Search Results
Discussion Paper
The Federal Reserve's Liquidity Backstops to the Municipal Bond Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wei, Bin; Yue, Vivian Z.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused tremendous hardship all over the world. In response, the Federal Reserve has moved quickly and aggressively to support the economy in the United States. In this article, we present some initial evidence for the effectiveness of some of the facilities in calming the municipal bond market, particularly the short-term variable-rate demand obligation (VRDO) market. We discuss the important role of liquidity backstops in mitigating runs and stabilizing financial markets in general based on insights from our study on the runs on VRDO and auction-rate securities ...
Policy Hub
, Paper 2020-5
Runs and Flights to Safety: Are Stablecoins the New Money Market Funds?
Macchiavelli, Marco; Eisenbach, Thomas M.; Anadu, Kenechukwu E.; Cipriani, Marco; La Spada, Gabriele; Wang, J. Christina; Huang, Catherine; Malfroy-Camine, Antoine; Azar, Pablo D.; Landoni, Mattia
Similar to the more traditional money market funds (MMFs), stablecoins aim to provide investors with safe, money-like assets. We investigate similarities and differences between these two investment products. Like MMFs, stablecoins suffer from “flight-to-safety” dynamics: we document net flows from riskier to safer stablecoins on days of crypto-market stress and estimate a discrete “break-the-buck” threshold of $1, below which stablecoin redemptions accelerate. We then focus on two specific stablecoin runs, in 2022 and 2023, showing that the same flight-to-safety dynamics also ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 1073
Journal Article
Understanding the Recent Rise in Municipal Bond Yields
Gulati, Chaitri; Dice, Jacob; Bi, Huixin; Marsh, W. Blake
In late March, investors sold off municipal bonds at a rapid pace, depressing municipal bond prices and driving up their yields relative to U.S. Treasuries. We find that this initial investor run on the municipal bond market was likely due to increased liquidity demand rather than credit concerns, making the Federal Reserve’s early actions to relieve liquidity stress effective. Going forward, however, municipal bond prices will likely reflect increased credit concerns.
Economic Bulletin
, Issue May 27, 2020
, Pages 4
Journal Article
The economics of small open economies
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo
In recent years, the threat of sovereign debt crises has led investors to demand higher yields on bonds issued by heavily indebted developed countries such as Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal. Pablo Guerron-Quintana explains why small open economies in both the developed and developing worlds share certain funding constraints and considers what lessons developed economies may draw from the experiences of their developing counterparts.
Business Review
, Issue Q4
, Pages 9-18
Working Paper
Collateralized Debt Networks with Lender Default
Chang, Jin-Wook
The Lehman Brothers' 2008 bankruptcy spread losses to its counterparties even when Lehman was a lender of cash, because collateral for that lending was tied up in the bankruptcy process. I study the implications of such lender default using a general equilibrium network model featuring endogenous leverage, endogenous asset prices, and endogenous network formation. The multiplex graph model has two channels of contagion: a counterparty channel of contagion and a price channel of contagion through endogenous collateral price. Borrowers diversify their lenders because of the counterparty risk, ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2019-083
Working Paper
Relationship lending in the interbank market and the price of liquidity
Bräuning, Falk; Fecht, Falko
We empirically investigate the effect that relationship lending has on the availability and pricing of interbank liquidity. Our analysis is based on a daily panel of unsecured overnight loans between 1,079 distinct German bank pairs from March 2006 to November 2007, a period that includes the 2007 liquidity crisis that marked the beginning of the 2007/08 global financial crisis. We find that (i) relationship lenders are more likely to provide liquidity to their closest borrowers, (ii) particularly opaque borrowers obtain liquidity at lower rates when borrowing from their relationship lenders, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 16-7
Working Paper
Interconnectedness in the Corporate Bond Market
Brunetti, Celso; Carl, Matthew; Gerszten, Jacob; Scotti, Chiara; Shin, Chaehee
Does interconnectedness improve market quality? Yes.We develop an alternative network structure, the assets network: assets are connected if they are held by the same investors. We use several large datasets to build the assets network for the corporate bond market. Through careful identification strategies based on the COVID-19 shock and “fallen angels,” we find that interconnectedness improves market quality especially during stress periods. Our findings contribute to the debate on the role of interconnectedness in financial markets and show that highly interconnected corporate bonds ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2024-066
Journal Article
Challenges in identifying interbank loans
Copeland, Adam; Armantier, Olivier
Although interbank lending markets play a key role in the financial system, the lack of disaggregated data often makes the analysis of these markets difficult. To address this problem, recent academic papers focusing on unsecured loans of central bank reserves have employed an algorithm in an effort to identify individual transactions that are federal funds loans. The accuracy of the algorithm, however, is not known. The authors of this study conduct a formal test with U.S. data and find that the rate of false positives produced by one of these algorithms is on average 81 percent; the rate of ...
