Search Results
Working Paper
On the Measurement of Large Financial Firm Resolvability
Jarque, Arantxa; Walter, John R.; Evert, Jackson
We say that a large financial institution is "resolvable" if policymakers would allow it to go through unassisted bankruptcy in the event of failure. The choice between bankruptcy or bailout trades off the higher loss imposed on the economy in a potentially disruptive resolution against the incentive for excessive risk-taking created by an assisted resolution or a bailout. The resolution plans ("living wills") of large financial institutions contain information needed to evaluate this trade-off. In this paper, we propose a tool to complement the living will review process: an impact score ...
Working Paper
, Paper 18-6
Working Paper
Some not so unpleasant monetarist arithmetic
Dotsey, Michael
This paper analyzes the quantitative significance of Sargent and Wallace's (1981) "Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic" in a model that is parameterized to correspond with U.S. data. The major result is that the monetarist arithmetic is not overly unpleasant and that the nominal side of the economy is not very sensitive to whether money growth does or does not respond to government debt.
Working Paper
, Paper 95-02
Working Paper
A Composite Likelihood Approach for Dynamic Structural Models
Matthes, Christian; Canova, Fabio
We describe how to use the composite likelihood to ameliorate estimation, computational, and inferential problems in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models. We present a number of situations where the methodology has the potential to resolve well-known problems. In each case we consider, we provide an example to illustrate how the approach works and its properties in practice.
Working Paper
, Paper 18-12
Working Paper
The formulation of monetary policy
Hetzel, Robert L.
The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the way in which current institutional arrangements shape the character of monetary policy. It is emphasized that the Fed, in order to preserve its independence, formulates monetary policy in a way that prevents the formation of coalitions within the government that could threaten its independence. As a consequence, the Fed, in general, attempts to balance multiple, changing objectives. This attempt leads to the demand for "flexibility," an absence of precommitment. Much of the paper is devoted to a discussion of the way in which the Fed's desire to ...
Working Paper
, Paper 84-02
Working Paper
Unemployment Insurance when the Wealth Distribution Matters
Piguillem, Facundo; Trachter, Nicholas; Ruffo, Hernan
This paper analyzes the welfare effects of unemployment insurance in a life-cycle model, focusing on partial vs. general equilibrium effects. We study an OLG economy with learning-by-doing human capital accumulation. Agents can be employed or unemployed. While unemployed agents costly search for new jobs. We calibrate the model to the U.S. economy, and find that replacement ratio and potential duration are close to the current one. But, in contrast with the previous literature, we find that the optimal policies under general and partial equilibrium are almost the same. Through a series of ...
Working Paper
, Paper 23-08
Working Paper
Does Redistribution Increase Output? The Centrality of Labor Supply
Schwartzman, Felipe; Owens, Andrew; Athreya, Kartik B.
The aftermath of the recent recession has seen numerous calls to use transfers to poorer households as a means to enhance aggregate activity. We show that the key to understanding the direction and size of such interventions lies in labor supply decisions. We study the aggregate impact of short-term redistributive economic policy in a standard incomplete-markets model. We characterize analytically conditions under which redistribution leads to an increase or decrease in effective hours worked, and hence, output. We then show that under the parameterization that matches the wealth distribution ...
Working Paper
, Paper 14-4
Working Paper
Market-based regulation and the informational content of prices
Goldstein, Itay; Prescott, Edward Simpson; Bond, Philip
Various laws and policy proposals call for regulators to make use of the information reflected in market prices. We focus on a leading example of such a proposal, namely that bank supervision should make use of the market prices of traded bank securities. We study the theoretical underpinnings of this proposal in light of a key problem: if the regulator uses market prices, prices adjust to reflect this use and potentially become less revealing. We show that the feasibility of this proposal depends critically on the information gap between the market and the regulator. Thus, there is a strong ...
Working Paper
, Paper 06-12
Working Paper
Does state-dependent pricing imply coordination failure?
Wolman, Alexander L.
