Search Results
Working Paper
Firm Heterogeneity and the Impact of Immigration: Evidence from German Establishments
Brinatti, Agostina; Morales, Nicolas
We use a detailed establishment-level dataset from Germany to document a new dimension of firm heterogeneity: large firms spend a higher share of their wage bill on immigrants than small firms. We show analytically that ignoring this heterogeneity in the immigrant share leads to biased estimates of the welfare gains from immigration. To do so, we set up and estimate a model where heterogeneous firms choose their immigrant share and then use it to quantify the welfare effects of an increase in the number of immigrants in Germany. Two new adjustment mechanisms arise under firm ...
Working Paper
, Paper 21-16
Working Paper
Trends in poverty and inequality among Hispanics
Zavodny, Madeline; Orrenius, Pia M.
Since the 1970s, the poverty rate has remained largely unchanged among Hispanics but has declined among non-Hispanic whites and blacks, particularly before the onset of the recent recession. The influx of large numbers of immigrants partially explains why poverty rates have not fallen over time among Hispanics> ; In 2009, Hispanics were more than twice as likely to be poor than non-Hispanic whites. Lower average English ability, low levels of educational attainment, part-time employment, the youthfulness of Hispanic household heads, and the 2007?09 recession are important factors that have ...
Working Papers
, Paper 1109
Working Paper
Unauthorized Mexican Workers in the United States: Recent Inflows and Possible Future Scenarios
Zavodny, Madeline; Orrenius, Pia M.
The U.S. economy has long relied on immigrant workers, many of them unauthorized, yet estimates of the inflow of unauthorized workers and the determinants of that inflow are hard to come by. This paper provides estimates of the number of newly arriving unauthorized workers from Mexico, the principal source of unauthorized immigrants to the United States, and examines how the inflow is related to U.S. and Mexico economic conditions. Our estimates suggest that annual inflows of unauthorized workers averaged about 170,000 during 1996-2014 but were much higher before the economic downturn that ...
Working Papers
, Paper 1701
Working Paper
The Allocation of Immigrant Talent: Macroeconomic Implications for the U.S. and Across Countries
Birinci, Serdar; See, Kurt; Leibovici, Fernando
We quantify the barriers to the economic integration of immigrants using an occupational choice model with natives and immigrants of multiple types subject to wedges that distort their allocations. We show that key parameters, including wedges, can be estimated to match the distribution of employment and earnings across individuals and occupations. We find sizable output gains from removing immigrant wedges in the U.S., accounting for 7 percent of immigrants’ overall economic contribution. These gains arise from increased labor force participation and from reallocation from manual toward ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2021-004
Working Paper
Immigrant Misallocation
Birinci, Serdar; See, Kurt; Leibovici, Fernando
We quantify the barriers that impede the integration of immigrants into foreign labor markets and investigate their aggregate implications. We develop a model of occupational choice with natives and immigrants of multiple types whose decisions are subject to wedges which distort their allocation across occupations. We estimate the model to match salient features of U.S. and cross-country individual-level data. We find that there are sizable GDP gains from removing the wedges faced by immigrants in U.S. labor markets, accounting for approximately one-fifth of the overall economic contribution ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2021-004
Working Paper
Self-selection among undocumented immigrants from Mexico
Zavodny, Madeline; Orrenius, Pia M.
This paper examines the effect of changes in migration determinants on the skill level of undocumented immigrants from Mexico. We focus on the effect of changes in economic conditions, migrant networks, and border enforcement on the educational attainment of Mexican-born men who cross the border illegally. Although previous research indicates that illegal aliens from Mexico tend to be unskilled relative to US natives and that economic conditions, networks and border enforcement affect the size of illegal immigrant flows across the border, the interaction of these variables has not been ...
