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Working Paper
Optimal monetary policy in a currency union with interest rate spreads
Lee, Jae Won; Bhattarai, Saroj; Park, Woong Yong
We introduce ?financial imperfections? - asymmetric net wealth positions, incomplete risksharing, and interest rate spread across member countries - in a prototypical two-country currency union model and study implications for monetary policy transmission mechanism and optimal policy. In addition to, and independent from, the standard transmission mechanism associated with nominal rigidities, financial imperfections introduce a wealth redistribution role for monetary policy. Moreover, the two mechanisms reinforce each other and amplify the effects of monetary policy. On the normative side, ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 150
Working Paper
Intellectual Property, Tariffs, and International Trade Dynamics
Waddle, Andrea L.; Mandelman, Federico S.
The emergence of global value chains not only leads to a magnification of trade in intermediate inputs but also to an extensive technology diffusion among the different production units involved in arms-length relationships. In this context, the lack of enforcement of intellectual property rights has recently become a highly controversial subject of debate in the context of the China-U.S. trade negotiations. This paper analyzes the strategic interaction of tariff policies and the enforcement of intellectual property rights within a quantitative general equilibrium framework. Results indicate ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2019-10
Working Paper
Financal frictions and policy cooperation: a case with monopolistic banking and staggered loan contracts
Teranishi, Yuki; Fujiwara, Ippei
Do financial frictions call for policy cooperation? This paper investigates the implications of simple financial frictions, monopolistic banking together with staggered loan contracts, for monetary policy in open economies in the linear quadratic (LQ) framework. Welfare analysis shows that policy cooperation improves social welfare in the presence of such financial frictions. There also exist long-run gains from cooperation in addition to these by jointly stabilizing inefficient fluctuations over the business cycle, that are usually found in models with price rigidities. The Ramsey optimal ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 237
Working Paper
Ties That Bind: Estimating the Natural Rate of Interest for Small Open Economies
Zhang, Ren; Wynne, Mark A.; Martinez-Garcia, Enrique; Grossman, Valerie
This paper estimates the natural rate of interest for six small open economies (Australia, Canada, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.) with a structural New Keynesian model using Bayesian techniques. Our empirical analysis establishes the following four main findings: First, we show that the open economy framework provides a better fit of the data than its closed economy counterpart for the six countries we investigate. Second, we also show that, in all six countries, a Taylor (1993)-type monetary policy rule that tracks the Wicksellian short-term natural rate fits the data better ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 359
Working Paper
Inflation as a global phenomenon - some implications for policy analysis and forecasting
Kabukcuoglu, Ayse; Martinez-Garcia, Enrique
We evaluate the performance of inflation forecasts based on the open-economy Phillips curve by exploiting the spatial pattern of international propagation of inflation. We model these spatial linkages using global inflation and either domestic slack or oil price fluctuations, motivated by a novel interpretation of the forecasting implications of the workhorse openeconomy New Keynesian model (Martnez-Garca and Wynne (2010), Kabukcuoglu and Martnez-Garca (2014)). We find that incorporating spatial interactions yields significantly more accurate forecasts of local inflation in 14 advanced ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 261
Conference Paper
Crowding out redefined: the role of reserve accumulation
Reinhart, Carmen M.; Tashiro, Takeshi
It is well understood that investment serves as a shock absorber at the time of crisis. The duration of the drag on investment, however, is perplexing. For the nine Asian economies we focus on in this study, average investment/GDP is about 6 percentage points lower during 1998-2012 than its average level in the decade before the crisis; if China and India are excluded, the estimated decline exceeds 9 percent. We document how in the wake of crisis home bias in finance usually increases markedly as public and private sectors look inward when external financing becomes prohibitively costly, ...
