Search Results
Journal Article
This is not your father's recession ... or is it?
Gascon, Charles S.
The current declines in employment and income are consistent with what happened in previous recessions going back to 1969. Unique this time are the major drop in home prices and the proactive response by policymakers.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Apr
, Pages 6-12
Journal Article
Restructuring and economic growth: taking the long-term view
Kliesen, Kevin L.
Restructuring is being blamed for much of the economy's sluggish growth. But what do we mean when we say restructuring? Is it all bad news? Is it even news at all?
The Regional Economist
Journal Article
Frankfort, Ky., capitalizes on history, variety
Sparks, Glen
Frankfort, although small, is a multidimensional city. Bourbon, a revitalized downtown, state government and manufacturing have put their stamp on the economy.>
The Regional Economist
, Issue Jan
, Pages 14-15
Journal Article
Stable prices, stable economy: keeping inflation in check must be No. 1 goal of monetary policymakers
Wheelock, David C.; Poole, William
Conventional wisdom holds that if policymakers are too focused on controlling inflation, then employment, output growth and financial stability will suffer. But the conventional wisdom is wrong, according to the data.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Jan
, Pages 4-9
Journal Article
Household financial stability: who suffered the most from the crisis?
Emmons, William R.; Noeth, Bryan J.
The financial crisis and ensuing recession took a toll on just about everybody?s household wealth. Not surprisingly, the pain wasn?t evenly distributed. Those groups that are usually the most vulnerable in our society?young and middle-aged minority households?suffered the most, percentage-wise.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Jul
Journal Article
Permits, contracts, closings: real estate in the Eighth District
Zaretsky, Adam M.
Construction may have slowed somewhat in the area's real estate market, but it's still worth writing home about.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Jul
, Pages 12-13
Journal Article
Tough lesson: more money doesn't help schools; accountability does
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben; Roisman, Deborah
More people are coming around to what economists have long been saying: The answer to failing public schools isn't more money, but more accountability.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Apr
, Pages 12-13
Journal Article
Chained, rested and ready: the new and improved GDP
Kliesen, Kevin L.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Jan
, Pages 10-11
Journal Article
Commodity price indexes: can they predict inflation?
Kliesen, Kevin L.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Jul
, Pages 10-11
Journal Article
The Unequal Recovery: Measuring Financial Distress by ZIP Code
Sanchez, Juan M.; Mather, Ryan
Since 2015, households in the poorest ZIP codes appear to have become more financially vulnerable.
The Regional Economist
, Volume 27
, Issue 1
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 808 items
FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 808 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 130 items
Bullard, James B. 59 items
Gascon, Charles S. 46 items
Zaretsky, Adam M. 36 items
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 24 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 23 items
Thomson, Susan C. 23 items
Owyang, Michael T. 22 items
Poole, William 22 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 21 items
Emmons, William R. 19 items
Pakko, Michael R. 18 items
Wall, Howard J. 18 items
Greene, Stephen 16 items
Neely, Michelle Clark 16 items
Vaughan, Mark D. 16 items