The analysis in Ball and Romer [1991] suggests that models with fixed costs of changing price may be rife with multiple equilibria; in their static model price adjustment is always characterized by strategic complementarity, a necessary condition for multiplicity. We extend Ball and Romer's analysis to a dynamic setting. In steady states of the dynamic model, we find only weak complementarity and no evidence of multiplicity, although nonexistence of symmetric steady state with pure strategies does arise in a small number of cases.
Working Paper
, Paper 99-05
Working Paper
Nontraded goods, market segmentation, and exchange rates
Dotsey, Michael; Duarte, Margarida
Empirical evidence suggests that movements in international relative prices (such as the real exchange rate) are large and persistent. Nontraded goods, both in the form of final consumption goods and as an input into the production of final tradable goods, are an important aspect behind international relative price movements. In this paper we show that nontraded goods have important implications for exchange rate behavior, even though fluctuations in the relative price of nontraded goods account for a relatively small fraction of real exchange rate movements. In our quantitative study ...
Working Paper
, Paper 06-03
Working Paper
Urban Transportation and Inter-Jurisdictional Competition
Pinto, Santiago
It is well-known that competition for factors of production, including competition for residents, affects the public services provided in the communities. This paper considers the determination of local investment in urban transport systems. Many specialists question the effectiveness of the current U.S. top-to-bottom transportation institutional arrangement in which the federal government plays a dominant role and recommend a shift toward a decentralized organization. We examine how such a shift would affect the levels of transport investment. Specifically, we consider a model of two cities, ...
Working Paper
, Paper 17-10
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 472 items
FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 472 items
Hornstein, Andreas 31 items
Goodfriend, Marvin 26 items
Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G. 26 items
Lubik, Thomas A. 23 items
Dotsey, Michael 20 items
Ennis, Huberto M. 20 items
Matthes, Christian 20 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 17 items
Trachter, Nicholas 16 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 15 items
Hatchondo, Juan Carlos 14 items
Phan, Toan 14 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 14 items
Wolman, Alexander L. 14 items
Hetzel, Robert L. 13 items
Chang, Yongsung 12 items
Martinez, Leonardo 12 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 12 items
Schwartzman, Felipe 12 items
Wang, Zhu 12 items
Sultanum, Bruno 11 items
Grochulski, Borys 10 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 10 items
Mehra, Yash P. 10 items
Cook, Timothy Q. 9 items
King, Robert G. 9 items
Sapriza, Horacio 9 items
Ho, Paul 8 items
Humphrey, Thomas M. 8 items
Jones, John Bailey 8 items
Krusell, Per 8 items
Li, Wenli 8 items
Owens, Raymond E. 8 items
Schreft, Stacey L. 8 items
Gordon, Grey 7 items
Ireland, Peter N. 7 items
Karabarbounis, Marios 7 items
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban 7 items
Weinberg, John A. 7 items
Jarque, Arantxa 6 items
Keister, Todd 6 items
Violante, Giovanni L. 6 items
Wong, Russell 6 items
Broaddus, Alfred 5 items
Jackson, William D. 5 items