, Issue Nov
, Pages 1-43
Working Paper
Firm-Embedded Productivity and Cross-Country Income Differences
Alviarez, Vanessa; Cravino, Javier; Ramondo, Natalia
We measure the contribution of firm-embedded productivity to cross-country income differences. By firm-embedded productivity we refer to the components of productivity that differ across firms and that can be transferred internationally, such as blueprints, management practices, and intangible capital. Our approach relies on microlevel data on the cross-border operations of multinational enterprises (MNEs). We compare the market shares of the exact same MNE in different countries and document that they are about four times larger in developing than in high-income countries. This finding ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers
, Paper 39
Working Paper
Seigniorage and Sovereign Default: The Response of Emerging Markets to COVID-19
Espino, Emilio; Sanchez, Juan M.; Martin, Fernando M.; Kozlowski, Julian
Monetary policy affects the tradeoffs faced by governments in sovereign default models. In the absence of lump-sum taxation, governments rely on both disortionary taxes and seigniorage to finance expenditure. Furthermore, monetary policy adds a time-consistency problem in debt choice, which may mitigate or exacerbate the incentives to accumulate debt. A deterioration of the terms-of-trade leads to an increase in sovereign-default risk and inflation, and a reduction in growth, which are consistent with the empirical evidence for emerging economies. An unanticipated shock resembling the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2020-017
Working Paper
Managing Macroeconomic Fluctuations with Flexible Exchange Rate Targeting
Mihov, Ilian; Heipertz, Jonas; Santacreu, Ana Maria
We show that a monetary policy rule that uses the exchange rate to stabilize the economy can outperform a Taylor rule in managing macroeconomics fluctuations and in achieving higher welfare. The differences between the rules are driven by: (i) the paths of the nominal exchange rate and the interest rate under each rule and (ii) external habits in consumption, which leads to deviations from uncovered interest parity. These differences are larger in economies, which are very open, which are more exposed to foreign shocks, or in which domestic and foreign goods are highly substitutable.
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-028
Discussion Paper
Remittances and COVID-19: A Tale of Two Countries
Vilan, Diego; Mandelman, Federico S.
Looking at the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on workers' remittances flowing from the United States, this article focuses on the experiences of two countries, El Salvador and Mexico, which account for approximately 30 percent of all immigrants currently residing in the United States. Following the second quarter's economic lockdown, transfers to these countries experienced perplexing dynamics. Specifically, remittances to El Salvador witnessed a record 40 percent sudden drop, while Mexico recorded an unexpected 35 percent increase. We discuss some of the narratives proposed to explain this ...
Policy Hub
, Paper 2020-12
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 80 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 47 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 29 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 23 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 2 items
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Globalization Institute Working Papers 75 items
Working Papers 74 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 38 items
Staff Reports 22 items
Working Paper Series 15 items
Staff Report 10 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 9 items
Research Working Paper 8 items
Review 8 items
Working Paper 6 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 5 items
