Search Results
Working Paper
Optimal monetary policy in a currency union with interest rate spreads
Lee, Jae Won; Bhattarai, Saroj; Park, Woong Yong
We introduce ?financial imperfections? - asymmetric net wealth positions, incomplete risksharing, and interest rate spread across member countries - in a prototypical two-country currency union model and study implications for monetary policy transmission mechanism and optimal policy. In addition to, and independent from, the standard transmission mechanism associated with nominal rigidities, financial imperfections introduce a wealth redistribution role for monetary policy. Moreover, the two mechanisms reinforce each other and amplify the effects of monetary policy. On the normative side, ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 150
Working Paper
Lending Standards and Borrowing Premia in Unsecured Credit Markets
Dempsey, Kyle; Ionescu, Felicia
Using administrative data from Y-14M and Equifax, we find evidence for large spreads in excess of those implied by default risk in the U.S. unsecured credit market. These borrowing premia vary widely by borrower risk and imply a nearly flat relationship between loan prices and repayment probabilities, at odds with existing theories. To close this gap, we incorporate supply frictions – a tractably specified form of lending standards – into a model of unsecured credit with aggregate shocks. Our model matches the empirical incidence of both risk and borrowing premia. Both the level and ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2021-039
Journal Article
How Mergers in the Farm Credit System Have Affected Ag Banks
Scott, Francisco
Commercial banks and the Farm Credit System (FCS) have been the most important sources of agricultural loans in the United States in recent decades. Since the 1990s, however, mergers and acquisitions have increasingly concentrated both the FCS and commercial banks, raising concerns about potential effects on the agricultural credit market. Starting in the 2000s, the FCS gained a substantial market share of total agricultural debt, lending credibility to these concerns. Thus far, however, how the FCS’s evolving size and scope affect agricultural bank operations, particularly through mergers, ...
Economic Review
, Volume vol. 108
, Issue no. 3
, Pages 23
Working Paper
How New Fed Corporate Bond Programs Dampened the Financial Accelerator in the COVID-19 Recession
Bordo, Michael D.; Duca, John V.
In the financial crisis and recession induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, many investment-grade firms became unable to borrow from securities markets. In response, the Fed not only reopened its commercial paper funding facility but also announced it would purchase newly issued and seasoned bonds of corporations rated as investment grade before the COVID pandemic. A careful splicing of different unemployment rate series enables us to assess the effectiveness of recent Fed interventions in these long-term debt markets over long sample periods, spanning the Great Depression, Great Recession and ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2029
Working Paper
Long and Plosser Meet Bewley and Lucas
Wen, Yi; Dong, Feng
We develop a N-sector business cycle network model a la Long and Plosser (1983), featuring heterogenous money demand a la Bewley (1980) and Lucas (1980). Despite incomplete markets and a well-defined distribution of real money balances across heterogeneous households, the enriched N-sector network model remains analytically tractable with closed-form solutions up to the aggregate level. Relying on the tractability, we establish several important results: (i) The economy's input-output network linkages become endogenously time-varying over the business cycle?thanks to the influence of the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2018-8
Working Paper
Does Price Regulation Affect Competition? Evidence from Credit Card Solicitations
Ronen, Joshua; Li, Geng; Dou, Yiwei
We study the unintended consequences of consumer financial regulations, focusing on the CARD Act, which restricts consumer credit card issuers? ability to raise interest rates. We estimate the competitive responsiveness-the degree to which a credit card issuer changes offered interest rates in response to changes in interest rates offered by its competitors-as a measure of competition in the credit card market. Using small business card offers, which are not subject to the Act, as a control group, we find a significant decline in the competitive responsiveness after the Act. The decline in ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2019-018
Working Paper
Central Bank Digital Currency: Financial Inclusion vs. Disintermediation
Banet, Jeremie; Lebeau, Lucie
An overlapping-generations model with income heterogeneity is developed to analyze the impact of introducing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) on financial inclusion, and its potential adverse effect on bank funding. We highlight the role of two design parameters: the fixed cost of CBDC usage and the interest rate it pays, and derive principles for maximum inclusion and for mitigating the inclusion-intermediation trade-off. Agents’ choice of money instrument is endogenously driven by income heterogeneity. Pre-CBDC, wealthier agents adopt deposits, while poorer agents adopt cash and ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2218
Working Paper
Did Doubling Reserve Requirements Cause the 1937-38 Recession? New Evidence on the Impact of Reserve Requirements on Bank Reserve Demand and Lending
Wheelock, David C.; Mason, Joseph R.; Calomiris, Charles W.