Morales, Nicolas 5 items
Walter, John R. 5 items
Balla, Eliana 4 items
Benati, Luca 4 items
Bethune, Zachary 4 items
Cullison, William E. 4 items
Erosa, Andres 4 items
Graboyes, Robert F. 4 items
Hahn, Thomas K. 4 items
Hong, Jay H. 4 items
Kovner, Anna 4 items
Lawler, Thomas A. 4 items
Mengle, David L. 4 items
Pinto, Santiago 4 items
Richardson, Gary 4 items
Tam, Xuan S. 4 items
Townsend, Robert M. 4 items
Webb, Roy H. 4 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 4 items
Amir-Ahmadi, Pooyan 3 items
Azzimonti-Renzo, Marina 3 items
Barnichon, Regis 3 items
Davis, Douglas 3 items
Ghent, Andra C. 3 items
Gortz, Christoph 3 items
Gunn, Christopher 3 items
Krause, Michael U. 3 items
Mao, Ching-Sheng 3 items
Menzio, Guido 3 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 3 items
Neelakantan, Urvi 3 items
Restuccia, Diego 3 items
Robinson, Breck L. 3 items
Scavette, Adam 3 items
Summers, Bruce J. 3 items
Varvel, Walter A. 3 items
Wang, Mu-Chun 3 items
Young, Eric 3 items
Akyol, Ahmet 2 items
Bakkensen, Laura 2 items
Bechter, Dan M. 2 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 2 items
Brinatti, Agostina 2 items
Buera, Francisco J. 2 items
Canova, Fabio 2 items
Carpenter, Robert E. 2 items
Chmura, Christine 2 items
Crews, Joseph M. 2 items
Duarte, Margarida 2 items
Fisher, Jonas D. M. 2 items
French, Eric 2 items
Fuster, Luisa 2 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 2 items
Gupta, Arun 2 items
Hollmayr, Josef 2 items
Hopenhayn, Hugo A. 2 items
Humphrey, David B. 2 items
Ionescu, Felicia 2 items
Jump, Robert Calvert 2 items
Khan, Aubhik 2 items
Kim, Sun-Bin 2 items
Korenok, Oleg 2 items
Li, Yue 2 items
Lkhagvasuren, Damba 2 items
Mather, Ryan 2 items
McAndrews, James J. 2 items
McDermott, John 2 items
Mo, Ching Sheng 2 items
Norman, Peter 2 items
Pellerin, Sabrina 2 items
Picou, Glenn C. 2 items
Piskorski, Tomasz 2 items
Rocheteau, Guillaume 2 items
Simpson, Nicole B. 2 items
Smith, Brent C. 2 items
Smith, Bruce 2 items
Teo, Wing Leong 2 items
Wang, Cheng 2 items
Watson, Mark W. 2 items
Wright, Julian 2 items
Wright, Randall 2 items
Yuan, Mingwei 2 items
Abdymomunov, Azamat 1 items
Ackon, Felix P. 1 items
Alvarez-Parra, Fernando 1 items
Anderson, Gary S. 1 items
Archer, Wayne R. 1 items
Bengui, Julien 1 items
Bennett, Rosalind L. 1 items
Beranek, William 1 items
Bhandari, Anmol 1 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 1 items
Bianchi, Javier 1 items
Biswas, Siddhartha 1 items
Blandin, Adam 1 items
Bond, Philip 1 items
Borovicka, Jaroslav 1 items
Borovickova, Katrina 1 items
Boyd, John H. 1 items
Broadbent, Elijah 1 items
Cabral, Luis 1 items
Caliendo, Lorenzo 1 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 1 items
Carvalho, Carlos 1 items
Castro-Vincenzi, Juanma 1 items
Chari, Anusha 1 items
Chaumont, Gaston 1 items
Chen, Mingyu 1 items
Chiu, Jonathan 1 items
Cipriani, Marco 1 items
Cogley, Timothy 1 items
Coibion, Olivier 1 items
Colacito, Riccardo 1 items
Conzelmann, Claire 1 items
Crump, Richard K. 1 items
Cuadra, Gabriel 1 items
Davidson, Philip H. 1 items
Day, Stephen 1 items
De Francisco, Eva 1 items
Debbaut, Peter 1 items
Devon, Gorry 1 items
Diao, Xinshen 1 items
Duan, Zheng 1 items
Dupor, Bill 1 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 1 items
Dyskant, Lucas 1 items
Eberly, Janice 1 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 1 items
Eraslan, Hulya 1 items
Evert, Jackson 1 items
Faberman, R. Jason 1 items
Ferroni, Filippo 1 items
Finn, Mary G. 1 items
Foerster, Andrew 1 items
