Search Results
Discussion Paper
On Fire-Sale Externalities, TARP Was Close to Optimal
Eisenbach, Thomas M.; Duarte, Fernando M.
Imagine that many large and levered banks suffer heavy losses and must quickly sell assets to reduce their leverage. We expect the market price of the assets sold to decline, at least temporarily. As a result, any other financial institutions that happen to hold the same assets will experience balance sheet losses through no fault of their own —a negative fire-sale externality. In this post, we show that the vulnerability to fire-sale externalities was high during the crisis and that the capital injections of the government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) helped reduce it ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20140415
Discussion Paper
The International Spillover of U.S. Monetary Policy via Global Production Linkages
di Giovanni, Julian
The recent era of globalization has witnessed growing cross-country trade integration as firms’ production chains have spread across the world, and with stock market returns becoming more correlated across countries. While research has predominantly focused on how financial integration impacts the propagation of shocks across international financial markets, trade also influences these cross-border spillovers. In particular, one important aspect, highlighted by the recent work of di Giovanni and Hale (2020), is how the global production network influences the transmission of U.S. monetary ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20210106
Discussion Paper
Primary Dealer Participation in the Secondary U.S. Treasury Market
Keane, Frank M.; Schaumburg, Ernst; Fleming, Michael J.
The recent Joint Staff Report on October 15, 2014, exploring an episode of unprecedented volatility in the U.S. Treasury market, revealed that primary dealers no longer account for most trading volume on the interdealer brokerage (IDB) platforms. This shift is noteworthy because dealers contribute to long-term liquidity provision via their willingness to hold positions across days. However, a large share of Treasury security trading occurs elsewhere, in the dealer-to-customer (DtC) market. In this post, we show that primary dealers maintain a majority share of secondary market trading volume ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160212
Discussion Paper
Leverage Rule Arbitrage
Holcomb, Michael R.; Morgan, Donald P.; Choi, Dong Beom
Classic arbitrage involves the same asset selling at different prices; the leverage rule arbitrage we study here involves assets of different risk levels requiring the same amount of capital. The supplementary leverage ratio (SLR) rule, finalized by U.S. regulators in September 2014, requires a minimum ratio of capital to assets at the largest U.S. banks. The floor is higher for more systemically important banks, but not for banks with riskier assets. That non-risk-based aspect of SLR was intentional, since the leverage limit was meant to backstop (?supplement?) risk-based capital rules in ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20181012
Discussion Paper
Sophisticated and Unsophisticated Runs
Cipriani, Marco; La Spada, Gabriele
In March 2020, U.S. prime money market funds (MMFs) suffered heavy outflows following the liquidity shock triggered by the COVID-19 crisis. In a previous post, we characterized the run on the prime MMF industry as a whole and the role of the liquidity facility established by the Federal Reserve (the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility) in stemming the run. In this post, based on a recent Staff Report, we contrast the behaviors of retail and institutional investors during the run and explain the different reasons behind the run.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20210602
Discussion Paper
How Do Survey- and Market-Based Expectations of the Policy Rate Differ?
Morse, Ari; Fiorica, Joseph; Brodsky, Bonni; Rodrigues, Anthony P.; LeSueur, Eric; Del Negro, Marco
Over the past year, market pricing on interest rate derivatives linked to the federal funds rate has suggested a significantly lower expected path of the policy rate than responses to the New York Fed’s Survey of Primary Dealers (SPD) and Survey of Market Participants (SMP). However, this gap narrowed considerably from December 2015 to January 2016, before widening slightly at longer horizons in March. This post argues that the narrowing between December and January was mostly the result of survey respondents placing greater weight on lower rate outcomes, while the subsequent widening ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160407
Discussion Paper
How Does the Liquidity of New Treasury Securities Evolve?
Fleming, Michael J.