Canon, Maria E. 15 items
Martinek, Christopher J. 15 items
Wen, Yi 14 items
Garrett, Thomas A. 13 items
Vandenbroucke, Guillaume 13 items
Liu, Yang 12 items
Melzer, Thomas C. 12 items
Arias, Maria A. 11 items
Engemann, Kristie M. 11 items
Reinbold, Brian 11 items
Shell, Hannah 11 items
Yeager, Timothy J. 11 items
Chien, YiLi 10 items
Dupor, Bill 10 items
Meyer, Andrew P. 10 items
Sengupta, Rajdeep 10 items
Clark, Michelle A. 9 items
Contessi, Silvio 9 items
Monge-Naranjo, Alexander 9 items
Noeth, Bryan J. 9 items
Sparks, Glen 9 items
Anderson, Richard G. 8 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 8 items
Kolesnikova, Natalia A. 8 items
Neely, Christopher J. 8 items
Badel, Alejandro 7 items
Dahl, Drew 7 items
Eubanks, James D. 7 items
Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina 7 items
Ricketts, Lowell R. 7 items
Arbogast, Iris 6 items
Aubuchon, Craig P. 6 items
Bharadwaj, Asha 6 items
Coughlin, Cletus C. 6 items
Fawley, Brett W. 6 items
Gavin, William T. 6 items
Jefferson, Nathan 6 items
Juvenal, Luciana 6 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 6 items
Martin, Fernando M. 6 items
Morris, Paul 6 items
Ott, Lesli S. 6 items
Ravikumar, B. 6 items
Roisman, Deborah 6 items
Werner, Devin 6 items
Wheelock, David C. 6 items
Wiczer, David 6 items
Wilkinson, Olivia 6 items
Hong, Sungki 5 items
Hopper, Laura J. 5 items
Isaacson, Maggie 5 items
Stojanovic, Dusan 5 items
Wheeler, Christopher H. 5 items
Byrge, Joshua A. 4 items
Chiodo, Abbigail J. 4 items
Demyanyk, Yuliya 4 items
Grittayaphong, Praew 4 items
Jenkins, Suzanne 4 items
La Jeunesse, Elizabeth A. 4 items
Leibovici, Fernando 4 items
Li, Li 4 items
Marifian, Elise 4 items
Pennington-Cross, Anthony 4 items
Rodrigo, Guerrero 4 items
Rubinton, Hannah 4 items
Sun, Qiuhan 4 items
Vermann, E. Katarina 4 items
Beiseitov, Eldar 3 items
Chen, Mingyu 3 items
Cooke, Diana A. 3 items
Crews, Jonas C. 3 items
Dunn, Jason 3 items
El-Ghazaly, Hoda S. 3 items
Estenssoro, Amalia 3 items
Famiglietti, Matthew 3 items
Fuller, Jack 3 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 3 items
Golan, Limor 3 items
Hincapié , Andrés 3 items
Ho, Giang 3 items
Kerdnunvong, Usa 3 items
Mather, Ryan 3 items
Maues, Julia S. 3 items
McGillicuddy, Joseph 3 items
Reed, Marisa 3 items
Schlagenhauf, Don E. 3 items
Schmid, Frank A. 3 items
Sohail, Faisal 3 items
Spewak, Andrew 3 items
Vizcaino, Juan I. 3 items
Waller, Christopher J. 3 items
Williamson, Stephen D. 3 items
Younas, Javed 3 items
Bennett, Julie 2 items
Bhaskar, Rajeev R. 2 items
Birinci, Serdar 2 items
Blei, Sharon K. 2 items
Bokun, Kathryn 2 items
Buol, Jason J. 2 items
Castelazo, Molly D. 2 items
DiCecio, Riccardo 2 items
Fernandez Laris, Georgette A 2 items
Franke, Michelle 2 items
Fuchs, James W. 2 items
Fuller, David L. 2 items
Gopalan, Yadav K. 2 items
Gregory, Victoria 2 items
Hall, John R. 2 items
Karson, Evan 2 items
Kim, Hee Sung 2 items
Leukhina, Oksana 2 items
Liborio, Constanza S. 2 items
Mandal, Rachel J. 2 items
McCracken, Michael W. 2 items
O'Neill Paese, Kathleen 2 items
Peake, Makenzie 2 items
Pollard, Patricia S. 2 items
Rodgers, William M. 2 items
Roy, Suryadipta 2 items
Shin, Yongseok 2 items
Steinberg, Joel 2 items
Tully, Jeryldine 2 items
Yurdagul, Emircan 2 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 2 items
Zhu, Heting 2 items
Adams, Camilla 1 items
Amburgey, Aaron 1 items
Anderson, Boyd D. 1 items
Andolfatto, David 1 items
Armesto, Michelle T. 1 items
Bosshardt, William 1 items
Bullard, Antonia 1 items
Caunedo, Julieta 1 items
Chalise, Nishesh 1 items
Chiang, Yu-Ting 1 items
Clark Neely, Michelle 1 items
De Nicola, Francesca 1 items
Debbaut, Peter 1 items
Dueholm, Mick 1 items
Ebsim, Mahdi 1 items
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel 1 items
Fogel, Kathy 1 items
