Search Results
Working Paper
Shadow Bank Runs
Nosal, Ed; Andolfatto, David
Short-term debt is commonly used to fund illiquid assets. A conventional view asserts that such arrangements are run-prone in part because redemptions must be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. This sequential service protocol, however, appears absent in the wholesale banking sector---and yet, shadow banks appear vulnerable to runs. We explain how banking arrangements that fund fixed-cost operations using short-term debt can be run-prone even in the absence of sequential service. Interventions designed to eliminate run risk may or may not improve depositor welfare. We describe how ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2020-012
Working Paper
On the Measurement of Large Financial Firm Resolvability
Jarque, Arantxa; Walter, John R.; Evert, Jackson
We say that a large financial institution is "resolvable" if policymakers would allow it to go through unassisted bankruptcy in the event of failure. The choice between bankruptcy or bailout trades off the higher loss imposed on the economy in a potentially disruptive resolution against the incentive for excessive risk-taking created by an assisted resolution or a bailout. The resolution plans ("living wills") of large financial institutions contain information needed to evaluate this trade-off. In this paper, we propose a tool to complement the living will review process: an impact score ...
Working Paper
, Paper 18-6
Discussion Paper
The Federal Reserve's Liquidity Backstops to the Municipal Bond Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wei, Bin; Yue, Vivian Z.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused tremendous hardship all over the world. In response, the Federal Reserve has moved quickly and aggressively to support the economy in the United States. In this article, we present some initial evidence for the effectiveness of some of the facilities in calming the municipal bond market, particularly the short-term variable-rate demand obligation (VRDO) market. We discuss the important role of liquidity backstops in mitigating runs and stabilizing financial markets in general based on insights from our study on the runs on VRDO and auction-rate securities ...
Policy Hub
, Paper 2020-5
Journal Article
An Empirical Economic Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of Bank Capital in the United States
Firestone, Simon; Ranish, Benjamin; Lorenc, Amy
We evaluate the economic costs and benefits of bank capital in the United States. The analysis is similar to that found in previous studies, though we tailor it to the specific features and experience of the U.S. financial system. We also make adjustments to account for the impact of liquidity- and resolution-related regulations on the probability of a financial crisis. We find that the level of capital that maximizes the difference between total benefits and total costs ranges from just over 13 percent to 26 percent. This range reflects a high degree of uncertainty and latitude in specifying ...
, Volume 101
, Issue 3
Working Paper
Nonbank Lenders as Global Shock Absorbers: Evidence from US Monetary Policy Spillovers
Meisenzahl, Ralf R.; Peydró, José-Luis; Elliott, David
We show that nonbank lenders act as global shock absorbers from US monetary policy spillovers. We exploit loan-level data from the global syndicated lending market and US monetary policy surprises. When US policy tightens, nonbanks increase dollar credit supply to non-US firms (relative to banks), mitigating the dollar credit reduction. This increase is stronger for riskier firms, proxied by emerging market firms, high-yield firms, or firms in countries with stronger capital inflow restrictions. However, firm-lender matching, zombie lending, fragile-nonbank lending, or periods of low vs ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper WP 2023-29
Insurance, Weather, and Financial Stability
Kahn, Charles M.; Panjwani, Ahyan; Santos, João A. C.
In this paper, we introduce a model to study the interaction between insurance and banking. We build on the Federal Crop Insurance Act of 1980, which significantly expanded and restructured the decades-old federal crop insurance program and adverse weather shocks – over-exposure of crops to heat and acute weather events – to investigate some insights from our model. Banks increased lending to the agricultural sector in counties with higher insurance coverage after 1980, even when affected by adverse weather shocks. Further, while they increased risky lending, they were sufficiently ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 1107
Journal Article
Case studies on disruptions during the crisis
Yorulmazer, Tanju
The 2007-09 financial crisis saw many funding mechanisms challenged by a drastic reduction in market liquidity, a sharp increase in the cost of transactions, and, in some cases, a drying-up in financing. This article presents case studies of several key financial markets and intermediaries under significant distress at this time. For each case, the author discusses the size and evolution of the funding mechanism, the sources of the disruptions, and the policy responses aimed at mitigating distress and making markets more liquid. The review serves as a reference on the vulnerabilities of ...
Economic Policy Review
, Issue Feb
, Pages 17-28
Working Paper
High-Yield Debt Covenants and Their Real Effects
Bräuning, Falk; Ivashina, Victoria; Ozdagli, Ali K.