Working Papers
, Paper 0005
Working Paper
The Return to Big City Experience: Evidence from Danish Refugees
Walsh, Conor; Hejlesen, Mads; Eckert, Fabian
We offer causal evidence of higher returns to experience in big cities. Exploiting a natural experiment that settled political refugees across labor markets in Denmark between 1986 and 1998, we find that while refugees initially earn similar wages across locations, those placed in Copenhagen exhibit 35% faster wage growth with each additional year of experience. This gap is driven primarily by differential sorting towards high-wage establishments, occupations, and industries. An estimated spatial model of earnings dynamics attributes an important role to unobserved worker ability: more able ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers
, Paper 24
Working Paper
Moving to a new job: the role of home equity, debt, and access to credit
Luengo-Prado, Maria Jose; Demyanyk, Yuliya; Hryshko, Dmytro; Sorensen, Bent E.
The severe decline in house prices during and after the Great Recession may have hampered adjustment in U.S. labor markets by limiting mobility of unemployed workers. Mobility will suffer if unemployed workers are reluctant to leave homes that, with debt exceeding value, cannot be disposed of without injecting cash or defaulting?a pattern referred to as "housing lock-in." If such reluctance keeps workers from moving from depressed areas to areas with available jobs, the Beveridge curve, which depicts the relationship between vacancies and joblessness, may shift outward. To examine whether ...
Working Papers
, Paper 16-1
Working Paper
The Effect of Immigration on Local Labor Markets: Lessons from the 1920s Border Closure
Abramitzky, Ran; Ager, Phillip; Boustan, Leah; Cohen, Elior; Hansen, Casper
In the 1920s, the United States substantially reduced immigration by imposing country-specific entry quotas. We compare local labor markets differentially exposed to the quotas due to variation in the national origin mix of their immigrant populations. U.S.-born workers in areas losing immigrants did not gain in income score relative to workers in less exposed areas. Instead, in urban areas, European immigrants were replaced with internal migrants and immigrants from Mexico and Canada. By contrast, farmers shifted toward capital-intensive agriculture, and the immigrant-intensive mining ...
Research Working Paper
, Paper RWP 21-09
Working Paper
Commuting, Labor, and Housing Market Effects of Mass Transportation: Welfare and Identification
Severen, Christopher
REVISED MARCH 2019 This paper studies the effects of Los Angeles Metro Rail on the spatial distribution of people and prices. Using a panel of bilateral commuting flows, I estimate a quantitative spatial general equilibrium model to quantify the welfare benefits of urban rail transit and distinguish the benefits of reduced commuting frictions from other channels. The subway causes a 7%-13% increase in commuting between pairs of connected tracts; I select plausible control pairs using proposed subway and historical streetcar lines to identify this effect. The structural parameters of the model ...
Working Papers
, Paper 18-14
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 5 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 2 items
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Working Papers 37 items
Staff Reports 5 items
Working Paper Series 5 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 4 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 3 items
Working Paper 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2 items
Policy Hub 2 items
Research Working Paper 2 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 2 items
Chicago Fed Letter 1 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 1 items
Review 1 items
Staff Report 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 59 items
Report 6 items
Journal Article 2 items
Discussion Paper 1 items