In 1936-37, the Federal Reserve doubled member banks' reserve requirements. Friedman and Schwartz (1963) famously argued that the doubling increased reserve demand and forced the money supply to contract, which they argued caused the recession of 1937-38. Using a new database on individual banks, we show that higher reserve requirements did not generally increase banks' reserve demand or contract lending because reserve requirements were not binding for most banks. Aggregate effects on credit supply from reserve requirement increases were therefore economically small and statistically zero.
Working Papers
, Paper 2022-011
Journal Article
The Recent Rise in US Inflation: Policy Lessons from the Quantity Theory
Gao, Han; Nicolini, Juan Pablo
We build a scenario for inflation in the United States in the years to come. Following Gao, Kulish, and Nicolini (2021), we use the quantity theory of money as a conceptual framework and confront the theory with evidence from both the United States and other OECD countries. We argue that a) the quantity theory of money works very well in the medium term, which we define to be close to four years; b) deviations from the inflation rate predicted by the quantity theory tend to disappear in the medium term; c) the burst in inflation that started in 2021 in the United States is a deviation from ...
Quarterly Review
, Volume 44
, Issue 2
Working Paper
Deposit interest rate ceilings as credit supply shifters: bank level evidence on the effects of Regulation Q
Koch, Christoffer
Shocks emanating from and propagating through the banking system have recently gained interest in the macroeconomics literature, yet they are not a feature unique to the 2008/09 financial crisis. Banking disintermediation shocks occured frequently during the Great Inflation era due to fixed deposit rate ceilings. I estimate the effect of deposit rate ceilings inscribed in Regulation Q on the transmission of federal funds rate changes to bank level credit growth using a historic bank level data set spanning half a century from 1959 to 2013 with about two million observations. Measures of the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 1406
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 31 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 18 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 12 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 2 items
show more (8)
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Finance and Economics Discussion Series 26 items
Working Papers 26 items
Working Paper Series 15 items
Liberty Street Economics 11 items
Staff Report 7 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 6 items
Review 6 items
Working Paper 5 items
Current Policy Perspectives 4 items
Staff Reports 4 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 3 items
Research Working Paper 3 items
Economic Policy Review 2 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 2 items
Economic Bulletin 1 items
Economic Review 1 items
FRB Atlanta CQER Working Paper 1 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
Payments System Research Briefing 1 items
Policy Discussion Paper Series 1 items
Quarterly Review 1 items
Speech 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 85 items
Report 15 items
Journal Article 14 items
Discussion Paper 12 items
Briefing 1 items
Speech 1 items
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Jordà, Òscar 9 items
Nicolini, Juan Pablo 8 items
Taylor, Alan M. 7 items
Schularick, Moritz 6 items
Gao, Han 5 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 5 items
Nelson, Edward 5 items
Neely, Christopher J. 4 items
Wheelock, David C. 4 items
Auer, Raphael 3 items
Bassetto, Marco 3 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 3 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 3 items
Infante, Sebastian 3 items
Kramer, Claire 3 items
Kulish, Mariano 3 items
Lebeau, Lucie 3 items
Mason, Joseph R. 3 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 3 items
Sarkar, Asani 3 items
Wen, Yi 3 items
Akinci, Ozge 2 items