In a recent Liberty Street Economics post, we showed that the newly reintroduced 20-year bond trades less than other on-the-run Treasury securities and has similar liquidity to that of the more interest‑rate‑sensitive 30-year bond. Is it common for newly introduced securities to trade less and with higher transaction costs, and how does security trading behavior change over time? In this post, we look back at how liquidity evolved for earlier reintroductions of Treasury securities so as to gain insight into how liquidity might evolve for the new 20-year bond.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20200826
Working Paper
Estimation of the discontinuous leverage effect: Evidence from the NASDAQ order book
Winkelmann, Lars; Neely, Christopher J.; Bibinger, Markus
An extensive empirical literature documents a generally negative correlation, named the ?leverage effect,? between asset returns and changes of volatility. It is more challenging to establish such a return-volatility relationship for jumps in high-frequency data. We propose new nonparametric methods to assess and test for a discontinuous leverage effect ? i.e. a relation between contemporaneous jumps in prices and volatility ? in high-frequency data with market microstructure noise. We present local tests and estimators for price jumps and volatility jumps. Five years of transaction data from ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-12
Discussion Paper
A Peek behind the Curtain of Bank Supervision
Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul; Lucca, David O.; Hirtle, Beverly
Since the financial crisis, bank regulatory and supervisory policies have changed dramatically both in the United States (Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act) and abroad (Third Basel Accord). While these shifts have occasioned much debate, the discussion surrounding supervision remains limited because most supervisory activity? both the amount of supervisory attention and the demands for corrective action by supervisors?is confidential. Drawing on our recent staff report ?Parsing the Content of Bank Supervision,? this post provides a peek behind the scenes of bank ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160414
Discussion Paper
What Drives International Bank Credit?
McGuire, Patrick M.; Amiti, Mary; Weinstein, David E.
A major question facing policymakers is how to deal with slumps in bank credit. The policy prescriptions are very different depending on whether the decline is a result of global forces, domestic demand, or supply problems in a particular banking system. We present findings from new research that exactly decompose the growth in banks? aggregate foreign credit into these three factors. Using global banking data for the period 2000-16, we uncover some striking patterns in bilateral credit relationships between consolidated banking systems and borrowers in more than 200 countries. The most ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20170906
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 224 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 1 items
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Liberty Street Economics 212 items
Staff Reports 10 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 6 items
Working Papers 6 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 5 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 4 items
Working Paper Series 4 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 3 items
Economic Policy Review 2 items
Review 2 items
Staff Report 2 items
Policy Discussion Paper Series 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Fleming, Michael J. 44 items
Shachar, Or 21 items
Copeland, Adam 18 items
Martin, Antoine 18 items
Adrian, Tobias 17 items
Sarkar, Asani 16 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 15 items
Cipriani, Marco 14 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 13 items
Van Tassel, Peter 13 items
Crump, Richard K. 12 items
Keane, Frank M. 11 items
Groen, Jan J. J. 9 items
Lucca, David O. 8 items
Afonso, Gara 7 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 7 items
Del Negro, Marco 7 items
Morgan, Donald P. 7 items
Vogt, Erik 7 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 6 items
La Spada, Gabriele 6 items
LeSueur, Eric 6 items
Garbade, Kenneth D. 5 items
Jung, Hyeyoon 5 items
Narron, James 5 items
Schaumburg, Ernst 5 items
Selig, Ira 5 items
Afonso, Gara M. 4 items