Foerster, Andrew T. 1 items
Fulford, Scott L. 1 items
Fuller, David L. 1 items
Gawande, Kishore 1 items
Gervais, Martin 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Goldstein, Itay 1 items
Goodman, Allen C. 1 items
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy 1 items
Gorry, Aspen 1 items
Graczyk, Andrew 1 items
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Guerrón-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Haddad, Valentin 1 items
Han, Pengfei 1 items
Hanson, Andrew 1 items
Hargraves, Monica 1 items
Hayashi, Fumiko 1 items
Hendershott, Patric H. 1 items
Hirtle, Beverly 1 items
Hoffman, Bridget 1 items
Hoffman, Jeremy 1 items
Ikeda, Daisuke 1 items
Janet Hua, Jiang, 1 items
Jaremski, Matthew 1 items
John, A. Andrew 1 items
Jovanovic, Boyan 1 items
Kaplan, Greg 1 items
Kashyap, Anil K. 1 items
Keleher, Robert E. 1 items
Kelly, Elaine 1 items
Khanna, Gaurav 1 items
Khanna, Guarav 1 items
Kim, Dasol 1 items
Kim, Hee Soo 1 items
Klee, Elizabeth C. 1 items
Ko, Richard K. 1 items
Koreshkova, Tatyana 1 items
Kurmann, Andre 1 items
Lacy, Robert L. 1 items
Lale, Etienne 1 items
Lange, Fabian 1 items
Lazaryan, Nika 1 items
Leary, Ryan 1 items
Lecznar, Jonathan 1 items
Lee, Munseob 1 items
Li, Bin Grace 1 items
Li, Grace 1 items
Lin, Ranie 1 items
Lippi, Francesco 1 items
Liu, Laura 1 items
Loria, Francesca 1 items
Loualiche, Erik 1 items
Lundgaard Hansen, Anne 1 items
Lupoletti, William M. 1 items
López-Salido, J. David 1 items
Ma, LaLa 1 items
Macaluso, Claudia 1 items
Macnamara, Patrick 1 items
Mahajan, Parag 1 items
Malysheva, Nadezhda 1 items
Martin, Matthew 1 items
Martins-da-Rocha, V. Filipe 1 items
McCallum, Bennett T. 1 items
McCauley, Jeremy 1 items
Mehkari, M. Saif 1 items
Mertens, Elmar 1 items
Misirli, Ulas 1 items
Mitchener, Kris James 1 items
Mitra, Nirvana 1 items
Mondragon, John 1 items
Moore, George R. 1 items
Nquyen, Quynh 1 items
Nunes, Evelyn 1 items
O'Trakoun, John 1 items
Oberfield, Ezra 1 items
Olson, Luke 1 items
Owens, Andrew 1 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 1 items
Paciello, Luigi 1 items
Pandalai-Nayar, Nitya 1 items
Park, Haelim 1 items
Parro, Fernando 1 items
Pecchenino, Rowena A. 1 items
Peled, Dan 1 items
Petrova, Katerina 1 items
Piguillem, Facundo 1 items
Pike, Tyler 1 items
Pinto, Pablo 1 items
Porter, Richard D. 1 items
Pozzi, Andrea 1 items
Praschnik, Jack 1 items
Pratap, Sangeeta 1 items
Pulley, Lawrence B. 1 items
Puzzello, Daniela 1 items
Ragni, Stefania 1 items
Reilly, Devin 1 items
Roch, Francisco 1 items
Rose, Morgan J. 1 items
Rudanko, Leena 1 items
Ruffo, Hernan 1 items
Ruge-Mucia, Francisco J. 1 items
Ruge-Murcia, Francisco J. 1 items
Sabol, Steven 1 items
Salazar-Miranda, Arianna 1 items
Salcedo, Bruno 1 items
Sbordone, Argia M. 1 items
Schimmelpfennig, D. 1 items
Schneider, Martin 1 items
Scholl, Brian 1 items
Schorfheide, Frank 1 items
Segala, John P. 1 items
Shachar, Or 1 items
Sharp, Robert 1 items
Shih, Kevin 1 items
Shimer, Robert 1 items
Shin, Yongseok 1 items
Shuler, Paul 1 items
Silva, André F. 1 items
Soares, Jorge 1 items
Sullivan, Richard J. 1 items
Surico, Paolo 1 items
Sysuyev, Roman 1 items
Ta, Lien 1 items
Timberlake, Richard H. 1 items
Tobin, Elliot 1 items
Todd, Richard M. 1 items
Uhlig, Harald 1 items
Vailakis, Yiannis 1 items
Van Horn, Patrick 1 items
Van Zandweghe, Willem 1 items
Vaughan, Mark D. 1 items
Vellodi, Nikhil 1 items
Verona, Fabio 1 items
Vidangos, Ivan 1 items
Villamil, Anne P. 1 items
Wallich, Henry C. 1 items
Wang, Yicheng 1 items