Arseneau, David M. 2 items
Battisto, Jessica 2 items
Bordo, Michael D. 2 items
Coibion, Olivier 2 items
Crosignani, Matteo 2 items
Dong, Feng 2 items
Duca, John V. 2 items
Gilchrist, Simon 2 items
Godin, Nathan Y. 2 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 2 items
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy 2 items
Guerrón-Quintana, Pablo 2 items
Gust, Christopher J. 2 items
Ihrig, Jane E. 2 items
Kahn, Charles M. 2 items
Karson, Evan 2 items
Khazanov, Alexey 2 items
Kim, Edward 2 items
Kim, Kyungmin 2 items
Koch, Christoffer 2 items
Mahar, Molly 2 items
Miller, David S. 2 items
Mondragon, John 2 items
Morgan, Donald P. 2 items
Nechio, Fernanda 2 items
Paul, Pascal 2 items
Peek, Joe 2 items
Richardson, Gary 2 items
Rivadeneyra, Francisco 2 items
Ruprecht, Romina 2 items
Saravay, Zack 2 items
Schoenle, Raphael 2 items
Scott, Francisco 2 items
Sharma, Padma 2 items
Sim, Jae W. 2 items
Van den Heuvel, Skander J. 2 items
Vojtech, Cindy M. 2 items
Weinbach, Gretchen C. 2 items
Wix, Carlo 2 items
Wong, Tsz-Nga 2 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 2 items
Zhong, Molin 2 items
Afanasyeva, Elena 1 items
Afonso, Gara 1 items
Allison, Theodore E. 1 items
Baker, Sarah S. 1 items
Banet, Jeremie 1 items
Baughman, Garth 1 items
Benigno, Gianluca 1 items
Benzoni, Luca 1 items
Bethune, Zachary 1 items
Bianchi, Javier 1 items
Bigio, Saki 1 items
Bluwstein, Kristina 1 items
Bonatti, Alessandro 1 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 1 items
Bradford, Terri 1 items
Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal 1 items
Buch, Claudia M. 1 items
Buera, Francisco J. 1 items
Bussiere, Matthieu 1 items
Carapella, Francesca 1 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 1 items
Chakraborty, Suparna 1 items
Chen, Qian 1 items
Chien, YiLi 1 items
Cipriani, Marco 1 items
Cisternas, Gonzalo 1 items
Claessens, Stijn 1 items
Coleman, Stacy Panigay 1 items
Cox, Robert 1 items
Crump, Richard K. 1 items
Curfman, Christopher 1 items
Davis, J. Scott 1 items
Del Negro, Marco 1 items
Delis, Manthos D. 1 items
Dempsey, Kyle 1 items
Ding, Lei 1 items
Dou, Yiwei 1 items
Dudley, William 1 items
Ennis, Huberto M. 1 items
Fillat, Jose 1 items
Fillat, José 1 items
Frasser, Cristian 1 items
Fringuellotti, Fulvia 1 items
Gabrovski, Miroslav 1 items
Gelain, Paolo 1 items
Gennaro Caracciolo, Gherardo 1 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Greene, Claire 1 items
Hall, Jason 1 items
Herkenhoff, Kyle F. 1 items
Hetzel, Robert L. 1 items
Hevia, Constantino 1 items
Howes, Cooper 1 items
Ionescu, Felicia 1 items
Kandrac, John 1 items
Kang, Wensheng 1 items
Kaplan, Nathan 1 items
Kilian, Lutz 1 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 1 items
Kolasa, Marcin 1 items
Kospentaris, Ioannis 1 items
Kovner, Anna 1 items
Krainer, John 1 items
Kreitman, Ty 1 items
Kuethe, Todd 1 items
Kumbhat, Ashish 1 items
Kurtzman, Robert J. 1 items
La Spada, Gabriele 1 items
Lambert, Michael J. 1 items
Le, Hanh 1 items
Lee, Hyungsuk 1 items
Lee, Jae Won 1 items
Lee, Junsang 1 items
Lenza, Michele 1 items
Li, Geng 1 items
Liu, Haoyang 1 items
Lo, Stephanie 1 items
López-Salido, J. David 1 items
Mack, Adrienne 1 items
Marsh, W. Blake 1 items
Mongey, Simon 1 items
Nalewaik, Jeremy J. 1 items
Nourbash, Ethan 1 items
Occhino, Filippo 1 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 1 items
Ongena, Steven 1 items
Oosthuizen, Dick 1 items
Oppedahl, David B. 1 items
Park, Woong Yong 1 items
Pesenti, Paolo 1 items
Phoa, Wesley 1 items
Pianalto, Rosanna S. 1 items
Prazad, Saketh 1 items
Queraltó, Albert 1 items
Ratti, Ronald A. 1 items
Ravazzolo, Fabiola 1 items
Reichlin, Lucrezia 1 items
Reinhart, Carmen M. 1 items
Rocheteau, Guillaume 1 items
Ronen, Joshua 1 items
Rosengren, Eric S. 1 items
Ross, Chase P. 1 items
Rysman, Marc 1 items
Sastry, Parinitha 1 items
Schuh, Scott 1 items
Shy, Oz 1 items
Singh, Sanjay R. 1 items
Stanton, Kristin D. 1 items
Steigerwald, Robert 1 items
Van Horn, Patrick 1 items
Vandenabeele, Anne 1 items
Vespignani, Joaquin L. 1 items
Vigfusson, Robert J. 1 items
Volker, Desi 1 items