High-yield debt, including leveraged loans, is characterized by incurrence financial covenants, or “cov-lite” provisions. Unlike, traditional, maintenance covenants, incurrence covenants preserve equity control rights but trigger pre-specified restrictions on the borrower’s actions once the covenant threshold is crossed. We show that restricted actions impose significant constraints on investments: Similar to the effects of the shift of control rights to creditors in traditional loans, the drop in investment under incurrence covenants is large and sudden. This evidence suggests a new ...
Working Papers
, Paper 22-5
Journal Article
Bank Profitability Rebounds despite Compressed Interest Margins
Sengupta, Rajdeep; Byrdak, Adam
While traditional sources of U.S. bank revenues have struggled during the pandemic, overall bank profitability has soared. This unusual deviation is largely explained by a substantial decline in banks’ loan loss provisions. Extraordinary policy measures undertaken by the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury aided a rebound in financial market conditions and, in turn, reduced projected loan losses. However, this effect is likely to be transitory, suggesting an uncertain future for bank profitability.
Economic Bulletin
, Issue November 17, 2021
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 345 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 246 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 129 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 66 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 60 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 47 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 43 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 39 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 31 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 28 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 18 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 10 items
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Working Papers 255 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 238 items
Staff Reports 151 items
Liberty Street Economics 59 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 56 items
Working Paper Series 52 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 51 items
Research Working Paper 37 items
Economic Policy Review 32 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 32 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 25 items
Working Paper 18 items
Economic Review 13 items
Policy Hub 12 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 10 items
Current Policy Perspectives 10 items
Review 10 items
Economic Bulletin 8 items
Payments System Research Briefing 7 items
Chicago Fed Letter 6 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 6 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 6 items
Speech 4 items
Community Affairs Discussion Paper 3 items
Staff Report 3 items
Financial Insights 2 items
Policy Hub* 2 items
Research Data Report 2 items
Center for Indian Country Development series 1 items
Consumer Finance Institute conference summaries 1 items
FRB Atlanta Community and Economic Development Discussion Paper 1 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 1 items
Policy Discussion Paper Series 1 items
Policy Perspectives 1 items
Public Policy Brief 1 items
Southwest Economy 1 items
show more (31)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 722 items
Report 167 items
Journal Article 131 items
Discussion Paper 79 items
Briefing 9 items
Newsletter 6 items
Speech 4 items
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Jagtiani, Julapa 26 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 24 items
Vickery, James 24 items
Carlson, Mark A. 23 items
Correa, Ricardo 23 items
Fuster, Andreas 23 items
Kovner, Anna 23 items
Frame, W. Scott 22 items
Willen, Paul S. 22 items
Wheelock, David C. 21 items
Lambie-Hanson, Lauren 20 items
Canner, Glenn B. 18 items
Minoiu, Camelia 18 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 18 items
Bräuning, Falk 17 items
Niepmann, Friederike 16 items
Plosser, Matthew 16 items
Sarkar, Asani 16 items