Gupta, Pooja 4 items
Klitgaard, Thomas 4 items
Rodrigues, Anthony P. 4 items
Rosa, Carlo 4 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 4 items
Stackman, Daniel 4 items
Acharya, Sushant 3 items
Acharya, Viral V. 3 items
Adenbaum, Jacob 3 items
Armantier, Olivier 3 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 3 items
Clark, Kevin 3 items
Engle, Robert 3 items
Giannoni, Marc 3 items
Gouny, Julia 3 items
Kovner, Anna 3 items
Lee, Michael Junho 3 items
Liu, Haoyang 3 items
McLaughlin, Susan 3 items
Moench, Emanuel 3 items
Neely, Christopher J. 3 items
Nelson, Claire 3 items
Nguyen, Giang 3 items
Noble, Adam I. 3 items
Phelan, Gregory 3 items
Roberts, Daniel 3 items
Ruela, Francisco 3 items
Russo, Patrick 3 items
Smith, Charles 3 items
Zeng, Xuran 3 items
Zha, Tao 3 items
Zinsmeister, Noah 3 items
Akinci, Ozge 2 items
Amiti, Mary 2 items
Bayeux, Kathryn 2 items
Benigno, Gianluca 2 items
Biesenbach, Adam 2 items
Brain, Doug 2 items
Brodsky, Bonni 2 items
Chen, Jiakai 2 items
Chen, Kaiji 2 items
Cisternas, Gonzalo 2 items
Davis, Isaac 2 items
De Pooter, Michiel 2 items
Diamond, Peter A. 2 items
Diamond, William 2 items
Dobrev, Dobrislav 2 items
Duffie, Darrell 2 items
Elias, Leonardo 2 items
Emanuel, Natalia 2 items
Entz, Alex 2 items
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel 2 items
Fiorica, Joseph 2 items
Fuster, Andreas 2 items
Ge, Shan 2 items
Ghysels, Eric 2 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 2 items
Hrung, Warren B. 2 items
Huang, Catherine 2 items
Hubbs, David 2 items
Jackson, John 2 items
Johansson, Peter 2 items
Jones, Collin 2 items
Jordan-Wood, Samuel 2 items
Kahn, Robert Jay 2 items
Kitsul, Yuriy 2 items
Kollmann, Robert 2 items
Lagos, Ricardo 2 items
Lahey, Benjamin 2 items
Li, Ada 2 items
Li, Canlin 2 items
Londono, Juan M. 2 items
Lopez Gaffney, Ignacio 2 items
Luck, Stephan 2 items
McAndrews, James J. 2 items
McInish, Thomas H. 2 items
Mithal, Radhika 2 items
Morse, Ari 2 items
Peristiani, Stavros 2 items
Planchon, Jade 2 items
Puglia, Michael 2 items
Riordan, Will 2 items
Rubio, David 2 items
Schorfheide, Frank 2 items
Sherman, Scott 2 items
Smith, Micah 2 items
Solimine, Brett 2 items
Song, Zhaogang 2 items
Traina, James 2 items
Waggoner, Daniel F. 2 items
Weinstein, David E. 2 items
Wessel, Timothy 2 items
Wojtowicz, Zachary 2 items
Yen, Jacqueline 2 items
Yorulmazer, Tanju 2 items
Yu, Rui 2 items
Abrahams, Michael 1 items
Ai, Hengjie 1 items
Altman, Alexandra 1 items
Anderson, Haelim 1 items
Antill, Samuel 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Bai, Jennie 1 items
Barone, Jordan 1 items
Beltran, Daniel O. 1 items
Bengui, Julien 1 items
Berner, Richard 1 items
Bernhardt, Dan 1 items
Berre, Stein 1 items
Bhandari, Anmol 1 items
Bianchi, Javier 1 items
Bibinger, Markus 1 items
Bigio, Saki 1 items
Blank, Michael 1 items
Blickle, Kristian S. 1 items
Bowman, Roosevelt D. 1 items
Braun, Michele 1 items
Brickler, Lucinda 1 items
Brownworth, Anders 1 items
Bush, Ryan 1 items
Caglio, Cecilia R. 1 items
Cambron, Alyssa 1 items
Capponi, Agostino 1 items
Cetemen, Doruk 1 items
Chabot, Benjamin 1 items
Chaboud, Alain P. 1 items
Chan, Sewin 1 items
Chang, Chun 1 items
Chang, Yongsung 1 items
Chen, Kathryn 1 items
Chien, YiLi 1 items
Choi, Dong Beom 1 items
Clampitt, Steph 1 items
Cocci, Matthew 1 items
Coeurdacier, Nicolas 1 items
Cole, Harold L. 1 items
Converse, Nathan L. 1 items
Correia, Sergio A. 1 items
Crosignani, Matteo 1 items
D'Amico, Stefania 1 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 1 items
Davis, J. Scott 1 items
De Paoli, Bianca 1 items
Denison, Erin 1 items
Dogra, Keshav 1 items
Du, Wenxin 1 items
Durfee, Jon 1 items
Egelhof, James 1 items
Eisert, Tim 1 items
Eisner, Emily 1 items
Enders, Zeno 1 items
Erol, Selman 1 items
Eufinger, Christian 1 items
Fan, Roger 1 items
Femia, Katherine 1 items
Ferreira, Thiago Revil T. 1 items
Fisher, Jonas D. M. 1 items
Foerster, Andrew T. 1 items
Frame, W. Scott 1 items
Frye, Kyra 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul 1 items
Gospodinov, Nikolay 1 items
Gowen, Brian 1 items
Guarino, Antonio 1 items
Gupta, Arun 1 items
Haddad, Valentin 1 items
Hall, Helene 1 items
Hanley, Kathleen Weiss 1 items
Hannaoui, Oliver Zain 1 items
Hasegawa, Raiden B. 1 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 1 items
Hayashi, Andrew 1 items
Herbst, Daniel 1 items
Herlach, Alexa 1 items
Higgins, Matthew 1 items
Hirtle, Beverly 1 items
Hjalmarsson, Erik 1 items
