Search Results
Working Paper
The decline of activist stabilization policy: natural rate misperceptions, learning, and expectations
Williams, John C.; Orphanides, Athanasios
We develop an estimated model of the U.S. economy in which agents form expectations by continually updating their beliefs regarding the behavior of the economy and monetary policy. We explore the effects of policymakers' misperceptions of the natural rate of unemployment during the late 1960s and 1970s on the formation of expectations and macroeconomic outcomes. We find that the combination of monetary policy directed at tight stabilization of unemployment near its perceived natural rate and large real-time errors in estimates of the natural rate uprooted heretofore quiescent inflation ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 804
Working Paper
Commodity price movements in a general equilibrium model of storage
Leduc, Sylvain; Arseneau, David M.
We embed the canonical rational expectations competitive storage model into a general equilibrium framework thereby allowing the non-linear commodity price dynamics implied by the competitive storage model to interact with the broader macroeconomy. Our main result is that the endogenous movement in interest rates implied under general equilibrium enhances the effects of competitive storage on commodity prices. Compared to a model in which the real interest rate is fixed, we find that storage in general equilibrium leads to more persistence in commodity prices and somewhat lower volatility. ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1054
Working Paper
Global versus country-specific productivity shocks and the current account
Glick, Reuven; Rogoff, Kenneth S.
For G-7 countries over the period 1961-1990, there appears to be a strong and stable negative correlation between annual changes in the current account and investment. Here we explore this correlation using a highly tractable empirical model that distinguishes between global and country-specific shocks. This distinction turns out to be quite important empirically, as global shocks account for roughly fifty percent of the overall variance of productivity. An apparent puzzle, however, is that the current account seems to respond by much less than investment to country-specific productivity ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 443
Working Paper
Constrained suboptimality in economies with limited communication
Bowman, David
Economies with limited communication contain an externality which typically makes them Pareto inefficient, even taking into account the communication constraints agents face. In a two period model it is shown that an open and dense set of economies with limited communication are constrained Pareto suboptimal. Thus equilibria of economies with voluntary unemployment, search, or other types of limits on communication are unlikely to be Pareto optimal, even in the absence of moral hazard, adverse selection, or search externalities.
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 497
Working Paper
The optimal degree of commitment to an intermediate monetary target: inflation gains versus stabilization costs
Rogoff, Kenneth S.
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 230
Working Paper
Does monetary policy keep up with the Joneses? Optimal interest-rate smoothing with consumption externalities
Chugh, Sanjay K.
Changes in monetary policy are typically implemented gradually, an empirical observation known as interest-rate smoothing. We propose the explanation that time-non-separable preferences may render interest-rate smoothing optimal. We find that when consumers have "catching-up-with-the-Joneses" preferences, optimal monetary policy reacts gradually to shocks to prevent inefficiently fast adjustments in consumption. We also extend our basic model to investigate the effects of capital formation and nominal rigidities on the dynamics of optimal monetary policy. Optimal policy responses continue ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 812
Working Paper
Transitory terms-of-trade shocks and the current account: the case of constant time preference
Obstfeld, Maurice
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 194
Working Paper
Monetary Policy in a Model of Growth
Queraltó, Albert
Empirical evidence suggests that recessions have long-run effects on the economy's productive capacity. Recent literature embeds endogenous growth mechanisms within business cycle models to account for these "scarring" effects. The optimal conduct of monetary policy in these settings, however, remains largely unexplored. This paper augments the standard sticky-price New Keynesian (NK) to allow for endogenous dynamics in aggregate productivity. The model has a representation similar to the two-equation NK model, with an additional condition linking productivity growth to current and expected ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1340
Working Paper
Monetary Policy, Housing Rents and Inflation Dynamics
Dias, Daniel A.; Duarte, Joao B.
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1248
Working Paper
An assessment of the impact of Japanese foreign exchange intervention: 1991-2004
Humpage, Owen F.; Chaboud, Alain P.