Newsletter 1 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 12 items
Zavodny, Madeline 11 items
Birinci, Serdar 5 items
Leibovici, Fernando 5 items
See, Kurt 5 items
Burns, Kalee 4 items
Hotchkiss, Julie L. 4 items
Rubinton, Hannah 4 items
Coate, Patrick 3 items
Davis, Jonathan 3 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 3 items
Isaacson, Maggie 3 items
Marks, Cassandra 3 items
Morales, Nicolas 3 items
Ricketts, Lowell R. 3 items
Whitaker, Stephan 3 items
Zabek, Mike 3 items
Abel, Jaison R. 2 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 2 items
Brinatti, Agostina 2 items
Cohen, Elior 2 items
DeWaard, Jack 2 items
Greaney, Brian 2 items
Johnson, Janna 2 items
Karahan, Fatih 2 items
Krolikowski, Pawel 2 items
Mazumder, Bhashkar 2 items
Monras, Joan 2 items
Rhee, Serena 2 items
Aaronson, Daniel 1 items
Abraham, Alexander T. 1 items
Abramitzky, Ran 1 items
Ager, Phillip 1 items
Bick, Alexander 1 items
Biddle, Jeff 1 items
Bilal, Adrien 1 items
Blandin, Adam 1 items
Boustan, Leah 1 items
Brinkman, Jeffrey 1 items
Butcher, Kristin F. 1 items
Cain, Lucas 1 items
Cajner, Tomaz 1 items
Carlino, Gerald A. 1 items
Chen, Mingyu 1 items
Coglianese, John M. 1 items
Coronado, Roberto 1 items
Cortes, Patricia 1 items
Deitz, Richard 1 items
Demyanyk, Yuliya 1 items
Eckert, Fabian 1 items
Fischer, Andreas M. 1 items
Florida, Richard 1 items
Fuchs, Simon 1 items
Gabe, Todd M. 1 items
Garcia-Jimeno, Camillo 1 items
Greer, Sarah 1 items
Gullo, Stephanie 1 items
Hansen, Casper 1 items
Heise, Sebastian 1 items
Hejlesen, Mads 1 items
Hershbein, Brad 1 items
Hryshko, Dmytro 1 items
Imbert, Clément 1 items
Jackson, Osborne 1 items
Jia, Ning 1 items
Kaplan, Greg 1 items
Kondo, Illenin O. 1 items
Lagakos, David 1 items
Lee, Sanghoon 1 items
Lee, Seung Jung 1 items
Lin, Jeffrey 1 items
Luengo-Prado, Maria Jose 1 items
Maghin, Helene 1 items
Mahajan, Parag 1 items
Mangum, Kyle 1 items
Mertens, Karel 1 items
Mitra, Devashish 1 items
Mobarak, Mushfiq 1 items
Molloy, Raven S. 1 items
Montes, Joshua 1 items
Pan, Jessica 1 items
Perry, Ryan 1 items
Pinto, Santiago 1 items
Polo-Muro, Eduardo 1 items
Porzio, Tommaso 1 items
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban 1 items
Salz, Albert 1 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 1 items
Schulze, Karl 1 items
Seror, Marlon 1 items
Severen, Christopher 1 items
Shih, Kevin 1 items
Smith, Chloe N. 1 items
Smith, Christopher L. 1 items
Sorensen, Bent E. 1 items
Stuart, Bryan 1 items
Vazquez-Grenno, Javier 1 items
Walsh, Conor 1 items
Waugh, Michael E. 1 items
Wozniak, Abigail 1 items
Zylberberg, Yanos 1 items
de Soyres, Francois 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
R23 18 items
J15 15 items
J24 12 items
J31 9 items
R12 9 items
F22 8 items
J18 7 items
J11 6 items
J21 6 items
O15 6 items
E21 5 items
E24 5 items
F16 5 items
J62 4 items
J64 4 items
J20 3 items
J22 3 items
J40 3 items
R11 3 items
C55 2 items
C81 2 items
D14 2 items
D83 2 items
E2 2 items
F66 2 items
J68 2 items
K37 2 items
N31 2 items
N32 2 items
R10 2 items
R13 2 items
C50 1 items
D61 1 items
D63 1 items
E62 1 items
F23 1 items
H31 1 items
H73 1 items
H75 1 items
I31 1 items
J01 1 items
J1 1 items
J13 1 items
J23 1 items
J3 1 items
J44 1 items
J6 1 items
J60 1 items
J63 1 items
K14 1 items
K42 1 items
L20 1 items
L25 1 items
L91 1 items
O11 1 items
O33 1 items
R21 1 items
R30 1 items
R40 1 items
R58 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
immigration 13 items
Mobility 8 items
migration 8 items
labor mobility 6 items
immigration policy 5 items
Misallocation 5 items
Occupational Barriers 5 items
spatial equilibrium 5 items
Internal migration 4 items
inequality 4 items
labor markets 4 items
migration costs 4 items
mismatch 4 items
people-based 4 items
place-based 4 items
racial labor market disparities 4 items
social costs 4 items
Delta Index 4 items
unauthorized immigration 4 items
COVID-19 3 items
E-Verify 3 items