Calem, Paul S. 15 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 15 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 15 items
Hirtle, Beverly 15 items
Lee, Seung Jung 15 items
Berger, Allen N. 14 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 14 items
Glancy, David P. 14 items
Morgan, Donald P. 14 items
Sengupta, Rajdeep 14 items
Avery, Robert B. 13 items
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel 13 items
Martin, Antoine 13 items
Paul, Pascal 13 items
Roman, Raluca 13 items
Crosignani, Matteo 12 items
Hayashi, Fumiko 12 items
Hizmo, Aurel 12 items
Kurtzman, Robert J. 12 items
Bhutta, Neil 11 items
Marsh, W. Blake 11 items
Sanches, Daniel R. 11 items
Tracy, Joseph 11 items
di Giovanni, Julian 11 items
Acharya, Viral V. 10 items
Blickle, Kristian S. 10 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 10 items
Loewenstein, Lara 10 items
Passmore, Wayne 10 items
Ringo, Daniel R. 10 items
Stavins, Joanna 10 items
Temesvary, Judit 10 items
Vojtech, Cindy M. 10 items
Wall, Larry D. 10 items
Andolfatto, David 9 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 9 items
Brevoort, Kenneth P. 9 items
Carapella, Francesca 9 items
Koch, Christoffer 9 items
Luck, Stephan 9 items
Mather, Ryan 9 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 9 items
Santos, João A. C. 9 items
Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim 9 items
Vardoulakis, Alexandros 9 items
Zarutskie, Rebecca 9 items
Bassett, William F. 8 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 8 items
Chang, Jin-Wook 8 items
Cipriani, Marco 8 items
Craig, Ben R. 8 items
Ding, Lei 8 items
Grundl, Serafin J. 8 items
Jaremski, Matthew 8 items
Kim, You Suk 8 items
Liu, Haoyang 8 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 8 items
Nosal, Ed 8 items
Sharma, Padma 8 items
Stiroh, Kevin J. 8 items
Afonso, Gara M. 7 items
Agarwal, Sumit 7 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 7 items
Copeland, Adam 7 items
Garriga, Carlos 7 items
Gramlich, Jacob P. 7 items
Lee, Donghoon 7 items
Lubis, Arazi 7 items
Meisenzahl, Ralf R. 7 items
Schweitzer, Mark E. 7 items
Abbassi, Puriya 6 items
Adrian, Tobias 6 items
Anbil, Sriya 6 items
Bostic, Raphael W. 6 items
Buch, Claudia M. 6 items
Canals-Cerda, Jose J. 6 items
Cordell, Lawrence R. 6 items
Curti, Filippo 6 items
Hannon, Simona 6 items
Infante, Sebastian 6 items
Krainer, John 6 items
Lucca, David O. 6 items
McAndrews, James J. 6 items
Mehran, Hamid 6 items
Migueis, Marco 6 items
Ongena, Steven 6 items
Rose, Jonathan D. 6 items
Sapriza, Horacio 6 items
Shy, Oz 6 items
Weill, Pierre-Olivier 6 items
Yankov, Vladimir 6 items
Afonso, Gara 5 items
An, Xudong 5 items
Anderson, Haelim 5 items
Choi, Dong Beom 5 items
Conklin, James 5 items
D'Erasmo, Pablo 5 items
Fringuellotti, Fulvia 5 items
Gerardi, Kristopher 5 items
Greene, Claire 5 items
Hale, Galina 5 items
Justiniano, Alejandro 5 items
Kandrac, John 5 items
King, Thomas B. 5 items
Lee, Michael Junho 5 items
Leistra, Melissa 5 items
Lemieux, Catharine 5 items
Lester, Benjamin 5 items
Macchiavelli, Marco 5 items
Maingi, Ramain Quinn 5 items
Mihov, Atanas 5 items
Nelson, William R. 5 items
Nichols, Joseph B. 5 items
Peek, Joe 5 items
Peydró, José-Luis 5 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 5 items
Primiceri, Giorgio E. 5 items
Richardson, Gary 5 items
Saidi, Farzad 5 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 5 items
Shachar, Or 5 items
Soto, Paul E. 5 items
Stebunovs, Viktors 5 items
Tambalotti, Andrea 5 items
Van den Heuvel, Skander J. 5 items
Wix, Carlo 5 items
Allen, Franklin 4 items
Arseneau, David M. 4 items
Balasubramanyan, Lakshmi 4 items
Baughman, Garth 4 items
Berrospide, Jose M. 4 items
Chen, Mary 4 items
Corbae, Dean 4 items
Correia, Sergio A. 4 items
Duca, John V. 4 items
Durkin, Thomas A. 4 items
Ennis, Huberto M. 4 items
Fillat, José 4 items
Firestone, Simon 4 items
Foote, Christopher L. 4 items
Godin, Nathan Y. 4 items
Gupta, Arun 4 items
Hartley, Daniel 4 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 4 items
Hiti, Martin 4 items
Hughes, Joseph P. 4 items
Ivashina, Victoria 4 items
Iyer, Rajkamal 4 items
Jacewitz, Stefan 4 items
Jain, Anil K. 4 items
Jordà, Òscar 4 items