We analyze the short-term price impact of Japanese foreign exchange intervention operations between 1991 and 2004, using official data from Japan's Ministry of Finance. Over the period as a whole, we find some evidence of a modest "against the wind" effect, but interventions do not have value as a forecast that the exchange rate will move in a direction consistent with the operations. Interventions conducted between 1995 and 2002, which were large and infrequent, met with a much higher degree of success. For the most recent episode of intervention, in 2003 and 2004, despite the record size ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 824
FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 1452 items
Rogers, John H. 47 items
Kamin, Steven B. 42 items
Ericsson, Neil R. 41 items
Marquez, Jaime R. 41 items
Correa, Ricardo 33 items
Gagnon, Joseph E. 33 items
Warnock, Francis E. 27 items
Ammer, John 26 items
Edison, Hali J. 26 items
Henderson, Dale W. 26 items
Hooper, Peter 24 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 24 items
Bodenstein, Martin 23 items
Faust, Jon 23 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 23 items
Erceg, Christopher J. 22 items
Stevens, Guy V. G. 21 items
Vigfusson, Robert J. 21 items
Guerrieri, Luca 19 items
Isard, Peter 19 items
Londono, Juan M. 19 items
Thomas, Charles P. 19 items
Hjalmarsson, Erik 18 items
Gust, Christopher J. 16 items
Queraltó, Albert 15 items
Sun, Bo 15 items
Bertaut, Carol C. 14 items
Caldara, Dario 14 items
Howard, David H. 14 items
Kwack, Sung Y. 14 items
Tryon, Ralph W. 14 items
Dooley, Michael P. 13 items
Fernald, John G. 13 items
Prestipino, Andrea 13 items
Ahmed, Shaghil 12 items
Curcuru, Stephanie E. 12 items
Ferrante, Francesco 12 items
Martin, Robert F. 12 items
Rogoff, Kenneth S. 12 items
Berner, Richard 11 items
Canzoneri, Matthew B. 11 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 11 items
Hendry, David F. 11 items
Loungani, Prakash 11 items
Mann, Catherine L. 11 items
Truman, Edwin M. 11 items
Beltran, Daniel O. 10 items
Bowman, David 10 items
Chugh, Sanjay K. 10 items
Gruber, Joseph W. 10 items
Haltmaier, Jane 10 items
Ihrig, Jane E. 10 items
Iyigun, Murat F. 10 items
Levin, Andrew T. 10 items
Mendoza, Enrique G. 10 items
Wongswan, Jon 10 items
Arseneau, David M. 9 items
Brunner, Allan D. 9 items
Cai, Fang 9 items
Cascaldi-Garcia, Danilo 9 items
Chaboud, Alain P. 9 items
Christiano, Lawrence J. 9 items
Dias, Daniel A. 9 items
Engel, Charles 9 items
Ferreira, Thiago Revil T. 9 items
Gibson, Michael S. 9 items
Girton, Lance 9 items
Leduc, Sylvain 9 items
Mills, Rodney H. 9 items
Monarch, Ryan 9 items
Niepmann, Friederike 9 items
Nunes, Ricardo 9 items
Salant, Stephen W. 9 items
Sapriza, Horacio 9 items
Scotti, Chiara 9 items
Stebunovs, Viktors 9 items
Terrell, Henry S. 9 items
Clark, Peter K. 8 items
Coulibaly, Brahima 8 items
Eichenbaum, Martin S. 8 items
Frankel, Allen B. 8 items
Helkie, William L. 8 items
Howe, Howard 8 items
Jain, Anil K. 8 items
Levine, Ross 8 items
Mallucci, Enrico 8 items
Minoiu, Camelia 8 items
Navarro, Gaston 8 items
Roper, Don E. 8 items
Rose, Andrew K. 8 items
Scaramucci, Mikaël 8 items
Schindler, John W. 8 items
Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim 8 items
Sheets, Nathan 8 items
Smith, David C. 8 items
Stekler, Lois E. 8 items
Uribe, Martin 8 items
Wilson, Beth Anne 8 items
de Soyres, Francois 8 items
di Giovanni, Julian 8 items
Akinci, Ozge 7 items
Basu, Susanto 7 items
Emery, Robert F. 7 items
Epstein, Brendan 7 items
Freund, Caroline L. 7 items
Johnson, Karen H. 7 items
Leahy, Michael P. 7 items
Lel, Ugur 7 items
Lindé, Jesper 7 items
Lowrey, Barbara R. 7 items
López-Salido, J. David 7 items
Meese, Richard 7 items
Melick, William R. 7 items
Raffo, Andrea 7 items
Schinasi, Garry J. 7 items
Vega, Clara 7 items
Wilson, John F. 7 items
Zlate, Andrei 7 items
von Beschwitz, Bastian 7 items