Holcomb, Michael R. 1 items
Hong, Jay H. 1 items
Hou, David 1 items
Hundtofte , Sean 1 items
Hussein, Abduelwahab 1 items
Huther, Jeff W. 1 items
Huwiler, Marco 1 items
Hébert, Benjamin 1 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 1 items
Infante, Sebastian 1 items
Ivanov, Ivan T. 1 items
Jagannathan, Ravi 1 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad 1 items
Jendoubi, Haitham 1 items
Kaplan, Nathan 1 items
Karabarbounis, Marios 1 items
Kavoussi, Cullen 1 items
Kessler, Matthew 1 items
Kolb, Aaron 1 items
Kozlowski, Julian 1 items
Kroeger, Alexander 1 items
Krogh, Isabel 1 items
Landoni, Mattia 1 items
Larsen, Lars C. 1 items
Lee, Helene 1 items
Lewis, Karen K. 1 items
Li, Brandon 1 items
Li, Wenhao 1 items
Li, Wenli 1 items
Liu, Edith X. 1 items
Loualiche, Erik 1 items
Lu, Lina 1 items
Lustig, Hanno 1 items
Mallucci, Enrico 1 items
Malz, Allan M. 1 items
Mandel, Benjamin H. 1 items
Marietta-Westberg, Jennifer 1 items
Martin, Philippe 1 items
McCormick, Matthew 1 items
McGowan, John 1 items
McGuire, Patrick M. 1 items
Mills, Benjamin 1 items
Miu, Jason 1 items
Mizrach, Bruce 1 items
Molloy, Linsey 1 items
Myers, Sean 1 items
Müller, Gernot J. 1 items
Nattinger, Michael 1 items
Navarro-Staicos, Juan 1 items
Nosal, Ed 1 items
Nourbash, Ethan 1 items
Ochoa, Marcelo 1 items
Otrok, Christopher 1 items
Paddrik, Mark 1 items
Park, Woojung 1 items
Peck, Richard 1 items
Pedraza, Alvaro 1 items
Phan, Jenny 1 items
Plosser, Matthew 1 items
Podjasek, Rich 1 items
Pozsar, Zoltan 1 items
Queraltó, Albert 1 items
Ravikumar, B. 1 items
Reiderman, Liza 1 items
Reyes-Heroles, Ricardo M. 1 items
Rodriguez, Marius del Giudice 1 items
Rogers, John H. 1 items
Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F. 1 items
Samadi, Mehrdad 1 items
Santos, João A. C. 1 items
Sarkar, Debashish 1 items
Schurmeier, Jake 1 items
Searls, Seth 1 items
Shahanaghi, Sara 1 items
Shao, Pei 1 items
Shin, Minchul 1 items
Shrader, Jeffrey 1 items
Skeie, David R. 1 items
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Spiegel, Adam 1 items
Sporn, John 1 items
Steele, Nick 1 items
Stern, Sammuel 1 items
Stroebel, Johannes 1 items
Sun, Bo 1 items
Tambalotti, Andrea 1 items
Tarascina, Anya 1 items
Taylor, Benjamin 1 items
Tenorio, Gabriel 1 items
Topa, Giorgio 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 1 items
Vickery, James 1 items
Viswanathan, S 1 items
Volker, Desi 1 items
Wang, Yicheng 1 items
Wang, Zhenyu 1 items
Wei, Chenyang 1 items
Wei, Min 1 items
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Whelan, Paul 1 items
Winkelmann, Lars 1 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 1 items
Yang, Ron 1 items
Yang, Yilin 1 items
Younger, Josh 1 items
Yu, Edison 1 items
Zhao, Yihao 1 items
Zhong, Molin 1 items
Zimmermann, Thomas 1 items
Zimmermann, Tom 1 items
Zobel, Patricia 1 items
di Giovanni, Julian 1 items
van Binsbergen, Jules 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G2 58 items
E5 30 items
E2 20 items
F00 14 items
G3 9 items
E4 8 items
E44 7 items
F3 7 items
E3 6 items
E52 6 items
F4 6 items
G12 5 items
E58 4 items
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G18 4 items
N2 4 items
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G23 3 items
H0 3 items
C22 2 items
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C78 2 items
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G21 2 items
J00 2 items
C1 1 items
C14 1 items
C15 1 items
C23 1 items
C6 1 items
C62 1 items
C7 1 items
D12 1 items
D14 1 items
D41 1 items
D51 1 items
D8 1 items
D84 1 items
E00 1 items
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E63 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
liquidity 24 items
COVID-19 19 items
monetary policy 12 items
Treasury market 11 items
Treasury securities 10 items
financial crisis 7 items
regulation 7 items
Federal Reserve 6 items
tri-party repos 6 items
Dealers 6 items
Oil Prices 6 items
Treasuries 6 items
banks 6 items
repo 6 items
volatility 6 items
reserves 5 items
GCF Repo 5 items
asset prices 5 items
market liquidity 5 items
Treasury 4 items
financial markets 4 items
financial stability 4 items
pandemic 4 items
risk premiums 4 items
safe assets 4 items
stocks 4 items
Fed funds market 4 items
Transparency 4 items
crisis 4 items
exchange rates 4 items
inflation 4 items
price impact 4 items
term structure of interest rates 4 items
trading volume 4 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 3 items
