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Working Paper
Pre-LBO Credit Market Conditions and Post-LBO Target Behavior
Kwak, Seung; Press, Charles
In the context of leveraged buyouts (LBOs), this paper empirically studies the relation between pre-buyout credit market conditions and the post-buyout behavior of target companies, employing a supervisory dataset to overcome limited data availability for post-buyout target financial information. We propose an LBO-specific measure of (changes of) credit market conditions---the short-term (6-month) change of credit spreads leading up to buyout close. Using this proposed measure, we show that loosening pre-LBO credit market conditions, which are related to higher buyout leverage consistent with ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2023-077
Climate Regulatory Risks and Corporate Bonds
Starks, Laura; Seltzer, Lee; Zhu, Qifei
Investor and policymaker concerns about climate risks suggest these risks should affect the risk assessment and pricing of corporate securities, particularly for firms facing stricter regulatory enforcement. Using corporate bonds, the authors find support for this hypothesis. Employing a shock to expected climate regulations, they show climate regulatory risks causally affect bond credit ratings and spreads. A structural credit model indicates that the increased spreads for high carbon issuers, especially those located in stricter regulatory environments, are driven by changes in firms' asset ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 1014
Journal Article
Do \\"Too-Big-to-Fail\\" banks take on more risk?
Afonso, Gara M.; Santos, Joao A. C.; Traina, James
The notion that some banks are ?too big to fail? builds on the premise that governments will offer support to avoid the adverse consequences of disorderly bank failures. However, this promise of support comes at a cost: Large, complex, or interconnected banks might take on more risk if they expect future rescues. This article studies the effect of potential government support on banks? appetite for risk. Using balance-sheet data for 224 banks in forty-five countries starting in March 2007, the authors find higher levels of impaired loans after an increase in government support. To measure ...
Economic Policy Review
, Issue Dec
, Pages 41-58
Competition, reach for yield, and money market funds
La Spada, Gabriele
Do asset managers reach for yield because of competitive pressures in a low-rate environment? I propose a tournament model of money market funds (MMFs) to study this issue. When funds care about relative performance, an increase in the risk premium leads funds with lower default costs to increase risk-taking, while funds with higher default costs decrease risk-taking. Without changes in the premium, lower risk-free rates reduce the risk-taking of all funds. I show that these predictions are consistent with MMF risk-taking during the 2002-08 period and that rank-based performance is indeed a ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 753
Working Paper
How Private Equity Fuels Non-Bank Lending
Haque, Sharjil M.; Mayer, Simon; Wang, Teng
We show how private equity (PE) buyouts fuel loan sales and non-bank participation in the U.S. syndicated loan market. Combining loan-level data from the Shared National Credit register with buyout deals from Pitchbook, we find that PE-backed loans feature lower bank monitoring, lower loan shares retained by the lead bank, and more loan sales to non-bank financial intermediaries. For PE-backed loans, the sponsor's reputation and the strength of its relationship with the lead bank further reduce the lead bank's retained share and monitoring. Our results suggest that PE sponsor engagement ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2024-015
The equity risk premium: a review of models
Duarte, Fernando M.; Rosa, Carlo
We estimate the equity risk premium (ERP) by combining information from twenty models. The ERP in 2012 and 2013 reached heightened levels?of around 12 percent?not seen since the 1970s. We conclude that the high ERP was caused by unusually low Treasury yields.
Staff Reports
, Paper 714
Working Paper
A Macroprudential Theory of Foreign Reserve Accumulation
Bengui, Julien; Bianchi, Javier; Arce, Fernando
This paper proposes a theory of foreign reserves as macroprudential policy. We study an open economy model of financial crises, in which pecuniary externalities lead to over-borrowing, and show that by accumulating international reserves, the government can achieve the constrained-efficient allocation. The optimal reserve accumulation policy leans against the wind and significantly reduces the exposure to financial crises. The theory is consistent with the joint dynamics of private and official capital flows, both over time and in the cross section, and can quantitatively account for the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 761
Intermediary balance sheets
Adrian, Tobias; Boyarchenko, Nina
We document the cyclical properties of the balance sheets of different types of intermediaries. While the leverage of the bank sector is highly procyclical, the leverage of the nonbank financial sector is acyclical. We propose a theory of a two-agent financial intermediary sector within a dynamic model of the macroeconomy. Banks are financed by issuing risky debt to households and face risk-based capital constraints, which leads to procyclical leverage. Households can also participate in financial markets by investing in a nonbank ?fund? sector where fund managers face skin-in-the-game ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 651
