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Jel Classification:C67 

Working Paper
The Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations in a Credit Network Economy

I show that inter-firm lending plays an important role in business cycle fluctuations. I first build a tractable network model of the economy in which trade in intermediate goods is financed by supplier credit. In the model, a financial shock to one firm affects its ability to make payments to its suppliers. The credit linkages between firms propagate financial shocks, amplifying their aggregate effects by about 30 percent. To calibrate the model, I construct a proxy of inter-industry credit flows from firm- and industry-level data. I then estimate aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks to ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2018-031

Working Paper
The domestic segment of global supply chains in China under state capitalism

This paper proposes methods to incorporate firm heterogeneity in the standard IO-table based approach to portray the domestic segment of global value chains in a country. Using Chinese firm census data for both manufacturing and service sectors, along with constrained optimization techniques, we split the conventional IO table into sub-accounts, which are used to estimate direct and indirect domestic value added in exports of different types of firm. We find that in China, both state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and small and medium domestic private enterprises (SMEs) have much higher shares of ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 186

Working Paper
Inflation in Disaggregated Small Open Economies

This paper studies inflation in small open economies with production networks. I show that production networks alter the elasticity of the consumer price index (CPI) to changes in sectoral technology, factor prices, and import prices. Sectors can import and export directly but also indirectly through domestic intermediate inputs. Indirect exporting dampens the inflationary pressure from domestic forces, while indirect importing increases the inflation sensitivity to import price changes. Computing these CPI elasticities requires knowledge of the production network structure because these do ...
Working Papers , Paper 24-12

Working Paper
Sourcing substitution and related price index biases

We define a class of bias problems that arise when purchasers shift their expenditures among sellers charging different prices for units of precisely defined and interchangeable product items that are nevertheless regarded as different for the purposes of price measurement. For business-to-business transactions, these shifts can cause sourcing substitution bias in the Producer Price Index (PPI) and the Import Price Index (MPI), as well as potentially in the proposed new true Input Price Index (IPI). Similarly, when consumers shift their expenditures for the same products temporally to take ...
Working Papers , Paper 14-34


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