Great Recession 3 items
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climate risk 3 items
concentration 3 items
corporate bonds 3 items
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fire sale 3 items
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Bitcoin 3 items
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settlement fails 3 items
shadow banking 3 items
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term premia 3 items
uncertainty 3 items
variance risk premium 3 items
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COVID-19 pandemic 2 items
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Low volatility 2 items
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Oil Supply Shocks 2 items
QE 2 items
Quantitative Easing 2 items
S&P 500 2 items
Treasury bond short interest 2 items
Treasury markets 2 items
Tri-party repo 2 items
Tri-party repo market 2 items
United States 2 items
VAR models 2 items
VIX 2 items
VIX futures 2 items
Workup 2 items
arbitrage 2 items
asset pricing 2 items
bargaining 2 items
bonds 2 items
climate 2 items
climate change 2 items
coronavirus 2 items
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current account 2 items
discounting 2 items
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financial account 2 items
financial crises 2 items
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global games 2 items
inequality 2 items
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lenders of last resort 2 items
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liquidity shocks 2 items
loans 2 items
money market funds (MMFs) 2 items
money markets 2 items
nonbank financial institutions (NBFIs) 2 items
over-the-counter 2 items
physical risk 2 items
primary dealers 2 items
regulations 2 items
return predictability 2 items
risk-free rates 2 items
saving 2 items
securitization 2 items
shadow banks 2 items
social security 2 items
stigma 2 items
stock market 2 items
survey expectations 2 items
variance swaps 2 items
wealth 2 items
Auctions 2 items
DSGE Models 2 items
Fed funds 2 items
Financial institutions 2 items
Financial intermediation 2 items
Fire sales 2 items
High-frequency data 2 items
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Lender of Last Resort 2 items
10-year equivalents 1 items
20-year bond 1 items
Agency mortgage-backed securities 1 items
Agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) 1 items
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Asset returns 1 items
Asset-backed financing 1 items
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Banking Crisis 1 items
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FR 2420 1 items
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Federal Reserve inventions 1 items
Federal funds 1 items
Financial Innovation 1 items
Financial regulation 1 items
Financial sector size 1 items
Flash Crash 1 items
Fragility 1 items
Freddie Mac 1 items
Funding models 1 items
G10 1 items
G12 1 items
G15 1 items
GC 1 items
Geopolitical risk 1 items
Global banking 1 items
Good deal bounds 1 items
Great Depression 1 items
Gröbner bases 1 items
HFT 1 items
HQLA 1 items
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IPO 1 items
Implied financing rates 1 items
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International Energy Agency (IEA) 1 items
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Jay Gould 1 items
KLIC 1 items
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Large Scale Asset Purchases 1 items
Libor 1 items
Limited commitment 1 items
Liquidity (Economics) 1 items
Liquidity Coverage Ratio 1 items
Liquidity Spillovers 1 items
Liquidty 1 items
Long-horizon regressions 1 items
MMF 1 items
Macroprudential policy 1 items
Maturity Extension Program 1 items
Missing Disinflation 1 items
Model Uncertainty 1 items
Momentum 1 items
Money Market Funds Reform 1 items
Money-like Assets 1 items
Municipal finance 1 items
New Keynesian model 1 items
Nikkei index 1 items
No-arbitrage term structure models 1 items
OBFR 1 items
OPEC 1 items
Open Market Trading Desk (the Desk) 1 items
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POEs 1 items
Policy expectations 1 items
Portfolio Choice 1 items
Predictive regressions 1 items
Preferred habitat 1 items
Reach for Yield 1 items
Real interest rate 1 items
Reference Rate 1 items
Regulatory Arbitrage 1 items
Repurchase agreements 1 items
Risk 1 items
Risky Share 1 items
SLR 1 items
SOEs 1 items