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 17 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 1 items
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Staff Reports 14 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 13 items
Working Papers 4 items
Economic Policy Review 2 items
Working Paper Series 2 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 1 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 1 items
Liberty Street Economics 1 items
Payments System Research Briefing 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 20 items
Report 14 items
Journal Article 3 items
Briefing 1 items
Discussion Paper 1 items
Haque, Sharjil M. 9 items
Kleymenova, Anya V. 8 items
Adrian, Tobias 6 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 5 items
Amornsiripanitch, Natee 2 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 2 items
Luck, Stephan 2 items
Rosa, Carlo 2 items
Abadi, Joseph 1 items
Abbott, Graham J. 1 items
Afonso, Gara M. 1 items
Akinci, Ozge 1 items
Arce, Fernando 1 items
Armstrong, Ken 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Barsky, Robert 1 items
Bengui, Julien 1 items
Benigno, Gianluca 1 items
Bianchi, Javier 1 items
Bogusz, Theodore 1 items
Bradford, Terri 1 items
Braunstein, Sandra F. 1 items
Brunnermeier, Markus K. 1 items
Carapella, Francesca 1 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 1 items
Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel 1 items
Choi, Dong Beom 1 items
Chuan, Grace 1 items
Conner Warren, Leslie 1 items
Darmouni, Olivier M. 1 items
Del Negro, Marco 1 items
Easton, Matthew 1 items
Gerszten, Jacob 1 items
Gompers, Paul 1 items
Hassan, Tarek A. 1 items
Hu, George 1 items
Kim, Kyungmin 1 items
Kwak, Seung 1 items
La Spada, Gabriele 1 items
Levinson, Will 1 items
Mayer, Simon 1 items
Mehran, Hamid 1 items
Mertens, Thomas M. 1 items
Mukharlyamov, Vladimir 1 items
Peristiani, Stavros 1 items
Plosser, Matthew 1 items
Press, Charles 1 items
Queraltó, Albert 1 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 1 items
Sarkar, Asani 1 items
Seltzer, Lee 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Starks, Laura 1 items
Swem, Nathan 1 items
Traina, James 1 items
Van Tassel, Peter 1 items
Wang, Teng 1 items
Welch, Carolyn 1 items
Zhang, Tony 1 items
Zhu, Qifei 1 items
Zimmermann, Thomas 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G30 11 items
G10 10 items
G32 9 items
G33 9 items
G28 7 items
G01 5 items
G12 5 items
E02 4 items
E32 4 items
E44 4 items
G20 3 items
G21 3 items
G23 3 items
C58 2 items
D53 2 items
E00 2 items
E42 2 items
G17 2 items
G24 2 items
G34 2 items
J00 2 items
D49 1 items
D80 1 items
E4 1 items
E40 1 items
E5 1 items
E50 1 items
E60 1 items
F00 1 items
G14 1 items
G19 1 items
G22 1 items
G38 1 items
H40 1 items
H70 1 items
J3 1 items
J30 1 items
J31 1 items
J44 1 items
J6 1 items
J63 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Bank Lending 9 items
Covenants 8 items
Debt Contract Enforcement 8 items
Private Equity Funds 8 items
financial intermediation 5 items
Financial crises 4 items
macro-finance 3 items
Blockchain 2 items
capital regulations 2 items
stock returns 2 items
systemic risk 2 items
Financial Crisis 2 items
Financial stability 2 items
Private Equity 2 items
Real Effects 2 items
Agency cost 1 items
Bank Monitoring 1 items
Black consumers 1 items
Bond insurance 1 items
CLO 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Central Banking 1 items
Consensus 1 items
Credit market condition 1 items
Crypto-assets 1 items
Cryptocurrencies 1 items
Cryptocurrency 1 items
DSGE 1 items
DeFi 1 items
Decentralized finance 1 items
Derivatives, futures, and options 1 items
Economics - Study and teaching 1 items
Employment 1 items
Equity premium 1 items
FinTech 1 items
Finance, Personal 1 items
Financial innovations 1 items
Financial literacy 1 items
Financial markets 1 items
Financial stability and risk 1 items
Government support 1 items
Interconnections 1 items
International reserves 1 items
LBO 1 items
LBOs 1 items
Leveraged buyout 1 items
Loan Sales 1 items
Macroprudential policy 1 items
Mechanism Design 1 items
Occasionally binding credit constraint 1 items
Payments 1 items
Quantitative Easing 1 items
Securitization 1 items
Syndicated Loans 1 items
Tokenization 1 items
Too-big-to-fail 1 items
Unconventional Monetary Policy 1 items
analyst coverage 1 items
asset pricing 1 items
banking 1 items
belief disagreements 1 items
bitcoin 1 items
career progression 1 items
climate risks 1 items
collateral 1 items
credit 1 items
credit lines 1 items
disagreement 1 items
dynamic equilibrium models 1 items
endogenous uncertainty 1 items
entrepreneurship 1 items
equity premiums 1 items
exchange-traded products (ETPs) 1 items
financial constraints 1 items
financial economics 1 items
financial spillovers 1 items
financial stability monitoring 1 items
financial visibility 1 items
fixed income 1 items
going private 1 items
heterogeneous agents 1 items
insider ownership 1 items
institutional investors 1 items
leverage cycles 1 items
liquidity provision 1 items
liquidity regulations 1 items
loan terms 1 items
macroprudential 1 items
margins 1 items
mergers and acquisitions 1 items
money market funds 1 items
municipal bonds 1 items
option pricing 1 items
panic 1 items
procyclical leverage 1 items
r** 1 items
rational inattention 1 items
reach for yield 1 items
regulatory risk 1 items
repo 1 items
risk 1 items
shadow bank policies 1 items
shadow banking 1 items
venture capital 1 items
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