Search Results
Working Paper
High-Yield Debt Covenants and Their Real Effects
Bräuning, Falk; Ivashina, Victoria; Ozdagli, Ali K.
High-yield debt, including leveraged loans, is characterized by incurrence financial covenants, or “cov-lite” provisions. Unlike, traditional, maintenance covenants, incurrence covenants preserve equity control rights but trigger pre-specified restrictions on the borrower’s actions once the covenant threshold is crossed. We show that restricted actions impose significant constraints on investments: Similar to the effects of the shift of control rights to creditors in traditional loans, the drop in investment under incurrence covenants is large and sudden. This evidence suggests a new ...
Working Papers
, Paper 22-5
Working Paper
Mixed Signals: Investment Distortions with Adverse Selection
Darst, Matt; Refayet, Ehraz
We study how adverse selection distorts equilibrium investment allocations in a Walrasian credit market with two-sided heterogeneity. Representative investor and partial equilibrium economies are special cases where investment allocations are distorted above perfect information allocations. By contrast, the general setting features a pecuniary externality that leads to trade and investment allocations below perfect information levels. The degree of heterogeneity between informed agents' type governs the direction of the distortion. Moreover, contracts that complete markets dampen the impact ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2019-044
Working Paper
Pricing of Climate Risk Insurance: Regulation and Cross-Subsidies
Oh, Sangmin; Sen, Ishita; Tenekedjieva, Ana-Maria
Homeowners’ insurance, a $15 trillion market by coverage, provides households financial protection from climate losses. Insurance premiums (rates) are subject to significant regulations at a state level in the United States. Using novel data on filings made by insurers to regulators, we propose a metric to quantify the extent of regulation in individual states. We provide evidence of decoupling of insurance rates from their underlying risks and identify regulation as a driving force behind this pattern. Rates are least reflective of risk in states we classify as "high friction", ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2022-064
Working Paper
Benchmarking Operational Risk Stress Testing Models
Stewart, Rob T.; Curti, Filippo; Migueis, Marco
The Federal Reserve?s Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) requires large bank holding companies (BHCs) to project losses under stress scenarios. In this paper, we propose multiple benchmarks for operational loss projections and document the industry distribution relative to these benchmarks. The proposed benchmarks link BHCs? loss projections with both financial characteristics and metrics of historical loss experience. These benchmarks capture different measures of exposure and together provide a comprehensive view of the reasonability of model outcomes. Furthermore, we employ ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2019-038
Working Paper
Forward-looking and Incentive-compatible Operational Risk Capital Framework
Migueis, Marco
This paper proposes an alternative framework to set banks? operational risk capital, which allows for forward-looking assessments and limits gaming opportunities by relying on an incentive-compatible mechanism. This approach would improve upon the vulnerability to gaming of the AMA and the lack of risk-sensitivity of BCBS?s new standardized approach for operational risk.
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2017-087
Working Paper
Sanchez, Juan M.; Paul, Pascal; Faria-e-Castro, Miguel
We develop a simple model of relationship lending where lenders have incentives for evergreening loans by offering better terms to less productive and more indebted firms. We detect such lending behavior using loan-level supervisory data for the United States. Low-capitalized banks systematically distort firms’ risk assessments to window-dress their balance sheets. To avoid further reductions in their capital ratios, such banks extend relatively more credit to underreported borrowers. We incorporate the theoretical mechanism into a dynamic heterogeneous-firm model to show that evergreening ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2021-012
Rollover risk as market discipline: a two-sided inefficiency
Eisenbach, Thomas M.
