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Arrival of Interstate Highway System Brought Housing Wealth, but to Whom?
Interstate highways increased household wealth through higher house values, but racial inequities in homeownership meant few residents of color reaped these gains.
Gender and Racial Disparities in Student Loan Debt
Student debt isn’t equally distributed among young adults, particularly Black adults and women, who are more likely to have loans and take longer to pay them down.
Mental Health during the Pandemic
Unemployment rates, public health policy and the severity of COVID-19 cases help explain patterns of anxiety among different groups during the pandemic.
Older Americans Faced Early Pandemic Credit Constraints
Older Americans saw debt fall early in the pandemic, but also their existing credit curtailed and new credit denied at greater rates than younger consumers.
Racial Equity Could Produce Widespread Economic Gains
An analysis suggests that racial and ethnic equity in employment, hours worked, education and earnings could expand U.S. GDP by trillions of dollars.
Plasma Donations Curb Demand for Payday Loans
Research shows that demand for high-cost debt like payday and installment loans tends to decline after plasma donation centers open in U.S. communities.
Nonprofits Serving and Led by People of Color Showed Pandemic Resiliency
Nonprofits serving and led by people of color were resilient to pandemic challenges, despite fewer government funds and significant economic disruption.