Friedberg, Leora 1 items
Gayle, George-Levi 1 items
Greaney, Brian 1 items
Green, Steven L. 1 items
Grimes, Paul 1 items
Grover, Sean P. 1 items
Grunewald, Rob 1 items
Guisinger, Amy Y. 1 items
Hamilton, Barton 1 items
Harding, Elisabeth 1 items
Harshman, Ellen 1 items
Hatchondo, Juan Carlos 1 items
Hauke, Justin P. 1 items
Hokayem, Charles 1 items
Jiang, Helu 1 items
Kassens, Alice 1 items
Kauffman, Nathan 1 items
Kent, Ana Hernández 1 items
King, Thomas B. 1 items
Kong, Yu-Chien 1 items
Kose, M. Ayhan 1 items
Kozlowski, Julian 1 items
LaBelle, Jesse 1 items
Lee, Wayne Y. 1 items
Lskavyan, Vahe 1 items
Ma, Liping 1 items
Martinez, Leonardo 1 items
Martorana, Joseph 1 items
McCrory, Peter B. 1 items
Meisch, Michelle T. 1 items
Michaud, Amanda M. 1 items
Milchanowski, Mike 1 items
Munemo, Jonathan 1 items
Ngân, Trần Khánh 1 items
Ostergaard, Charlotte 1 items
Otrok, Christopher 1 items
Ozkan, Serdar 1 items
Peralta-Alva, Adrian 1 items
Petrella, Ivan 1 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 1 items
Pinto, Santiago 1 items
Poposka, Klimentina 1 items
Ramakrishnan, Prasanthi 1 items
Reed, Alyson 1 items
Rodean, Allison K. 1 items
Rolnick, Arthur J. 1 items
Rorie, Deena 1 items
Rothstein, Paul 1 items
Sanghi, Siddhartha 1 items
Schmitz, Amelia 1 items
Sekhposyan, Tatevik 1 items
Shao, Lin 1 items
Sherrer, Larry D. 1 items
Shimek, Luke M. 1 items
Skiba, Paige M. 1 items
Smaldone, Amy 1 items
Smith, Douglas C. 1 items
Sorensen, Bent E. 1 items
Sposi, Michael 1 items
Stackhouse, Julie L. 1 items
Stamborski, Al 1 items
Stewart, Ashley 1 items
Suiter, Mary 1 items
Tam, Yu Man 1 items
Varley, Michael A. 1 items
Walstrum, Thomas 1 items
Webb, Robert L. 1 items
Wiggins, Neil 1 items
Williams, Christopher A. 1 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 1 items
Yeager, Fred C. 1 items
Yu, Zhixiu 1 items
Zhu, Lijun 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
show more (227)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Federal Reserve District, 8th 128 items
COVID-19 42 items
Employment 32 items
Monetary policy 31 items
inflation 23 items
Economic development 22 items
Economic conditions 20 items
Inflation (Finance) 17 items
Financial crises 15 items
Recessions 15 items
Labor market 15 items
Regional economics 14 items
Unemployment 13 items
Housing 12 items
Banks and banking 10 items
Mortgages 10 items
economic conditions - United States 10 items
Economic indicators 10 items
Education 9 items
International trade 9 items
Tennessee 9 items
Wages 9 items
labor markets 8 items
Education - Economic aspects 7 items
Housing - Prices 7 items
Kentucky 7 items
Taxation 7 items
Interest rates 7 items
Bank supervision 6 items
Discrimination in employment 6 items
Economic forecasting 6 items
Federal Reserve System 6 items
Illinois 6 items
Mississippi 6 items
Fiscal policy 6 items
Arkansas 5 items
Debt 5 items
Emigration and immigration 5 items
Employment (Economic theory) 5 items
Federal Open Market Committee 5 items
Forecasting 5 items
Income distribution 5 items
Investments 5 items
Petroleum industry and trade 5 items
Productivity 5 items
Social security 5 items
Agriculture 5 items
Gross domestic product 5 items
Labor supply 5 items
Budget deficits 4 items
Economic growth 4 items
Exports 4 items
Finance, Personal 4 items
Indiana 4 items
Manufactures 4 items
Medical care, Cost of 4 items
Monetary policy - United States 4 items
Population 4 items
Power resources - Prices 4 items
Prices 4 items
Saving and investment 4 items
economic outlook 4 items
Immigrants 4 items
Bank loans 3 items
Bank mergers 3 items
Consumer behavior 3 items
Credit 3 items
Credit unions 3 items
Demography 3 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 3 items
Floods 3 items
Foreclosure 3 items
Gambling industry 3 items