Why does the market discipline that financial intermediaries face seem too weak during booms and too strong during crises? This paper shows in a general equilibrium setting that rollover risk as a disciplining device is effective only if all intermediaries face purely idiosyncratic risk. However, if assets are correlated, a two-sided inefficiency arises: Good aggregate states have intermediaries taking excessive risks, while bad aggregate states suffer from costly fire sales. The driving force behind this inefficiency is an amplifying feedback loop between asset values and market discipline. ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 597
Working Paper
Corporate Green Pledges
Bauer, Michael D.; Huber, Daniel; Offner, Eric; Renkel, Marlene; Wilms, Ole
We identify corporate commitments for reductions of greenhouse gas emissions—green pledges—from news articles using a large language model. About 8% of publicly traded U.S. companies have made green pledges, and these companies tend to be larger and browner than those without pledges. Announcements of green pledges significantly and persistently raise stock prices, consistent with reductions in the carbon premium. Firms that make green pledges subsequently reduce their CO2 emissions. Our evidence suggests that green pledges are credible, have material new information for investors, and ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper 2024-36
Working Paper
Endogenous Debt Maturity and Rollover Risk
Brancati, Emanuele; Macchiavelli, Marco
We challenge the common view that short-term debt, by having to be rolled over continuously, is a risk factor that exposes banks to higher default risk. First, we show that the average effect of expiring obligations on default risk is insignificant; it is only when a bank has limited access to new funds that maturing debt has a detrimental impact on default risk. Next, we show that both limited access to new funds and shorter maturities are causally determined by deteriorating market expectations about the bank's future profitability. In other words, short-term debt is not a cause of ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2016-074
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 63 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 36 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2 items
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Finance and Economics Discussion Series 48 items
Working Papers 47 items
Staff Reports 25 items
Working Paper Series 18 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 10 items
Liberty Street Economics 6 items
Economic Policy Review 5 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 5 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 4 items
Policy Hub 4 items
Working Paper 4 items
Current Policy Perspectives 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 3 items
Review 3 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 3 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Policy Discussion Paper Series 2 items
Research Working Paper 2 items
Community Affairs Discussion Paper 1 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 1 items
Economic Review 1 items
Policy Hub* 1 items
Staff Report 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 139 items
Report 29 items
Journal Article 17 items
Discussion Paper 12 items
Newsletter 2 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 12 items
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel 11 items
Paul, Pascal 11 items
Haque, Sharjil M. 10 items
Kozlowski, Julian 10 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 8 items
Bräuning, Falk 8 items
Kleymenova, Anya V. 8 items