Waud, Roger N. 1 items
Weill, Pierre-Olivier 1 items
Weiss, Joshua 1 items
Wescott, Patricia E. 1 items
Xu, Daniel Yi 1 items
Yang, Choongryul 1 items
Yang, Fang 1 items
Yankov, Vladimir 1 items
Yeager, Timothy J. 1 items
Yeldan, Erinc 1 items
Young, Eric R. 1 items
Yurdagul, Emircan 1 items
Zhang, Cathy 1 items
Zhang, Donghai 1 items
Zhou, Ruilin 1 items
Ziegenbein, Alexander 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E32 20 items
G21 18 items
E21 16 items
E44 13 items
E52 12 items
C32 10 items
D82 9 items
E24 9 items
E58 9 items
G28 9 items
G01 8 items
E31 6 items
F22 6 items
F34 6 items
F41 6 items
E51 5 items
J24 5 items
J64 5 items
R23 5 items
D53 4 items
D83 4 items
D86 4 items
E2 4 items
E23 4 items
E30 4 items
E62 4 items
F44 4 items
G11 4 items
G12 4 items
G14 4 items
G2 4 items
G32 4 items
J61 4 items
C11 3 items
C51 3 items
C61 3 items
D14 3 items
D31 3 items
E10 3 items
E3 3 items
E4 3 items
E43 3 items
E50 3 items
F16 3 items
G33 3 items
H24 3 items
J22 3 items
J31 3 items
N22 3 items
Q54 3 items
R51 3 items
C10 2 items
C22 2 items
C50 2 items
C63 2 items
D4 2 items
D43 2 items
D58 2 items
D72 2 items
D80 2 items
E12 2 items
E25 2 items
E27 2 items
E37 2 items
E40 2 items
E41 2 items
E5 2 items
F14 2 items
G15 2 items
G30 2 items
G31 2 items
H55 2 items
I21 2 items
I38 2 items
J15 2 items
J63 2 items
L11 2 items
L14 2 items
M52 2 items
N12 2 items
O3 2 items
R11 2 items
A11 1 items
A23 1 items
B22 1 items
C14 1 items
C18 1 items
C21 1 items
C23 1 items
C26 1 items
C38 1 items
C46 1 items
C52 1 items
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C54 1 items
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C73 1 items
C83 1 items
C92 1 items
D12 1 items
D15 1 items
D21 1 items
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D60 1 items
D78 1 items
D84 1 items
D90 1 items
E00 1 items
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E63 1 items
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E71 1 items
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H22 1 items
H31 1 items
H63 1 items
H71 1 items
H87 1 items
I24 1 items
I26 1 items
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J11 1 items
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J21 1 items
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Q59 1 items
R0 1 items
R10 1 items
R12 1 items
R3 1 items
R40 1 items
R53 1 items
R58 1 items
show more (166)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 54 items
Inflation (Finance) 30 items
Business cycles 29 items
Interest rates 22 items
Money 17 items
Prices 16 items
Bankruptcy 15 items
Financial markets 14 items
Banks and banking 12 items
Financial institutions 12 items
Labor market 12 items
Labor supply 12 items
Employment 11 items
Econometric models 10 items
Credit 9 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 9 items
Unemployment 9 items
Economic development 9 items
Money supply 8 items
Monetary theory 7 items
Housing 7 items
Fiscal policy 6 items
Payment systems 6 items
Technology 6 items
Economics 6 items
inflation 6 items
Bank reserves 5 items
Banks and banking, Central 5 items
Bonds 5 items
Inventories 5 items
Liquidity (Economics) 5 items
Macroeconomics 5 items
Monetary policy - United States 5 items
Taxation 5 items
Wages 5 items
Bank supervision 5 items
Competition 5 items
Economic growth 5 items
Federal Reserve System 5 items
Financial crises 5 items
Bank loans 4 items
COVID-19 4 items
Mortgages 4 items
Productivity 4 items
climate change 4 items
Discount window 4 items