Income 3 items
Insurance, Health 3 items
Missouri 3 items
Public policy 3 items
Stock market 3 items
Technology 3 items
Tobacco industry 3 items
economic recovery 3 items
labor market tightness 3 items
Community banks 3 items
Retirement 3 items
Unemployment insurance 3 items
Antitrust law 2 items
Bank failures 2 items
Bank liquidity 2 items
Bank size 2 items
Banking law 2 items
Bankruptcy 2 items
Banks and banking, Central 2 items
Branch banks 2 items
Budget 2 items
Business cycles 2 items
China 2 items
Community development 2 items
Computers 2 items
Disaster relief 2 items
Europe 2 items
European Union 2 items
Farm produce 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 items
Federal Reserve System - Independence 2 items
Federal home loan banks 2 items
Financial markets 2 items
Financial risk management 2 items
Food prices 2 items
Futures 2 items
Gasoline 2 items
Globalization 2 items
Government securities 2 items
Households - Finance 2 items
Housing - Finance 2 items
India 2 items
International economic relations 2 items
International finance 2 items
Job creation 2 items
Metropolitan areas - Statistics 2 items
Money 2 items
Mortgage loans 2 items
Mutual funds 2 items
Pandemic 2 items
Payment systems 2 items
Petroleum products - Prices 2 items
Predatory lending 2 items
Professional sports 2 items
Quality of life 2 items
Real property 2 items
Revenue 2 items
Rural areas 2 items
Statistics 2 items
Subprime mortgage 2 items
Universities and colleges 2 items
banking 2 items
climate change 2 items
diversity 2 items
educational attainment 2 items
income volatility 2 items
labor force participation 2 items
life expectancy 2 items
monetary policy accommodation 2 items
real gross domestic product 2 items
residential real estate 2 items
state finances 2 items
Commercial loans 2 items
Emerging markets 2 items
GDP 2 items
Pollution 2 items
Poverty 2 items
Risk management 2 items
Small business 2 items
Advisory Councils to the Federal Reserve Banks 1 items
Africa 1 items
African American 1 items
African Americans - Economic conditions 1 items
Animal industry 1 items
Asia 1 items
Asset bubbles 1 items
Asset prices 1 items
Auctions 1 items
Australia 1 items
Automated tellers 1 items
Automobile industry and trade 1 items
Baby boom generation 1 items
Balance of trade 1 items
Bank competition 1 items
Bank deposits 1 items
Banking law - United States 1 items
Banking structure 1 items
Banks and banking - Accounting 1 items
Banks and banking - Customer services 1 items
Banks and banking - Service charges 1 items
Banks and banking, International 1 items
Basel capital accord 1 items
Black men 1 items
Budget - United States 1 items
Business failures 1 items
Business forecasting 1 items
COVID-19 spread 1 items
Cable television industry 1 items
Capital 1 items
Cartels 1 items
Cash flow 1 items
Charitable bequests 1 items
Check collection systems 1 items
Chile 1 items
Cities and towns 1 items
Commercial paper issues 1 items
Community colleges 1 items
Competition 1 items
Construction industry 1 items
Consumer credit 1 items
Consumer price indexes 1 items
Consumer protection 1 items
Corporations - Taxation 1 items
Cost and standard of living 1 items
Credit - France 1 items
Credit markets 1 items
Credit scoring systems 1 items
Default (Finance) 1 items
Deficit financing 1 items
Deposit insurance 1 items
Derivative securities 1 items
Developing countries 1 items
Discount window 1 items
E-Verify 1 items
Early childhood education 1 items
East Asia 1 items
Economic development - Illinois 1 items
Economic development - Missouri 1 items
Economic history 1 items
Economics 1 items
Economics - Study and teaching 1 items
Electronic funds transfers 1 items
Emergency management 1 items
Eminent domain 1 items
Energy consumption 1 items
Energy industries 1 items