Kara, Gazi I. 4 items
Klee, Elizabeth C. 4 items
Kleymenova, Anya V. 4 items
Kramer, Claire 4 items
Kydland, Finn E. 4 items
Lang, William W. 4 items
Maniff, Jesse Leigh 4 items
Mayer, Erik J. 4 items
Neuhann, Daniel 4 items
Owen, Ann L. 4 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 4 items
Pence, Karen M. 4 items
Ritter, Dubravka 4 items
Santucci, Larry 4 items
Scharlemann, Tess C. 4 items
Schlusche, Bernd 4 items
Schularick, Moritz 4 items
Siedlarek, Jan-Peter 4 items
Silva, André F. 4 items
Taylor, Alan M. 4 items
Tuckman, Bruce 4 items
Ulate, Mauricio 4 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 4 items
Wang, J. Christina 4 items
Wei, Andrew 4 items
Wei, Bin 4 items
Weinbach, Gretchen C. 4 items
Wilson, Paul W. 4 items
Yorulmazer, Tanju 4 items
Zikes, Filip 4 items
Zlate, Andrei 4 items
von Hafften, Alexander H. 4 items
Šustek, Roman 4 items
Adelino, Manuel 3 items
Amromin, Gene 3 items
Anderson, Alyssa G. 3 items
Armantier, Olivier 3 items
Black, Lamont K. 3 items
Bordo, Michael D. 3 items
Bradbury, Katharine L. 3 items
Burke, Mary A. 3 items
Caglio, Cecilia R. 3 items
Carey, Mark S. 3 items
Carletti, Elena 3 items
Choudhary, M. Ali 3 items
Cortes, Kristle Romero 3 items
Dam, Kaniska 3 items
Dempsey, Kyle 3 items
Drozd, Lukasz A. 3 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 3 items
Eisert, Tim 3 items
Elias, Leonardo 3 items
Elliehausen, Gregory E. 3 items
Fecht, Falko 3 items
Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús 3 items
Fillat, Jose 3 items
Flagg, Jessica N. 3 items
Giannone, Domenico 3 items
Hamerling, Sarah Ngo 3 items
Hanes, Christopher 3 items
Hedlund, Aaron 3 items
Horvath, Akos 3 items
Hugonnier, Julien 3 items
Huh, Yesol 3 items
Ivanov, Ivan T. 3 items
Joaquim, Gustavo 3 items
Kaplan, Nathan 3 items
Kwan, Simon H. 3 items
La Spada, Gabriele 3 items
Li, Wenli 3 items
Liu, Zheng 3 items
Lo, Stephanie 3 items
Lorenc, Amy 3 items
Lu, Lina 3 items
Mason, Joseph R. 3 items
McCabe, Patrick E. 3 items
Mester, Loretta J. 3 items
Meyer, Brent 3 items
Mikhed, Vyacheslav 3 items
Morais, Bernardo 3 items
Natalucci, Fabio M. 3 items
Nesmith, Travis D. 3 items
Paulson, Anna L. 3 items
Pennacchi, George 3 items
Peydro, Jose Luis 3 items
Pogach, Jonathan 3 items
Presbitero, Andrea F. 3 items
Prono, Todd 3 items
Ranish, Benjamin 3 items
Reid, Carolina 3 items
Ruiz-Ortega, Claudia 3 items
Schoar, Antoinette 3 items
Scholnick, Barry 3 items
Seay, Matthew P. 3 items
Serrano-Padial, Ricardo 3 items
Sherlund, Shane M. 3 items
Sicilian, Martin 3 items
Siemer, Michael 3 items
Skeie, David R. 3 items
Song, Zhaogang 3 items
Spagnolo, Giancarlo 3 items
Steiner, Eva 3 items
Strahan, Philip E. 3 items
Sultanum, Bruno 3 items
Takats, Elod 3 items
Timmer, Yannick 3 items
Toh, Ying Lei 3 items
Traina, James 3 items
Triest, Robert K. 3 items
Walter, John R. 3 items
Wang, Teng 3 items
Yue, Vivian Z. 3 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 3 items
Zha, Tao 3 items
Zhang, David Hao 3 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 3 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 3 items
Adams, Robert M. 2 items
Ahnert, Toni 2 items
Altinoglu, Levent 2 items
Amador, Manuel 2 items
Amiti, Mary 2 items
Amornsiripanitch, Natee 2 items
Balla, Eliana 2 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 2 items
Barkely, Brett 2 items
Barkley, Brett 2 items
Battisto, Jessica 2 items
Berg, Jesper 2 items
Berlin, Mitchell 2 items
Bhat, Gauri 2 items
Bianchi, Javier 2 items
Bidder, Rhys M. 2 items
Biswas, Siddhartha 2 items
Bradford, Terri 2 items
Brady, Thomas F. 2 items
Brancati, Emanuele 2 items
Brown, James R. 2 items
Brunetti, Celso 2 items
Brunnermeier, Markus K. 2 items
Bushman, Robert M. 2 items
Bussiere, Matthieu 2 items
Chen, Kaiji 2 items
Chen, Qian 2 items
Chernenko, Sergey V. 2 items
Cohen, Gregory J. 2 items
Coibion, Olivier 2 items
Conway, Jacob 2 items
Cookson, J Anthony 2 items
Cooper, Daniel H. 2 items
Cornette, Marcia Millon 2 items
Cowhey, Maureen 2 items
Crouzet, Nicolas 2 items
Dahlgren, Sarah J. 2 items
Darolia, Rajeev 2 items
Darst, Matt 2 items
Degerli, Ahmet 2 items
Desai, Hemang 2 items
Dinopoulos , Elias 2 items
Dlugosz, Jennifer L. 2 items