migration 4 items
Bayesian methods 3 items
Capital 3 items
Federal Reserve 3 items
Federal Reserve banks 3 items
Insurance, Health 3 items
Investments 3 items
Manufactures 3 items
Medical care, Cost of 3 items
Open market operations 3 items
Production (Economic theory) 3 items
Risk 3 items
cities 3 items
growth 3 items
liquidity 3 items
Banks 3 items
Consumption 3 items
Debt 3 items
Financial Distress 3 items
Human capital 3 items
Regional economics 3 items
Social Security 3 items
default 3 items
financial frictions 3 items
impulse responses 3 items
rational bubbles 3 items
time-varying parameters 3 items
Emerging Markets 3 items
Bank holding companies 2 items
Banks and banking - Costs 2 items
Bayesian Estimation 2 items
Capital market 2 items
Contracts 2 items
Decentralized markets 2 items
Delinquency 2 items
Deposit insurance 2 items
Depressions 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 5th 2 items
Federal funds 2 items
Federal funds market (United States) 2 items
Financial services industry 2 items
Forecasting 2 items
Government lending 2 items
Great Recession 2 items
H-1B visas 2 items
High-skill immigration 2 items
IT sector 2 items
Innovation 2 items
Insurance 2 items
Keynesian economics 2 items
Labor economics 2 items
Learning 2 items
Microeconomics 2 items
Money theory 2 items
Mortgage 2 items
Portfolio Choice 2 items
Rent control 2 items
Sovereign Default 2 items
Subsidies 2 items
Urban Economics 2 items
VAR 2 items
Wealth 2 items
Welfare 2 items
asset issuance 2 items
bilateral trade 2 items
dynamic moral hazard 2 items
household debt 2 items
inequality 2 items
real estate 2 items
time series analysis 2 items
Bubbles 2 items
Consumer credit 2 items
Credit Card Debt 2 items
Firm Dynamics 2 items
Moral Hazard 2 items
News Shocks 2 items
Sovereign Debt 2 items
Age Effects 1 items
Aggregate Shocks 1 items
Asset pricing 1 items
Asset trading 1 items
Asset valuation 1 items
Assortative matching 1 items
Automobile industry and trade 1 items
Autoregressive 1 items
Backward Map 1 items
Bailouts 1 items
Bank competition 1 items
Bank failures 1 items
Bank investments 1 items
Bank management 1 items
Bank mergers 1 items
Banking 1 items
Banking structure 1 items
Banks and banking - Accounting 1 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 1 items
Bayesian Analysis 1 items
Bayesian Learning 1 items
Bayesian VARs 1 items
Bayesian models 1 items
Bifurcation 1 items
Blockchain 1 items
Borrowing 1 items
Budget deficits 1 items
Business enterprises 1 items
CDS 1 items
CEO compensation 1 items
CEO replacement 1 items
Central Bank 1 items
Certificates of deposit 1 items
Chaos 1 items
Checks 1 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 1 items
Cohort Effects 1 items
Collateral channel 1 items
Commercial loans 1 items
Computation 1 items
Consumer Spending 1 items
Consumer behavior 1 items
Consumer finance 1 items
Consumption (Economics) 1 items
Corporations 1 items
Corporations - Finance 1 items
Corporations - Taxation 1 items
Corruption 1 items
Country Risk 1 items
Credit Card 1 items
Credit Constraints 1 items
Credit Supply 1 items
Crises 1 items
Currencies 1 items
Currency convertibility 1 items
Curse of Dimensionality 1 items
DSGE model 1 items
Default (Finance) 1 items
Deflation (Finance) 1 items
Demand for money 1 items
Demographic Composition 1 items
Diffusion Index 1 items
Digital tokens 1 items
Directed search 1 items
Discount rates 1 items
Discrete Choice 1 items
Discretization 1 items
Disincentive Effects 1 items
Distribution of Creditor Losses 1 items