Campos, Julia 6 items
DeMarco, Laurie 6 items
Durdu, Ceyhun Bora 6 items
Frankel, Jeffrey A. 6 items
Freeman, Richard T. 6 items
Gray, Jo Anna 6 items
Kaminsky, Graciela L. 6 items
Kilian, Lutz 6 items
Kim, Jinill 6 items
Lee, Seung Jung 6 items
Leeper, Eric M. 6 items
Liu, Qi 6 items
Maroni, Yves 6 items
Ongena, Steven 6 items
Pruitt, Seth 6 items
Swamy, P. A. V. B. 6 items
Ahearne, Alan G. 5 items
Akcigit, Ufuk 5 items
Arteta, Carlos O. 5 items
Carey, Mark S. 5 items
Coleman, Wilbur John 5 items
Corsetti, Giancarlo 5 items
Cuba-Borda, Pablo A. 5 items
De Pooter, Michiel 5 items
Debortoli, Davide 5 items
Doyle, Brian M. 5 items
Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier 5 items
Graves, Sebastian 5 items
Hernandez-Cata, Ernesto 5 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad R. 5 items
Johnson, Robert A. 5 items
Junz, Helen B. 5 items
Key, Sydney J. 5 items
Lang, Alexander S. 5 items
Marazzi, Mario 5 items
Obstfeld, Maurice 5 items
Owen, Ann L. 5 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 5 items
Presno, Ignacio 5 items
Reeve, Trevor A. 5 items
Robitaille, Patrice 5 items
Samadi, Mehrdad 5 items
Sibert, Anne C. 5 items
Trabandt, Mathias 5 items
Alp, Harun 4 items
Arias, Jonas E. 4 items
Aruoba, S. Boragan 4 items
Ayres, Joao 4 items
Berger, Brett D. 4 items
Caprio, Gerard 4 items
Chernenko, Sergey V. 4 items
Choudhary, M. Ali 4 items
Claessens, Stijn 4 items
Converse, Nathan L. 4 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 4 items
Diegmann, André 4 items
Flood, Robert P. 4 items
Gagnon, Etienne 4 items
Gornemann, Nils M. 4 items
Holland, Sara B. 4 items
Howorka, Edward 4 items
Irons, John S. 4 items
Irwin, Douglas A. 4 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad 4 items
Judson, Ruth A. 4 items
Katz, Samuel I. 4 items
Kole, Linda S. 4 items
Liao, Gordon Y. 4 items
Loretan, Mico 4 items
Lubitz, Raymond 4 items
Mandel, Benjamin R. 4 items
Marques, Carlos Robalo 4 items
Meade, Ellen E. 4 items
Messer, Todd 4 items
Mix, Carter 4 items
Morais, Bernardo 4 items
Nicolini, Juan Pablo 4 items
Pauls, B. Dianne 4 items
Reyes-Heroles, Ricardo M. 4 items
Rice, Tara N. 4 items
Roush, Jennifer E. 4 items
Serrano-Velarde, Nicolas 4 items
Shafer, Jeffrey R. 4 items
Shen, Leslie Sheng 4 items
Shousha, Samer 4 items
Svensson, Lars E. O. 4 items
Swagel, Phillip 4 items
Symansky, Steven A. 4 items
Tabova, Alexandra M. 4 items
Teles, Pedro 4 items
Timmer, Yannick 4 items
Van Leemput, Eva 4 items
Wang, Gang 4 items
Warner, Andrew M. 4 items
Yu, Yang 4 items
Yue, Vivian Z. 4 items
Zanna, Luis-Felipe 4 items
Alexander, Lewis S. 3 items
Armenter, Roc 3 items
Bayoumi, Tamim 3 items
Berger, David W. 3 items
Bryson, Jay H. 3 items
Caines, Colin C. 3 items
Chiquoine, Benjamin 3 items
Clark, Peter B. 3 items
Coleman, Nicholas 3 items
Copelman, Martina 3 items
Craig, R. Sean 3 items
De Michelis, Andrea 3 items
Dedola, Luca 3 items
Ding, Ding 3 items
Dohner, Robert S. 3 items
Du, Wenxin 3 items
Duarte, Joao B. 3 items
Dvorak, Tomas 3 items
Edge, Rochelle M. 3 items
Faia, Ester 3 items
Fiori, Giuseppe 3 items
Fisher, Eric 3 items
Gaillard, Alexandre 3 items
Garcia-Cabo, Joaquin 3 items
Gavin, Michael K. 3 items
Ghosal, Vivek 3 items
Goernemann, Nils 3 items
Gordon, David B. 3 items
Hoek, Jasper 3 items
Jacobson, Laurence R. 3 items
Judson, Ruth 3 items
Kim, Chang-Jin 3 items
Kitsul, Yuriy 3 items
Lewis, Logan T. 3 items
Lindner, Deborah J. 3 items
Liu, Edith X. 3 items
Ma, Sai 3 items
Marques-Ibanez, David 3 items
Martin, Philippe 3 items
Massa, Massimo 3 items
Miller, Marcus 3 items
Nason, James M. 3 items
Nini, Gregory P. 3 items
Oh, Hyunseung 3 items
Orak, Musa 3 items
Rodriguez, Marius del Giudice 3 items
Ruiz-Ortega, Claudia 3 items
Schott, Immo 3 items
Severn, Alan K. 3 items
Terrones, Marco E. 3 items
Thurman, Stephan S. 3 items
Villalvazo, Sergio 3 items
Waldo, Douglas G. 3 items
Wang, Shing-Yi 3 items
Wong, Anna 3 items