SOMA 1 items
Securities Financing Transactions (SFTs) 1 items
Securities Lending 1 items
Single point of entry 1 items
Smets-Wouters model 1 items
Sovereign risk 1 items
Specials 1 items
Spillovers 1 items
Spreads 1 items
Stock return predictability 1 items
Stock returns 1 items
Structured finance 1 items
Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) 1 items
Supply contracts 1 items
Supply effects 1 items
Swap Futures 1 items
TARP 1 items
TBTF 1 items
TIPS breakevens 1 items
Tail risk 1 items
Taylor series 1 items
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) 1 items
Term Auction Facility 1 items
Term Auction Facility (TAF) 1 items
Too-big-to-fail 1 items
Trading 1 items
Transactions 1 items
Treasury Market Practices Group 1 items
Treasury debt instruments 1 items
Treasury debt management 1 items
Treasury security 1 items
Treasury term premia 1 items
Treasury yield 1 items
Treasury yields 1 items
Treasurys 1 items
U.S. Treasury 1 items
US sovereign CDS 1 items
Value-at-Risk 1 items
Volcker Rule 1 items
Yield curve 1 items
activism 1 items
age 1 items
agency 1 items
agency commercial mortgage-backed securities (agency CMBS) 1 items
asset management 1 items
asset managers 1 items
auction design 1 items
aversion 1 items
balance sheet constraints 1 items
bank borrowing 1 items
bank deposits 1 items
bank regulation 1 items
bank run 1 items
bank runs 1 items
bank supervision 1 items
banking 1 items
banking panics 1 items
basis 1 items
basis trades 1 items
between-sector effect 1 items
bid-ask spreads 1 items
bifurcation 1 items
bilateral repo 1 items
black Friday 1 items
blockchains 1 items
bond liquidity 1 items
bond market 1 items
bond markets 1 items
bond yields 1 items
borrowing 1 items
breakeven inflation 1 items
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capital intensity 1 items
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central banking 1 items
central banks 1 items
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corporate bond market liquidity 1 items
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corporate securities 1 items
counterparty risk premia 1 items
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credit spreads 1 items
crises 1 items
crowding out 1 items
currencies 1 items
currency risk premium 1 items
cycles 1 items
daylight savings time (DST) 1 items
dealer constraints 1 items
dealer intermediation 1 items
debt ceiling 1 items
debts 1 items
decentralized finance 1 items
default 1 items
demand shocks 1 items
density forecasts 1 items
depth 1 items
digital currencies 1 items
disinflation 1 items
dynamic Nelson-Siegel model 1 items
election 1 items
emerging market equities 1 items
employment 1 items
equilibrium survival 1 items
equity markets 1 items
equity premiums 1 items
excess returns 1 items
expected inflation 1 items
external interest rates 1 items
fails 1 items
fails charge 1 items
financial covenants 1 items
financial economics 1 items
financial frictions 1 items
financial market infrastructures 1 items
financial stress 1 items
fintech 1 items
firm productivity 1 items
firm size 1 items
fixed exchange rates 1 items
flight-to-quality 1 items
floating exchange rates 1 items
floating rate notes 1 items
foreign exchange 1 items
foreign institutions 1 items
fracking 1 items
fx 1 items
general financial markets 1 items
global asset prices 1 items
global financial crisis 1 items
global imbalances 1 items
global inflation 1 items
global production network 1 items
global risk aversion 1 items
globalization 1 items
gold 1 items
gold monetization 1 items
gold rush 1 items
gold standard 1 items
government intervention 1 items
growth 1 items
growth expectations 1 items
growth-at-risk 1 items
haircuts 1 items
heavy and light sectors 1 items
heavy versus light sectors 1 items
hedging 1 items
herd behavior 1 items
heterogeneous beliefs 1 items
heterogeneous preferences. 1 items
high yield 1 items
high-order expansion 1 items
home value 1 items
housing finance 1 items
housing liquidity 1 items
illiquidity 1 items
implied volatility 1 items
imports 1 items
incentive compatibility 1 items
industrialization 1 items
inflation expectations 1 items
inflation risk premia 1 items
information share 1 items
insider trading 1 items
insolvency 1 items
inter-dealer 1 items
interest rate dispersion 1 items
interest rate swaps 1 items
international banking 1 items
intra-day timing 1 items
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