Caramp, Nicolas 6 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 6 items
Teeple, Keisuke 6 items
Anadu, Kenechukwu E. 5 items
Canals-Cerda, Jose J. 5 items
Elias, Leonardo 5 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 5 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 5 items
Wall, Larry D. 5 items
Curti, Filippo 4 items
Mehran, Hamid 4 items
Migueis, Marco 4 items
Adrian, Tobias 3 items
Auer, Raphael 3 items
Benzoni, Luca 3 items
Chatterjee, Satyajit 3 items
Correa, Ricardo 3 items
Darst, Matt 3 items
Eyigungor, Burcu 3 items
Fillat, José 3 items
Garlappi, Lorenzo 3 items
Goldstein, Robert S. 3 items
Gordy, Michael B. 3 items
Ippolito, Filippo 3 items
Kovner, Anna 3 items
Krainer, John 3 items
Kruttli, Mathias S. 3 items
McCabe, Patrick E. 3 items
Meisenzahl, Ralf R. 3 items
Osambela, Emilio 3 items
Wang, J. Christina 3 items
Wolken, John D. 3 items
Yang, Jie 3 items
Acharya, Viral V. 2 items
Bidder, Rhys M. 2 items
Black, Lamont K. 2 items
Bohn, James 2 items
Borochin, Paul 2 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 2 items
Crouzet, Nicolas 2 items
Crump, Richard K. 2 items
Ding, Lei 2 items
Ebsim, Mahdi 2 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 2 items
Espino, Emilio 2 items
Falato, Antonio 2 items
Fournier, Anne 2 items
Gamba, Andrea 2 items
Hirtle, Beverly 2 items
Iercosan, Diana A. 2 items
Ivashina, Victoria 2 items
Jacobson, Margaret M. 2 items
Joaquim, Gustavo 2 items
Jordà, Òscar 2 items
Kerr, Sougata 2 items
Kornejew, Martin 2 items
Lee, Hyojung 2 items
Lu, Lina 2 items
McNeil, Alexander J. 2 items
Melcangi, Davide 2 items
Neely, Christopher J. 2 items
Packer, Frank 2 items
Perez, Ander 2 items
Pérez-Orive, Ander 2 items
Polacek, Andy 2 items
Pritsker, Matthew 2 items
Refayet, Ehraz 2 items
Saretto, Alessio 2 items
Sarkar, Asani 2 items
Schularick, Moritz 2 items
Sengupta, Rajdeep 2 items
Shachar, Or 2 items
Siemer, Michael 2 items
Stein, Hillary 2 items
Taylor, Alan M. 2 items
Tracy, Joseph 2 items
Verani, Stéphane 2 items
Ying, Chao 2 items
Zikes, Filip 2 items
Zlate, Andrei 2 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 2 items
von Beschwitz, Bastian 2 items
Abbassi, Puriya 1 items
Adams, Patrick A. 1 items
Ajello, Andrea 1 items
Albertus, James F. 1 items
Altunbas, Yener 1 items
An, Xudong 1 items
Anton, Arturo 1 items
Atkeson, Andrew 1 items
Averell, Vicente García 1 items
Barnes, Michelle L. 1 items
Bassett, William F. 1 items
Bauer, Michael D. 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Berrospide, Jose M. 1 items
Bitler, Marianne 1 items
Bostic, Raphael 1 items
Bostic, Raphael W. 1 items
Brancati, Emanuele 1 items
Branzoli, Nicola 1 items
Breeden, Joseph L. 1 items
Brunnermeier, Markus K. 1 items
Buch, Claudia M. 1 items
Bushman, Robert M. 1 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 1 items
Carey, Mark S. 1 items
Carlson, Mark A. 1 items
Casas, Camila 1 items
Castañon, Calixto López 1 items
Chang, Jin-Wook 1 items
Chelluri, Karna 1 items
Chen, Peter 1 items
Chernobai, Anna 1 items
Claessens, Stijn 1 items
Cole, Rebel A. 1 items
Cole, Shawn 1 items
Cordell, Lawrence R. 1 items
Cornette, Marcia Millon 1 items
Cox, Robert 1 items
D'Amico, Stefania 1 items
D'Avernas, Adrien 1 items
Dam, Kaniska 1 items
Dinlersoz, Emin M. 1 items
Dobridge, Christine L. 1 items
Doniger, Cynthia L. 1 items
Dore, Timothy E. 1 items
Drexler, Alejandro 1 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 1 items
Dufresne, Lora 1 items
Eder, Tiffany 1 items
Eisfeldt, Andrea L. 1 items
Favara, Giovanni 1 items
Floros , Ioannis 1 items
Foley-Fisher, Nathan 1 items
Foos, Daniel 1 items
Friedman, Evan 1 items
Fringuellotti, Fulvia 1 items
Garcia-Marin, Alvaro 1 items
García-Santana, Manuel 1 items