Yu, Dahai 3 items
Zer, Ilknur 3 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 3 items
Österholm, Pär 3 items
Alessandria, George 2 items
Andersen, Torben G. 2 items
Aristizabal-Ramirez, Maria 2 items
Ates, Sina T. 2 items
Babson, Oliver D. 2 items
Banegas, Ayelen 2 items
Barcelona, William 2 items
Benediktsdottir, Sigridur 2 items
Benigno, Gianluca 2 items
Benigno, Pierpaolo 2 items
Berger, Allen N. 2 items
Black, Lamont K. 2 items
Boehm, Christoph E. 2 items
Bollerslev, Tim 2 items
Bordo, Michael D. 2 items
Boyer, Brian H. 2 items
Boz, Emine 2 items
Brown, Kathleen H. 2 items
Bryant, Ralph C. 2 items
Burger, John D. 2 items
Caramichael, John 2 items
Clinton, Nathanael 2 items
Coenen, Günter 2 items
Daniel, Betty C. 2 items
Darity, William A. 2 items
Davis, Donald R. 2 items
De Ferra, Sergio 2 items
De Nicolo, Gianni 2 items
Dekle, Robert 2 items
Diebold, Francis X. 2 items
Dobrev, Dobrislav 2 items
Draper, David 2 items
Dudey, Marc 2 items
Erce, Aitor 2 items
Evans, Carolyn L. 2 items
Feler, Leo 2 items
Ferraro, Domenico 2 items
Ferrière, Axelle 2 items
Fieleke, Norman S. 2 items
Foley-Fisher, Nathan 2 items
Garber, Peter M. 2 items
Gertler, Mark 2 items
Gilchrist, Simon 2 items
Glaessner, Thomas C. 2 items
Goulding, William 2 items
Haas, Richard D. 2 items
Hanson, James A. 2 items
Hoang, Trang T. 2 items
Hottman, Colin J. 2 items
Huh, Chan Guk 2 items
Husted, Lucas F. 2 items
Irvine, Reed J. 2 items
Jaimovich, Nir 2 items
Johnson, Ronald 2 items
Kamal, Fariha 2 items
Kara, Alper 2 items
Kaymak, Barış 2 items
Kimball, Miles S. 2 items
Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro 2 items
Kling, Arnold 2 items
Knetter, Michael M. 2 items
Kohlhagen, Steven W. 2 items
Kondo, Illenin O. 2 items
Kotter, Jason 2 items
Kroner, Niklas 2 items
Kuester, Keith 2 items
Li, Canlin 2 items
Lipinska, Anna 2 items
Liu, Lucy Qian 2 items
Loopesko, Bonnie E. 2 items
Lu, Lei 2 items
Malkhozov, Aytek 2 items
Marquardt, Jeffrey C. 2 items
McCallum, Andrew H. 2 items
McCormick, Frank 2 items
McKibbin, Warwick J. 2 items
Mei, Jianping 2 items
Miller, Darius P. 2 items
Miyamoto, Wataru 2 items
Mizon, Grayham E. 2 items
Modugno, Michele 2 items
Mulabdic, Alen 2 items
Nelson, Charles R. 2 items
Nguyen, Thuy Lan 2 items
Nolle, Daniel E. 2 items
Nunn, Ryan 2 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 2 items
Ortiz, Julio L. 2 items
Popper, Helen 2 items
Pradhan, Swapan-Kumar 2 items
Reinhart, Carmen M. 2 items
Richmond, Christine 2 items
Rosen, Samuel 2 items
Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F. 2 items
Ruta, Michele 2 items
Saffie, Felipe 2 items
Salop, Joanne 2 items
Schineller, Lisa M. 2 items
Schmukler, Sergio L. 2 items
Schorfheide, Frank 2 items
Sicilian, Martin 2 items
Somale, Mariano A. 2 items
Spigelman, David F. 2 items
Stella, Andrea 2 items
Swanson, Eric T. 2 items
Takacs, Wendy E. 2 items
Takáts, Előd 2 items
Temesvary, Judit 2 items
Tenorio, Gabriel 2 items
Tesar, Linda L. 2 items
Tian, Mary 2 items
Traiberman, Sharon 2 items
Tran, Hong-Anh 2 items
Underwood, John M. 2 items
Uysal, Pinar 2 items
Valenzuela, Marcela 2 items
Vitanza, Justin 2 items
Wallich, Henry C. 2 items
Warnock, Veronica C. 2 items
Weiss, Colin 2 items
Wolman, Alexander L. 2 items
Wroblewski, Caleb 2 items
Xu, Nancy R. 2 items
Young, Henry L. 2 items
Zhou, Hao 2 items
di Mauro, Filippo 2 items
Adams, Gwyn 1 items
Adler, Michael 1 items
Adolfson, Malin 1 items
Agarwal, Sumit 1 items
Airaudo, Marco 1 items
Akbari, Amir 1 items
Akbarian, Dara 1 items
Allayannis, George 1 items
Almekinders, Geert J. 1 items
Alquist, Ron 1 items
Alstadheim, Ragna 1 items
Altig, David E. 1 items
Altunbas, Yener 1 items
Alvarez, Antonio 1 items
Aramonte, Sirio 1 items
Arellano, Cristina 1 items
Argimon, Isabel 1 items
Ascari, Guido 1 items
Asea, Patrick K. 1 items
Athey, Susan 1 items
Atkeson, Andrew 1 items
Avenancio-León, Carlos F. 1 items