Wang, J. Christina 1 items
Weiss, Colin 1 items
Willen, Paul S. 1 items
Wong, Russell 1 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 1 items
Zeke, David 1 items
Zhang, Cathy 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 42 items
E58 36 items
E52 34 items
E32 22 items
E44 20 items
G12 18 items
E41 17 items
E42 16 items
G28 15 items
E31 14 items
E43 9 items
E30 8 items
G01 8 items
F31 6 items
F33 6 items
F42 6 items
N20 6 items
E01 5 items
E24 5 items
E61 5 items
E63 5 items
F44 5 items
G32 5 items
N10 5 items
N12 5 items
C14 4 items
E21 4 items
E37 4 items
E47 4 items
F41 4 items
N22 4 items
C51 3 items
D14 3 items
E12 3 items
E13 3 items
E22 3 items
E5 3 items
E65 3 items
G10 3 items
G18 3 items
G38 3 items
H12 3 items
I1 3 items
C11 2 items
C22 2 items
C32 2 items
C38 2 items
C52 2 items
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D20 2 items
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D40 2 items
D63 2 items
E4 2 items
E40 2 items
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E62 2 items
F3 2 items
F32 2 items
G2 2 items
G20 2 items
G24 2 items
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G33 2 items
H81 2 items
I3 2 items
L10 2 items
L11 2 items
L50 2 items
C13 1 items
C53 1 items
D53 1 items
D60 1 items
D83 1 items
E2 1 items
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E23 1 items
E39 1 items
E49 1 items
E64 1 items
F0 1 items
G1 1 items
G11 1 items
G15 1 items
G22 1 items
G23 1 items
G34 1 items
H63 1 items
I15 1 items
J15 1 items
J64 1 items
K22 1 items
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L13 1 items
L51 1 items
L85 1 items
M40 1 items
N11 1 items
N21 1 items
O23 1 items
Q1 1 items
Q14 1 items
Q43 1 items
R31 1 items
R33 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
monetary policy 22 items
COVID-19 8 items
Inflation 7 items
liquidity 7 items
money 7 items
financial crises 7 items
Money demand 6 items
Paycheck Protection Program 5 items
quantitative easing 5 items
Bank Lending 4 items
Effective lower bound 4 items
money multiplier 4 items
Monetarism 3 items
Monetary aggregates 3 items
banks 3 items
central banks 3 items
cryptocurrencies 3 items
excess reserves 3 items
inequality 3 items
local projections 3 items
reserve demand 3 items
reserve requirements 3 items
small business loans 3 items
Banking 3 items
Central bank digital currency 3 items
Collateral 3 items
Fintech 3 items
Fiscal theory of the price level 3 items
Interest rates 3 items
bank loans 3 items
business cycles 3 items
financial crisis 3 items
leverage 3 items
recessions 3 items
Asymmetric dynamics 2 items
Bank disintermediation 2 items
Central bank balance sheet 2 items
Credit cycle 2 items
Federal Reserve 2 items
Firm Investment 2 items
Liquidity Preference 2 items
Liquidity management 2 items
Main Street Lending Program 2 items
Monetary policy implementation 2 items
Predictive distributions 2 items
Quantity theory of money 2 items
Real Effects 2 items
Repo 2 items
Tail risk 2 items
Transmission mechanism 2 items
Treasury 2 items
Velocity 2 items
Wage Rigidity 2 items
bank capital 2 items
blockchain 2 items
central bank digital currencies 2 items
credit constraints 2 items
credit demand 2 items
credit easing 2 items
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digital currencies 2 items
digitalisation 2 items
distributed ledger technology 2 items
emergency lending facilities 2 items
euro area 2 items
event study 2 items
finance 2 items
lenders of last resort 2 items
mortgage lending 2 items
mortgages 2 items
privacy 2 items
proof-of-stake 2 items
proof-of-work 2 items
spillovers 2 items
unconventional monetary policy 2 items
Financial Intermediation 2 items
International finance 2 items
Monetary Fiscal Interaction 2 items
Money supply 2 items
Price Level Determination 2 items
Re-use 2 items
Rehypothecation 2 items
Safe assets 2 items
Trilemma 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
Agricultural lending 1 items
Bank Failure 1 items
Bank lending survey 1 items
Bank leverage constraints 1 items
Bank suspension 1 items
Bankruptcy 1 items