Current Policy Perspectives 3 items
Policy Hub 2 items
Proceedings 2 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 2 items
Chicago Fed Letter 1 items
Economic Policy Review 1 items
FRB Atlanta CQER Working Paper 1 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 234 items
Report 35 items
Journal Article 10 items
Conference Paper 2 items
Discussion Paper 1 items
Newsletter 1 items
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Sanchez, Juan M. 23 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 22 items
Martin, Fernando M. 14 items
Espino, Emilio 12 items
Kozlowski, Julian 12 items
Akinci, Ozge 11 items
Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina 11 items
Bianchi, Javier 10 items
Sapriza, Horacio 9 items
Yurdagul, Emircan 9 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 8 items
Mandelman, Federico S. 8 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 8 items
Queraltó, Albert 8 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 8 items
Leibovici, Fernando 7 items
Fujiwara, Ippei 6 items
Nicolini, Juan Pablo 6 items
Santacreu, Ana Maria 6 items
Van Patten, Diana 6 items
Wynne, Mark A. 6 items
Zhang, Jing 6 items
Benigno, Gianluca 5 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 5 items
Duncan, Roberto 5 items
Hevia, Constantino 5 items
Nie, Jun 5 items
Presno, Ignacio 5 items
Auer, Raphael 4 items
Ayres, Joao Luiz 4 items
Dunn, Jason 4 items
Heipertz, Jonas 4 items
Kollmann, Robert 4 items
Kılıç, Rehim 4 items
Lewis, Logan T. 4 items
Mihov, Ilian 4 items
Monarch, Ryan 4 items
Pesenti, Paolo 4 items
Sposi, Michael 4 items
Timmer, Yannick 4 items
Zlate, Andrei 4 items
Arellano, Cristina 3 items
Bai, Yan 3 items
Bodenstein, Martin 3 items
Cooke, Dudley 3 items
Corsetti, Giancarlo 3 items
Coulibaly, Louphou 3 items
Davis, J. Scott 3 items
De Paoli, Bianca 3 items
Diez, Federico J. 3 items
Ding, Ding 3 items
Gopinath, Gita 3 items
Kabukcuoglu, Ayse 3 items
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem 3 items
Leduc, Sylvain 3 items
Lipinska, Anna 3 items
Mallucci, Enrico 3 items
Matschke, Johannes 3 items
Mihalache, Gabriel 3 items
Nechio, Fernanda 3 items
Otrok, Christopher 3 items
Park, Woong Yong 3 items
Pedemonte, Mathieu 3 items
Perri, Fabrizio 3 items
Plante, Michael D. 3 items
Sosa-Padilla, César 3 items
Teranishi, Yuki 3 items
Villalvazo, Sergio 3 items
Yücel, Mine K. 3 items
Zhang, Ren 3 items
Ahmed, Shaghil 2 items
An, Lian 2 items
Bengui, Julien 2 items
Cakir Melek, Nida 2 items
Carvalho, Carlos 2 items
Chahrour, Ryan 2 items
Chatterjee, Arpita 2 items
Chen, Kan 2 items
Christensen, Jens H. E. 2 items
Contessi, Silvio 2 items
Crucini, Mario J. 2 items
Devereux, Michael B. 2 items
Du, Qingyuan 2 items
Durdu, Bora 2 items
Engel, Charles 2 items
Erceg, Christopher J. 2 items
Fitzgerald, Doireann 2 items
Gornemann, Nils M. 2 items
Grossman, Valerie 2 items
Guerrieri, Luca 2 items
Gust, Christopher J. 2 items
Hur, Sewon 2 items
Jordà, Òscar 2 items
Karabarbounis, Loukas 2 items
Kim, Yun Jung 2 items
Liu, Zheng 2 items
Luo, Yulei 2 items
Milani, Fabio 2 items
Ottonello, Pablo 2 items
Phan, Toan 2 items
Rebucci, Alessandro 2 items
Saffie, Felipe 2 items
Schoenle, Raphael 2 items
Schwartzman, Felipe 2 items
Shousha, Samer 2 items
Sondergaard, Jens 2 items
Taylor, Alan M. 2 items
Tille, Cedric 2 items
Ueda, Kozo 2 items
Vigfusson, Robert J. 2 items
Vilan, Diego 2 items
Waddle, Andrea L. 2 items
Wei, Shang-Jin 2 items
Wilkinson, Olivia 2 items
Yom, Zeynep 2 items
Zhang, Xin 2 items
Acharya, Sushant 1 items
Almeida, Victor 1 items
Alviarez, Vanessa 1 items
Amador, Manuel 1 items
Amiti, Mary 1 items
Andrade, Philippe 1 items
Arazi, Martin 1 items
Arkolakis, Costas 1 items
Ates, Sina T. 1 items
Athanasoulis, Stefano 1 items
Auer, Simone 1 items
Avila-Montealegre, Oscar 1 items
Azzimonti-Renzo, Marina 1 items
Balke, Nathan S. 1 items
Barbiero, Omar 1 items