Avila-Montealegre, Oscar 1 items
Bacchetta, Philippe 1 items
Baier, Scott L. 1 items
Barth, Marvin 1 items
Bastani, Houtan 1 items
Bastos, Paulo 1 items
Batarseh, Feras A. 1 items
Batini, Nicoletta 1 items
Bauer, Gregory H. 1 items
Beckett, Dustin H. 1 items
Beechey, Meredith J. 1 items
Bernales, Alejandro 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Berrospide, Jose M. 1 items
Bianchi, Javier 1 items
Blanchard, Olivier Jean 1 items
Blomberg, S. Brock 1 items
Boata, Simona 1 items
Bonner, Clemens 1 items
Borger, Scott C. 1 items
Bradshaw, Robert C. 1 items
Brandao-Marques, Luis 1 items
Branson, William H. 1 items
Branzoli, Nicola 1 items
Brown, Scott B. 1 items
Brunetti, Celso 1 items
Bruno, Valentina 1 items
Cacciatore, Matteo 1 items
Calem, Paul S. 1 items
Caliendo, Lorenzo 1 items
Calvo, Guillermo A. 1 items
Canova, Fabio 1 items
Carlson, Mark A. 1 items
Carrieri, Francesca 1 items
Casas, Camila 1 items
Castelnuovo, Efrem 1 items
Cavallo, Michele 1 items
Cerutti, Eugenio 1 items
Chang, Valerie J. 1 items
Chen, Chih-Huan 1 items
Chen, Mary 1 items
Cho, Dongchul 1 items
Chuprinin, Oleg 1 items
Clarida, Richard H. 1 items
Cleaver, Chad 1 items
Clements, Mark 1 items
Coleman, Nicholas S. 1 items
Collard, Fabrice 1 items
Collins, Christopher G. 1 items
Connors, Thomas A. 1 items
Cordell, Lawrence R. 1 items
Crawley, Andrew 1 items
Croce, Mariano 1 items
Croke, Hilary 1 items
Cull, Robert 1 items
Cumby, Robert E. 1 items
Dai, Qinglei 1 items
Danker, Deborah J. 1 items
DanÃelsson, Jón 1 items
Das, Kuntal K. 1 items
Dathan, Michele H. 1 items
Daude, Christian 1 items
David, Alexander 1 items
Davies, Sally M. 1 items
Davis, J. Scott 1 items
Davis, John 1 items
Davis, Morris A. 1 items
Davis, Steven J. 1 items
De Brouwer, Gordon 1 items
De Francisco, Eva 1 items
DeHaven, Matthew 1 items
Del Gatto, Massimo 1 items
Del Negro, Marco 1 items
Dellas, Harris 1 items
Demers, Elizabeth 1 items
Den Haan, Wouter J. 1 items
Denizer, Cevdet 1 items
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E32 67 items
G21 52 items
E44 44 items
G15 43 items
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F34 35 items
G12 32 items
F31 26 items
E52 25 items
F42 23 items
F30 20 items
G28 20 items
F32 19 items
F44 18 items
F14 16 items
G11 16 items
G23 16 items
E31 15 items
E43 15 items
E58 14 items
E24 13 items
Q54 13 items
F21 12 items
E37 11 items
F23 11 items
F36 11 items
G14 11 items
C33 10 items
D24 10 items
E21 10 items
E50 10 items
F10 10 items
G01 10 items
G10 10 items
G20 10 items
G32 10 items
O16 10 items
C53 9 items
E40 9 items
F3 9 items
F12 8 items
F40 8 items
O50 8 items
D80 7 items
E30 7 items
E62 7 items
F13 7 items
G30 7 items
L25 7 items
O47 7 items
D22 6 items
E20 6 items
F4 6 items
G1 6 items
G18 6 items
H63 6 items
J64 6 items
O11 6 items
O40 6 items
Q43 6 items
R21 6 items
C32 5 items
D83 5 items
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F15 5 items
F16 5 items
F45 5 items
F60 5 items
G13 5 items
C82 4 items
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D82 4 items
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F43 4 items
F62 4 items
G34 4 items
J08 4 items
O41 4 items
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C22 3 items
D86 3 items
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Q51 1 items
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R13 1 items
R31 1 items
R33 1 items
R41 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Foreign exchange rates 100 items
Monetary policy 98 items
Econometric models 86 items
International trade 66 items
Inflation (Finance) 50 items
Business cycles 47 items
Interest rates 44 items
International finance 41 items
Prices 31 items
Productivity 29 items
Forecasting 24 items
Japan 24 items
Balance of payments 23 items
Developing countries 22 items
Financial crises 22 items
Fiscal policy 21 items
Econometrics 20 items
Investments, Foreign 20 items