Doerr, Sebastian 2 items
Dou, Yiwei 2 items
Driscoll, John C. 2 items
Duffie, Darrell 2 items
Dynan, Karen E. 2 items
Elul, Ronel 2 items
English, William B. 2 items
Eufinger, Christian 2 items
Falato, Antonio 2 items
Fang, Hanming 2 items
Felt, Marie-Hélène 2 items
Finkelstein, David 2 items
Fischl-Lanzoni, Natalia 2 items
Fonseca, Luis 2 items
Friedrichs, Melanie 2 items
Frost, Josh 2 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 2 items
Gambacorta, Leonardo 2 items
Gerdes, Geoffrey R. 2 items
Gerszten, Jacob 2 items
Ghysels, Eric 2 items
Glaser, Jack 2 items
Goldstein, Itay 2 items
Gordy, Michael B. 2 items
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy 2 items
Greenwald, Emily 2 items
Guerrieri, Luca 2 items
Gupta, Kamran 2 items
Guttman-Kenney, Benedict 2 items
Hannan, Timothy H. 2 items
Hayes, William 2 items
Healy, Christopher 2 items
Heimer, Rawley 2 items
Holcomb, Michael R. 2 items
Hossain, Mallick 2 items
Houpt, James V. 2 items
Hu, Luojia 2 items
Huang, Xing 2 items
Hubrich, Kirstin 2 items
Iercosan, Diana A. 2 items
Ihrig, Jane E. 2 items
Ionescu, Felicia 2 items
Ippolito, Filippo 2 items
Irani, Rustom M. 2 items
Jacobides, Michael G. 2 items
Jacobson, Margaret M. 2 items
Jarque, Arantxa 2 items
Johnson, Kathleen W. 2 items
Kahn, Charles M. 2 items
Kapan, Tumer 2 items
Kargar, Mahyar 2 items
Kay, Benjamin S. 2 items
Keister, Todd 2 items
Kerl, Cornelia 2 items
Kiernan, Kevin F. 2 items
Kim, Edward 2 items
Kim, Sehwa 2 items
Kim, Seil 2 items
Koby, Yann 2 items
Koepke, Matthew 2 items
Kotidis, Antonis 2 items
Kroen, Thomas 2 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 2 items
Kuethe, Todd 2 items
Labonne, Claire 2 items
Lagos, Ricardo 2 items
Lambie-Hanson, Timothy 2 items
Landoni, Mattia 2 items
Lang, David 2 items
Laufer, Steven 2 items
Lazaryan, Nika 2 items
Le, Hanh 2 items
Lebeau, Lucie 2 items
Lee, Hyojung 2 items
Lewis, Kurt F. 2 items
Li, Geng 2 items
Li, Rongchen 2 items
Li, Wei 2 items
Li, Xiaoming 2 items
Lloro, Alicia 2 items
Logan, Lorie 2 items
Lopez, Jose A. 2 items
Mahar, Molly 2 items
Manuszak, Mark D. 2 items
Marques-Ibanez, David 2 items
Martin, Fernando M. 2 items
McLaughlin, Susan 2 items
McLemore, Ping 2 items
McNeil, Alexander J. 2 items
Melzer, Brian T. 2 items
Mikhed, Slava 2 items
Mislang, Nathan 2 items
Modugno, Michele 2 items
Mondragon, John 2 items
Monnet, Cyril 2 items
Moon, Choon-Geol 2 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 2 items
Murphy, Anthony 2 items
Nielsen, Morten Bækmand 2 items
O'Hara, Maureen 2 items
Oppedahl, David B. 2 items
Palmer, David E. 2 items
Panjwani, Ahyan 2 items
Parker, Dean 2 items
Paterlini, Sandra 2 items
Pattison, Nathaniel 2 items
Peng, Yuchao 2 items
Perez, Ander 2 items
Perez-Sangimino, JP 2 items
Peristiani, Stavros 2 items
Perli, Roberto 2 items
Pierri, Nicola 2 items
Popeck Spiller, Thomas 2 items
Prazad, Saketh 2 items
Qiu, Buhui 2 items
Raina, Sahil 2 items
Rappaport, Jordan 2 items
Rappoport, David E. 2 items
Remache, Julie 2 items
Rice, Tara N. 2 items
Riordan, Will 2 items
Roman, Raluca A. 2 items
Ronen, Joshua 2 items
Sagi, Jacob 2 items
Sarama, Robert F. 2 items
Saunders, Anthony 2 items
Scally, Joelle 2 items
Scharfstein, David 2 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 2 items
Scott, Francisco 2 items
Scotti, Chiara 2 items
Seru, Amit 2 items
Shaton, Maya 2 items
Shen, Leslie Sheng 2 items
Shin, Hyun Song 2 items
Simonov, Andrei 2 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 2 items
Stein, Hillary 2 items
Stenbacka, Rune 2 items
Stern, Samuel 2 items
Stewart, Rob T. 2 items
Strzodka, Andreas 2 items
Styczynski, Mary-Frances 2 items
Swem, Nathan 2 items
Takhtamanova, Yelena 2 items
Thakor, Anjan V. 2 items
Tomy, Rimmy E. 2 items
Tzur-Ilan, Nitzan 2 items
Unal, Haluk 2 items
Unel, Bulent 2 items
Uysal, Pinar 2 items
Van Tassel, Peter 2 items
Verner, Emil 2 items
Volker, Desi 2 items
Waggoner, Daniel F. 2 items
Walton, Jack K. 2 items
Wang, Jenna 2 items
Weinstein, David E. 2 items
Welte, Angelika 2 items
Werman, Aurite 2 items
Willis, Jonathan L. 2 items
Wright, Joshua 2 items
Wu, Chengjun 2 items
Xu, Zhiwei 2 items
Younger, Josh 2 items
Yu, Edison 2 items
Zhang, Man 2 items