Barbosa-Alves, Mauricio 1 items
Beetz Fenske, Caroline 1 items
Bejarano, Jesús 1 items
Beltran, Daniel O. 1 items
Benchimol, Jonathan 1 items
Berka, Martin 1 items
Berriel, Tiago C. 1 items
Bigio, Saki 1 items
Bocola, Luigi 1 items
Bonadio, Barthélémy 1 items
Borio, Claudio 1 items
Broda, Christian 1 items
Ca' Zorzi, Michele 1 items
Cacciatore, Matteo 1 items
Candia, Bernardo 1 items
Casas, Camila 1 items
Chaney, Thomas 1 items
Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel 1 items
Chudik, Alexander 1 items
Converse, Nathan L. 1 items
Corbae, Dean 1 items
Coulter, Jarod 1 items
Cravino, Javier 1 items
Cuba-Borda, Pablo A. 1 items
Curdia, Vasco 1 items
D'Erasmo, Pablo 1 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 1 items
De Ferra, Sergio 1 items
De Michelis, Andrea 1 items
Dedola, Luca 1 items
Dieppe, Alistair 1 items
Draper, David 1 items
Drozd, Lukasz A. 1 items
Dur, Ayse 1 items
Egorov, Konstantin 1 items
Epstein, Brendan 1 items
Erce, Aitor 1 items
Esquivel, Carlos 1 items
Fatum, Rasmus 1 items
Ferrante, Francesco 1 items
Ferrero, Andrea 1 items
Filardo, Andrew J. 1 items
Fischer, Andreas M. 1 items
Foerster, Andrew 1 items
Foerster, Andrew T. 1 items
Fogli, Alessandra 1 items
Fornaro, Luca 1 items
Frache, Serafin 1 items
Gagnon, Etienne 1 items
Gagnon, Joseph E. 1 items
Georgiadis, Georgios 1 items
Ghironi, Fabio 1 items
Goernemann, Nils 1 items
Gordon, Grey 1 items
Gornemann, Nils 1 items
Gould, David M. 1 items
Grant, Everett 1 items
Gregory, Victoria 1 items
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Guilloux-Nefussi, Sophie 1 items
Haller, Stephanie 1 items
Hamann, Franz 1 items
Hatchondo, Juan Carlos 1 items
Heathcote, Jonathan 1 items
Hildebrand, Sebastian 1 items
Hirata, Hideaki 1 items
Ho, Paul 1 items
Huang, Kevin X. D. 1 items
Husted, Lucas F. 1 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 1 items
Ikeda, Daisuke 1 items
Itskhoki, Oleg 1 items
Jiao, Yang 1 items
Johannsen, Benjamin K. 1 items
Justiniano, Alejandro 1 items
Kam, Timothy 1 items
Kang, Wensheng 1 items
Kapicka, Marek 1 items
Kara, Engin 1 items
Kehoe, Timothy J. 1 items
Kekre, Rohan 1 items
Kersting, Erasmus K. 1 items
Kilian, Lutz 1 items
Kleinert, Jorn 1 items
Kohn, David 1 items
Kolbin, Sergey 1 items
Konings, Jozef 1 items
Kose, M. Ayhan 1 items
Kuester, Keith 1 items
Kwon, Hannah 1 items
Kydland, Finn E. 1 items
Küçük, Hande 1 items
Landry, Anthony E. 1 items
Laxton, Douglas 1 items
Lee, Hyungsuk 1 items
Lee, Jae Won 1 items
Lee, Junsang 1 items
Lewis, Karen K. 1 items
Li, Wei 1 items
Liao, Gordon Y. 1 items
Liu, Edith X. 1 items
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Lluberas, Rodrigo 1 items
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Lovchikova, Marina 1 items
Mandel, Benjamin R. 1 items
Martin, Julien 1 items
Martin, Philippe 1 items
Martinez, Leonardo 1 items
McCarthy, Jonathan 1 items
McGrattan, Ellen R. 1 items
Mehl, Arnaud 1 items
Meleshchuk, Sergii 1 items
Mendoza, Enrique G. 1 items
Mitchener, Kris James 1 items
Mitra, Nirvana 1 items
Mix, Carter 1 items
Moran, Patrick Donnelly 1 items
Mukherjee, Rahul 1 items
N'Diaye, Papa 1 items
Na, Seunghoon 1 items
Nakajima, Tomoyuki 1 items
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Nuguer, Victoria 1 items
Olmstead-Rumsey, Jane 1 items
Pelin, Serra 1 items
Primiceri, Giorgio E. 1 items
Ramanarayanan, Ananth 1 items
Ramnath, Shanthi 1 items
Ramondo, Natalia 1 items
Ratti, Ronald A. 1 items
Reinhart, Carmen M. 1 items
Rodríguez, Diego 1 items
Rogers, John H. 1 items
Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G. 1 items
Saure, Philip 1 items
Schmitt-Grohe, Stephanie 1 items
Schularick, Moritz 1 items
Shapiro, Alan Finkelstein 1 items
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de Groot, Oliver 1 items
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E52 63 items
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