Capital movements 18 items
Macroeconomics 18 items
Inflation 17 items
Money 17 items
Exports 15 items
Mexico 15 items
Bank loans 14 items
Risk 14 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 13 items
Uncertainty 13 items
Emerging markets 12 items
Foreign exchange 12 items
Germany 12 items
Stock market 12 items
Sovereign default 12 items
Capital 11 items
Dollar, American 11 items
Imports 11 items
Exchange rates 11 items
Balance of trade 10 items
Consumption (Economics) 10 items
Debts, External 10 items
Global value chains 10 items
Trade war 10 items
Wages 10 items
Financial Frictions 10 items
International Spillovers 10 items
Economic development 9 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 9 items
Financial markets 9 items
International economic relations 9 items
Investments 9 items
Saving and investment 9 items
Stock - Prices 9 items
Trade 9 items
Trade finance 9 items
Globalization 9 items
Open Economy Macroeconomics 9 items
Banks and banking, International 8 items
China 8 items
Climate-related risk 8 items
Foreign exchange - Law and legislation 8 items
GDP growth 8 items
Monetary policy - United States 8 items
Natural hazards and disasters 8 items
Rare disasters 8 items
Technology 8 items
Trade uncertainty 8 items
Unemployment 8 items
Vulnerability to climate impacts 8 items
Investment 8 items
Capital flows 8 items
Great Britain 7 items
Inequality 7 items
Liquidity (Economics) 7 items
Panel Data Estimation 7 items
Taxation 7 items
time series analysis 7 items
Banks 7 items
Sudden Stops 7 items
Bayesian estimation 6 items
Capital market 6 items
Cointegration 6 items
Debt 6 items
European Monetary System (Organization) 6 items
Petroleum products - Prices 6 items
Phillips curve 6 items
Stocks - Rate of return 6 items
Vector autoregression 6 items
Emerging market economies 6 items
Euro area 6 items
Trade policy 6 items
options 6 items
Argentina 5 items
Bonds 5 items
Consumer behavior 5 items
Corporate governance 5 items
Credit 5 items
Dollarization 5 items
Economics 5 items
European Economic Community 5 items
Financial crises - Asia 5 items
Financial crises - Mexico 5 items
Financial stability 5 items
Group of Seven countries 5 items
Housing - Prices 5 items
Human capital 5 items
Labor supply 5 items
Manufactures 5 items
Portfolio management 5 items
Spillovers 5 items
Statistics 5 items
Volatility 5 items
Employment 5 items
textual analysis 5 items
Asset-backed financing 4 items
Banknotes 4 items
Banks and banking, Central 4 items
Budget deficits 4 items
COVID-19 4 items
Canada 4 items
Competition 4 items
Education 4 items
Europe, Eastern 4 items
European Central Bank 4 items
Financial institutions 4 items
Free trade 4 items
Imports - Prices 4 items
Industrial policy, Privatizations 4 items
Labor market 4 items
Learning 4 items
Liquidity 4 items
Misallocation 4 items
Monetary unions - European Union countries 4 items
Money supply 4 items
Money theory 4 items
Multiplicity 4 items
Real exchange rate 4 items
Regression analysis 4 items
Self-fulfilling debt crises 4 items
Size-dependent regulations 4 items
Sovereign risk 4 items
Stagnations 4 items
Venezuela 4 items
Welfare 4 items
bond markets 4 items
monetary unions 4 items
Credit markets 4 items
Financial Intermediation 4 items
Firm Dynamics 4 items
Geopolitical Risk 4 items
International business cycles 4 items
Quantitative easing 4 items
Safe assets 4 items
Syndicated loans 4 items
Arbitrage 3 items
Asia 3 items
Bank lending 3 items
Bank reserves 3 items
Brazil 3 items
Climate change 3 items
Corporate debt 3 items
Covered interest rate parity 3 items
Credit ratings 3 items
Crisis 3 items
Currency 3 items
Debt monetization 3 items
Demand for money 3 items
Derivative securities 3 items
Dominant currency pricing 3 items
Economic forecasting 3 items
Exchange rate 3 items
Foreign exchange market 3 items
Global banks 3 items
Great Recession 3 items
Hours of labor 3 items