Economic Policy Review
, Issue 21-1
, Pages 1-17
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 83 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 43 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 1 items
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Finance and Economics Discussion Series 73 items
Staff Reports 33 items
Working Papers 13 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 10 items
Working Paper Series 8 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 7 items
Economic Policy Review 6 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 3 items
Policy Hub 3 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 3 items
Economic Bulletin 2 items
Liberty Street Economics 2 items
Speech 2 items
Business Review 1 items
Current Policy Perspectives 1 items
Macro Bulletin 1 items
Review 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 119 items
Report 34 items
Journal Article 13 items
Discussion Paper 3 items
Speech 2 items
Brunetti, Celso 11 items
Haque, Sharjil M. 9 items
Anadu, Kenechukwu E. 8 items
Joëts, Marc 8 items
Kleymenova, Anya V. 8 items
Mignon, Valérie 8 items
Adrian, Tobias 6 items
Cipriani, Marco 6 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 6 items
La Spada, Gabriele 6 items
Azar, Pablo D. 5 items
Chen, Andrew Y. 5 items
Dennis, Benjamin 5 items
Durham, J. Benson 5 items
Huang, Catherine 5 items
Huh, Yesol 5 items
Landoni, Mattia 5 items
Macchiavelli, Marco 5 items
Malfroy-Camine, Antoine 5 items
Sarkar, Asani 5 items
Smolyansky, Michael 5 items
Vickery, James 5 items
Wang, J. Christina 5 items
Benzoni, Luca 4 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 4 items
Londono, Juan M. 4 items
Samadi, Mehrdad 4 items
Vega, Clara 4 items
Wei, Bin 4 items
Afonso, Gara M. 3 items
Bräuning, Falk 3 items
Carapella, Francesca 3 items
Copeland, Adam 3 items
Crump, Richard K. 3 items
Fuster, Andreas 3 items
Keane, Frank M. 3 items
Kruttli, Mathias S. 3 items
Leung, Charles Ka Yui 3 items
Lucca, David O. 3 items
McCabe, Patrick E. 3 items
Moench, Emanuel 3 items
Osambela, Emilio 3 items
Scotti, Chiara 3 items
Shin, Chaehee 3 items
Sokolinskiy, Oleg 3 items
Tuzun, Tugkan 3 items
Yue, Vivian Z. 3 items
Zer, Ilknur 3 items
İşcan, Talan B. 3 items
Antinolfi, Gaetano 2 items
Baklanova, Viktoria 2 items
Bricker, Jesse 2 items
Carli, Francesco 2 items
Chaboud, Alain P. 2 items
Chyruk, Olena 2 items
Costello, Anna M. 2 items
Cox, Caren 2 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 2 items
Dudley, William 2 items
Finkelstein, David 2 items
Firestone, Simon 2 items
Fleming, Michael J. 2 items
Gardner, Benjamin 2 items
Gerszten, Jacob 2 items
Ghent, Andra C. 2 items
Godin, Nathan Y. 2 items
Golay, Ellen Correia 2 items
Gospodinov, Nikolay 2 items
Gust, Christopher J. 2 items
Horvath, Akos 2 items
Kang, Wensheng 2 items
Knox, Benjamin 2 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 2 items
Lagos, Ricardo 2 items
Lee, Kyle 2 items
Li, Geng 2 items
Meldrum, Andrew C. 2 items
Plante, Michael D. 2 items
Ratti, Ronald A. 2 items
Sagi, Jacob 2 items
Schwarz, Krista B. 2 items
Shachar, Or 2 items
Skaperdas, Arsenios 2 items
Stein, Hillary 2 items
Strzodka, Andreas 2 items
Swem, Nathan 2 items
Vespignani, Joaquin L. 2 items
Vissing-Jorgensen, Annette 2 items
Windover, Carolyn 2 items
Acharya, Sushant 1 items
Afonso, Gara 1 items
Ahrens, Maximilian 1 items
Altinoglu, Levent 1 items
Amaral, Francisco 1 items
Anbil, Sriya 1 items
Anderson, Alyssa G. 1 items
Anenberg, Elliot 1 items
Antill, Samuel 1 items
Armantier, Olivier 1 items
Avdjiev, Stefan 1 items
Bassetto, Marco 1 items
Bauer, Michael D. 1 items
Begalle, Brian 1 items
Bertaut, Carol C. 1 items
Bi, Huixin 1 items
Boehm, Christoph E. 1 items
Bomfim, Antulio N. 1 items
Borowiecki, Karol Jan 1 items
Brunnermeier, Markus K. 1 items
Bundick, Brent 1 items
Byun, Kiwoong 1 items
Cabanilla, Christian 1 items
Caglio, Cecilia R. 1 items
Cao, Shuo 1 items
Caramichael, John 1 items
Carl, Matthew 1 items
Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos 1 items
Cascaldi-Garcia, Danilo 1 items
Chang, Jin-Wook 1 items
Chang, Kuang-Liang 1 items
Chen, Nan-Kuang 1 items
Choi, Chi-Young 1 items
Choi, Jaewon 1 items
Chuan, Grace 1 items
Chudik, Alexander 1 items
Cocco, Alessandro 1 items
Crosignani, Matteo 1 items
Daníelsson, Jón 1 items
Darst, Matt 1 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 1 items