Garratt, Rodney 1 items
Gerardi, Kristopher 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Gine, Xavier 1 items
Gopalan, Radhakrishnan 1 items
Gorg, Holger 1 items
Greenwald, Daniel L. 1 items
Grochulski, Borys 1 items
Hamao, Yasushi 1 items
Harkrader, James Collin 1 items
Henderson, Christopher 1 items
Howells, Conor T. 1 items
Huber, Daniel 1 items
Hugonnier, Julien 1 items
Hyatt, Henry 1 items
Inanoglu, Hulusi 1 items
Ivanov, Ivan T. 1 items
Jackson, William E. 1 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad R. 1 items
Jeenas, Priit 1 items
Jones, John Bailey 1 items
Jung, Hyeyoon 1 items
Justel, Santiago 1 items
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem 1 items
Karabarbounis, Loukas 1 items
Karabarbounis, Marios 1 items
Kay, Benjamin S. 1 items
Kersting, Erasmus K. 1 items
King, Thomas B. 1 items
Kohn, David 1 items
Labonne, Claire 1 items
Lang, William W. 1 items
Larkin, Kieran 1 items
Lazaryan, Nika 1 items
Lee, Seung Jung 1 items
Leibovici, Fernando 1 items
Lester, Rebecca 1 items
Levin-Konigsberg, Gabriel 1 items
Lewis, Rebecca 1 items
Liang, J. Nellie 1 items
Liao, Gordon Y. 1 items
Liebersohn, Jack 1 items
Lopez, Jose A. 1 items
Lowry, Michelle 1 items
Lynch, David 1 items
Macchiavelli, Marco 1 items
Mach, Traci L. 1 items
Macnamara, Patrick 1 items
Manganelli, Simone 1 items
Manuelli, Rodolfo E. 1 items
Marques-Ibanez, David 1 items
Marsh, W. Blake 1 items
Martin, Antoine 1 items
Mayer, Simon 1 items
McPartland, John 1 items
Meleshchuk, Sergii 1 items
Melin, Lionel 1 items
Mihov, Atanas 1 items
Minoiu, Camelia 1 items
Modig, Zach 1 items
Moral-Benito, Enrique 1 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 1 items
Mueller, Philippe 1 items
Muir, Tyler 1 items
Murphy, David 1 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 1 items
Neiman, Brent 1 items
Nesmith, Travis D. 1 items
Nichols, Joseph B. 1 items
O'Loughlin, Caitlin 1 items
Offner, Eric 1 items
Oh, Sangmin 1 items
Ozdagli, Ali 1 items
Pal, Avantika 1 items
Pan, Kevin 1 items
Pancost, N. Aaron 1 items
Panjwani, Ahyan 1 items
Penciakova, Veronika 1 items
Phan, Minh 1 items
Pijoan-Mas, Josep 1 items
Pilloff, Steven J. 1 items
Posenau, Kelly E. 1 items
Prager, Robin A. 1 items
Pratap, Sangeeta 1 items
Puglia, Michael 1 items
Ramcharan, Rodney 1 items
Ranjan, Rajeev 1 items
Renkel, Marlene 1 items
Ritter, Jay 1 items
Robb, Alicia M. 1 items
Rodziewicz, David 1 items
Roman, Raluca A. 1 items
Roszbach, Kasper 1 items
Santucci, Larry 1 items
Schenone, Carola 1 items
Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim 1 items
Sen, Ishita 1 items
Sharma, Krish 1 items
Shin, Chae Hee 1 items
Shin, Chaehee 1 items
Sicilian, Martin 1 items
Smolyansky, Michael 1 items
Sommer, Joseph H. 1 items
Stebunovs, Viktors 1 items
Steigerwald, Robert 1 items
Stewart, Rob T. 1 items
Sundaram, Rangarajan K. 1 items
Szkup, Michal 1 items
Szőke, Bálint 1 items
Tang, Sharon 1 items
Tenekedjieva, Ana-Maria 1 items
Thakor, Anjan V. 1 items
Timmer, Yannick 1 items
Vickery, James 1 items
Villa, Alessandro 1 items
Wang, Jessie Jiaxu 1 items
Wang, Jianlin 1 items
Wang, Teng 1 items
Wei, Chenyang 1 items
Weill, Pierre-Olivier 1 items
Whitten, Andrew 1 items
Williamson, Rohan 1 items
Wilms, Ole 1 items
Wong, Russell 1 items
Woodburn, R. Louise 1 items
Wright, Joshua 1 items
Wu, Xiaopeng 1 items
Yerramilli, Vijay 1 items
Yu, Edison 1 items
Yu, Pei Cheng 1 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 1 items
Zarutskie, Rebecca 1 items
Zimmermann, Tom 1 items
di Giovanni, Julian 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 80 items
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D82 9 items
G00 9 items
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