Information theory 3 items
Input-Output Models 3 items
International economic integration 3 items
International reserves 3 items
International stock markets 3 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 3 items
Korea 3 items
Latin America 3 items
Macroeconomic Releases, FOMC 3 items
Macroprudential policy 3 items
Markups 3 items
Moment-matching exercise 3 items
Monetary union 3 items
Natural disasters 3 items
Networks 3 items
Power resources - Prices 3 items
Purchasing power 3 items
Purchasing power parity 3 items
Recessions 3 items
Risk Premium 3 items
Risk taking 3 items
Risk-taking 3 items
Search frictions 3 items
Sectoral Reallocation 3 items
Securities 3 items
Securitization 3 items
Sovereign debt 3 items
Stock return predictability 3 items
Stocks 3 items
Tail Risk 3 items
Tariff 3 items
Tourism 3 items
Trade flows 3 items
Uncovered interest parity 3 items
Variance Risk 3 items
Zero lower bound 3 items
chinese financial markets 3 items
economic growth expectations 3 items
mutual fund managers 3 items
price informativeness 3 items
search and matching 3 items
Asset pricing 3 items
Bank failures 3 items
Adverse selection 2 items
Ambiguity 2 items
Asset-liability management 2 items
Asset-pricing 2 items
Asymmetric state variables 2 items
Australia 2 items
Autometrics 2 items
Bank capital 2 items
Bank credit 2 items
Bank management 2 items
Bank mergers 2 items
Banking structure 2 items
Banks and banking - Japan 2 items
Bayesian VAR 2 items
Business enterprises 2 items
Capital investments 2 items
Chile 2 items
Commodity Prices 2 items
Computers 2 items
Corporate bonds 2 items
Credit derivatives 2 items
Crises 2 items
Cross-border banking 2 items
Cross-border claims 2 items
DSGE models 2 items
Debt-deflation 2 items
Debts, Public 2 items
Deficit financing 2 items
Deflation 2 items
Depressions 2 items
Disclosure of information 2 items
Dollar 2 items
Domestic Debt 2 items
Downside risk 2 items
Downside variance risk premium 2 items
Durable goods, Consumer 2 items
Dynamic factor models 2 items
Earnings management 2 items
East Asia 2 items
Economic and Monetary Union 2 items
Economic policy 2 items
Elasticity of substitution 2 items
Employment (Economic theory) 2 items
Energy industries 2 items
Equities 2 items
Europe 2 items
European currency unit 2 items
Exchange-rate passthrough 2 items
Exports - China 2 items
Federal Open Market Committee 2 items
Federal Reserve 2 items
Federal funds market (United States) 2 items
Financial conditions 2 items
Firm-level data 2 items
Foreign exchange futures 2 items
Foreign exchange rates - China 2 items
Global Financial Cycle 2 items
Global financial crisis 2 items
Government debt 2 items
Gross domestic product 2 items
Gross national product 2 items
Growth 2 items
Hedging 2 items
Hendry, David F. 2 items
Heterogeneity 2 items
Heterogeneous Agents 2 items
Household leverage 2 items
Housing tenure choice 2 items
Import price inflation 2 items
Income 2 items
Income distribution 2 items
Incomplete markets 2 items
Industries 2 items
Inflation dynamics 2 items
Information 2 items
Information technology 2 items
Input-output linkages 2 items
Institutional investors 2 items
International banking 2 items
International business cycle comovement 2 items
International risk sharing 2 items
International transmission 2 items
Inventories 2 items
Israel 2 items
Kalman filter 2 items
Labor economics 2 items
Labor market frictions 2 items
Labor markets 2 items
Labor productivity 2 items
Labor share 2 items
Loan pricing 2 items
Loans, Foreign 2 items
Low interest rates 2 items
Machine learning 2 items
Macroprudential policies 2 items
Managerial compensation 2 items
Minnesota Prior 2 items
Mortgage-backed securities 2 items
Mutual funds 2 items
Nowcasting 2 items
Optimal monetary policy 2 items
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2 items
Panel analysis 2 items
Payment systems 2 items
Persian Gulf War, 1991 2 items