Zhang, Xiaohan 2 items
Zimmermann, Tom 2 items
Zink, David 2 items
Aaronson, Daniel 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G28 351 items
G01 151 items
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G23 133 items
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E52 86 items
G32 79 items
G18 68 items
D14 57 items
G12 51 items
E32 47 items
E42 43 items
E43 43 items
G20 43 items
E51 42 items
G34 36 items
N22 34 items
F34 33 items
D12 32 items
E21 32 items
G51 31 items
R31 30 items
G11 29 items
G15 29 items
G38 25 items
E60 23 items
G33 22 items
D82 21 items
F42 21 items
G10 20 items
J15 20 items
L25 20 items
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G2 19 items
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Q54 18 items
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D18 16 items
L11 16 items
R30 14 items
R38 14 items
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R33 13 items
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N21 12 items
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L21 11 items
M41 11 items
G30 10 items
L14 10 items
O16 10 items
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H63 9 items
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L85 8 items
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R3 8 items
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C81 7 items
D53 7 items
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G35 7 items
H81 7 items
L13 7 items
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D86 6 items
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C44 1 items
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C9 1 items
C93 1 items
D01 1 items
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D23 1 items
D30 1 items
D4 1 items
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D52 1 items
D8 1 items
E00 1 items
E03 1 items
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E25 1 items
E49 1 items
E53 1 items
E6 1 items
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E62 1 items
F10 1 items
F14 1 items
F16 1 items
F22 1 items
F37 1 items
F38 1 items
F4 1 items
G39 1 items
G52 1 items
H11 1 items
H24 1 items
H3 1 items
H30 1 items
H32 1 items
H72 1 items
H74 1 items
H75 1 items
I18 1 items
I30 1 items
J01 1 items
J1 1 items
J12 1 items
J2 1 items
J21 1 items
J30 1 items
J44 1 items
J65 1 items
J7 1 items
J71 1 items
K11 1 items
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K23 1 items
K38 1 items
K40 1 items
L15 1 items
L2 1 items
L23 1 items
L33 1 items
L49 1 items
L50 1 items
L62 1 items
L84 1 items
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M37 1 items
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O55 1 items
P48 1 items
Q15 1 items
Q5 1 items
Q50 1 items
Q56 1 items
R2 1 items
Z1 1 items
show more (294)
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FILTER BY Keywords
banks 69 items
monetary policy 56 items
mortgage 49 items
Banking 48 items
financial crisis 47 items
Mortgages 46 items
Bank lending 43 items
financial stability 42 items
Regulation 41 items
COVID-19 39 items
systemic risk 36 items
liquidity 33 items
fintech 29 items
Bank loans 28 items
credit supply 25 items
bank runs 24 items
bank regulation 23 items
credit cards 23 items
financial crises 21 items
Federal Reserve 20 items
Stress tests 20 items
Consumer credit 20 items
Risk management 20 items
Banks and banking 17 items
bank capital 17 items
inequality 17 items
payments 17 items
Interest rates 16 items
Mortgage lending 16 items
securitization 16 items
Bankruptcy 15 items
Commercial real estate 15 items
Consumption 15 items
Foreclosure 15 items
Trade finance 15 items
financial intermediation 15 items
global banks 15 items
Climate change 14 items
bank supervision 14 items
small business lending 14 items
Discrimination 13 items
Housing 13 items
Bank risk 13 items
Household finance 13 items
Bank profits 12 items
Great Recession 12 items
Macroprudential policy 12 items
Bank failures 12 items
nonbanks 11 items
Delinquency 11 items
contagion 11 items
heterogeneity 11 items
Bank assets 10 items
home equity 10 items
Financial institutions 10 items
Risk 10 items
Stablecoins 10 items