Basel III 1 items
Bayesian VARs 1 items
Bayesian analysis 1 items
Bayesian inference 1 items
Borrowing premia 1 items
CARD Act 1 items
CARES Act 1 items
Capital requirements 1 items
Central Bank 1 items
Central Counterparties 1 items
Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) 1 items
Community banks 1 items
Competitive responsiveness 1 items
Consumer credit 1 items
Core PCE prices 1 items
Credit 1 items
Credit boom 1 items
Credit card market 1 items
Credit demand and supply 1 items
Credit gap 1 items
Credit view 1 items
Cross-County 1 items
Currency Crises 1 items
Currency in circulation 1 items
Depository institutions 1 items
Deregulation 1 items
Distributional Effect of Monetary Policy 1 items
Divisia 1 items
Dollar, American 1 items
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models 1 items
Early warning 1 items
Eurozone 1 items
Farm Credit System 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 1 items
Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve System 1 items
Federal Reserve lending programs 1 items
Federal Reserve liquidity facilities 1 items
Financial Economics 1 items
Firm dynamics 1 items
Floating exchange rates 1 items
Great Moderation 1 items
Great Recession 1 items
HQLA 1 items
Heterogeneous Money Demand 1 items
Incomes policy 1 items
Incomplete Markets 1 items
Inflation targeting 1 items
Intermediary asset pricing 1 items
Japan 1 items
Karl Brunner 1 items
LCR 1 items
LSAPs 1 items
Lender of last resort 1 items
Lending Channel 1 items
Liquid assets 1 items
Liquidity Regulation 1 items
Liquidity Trap 1 items
Local currency 1 items
Macroeconomics 1 items
Margin loans 1 items
Markov-switching 1 items
Means of payment 1 items
Menu costs 1 items
Milton Friedman 1 items
Misallocation 1 items
Monetary Economics 1 items
Monetary Transmission 1 items
Monetary base 1 items
Monetary base control 1 items
Monetary policy autonomy 1 items
Monetary union 1 items
Monetary/fiscal interaction 1 items
Money and banking 1 items
Money markets 1 items
Money view 1 items
NAIRU 1 items
National banks 1 items
Oligopoly 1 items
Panel data 1 items
Payments crisis 1 items
Phillips curve 1 items
Policy 1 items
Private money 1 items
Production Networks 1 items
Propagation of Shocks 1 items
QE 1 items
Racial discrimination 1 items
Real GDP 1 items
Reallocation 1 items
Regulation Q 1 items
Regulations 1 items
Repurchase agreement 1 items
Required Reserves 1 items
Reserve balances 1 items
Reserve targets 1 items
Risk Management 1 items
Safe asset 1 items
Small and Large firms 1 items
Structural Change 1 items
Structural breaks 1 items
Sudden inflation 1 items
Synthetic control 1 items
TARGET2 1 items
Time-Varying Labor Wedge 1 items
Time-Varying Velocity of Money 1 items
U.K. economic policy 1 items
U.K. monetary policy 1 items
Wage Inflation 1 items
account-to-account (A2A) transfers 1 items
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overnight reverse repo (ON RRP) 1 items
payments 1 items
permissioned DLT 1 items
person-to-person payments 1 items
prediction 1 items
price discrimination 1 items
proportionality 1 items
recovery 1 items
regression discontinuity design 1 items
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risk premiums 1 items
search frictions 1 items
secondary loan markets 1 items
securities 1 items
shadow banking 1 items
shadow banks 1 items
shocks 1 items
short-term wholesale funding 1 items
small business 1 items
small businesses 1 items
sovereign debt crises 1 items
speculative bubble 1 items
stablecoins 1 items
sticky customer base 1 items
strategic default 1 items
supervision 1 items
suptech 1 items
swap 1 items
systemic risk 1 items
theft 1 items
threshold regressions 1 items
time variation 1 items
token- and account- based payment payments 1 items
tokenisation 1 items
total factor productivity 1 items
transactions services 1 items
tri-party repos 1 items
trilemma mechanism 1 items
wages 1 items
wallets 1 items
wars 1 items
welfare 1 items
welfare costs of inflation 1 items
zombie firms 1 items
zombie lending 1 items
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