Petroleum industry and trade 2 items
Portfolio choice 2 items
Production (Economic theory) 2 items
Redistribution 2 items
Regulation 2 items
Risk management 2 items
SVAR 2 items
Stock exchanges 2 items
Stress tests 2 items
Structural VAR 2 items
Structural breaks 2 items
Structural shocks 2 items
Sunspots 2 items
Supply-side economics 2 items
Tariffs 2 items
Technological change 2 items
Technology - Economic aspects 2 items
Terrorism 2 items
Time-varying volatility 2 items
Transactional Relationships 2 items
Unconventional monetary policy 2 items
United States 2 items
Variance risk premium 2 items
Vector analysis 2 items
War 2 items
Wealth 2 items
Yen, Japanese 2 items
current account 2 items
cycles 2 items
economic conditions - United States 2 items
global risks 2 items
global savings glut 2 items
import prices 2 items
letters of credit 2 items
neutral interest rates 2 items
total factor productivity 2 items
zero lower bound (ZLB) 2 items
Asset Prices 2 items
Capital Structure 2 items
Commercial Loans 2 items
AI 1 items
Abenomics 1 items
Accounting - Standards 1 items
Accrual anomaly 1 items
Adaptive expectations 1 items
Affirmative Action 1 items
Agency problem 1 items
Agglomeration 1 items
Aggregate Productivity 1 items
Aggregation 1 items
Anomaly 1 items
Anti-inflationary policies 1 items
Antidumping duties 1 items
Arbitrageur-based asset pricing 1 items
Asset Tangibility 1 items
Asset price volatility 1 items
Asset returns 1 items
Asymmetric 1 items
Asymmetric business cycles 1 items
Asymmetry 1 items
Automobile industry and trade 1 items
BRRD 1 items
Backus-Smith puzzle 1 items
Bad contagion 1 items
Bad tail risk 1 items
Bailouts 1 items
Balance of trade - China 1 items
Balance sheet mismatch 1 items
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 1 items
Bank Interventions 1 items
Bank Runs 1 items
Bank assets 1 items
Bank capital ratios 1 items
Bank complexity 1 items
Bank investments 1 items
Bank lending channel 1 items
Bank liquidity - Brazil 1 items
Bank profitability 1 items
Bank profits 1 items
Bank reserves - Brazil 1 items
Bank risk 1 items
Bank size 1 items
Bank stress tests 1 items
Bank supervision and regulation, early warning models, CAMELS ratings, machine learning 1 items
Banking 1 items
Banking crises 1 items
Banking integration 1 items
Banking market 1 items
Banks and banking 1 items
Banks and banking - History 1 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 1 items
Banks and banking, Foreign - United States 1 items
Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions 1 items
Bayesian statistical decision theory 1 items
Behavioral biases 1 items
Behavioral finance 1 items
Belt and road 1 items
Bias 1 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 1 items
Bolivia 1 items
Bond issuance 1 items
Bond ratings 1 items
Boom-bust cycles 1 items
Boosting 1 items
Building and Loan 1 items
Business Cycle Fluctuations 1 items
Business Taxation 1 items
Business conditions 1 items
Business cycle volatility 1 items
Business cycles - Econometric models 1 items
Business failures - Sweden 1 items
Business forecasting 1 items
Business models 1 items
CCAR 1 items
CDO 1 items
CDS 1 items
CDS spreads 1 items
CEO compensation 1 items
COVID 1 items
Capital Constraints 1 items
Capital allocation 1 items
Capital controls 1 items
Capital flight 1 items
Capital-skill complementarity 1 items
Capital-task complementarity 1 items
Carry trade 1 items
Cartels 1 items
Cash flows 1 items
Cash holdings 1 items
Central Bank Communications 1 items
Central banks 1 items
Centrality 1 items
Chief executive officers 1 items
China shock 1 items
Chinese monetary policy 1 items
Cities and towns 1 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 1 items
Climate finance 1 items
Coalitional deviations 1 items
Commercial and industrial loans 1 items
show more (495)
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