Unbanked 10 items
banking panics 10 items
interbank markets 10 items
misallocation 10 items
capital requirements 10 items
shadow banking 9 items
Credit 9 items
Financial Distress 9 items
corporate governance 9 items
evergreening 9 items
financial inclusion 9 items
leverage 9 items
mortgage finance 9 items
too big to fail 9 items
Discount window 8 items
Federal Reserve System 8 items
Funding for lending 8 items
Global value chains 8 items
Great Depression 8 items
Trade uncertainty 8 items
Trade war 8 items
money market funds 8 items
mortgage defaults 8 items
mortgage refinancing 8 items
zombie firms 8 items
Default 8 items
Homeownership 8 items
Operational Risk 8 items
Stress testing 8 items
Supervision 8 items
credit constraints 8 items
employment 8 items
relationship lending 8 items
bank credit 8 items
credit scores 8 items
Fair lending 7 items
Monetary policy tools 7 items
climate risk 7 items
deposit insurance 7 items
household finances 7 items
intermediation 7 items
international banking 7 items
market discipline 7 items
monetary policy transmission 7 items
Bank Profitability 7 items
Bank competition 7 items
Central Bank Digital Currency 7 items
Mortgage loans 7 items
Unconventional Monetary Policy 7 items
bailout 7 items
business cycles 7 items
Basel III 6 items
CARES Act 6 items
CBDC 6 items
Community Reinvestment Act 6 items
Fannie Mae 6 items
Freddie Mac 6 items
bank run 6 items
financial regulations 6 items
liquidity regulations 6 items
liquidity risk 6 items
mortgage repayment 6 items
racial inequality 6 items
small business 6 items
syndicated loans 6 items
zombie lending 6 items
Common ownership 6 items
Community banks 6 items
Credit Card Debt 6 items
Credit risk 6 items
Mortgage Default 6 items
Pandemic 6 items
Quantitative Easing 6 items
Recession 6 items
Risk taking 6 items
bank holding companies 6 items
digital currencies 6 items
Bank deregulation 5 items
Central bank liabilities 5 items
Credit score 5 items
GSE 5 items
GSEs 5 items
LTV 5 items
MBS 5 items
Mortgages and credit 5 items
Paycheck Protection Program 5 items
Runs 5 items
Welfare 5 items
alternative data 5 items
bank closures 5 items
capital regulations 5 items
cost of capital 5 items
credit access 5 items
deposits 5 items
diversification 5 items
house prices 5 items
housing boom 5 items
loan sales 5 items
marketplace lending 5 items
networks 5 items
racial disparities 5 items
regulatory arbitrage 5 items
subprime 5 items
Central banking 5 items
community banking 5 items
cross-border banking 5 items
Appraisal 4 items
Automated underwriting 4 items
Bailouts 4 items
Bank mergers 4 items
CARD Act 4 items
Collateral 4 items
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 4 items
Credit Card 4 items
Federal Reserve lending facilities 4 items
Geography 4 items
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 4 items
Home ownership 4 items
Industrial organization of financial markets 4 items
Lender of Last Resort 4 items
Lending standards 4 items
Loan liquidity 4 items
Main Street Lending Program 4 items
Non-bank lending 4 items
Panic of 1907 4 items
Personal loans 4 items
QE 4 items
TARP 4 items
TBA 4 items
asymmetric information 4 items
corporate bonds 4 items
credit risks 4 items
debt 4 items
fed funds 4 items
federal funds 4 items
federal funds rates 4 items
fire sales 4 items
foreclosures 4 items
global games 4 items
government-sponsored enterprises 4 items
household debt 4 items
housing finance 4 items
letters of credit 4 items
money markets 4 items
racial equity 4 items
shocks transmission 4 items
spillovers 4 items
Access to Credit 4 items
Financial Regulation 4 items
Asset quality review 3 items
Banking Regulation 3 items
Banking panic 3 items
CECL 3 items
COVID-19 pandemic 3 items
Capital 3 items
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) 3 items
Competition 3 items
Consumer behavior 3 items
Convenience yields 3 items
Corporate debt 3 items
Corporate real effects from bank credit 3 items
Costs of safe assets 3 items
Disclosure 3 items
Electronic funds transfers 3 items
Emerging markets 3 items
Eurodollars 3 items
FDIC 3 items
Federal Housing Administration 3 items
Fedwire 3 items
Financial constraints 3 items
Information 3 items
