items
F50 1 items
F52 1 items
G01 1 items
G17 1 items
G2 1 items
G41 1 items
J30 1 items
K22 1 items
K24 1 items
M40 1 items
N10 1 items
N14 1 items
O16 1 items
O17 1 items
O41 1 items
Q43 1 items
show more (88)
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FILTER BY Keywords
exchange rates 26 items
monetary policy 12 items
Exchange rate 8 items
dollar 7 items
Foreign exchange 6 items
Carry trade 5 items
Expectations 5 items
Foreign exchange rates 5 items
Exchange Rate Management 4 items
FX Rate Overshooting Puzzle 4 items
Fama Regression 4 items
Monetary Policy Rules 4 items
Predictability Reversal Puzzle 4 items
Primary commodity prices 4 items
Real exchange rate 4 items
Time-Varying Risk Premium 4 items
UIP Puzzle 4 items
Welfare 4 items
CIP deviations 4 items
international finance 4 items
Backus-Smith puzzle 3 items
Dominant currency pricing 3 items
Over-borrowing 3 items
Tourism 3 items
Trade flows 3 items
Under-borrowing 3 items
pass-through entities 3 items
quantitative easing 3 items
Asset prices 3 items
Foreign Exchange Reserves 3 items
International business cycles 3 items
Macroprudential policy 3 items
Risk 3 items
Uncovered interest parity 3 items
asset pricing 3 items
financial intermediation 3 items
inflation 3 items
risk premia 3 items
Adaptive markets hypothesis 2 items
Chinese currency 2 items
Efficient markets hypothesis 2 items
Exchange rates and foreign exchange 2 items
Exchange-rate passthrough 2 items
Exports 2 items
Federal Reserve 2 items
Hedging 2 items
Import price inflation 2 items
Imports 2 items
Inequality 2 items
International reserves 2 items
Mussa puzzle 2 items
Real exchange rate disconnect puzzle 2 items
Stochastic Discount Factor 2 items
Technical analysis 2 items
Technical trading 2 items
U.S. Dollar 2 items
banking 2 items
blockchain 2 items
convenience yields 2 items
cryptoassets 2 items
cryptocurrencies 2 items
digitalisation 2 items
distributed ledger technology 2 items
effective lower bound 2 items
event study 2 items
exchange rate regimes 2 items
finance 2 items
import prices 2 items
interest rates 2 items
international role 2 items
proof-of-stake 2 items
proof-of-work 2 items
reserve currency 2 items
unconventional monetary policy 2 items
Capital Flows 2 items
Currency crises 2 items
Currency pegs 2 items
Currency returns 2 items
Emerging Market Economies 2 items
Emerging markets 2 items
Exchange Rate Pass-Through 2 items
Fixed Exchange Rates 2 items
High-frequency data 2 items
Interest Rate Parity 2 items
Optimal Monetary Policy 2 items
Risk Sharing 2 items
VAR with Common Trends 2 items
World Interest Rate 2 items
Abenomics 1 items
Asymmetric Risk-Sharing 1 items
BEER 1 items
BIS Triennial Central Bank Survey 1 items
Balance sheet concerns 1 items
Balance sheet mismatch 1 items
Banking crisis 1 items
Basel III 1 items
Basis 1 items
Bernstein polynomials 1 items
Bretton Woods 1 items
CNY 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Capital Structure 1 items
Central Bank Swap Lines 1 items
China 1 items
Chinese yuan 1 items
Collateralized Loan Obligations 1 items
Commercial and industrial loans 1 items
Convenience Yield 1 items
Covered interest rate parity 1 items
Covered-interest parity deviation 1 items
Credibility 1 items
Credit standards 1 items
Cross-Currency 1 items
Currency momentum 1 items
Currency options 1 items
Debt Revaluation 1 items
Deflation 1 items
Depreciation 1 items
Devaluation of currency 1 items
Dominant currency paradigm 1 items
Dutch disease 1 items
Endogenous growth 1 items
Equilibrium real exchange rate 1 items
Equities 1 items
Equity tail risk 1 items
FX market execution 1 items
FX market participation 1 items
FX markets 1 items
Fama puzzle 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 items
Federal Reserve information 1 items
Financial Exclusion 1 items
Financial Stability Board 1 items
Financial crises - Mexico 1 items
Financial integration 1 items
Forecasting 1 items
Foreign 1 items
Foreign Currency 1 items
Foreign Currency Exposure 1 items
Foreign Exchange Benchmarks Group (FXBG) 1 items
Foreign Exchange Committee (FXC) 1 items
Foreign exchange intervention 1 items
Forward 1 items
Global Financial Crisis 1 items
Global Preamble 1 items
Global tail risk 1 items
High-frequency Identification 1 items
High-frequency trading 1 items
Inflation Forecasting 1 items
Inflation stabilization 1 items
Inflation target 1 items
Inflation targeting 1 items
Information Effects 1 items
Institutional investors 1 items
Interest rate 1 items
Intermediaries 1 items
International Lending and Debt Problems 1 items
International risk sharing 1 items
International trade 1 items
Investments 1 items
Japan 1 items
Leverage cycles 1 items
Leveraged loan market 1 items
Limit orders 1 items
Limited enforcement 1 items
Liquidity premia 1 items
Local currency 1 items
Macroeconomic surprises 1 items
Market segmentation 1 items
Mexico 1 items
Micro exchange rate economics 1 items
Monetary policy credibility 1 items
Monetary policy spillovers 1 items
Mutual Fund 1 items
Narrative Sign Restrictions 1 items
Negative interest rates 1 items
New Keynesian models 1 items
News announcements 1 items
Oil 1 items
Order flow 1 items
PPP half-life deviations 1 items
Peso, Mexican 1 items
Policy coordination 1 items
Price discovery 1 items
Primary dealers 1 items
Private information 1 items
RBC 1 items
RMB 1 items
RMB index 1 items
Risk-sharing 1 items
Safe assets 1 items
Sanctions 1 items
Sectoral Allocation 1 items
Security Alliances 1 items
Short-Term Capital Movements 1 items
Social costs 1 items
Stock Market 1 items
Stress tests 1 items
Structural Scenario Analysis 1 items
Sudden Stops 1 items
Surges 1 items
Taylor rule 1 items
Trade Balance 1 items
U.S. Treasury 1 items
U.S. bank lending 1 items
U.S. dollar exchange rate 1 items
Zero lower bound 1 items
accounting 1 items
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auditing 1 items
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dollar euro exchange rate 1 items
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dollar. 1 items
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oil price 1 items
oil prices 1 items
panel estimation method 1 items
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permissioned DLT 1 items
portfolio choice 1 items
positions of traders 1 items
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price determination 1 items
prices 1 items
pricing-to-market 1 items
privacy 1 items
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professional forecasts 1 items
proportionality 1 items
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regulation 1 items
renminbi 1 items
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risk constraints 1 items
risk management 1 items
risk migration 1 items
risk taking 1 items
simplex regression 1 items
sovereign debts 1 items
sovereign defaults 1 items
spot market 1 items
stablecoins 1 items
strategic complementarities 1 items
supervision 1 items
suptech 1 items
surveys 1 items
taper tantrum 1 items
terms of trade 1 items
tokenisation 1 items
trade-comovement puzzle 1 items
transmission 1 items
two-pillar policy 1 items
volatility 1 items
volatility trends 1 items
vulnerability index 1 items
wage gaps 1 items
women employment 1 items
women wages 1 items
workers 1 items
yen 1 items
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