labor market tightness 3 items
wages 3 items
wealth 3 items
interstate migration 3 items
local labor markets 3 items
H-1B visas 2 items
High-skill immigration 2 items
Immigrants 2 items
Intergenerational mobility 2 items
Labor and demographic economics 2 items
Parents 2 items
crime 2 items
income 2 items
precautionary savings 2 items
unemployment 2 items
Adult children 2 items
Amenities 2 items
International Trade 2 items
Job loss 2 items
Labor force participation 2 items
Temporary Protected Status 2 items
Transfers 2 items
Agglomeration economies 1 items
Border and internal enforcement 1 items
Childcare 1 items
Cities 1 items
Commuting 1 items
Comparative 1 items
Concentration 1 items
Consumer Credit Panel 1 items
Credit history 1 items
Credit report 1 items
Cross-sectional 1 items
Crude migration probability 1 items
Decline 1 items
Economic development, technological change, and growth 1 items
Economic diversity 1 items
European Union 1 items
Family ties 1 items
Field experiment 1 items
Firm Dynamics 1 items
Full employment 1 items
GDP 1 items
Geographic mobility 1 items
Gini index 1 items
Gravity 1 items
Gross flows 1 items
Heterogeneous Firms 1 items
Hispanics 1 items
IT sector 1 items
Illegal immigrants 1 items
Illegal immigration 1 items
Immigration enforcement 1 items
Index of migration connectivity 1 items
Information technology 1 items
Insurance 1 items
International migration 1 items
Irregular migration 1 items
Labor 1 items
Labor flows 1 items
Labor force composition 1 items
Labor force demographics 1 items
Labor supply 1 items
Latinos 1 items
Learning 1 items
Longitudinal 1 items
Mexican migration 1 items
Migration measurement 1 items
Migration progression ratio 1 items
Moving to Opportunity (MTO) 1 items
Multinational companies 1 items
Okun’s law 1 items
Production 1 items
Public transit 1 items
Regional labor markets 1 items
Regional migration 1 items
Resettlement 1 items
Risk 1 items
Rural-urban gaps 1 items
Rural-urban migration 1 items
Skilled labor 1 items
Spatial misallocation 1 items
Subways 1 items
Sufficient statistics 1 items
Temporary foreign workers 1 items
U.S. immigration policy 1 items
Unauthorized immigrants 1 items
Urban 1 items
Vertical and horizontal externalities 1 items
Wage differentials 1 items
Welfare 1 items
aggregate labor productivity 1 items
asylum seekers 1 items
audits 1 items
business dynamics 1 items
campaign contributions 1 items
career ladder 1 items
conditional choice probability estimation 1 items
consumer credit 1 items
declining internal migration 1 items
dynamic Roy models 1 items
economic geography 1 items
electronic verification 1 items
employment 1 items
employment growth 1 items
employment rates 1 items
fertility 1 items
financial health 1 items
firm entry 1 items
firm exit 1 items
geographical reallocation 1 items
globalization 1 items
home attachment 1 items
housing bust 1 items
human capital 1 items
illegal aliens 1 items
inequality in capital ownership 1 items
job creation 1 items
job destruction 1 items
job polarization 1 items
joblessness 1 items
labor force 1 items
labor market dynamics 1 items
labor market trends 1 items
legal immigration policy 1 items
lobbying 1 items
local labor market conditions 1 items
local ties 1 items
low-wage jobs 1 items
migration policy 1 items
neighborhoods 1 items
networks 1 items
partial democracy 1 items
population aging 1 items
poverty 1 items
productivity 1 items
public safety 1 items
publicly provided local goods 1 items
quality of life 1 items
raids 1 items
recessions 1 items
refugees 1 items
regional divergence 1 items
remittances 1 items
remote work 1 items
rootedness 1 items
stability 1 items
technological change 1 items
unauthorized workers 1 items
undocumented immigrants 1 items
undocumented immigration 1 items
urban population growth 1 items
voter support for immigration 1 items
work from home 1 items
worksite enforcement 1 items
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