Installment loans 3 items
Institutional investors 3 items
Liquidity requirements 3 items
Natural language processing 3 items
Over-the-counter markets 3 items
P2P lending 3 items
PPP 3 items
PPPLF 3 items
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) 3 items
Payment systems 3 items
Procyclicality 3 items
Real Effects 3 items
Redlining 3 items
Rewards 3 items
Risk-masking 3 items
SME lending 3 items
Savings and loans crisis 3 items
Sufficient statistics 3 items
Treasury 3 items
United States 3 items
allowances 3 items
antitrust 3 items
auto loans 3 items
bank performance 3 items
contracts 3 items
cov-lite 3 items
covered bonds 3 items
credit boom 3 items
credit crunch 3 items
credit cycles 3 items
credit lines 3 items
credit performance 3 items
crisis 3 items
cryptocurrencies 3 items
deferred cash compensation 3 items
deposit rates 3 items
excess reserves 3 items
federal funds market 3 items
financial fragility 3 items
financial history 3 items
financial innovations 3 items
financial networks 3 items
financial shocks 3 items
financial vulnerabilities 3 items
first-time home buyers 3 items
forbearance 3 items
government intervention 3 items
housing prices 3 items
insurance 3 items
interbank network 3 items
interbank networks 3 items
intermediated credit 3 items
lending 3 items
lending club 3 items
liquidity backstops 3 items
macroprudential regulations 3 items
market power 3 items
merger control 3 items
mergers and acquisitions 3 items
money 3 items
money multiplier 3 items
monitoring 3 items
moral hazard 3 items
mortgage servicing 3 items
multinational banks 3 items
natural disasters 3 items
negative equity 3 items
net interest margins 3 items
non-bank financial intermediaries 3 items
overnight RRP 3 items
peer-to-peer lending 3 items
prepayment 3 items
private information 3 items
reaching for yield 3 items
real estate 3 items
refinancing 3 items
reserve demand 3 items
reserve requirements 3 items
reserves 3 items
residential mortgages 3 items
risk exposures 3 items
risk-taking 3 items
search frictions 3 items
securities 3 items
shadow banks 3 items
small business credit access 3 items
sticky prices 3 items
stigma 3 items
technological change 3 items
unemployment 3 items
value at risk 3 items
wholesale funding 3 items
wildfires 3 items
Adverse selection 2 items
Agency MBS 2 items
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses 2 items
Audit Engagement 2 items
Audit Partner Names 2 items
BAPCPA 2 items
Backtesting 2 items
Bank balance sheet liquidity 2 items
Bank equity 2 items
Bank examination reports 2 items
Bank lending channel 2 items
Bank resolution 2 items
Bank risk management 2 items
Bank size 2 items
Bank trading 2 items
Banking conditions 2 items
Banking crises 2 items
Banking industry 2 items
Banking organizations 2 items
Banking structure 2 items
Banks and banking - Service charges 2 items
Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions 2 items
Basel capital ratios 2 items
Bayesian inference 2 items
Benchmarking 2 items
Branch 2 items
CAMELS 2 items
CCAR 2 items
CCPs 2 items
CDS spreads 2 items
COFI 2 items
COVID-19 shock 2 items
Central counterparties 2 items
China 2 items
Collateral channel 2 items
Commercial banks 2 items
Commercial loans 2 items
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), House prices 2 items
Construction 2 items
Consumer protection 2 items
Cost of funds 2 items
Counterparty risk 2 items
Credit default swaps 2 items
Credit easing 2 items
Credit markets 2 items
Credit rationing 2 items
Credit scoring 2 items
Cross-border claims 2 items
Cross-border exposure 2 items
Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) 2 items
DeFi 2 items
Denmark 2 items
Depository institutions 2 items
Dodd-Frank 2 items
Early warning system 2 items
Enforcement actions 2 items
FHA 2 items
FHA mortgages 2 items
Federal Reserve facilities 2 items
Federal Savings and Loans Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) 2 items
FinTech Lending 2 items
Financial Economics 2 items
Financial Stability Board 2 items
Financial sophistication 2 items
Financial systems 2 items
Firm Investment 2 items
show more (495)
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