Energy policy 1 items
Environmental policy 1 items
Environmental protection 1 items
Exuberance index 1 items
FedNow 1 items
Federal Communications Commission 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 1 items
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 1 items
Federal National Mortgage Association 1 items
Federal funds 1 items
Financial crises - Asia 1 items
Financial institutions 1 items
Financial market regulatory reform 1 items
Financial modernization 1 items
Fiscal policy - United States 1 items
Food stamps 1 items
Foreign exchange rates 1 items
Fraud 1 items
Free trade 1 items
GDP (gross domestic product) 1 items
GDP growth 1 items
GDP outlook 1 items
Gas industry 1 items
Global financial crisis 1 items
Gold reserves 1 items
Government-sponsored enterprises 1 items
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1 items
Great Britain 1 items
Great Recession 1 items
Health care reform 1 items
Hispanic 1 items
Hispanic Americans 1 items
Home equity loans 1 items
Home ownership 1 items
Hours of labor 1 items
Human capital 1 items
Illegal immigration 1 items
Immigration enforcement 1 items
Income gaps 1 items
Income tax 1 items
Indexation (Economics) 1 items
Industrial loan associations 1 items
Industrial policy 1 items
Inflation expectations 1 items
Inflation risk 1 items
Inflation-indexed bonds 1 items
Infrastructure (Economics) 1 items
Intermediation (Finance) 1 items
International economic integration 1 items
International trade - China 1 items
Internet banking 1 items
Interstate banking 1 items
Investment banking 1 items
Investments, Foreign 1 items
Job satisfaction 1 items
Labor productivity 1 items
Labor supply - United States 1 items
Labor turnover 1 items
Leisure 1 items
Local transit 1 items
Macroeconomic policy 1 items
Manufactures - South 1 items
Manufacturing industries 1 items
Manufacturing industries - United States 1 items
Marijuana 1 items
Medicaid 1 items
Medicare 1 items
Mexico 1 items
Migration, Internal 1 items
Minimum wage 1 items
Monetary unions - European Union countries 1 items
Money market 1 items
Money supply 1 items
Mortgage loans - Law and legislation 1 items
Mortgage servicing 1 items
Natural disasters 1 items
Natural resources 1 items
New Deal 1 items
New York (N.Y.) 1 items
New Zealand 1 items
North American Free Trade Agreement 1 items
Norway 1 items
Obesity 1 items
Oil prices 1 items
Patents 1 items
Paycheck Protection Program 1 items
Pensions 1 items
Periods of explosive behavior 1 items
Plant shutdowns 1 items
Price indexes 1 items
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Purchasing power parity 1 items
Railroads 1 items
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Real-time data 1 items
Regulation 1 items
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Russian invasion of Ukraine 1 items
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Smart cards 1 items
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Startups 1 items
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Subsidies 1 items
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Terrorism 1 items
Transparency 1 items
Transportation 1 items
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Ukraine 1 items
Uncertainty 1 items
United States 1 items
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Volcker, Paul A. 1 items
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sub-Saharan Africa 1 items
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systemic financial risks 1 items
trade balance 1 items
trade deficits 1 items
unauthorized immigration 1 items
unemployment benefits 1 items
wealth accumulation 1 items
wealth transfer 1 items
world economy 1 items
world population 1 items
show more (483)
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