De Pooter, Michiel 1 items
Dice, Jacob 1 items
Divakaruni, Anantha 1 items
Dogra, Keshav 1 items
Dohmen, Martin 1 items
Dong, Feng 1 items
Erdemlioglu, Deniz 1 items
Etula, Erkko 1 items
Eusepi, Stefano 1 items
Favara, Giovanni 1 items
Fecht, Falko 1 items
Ferreira, Thiago Revil T. 1 items
Gambacorta, Leonardo 1 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 1 items
Grishchenko, Olesya V. 1 items
Grossman, Valerie 1 items
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Gulati, Chaitri 1 items
Gupta, Pooja 1 items
Guvenen, Fatih 1 items
Hall, Jason 1 items
Harris, Jeffrey H. 1 items
Heath, Davidson 1 items
Hizmo, Aurel 1 items
Hobijn, Bart 1 items
Hou, David 1 items
Inanoglu, Hulusi 1 items
Ivanov, Ivan T. 1 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad R. 1 items
Jamali, Ibrahim 1 items
Judson, Ruth 1 items
Kaplan, Greg 1 items
Kaplan, Nathan 1 items
Kasch, Maria 1 items
Kavoussi, Cullen 1 items
Keim, Donald B. 1 items
Kelley, David 1 items
Kim, Baeho 1 items
Kim, You Suk 1 items
Kitsul, Yuriy 1 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 1 items
Kohl, Sebastian 1 items
Kotta, Gurubala 1 items
Kovner, Anna 1 items
Kramer, Claire 1 items
Kroner, Niklas 1 items
Kung, Edward 1 items
Kuo, Dennis 1 items
Kyle, Albert S. 1 items
Lakdawala, Aeimit K. 1 items
Levine, Brian 1 items
Lewis, Karen K. 1 items
Liao, Gordon Y. 1 items
Liu, Edith X. 1 items
Loria, Francesca 1 items
Lynch, David 1 items
Ma, Sai 1 items
Mankad, Shawn 1 items
Marsh, W. Blake 1 items
Martin, Antoine 1 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 1 items
Massa, Massimo 1 items
Mayer, Simon 1 items
McAndrews, James J. 1 items
McCaughrin, Rebecca 1 items
McMahon, Michael 1 items
Mixon, Scott 1 items
Modig, Zach 1 items
Modugno, Michele 1 items
Molloy, Raven S. 1 items
Morgan, Donald P. 1 items
Moskowitz, Tobias J. 1 items
Mueller, Philippe 1 items
Neely, Christopher J. 1 items
Ng, Joe Cho Yiu 1 items
Obizhaeva, Anna A. 1 items
Oet, Mikhail V. 1 items
Oh, Dong Hwan 1 items
Ong, Stephen J. 1 items
Onur, Esen 1 items
Parlour, Christine 1 items
Porter, Burt 1 items
Refayet, Ehraz 1 items
Ringgenberg, Matthew 1 items
Roberts, John S. 1 items
Rodriguez, Marius del Giudice 1 items
Rogers, John H. 1 items
Rosenberg, Joshua V. 1 items
Ross, Chase P. 1 items
Ross, Sharon Y. 1 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 1 items
Sarisoy, Cisil 1 items
Schiaffi, Stefano 1 items
Schindler, John W. 1 items
Schlegl, Matthias 1 items
Schmanski, Bennett 1 items
Schoar, Antoinette 1 items
Schuermann, Til 1 items
Schularick, Moritz 1 items
Schwartz, Robert A. 1 items
Senyuz, Zeynep 1 items
She, Powen 1 items
Shen, Ji 1 items
Shi, Song 1 items
Shin, Chae Hee 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Singh, Sanjay R. 1 items
Skeie, David R. 1 items
Smallwood, Aaron 1 items
Song, Jae 1 items
Spits, Lauren 1 items
Steele, Nick 1 items
Sun, Zheng 1 items
Tang, Edward 1 items
Tepper, Alexander 1 items
Trebesch, Christoph 1 items
Valenzuela, Marcela 1 items
Van Zandweghe, Willem 1 items
Vasudevan, Kaushik 1 items
Velikov, Mihail 1 items
Verani, Stéphane 1 items
Visschers, Ludo 1 items
Vo, Thu 1 items
Waller, Christopher J. 1 items
Wang, Ashley W. 1 items
Wang, Teng 1 items
Wang, Zhenyu 1 items
Wasyk, Rebecca 1 items
Wen, Yi 1 items
Werner, Ingrid M. 1 items
Winkler, Fabian 1 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 1 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 1 items
Yan, Hongjun 1 items
Yang, Xiye 1 items
Yen, Jacqueline 1 items
Youle, Thomas 1 items
Yu, Pei Cheng 1 items
Zheng, Lu 1 items
Zimmerman, Peter 1 items
Zimmermann, Thomas 1 items
Zimmermann, Tom 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
von Beschwitz, Bastian 1 items
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G12 47 items
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G00 10 items
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Q35 8 items
G11 7 items
C58 6 items
D83 5 items
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C22 3 items
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D84 3 items
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F31 3 items
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C10 2 items
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F34 2 items
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R38 2 items
C11 1 items
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