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Series:The Regional Economist 

Journal Article
This is not your father's recession ... or is it?

The current declines in employment and income are consistent with what happened in previous recessions going back to 1969. Unique this time are the major drop in home prices and the proactive response by policymakers.
The Regional Economist , Issue Apr , Pages 6-12

Journal Article
Restructuring and economic growth: taking the long-term view

Restructuring is being blamed for much of the economy's sluggish growth. But what do we mean when we say restructuring? Is it all bad news? Is it even news at all?
The Regional Economist

Journal Article
Frankfort, Ky., capitalizes on history, variety

Frankfort, although small, is a multidimensional city. Bourbon, a revitalized downtown, state government and manufacturing have put their stamp on the economy.>
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 14-15

Journal Article
Stable prices, stable economy: keeping inflation in check must be No. 1 goal of monetary policymakers

Conventional wisdom holds that if policymakers are too focused on controlling inflation, then employment, output growth and financial stability will suffer. But the conventional wisdom is wrong, according to the data.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 4-9

Journal Article
Household financial stability: who suffered the most from the crisis?

The financial crisis and ensuing recession took a toll on just about everybody?s household wealth. Not surprisingly, the pain wasn?t evenly distributed. Those groups that are usually the most vulnerable in our society?young and middle-aged minority households?suffered the most, percentage-wise.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jul

Journal Article
Permits, contracts, closings: real estate in the Eighth District

Construction may have slowed somewhat in the area's real estate market, but it's still worth writing home about.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jul , Pages 12-13

Journal Article
Tough lesson: more money doesn't help schools; accountability does

More people are coming around to what economists have long been saying: The answer to failing public schools isn't more money, but more accountability.
The Regional Economist , Issue Apr , Pages 12-13

Journal Article
Chained, rested and ready: the new and improved GDP

The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 10-11

Journal Article
Commodity price indexes: can they predict inflation?

The Regional Economist , Issue Jul , Pages 10-11

Journal Article
The Unequal Recovery: Measuring Financial Distress by ZIP Code

Since 2015, households in the poorest ZIP codes appear to have become more financially vulnerable.
The Regional Economist , Volume 27 , Issue 1




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Kliesen, Kevin L. 130 items

Bullard, James B. 59 items

Gascon, Charles S. 46 items

Zaretsky, Adam M. 36 items

Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 24 items

Sanchez, Juan M. 23 items

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Federal Reserve District, 8th 128 items

COVID-19 42 items

Employment 32 items

Monetary policy 31 items

inflation 23 items

Economic development 22 items

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