Districts 1 items
Dollar 1 items
Econometrics 1 items
Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 1 items
Economic Uncertainty 1 items
Economists 1 items
Education - Economic aspects 1 items
Educational Attainment. 1 items
Electronic commerce 1 items
Employment and labor markets 1 items
Energy policy 1 items
Entrepreneurs 1 items
Environmental Justice 1 items
Euler equation 1 items
Expenditures, Public 1 items
Federal Reserve System - Membership 1 items
Federal funds rate 1 items
Finance, Public 1 items
Financial Investment 1 items
Financial literacy 1 items
Fiscal Multiplier 1 items
Fore- closure 1 items
Foreclosure 1 items
Foreign exchange 1 items
Forward Map 1 items
GDP Growth 1 items
GDP-indexed Debt 1 items
GMM 1 items
Geography 1 items
Gold standard 1 items
Government securities 1 items
Great Moderation 1 items
H-1Bs 1 items
Heterogeneous Firms 1 items
High-skill migration 1 items
Higher Education 1 items
Household Finance 1 items
Housing - Prices 1 items
Housing market 1 items
Housing wealth 1 items
Hysteresis 1 items
IFI loans 1 items
Idiosyncratic Risk 1 items
Immigration 1 items
Imperfect competition 1 items
Imperfect monitoring 1 items
Income Inequality 1 items
Income Volatility 1 items
Indeterminacy 1 items
India 1 items
Industrial location 1 items
Information 1 items
Information theory 1 items
Institutions 1 items
Interest 1 items
Intergenerational Mobility 1 items
International Monetary Fun 1 items
International Trade 1 items
Investment Wedge 1 items
Job applications 1 items
Kalman filter 1 items
Labor Force Participation Rate 1 items
Labor productivity 1 items
Labor-Market Uncertainty 1 items
Land use 1 items
Law and legislation 1 items
Least Squares Learning 1 items
Legislature 1 items
Lender of last resort 1 items
Limited commitment 1 items
Limited information 1 items
Loan Portfolio Composition 1 items
Loans 1 items
Local labor markets 1 items
Macroeconomic Forecasting 1 items
Macroeconomic activity 1 items
Macrofinance 1 items
Markets 1 items
Mathematical models 1 items
Maturity 1 items
Milton Friedman 1 items
Monetary policy spillovers 1 items
Money demand 1 items
Money market 1 items
Money market funds 1 items
Monotonicity 1 items
Monte Carlo algorithm 1 items
Mortality 1 items
Mortgage loans 1 items
Multinational companies 1 items
Multipliers 1 items
Municipal bonds 1 items
NTMs 1 items
Natural resources 1 items
New Keynesian 1 items
New Keynesian Phillips Curve 1 items
New Keynesian model 1 items
ODE splicing 1 items
Over-the-counter 1 items
Over-the-counter markets 1 items
Panel 1 items
Payment choice 1 items
Payment system 1 items
Payments 1 items
Persistent employment effects 1 items
Personal finance 1 items
Phillips curve 1 items
Place-Based Policies 1 items
Platforms 1 items
Policy 1 items
Policy reforms 1 items
Political Economy 1 items
Political science 1 items
Pollution 1 items
Population 1 items
Price dispersion 1 items
Price levels 1 items
Pricing 1 items
Production networks 1 items
Public policy 1 items
Qualitative Data 1 items
Quarantine 1 items
Race 1 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 1 items
Real estate commission 1 items
Reccession 1 items
Recessions 1 items
Redistribution 1 items
Regional Business Cycles 1 items
Regional Resilience 1 items
Regional Variation 1 items
Regional analysis 1 items
Regulation 1 items
Rent 1 items
Repeated Games 1 items
Research Universities 1 items
Residential sorting 1 items
Restructuring 1 items
Risky Share 1 items
SEIR 1 items
SEIR Model 1 items
SME 1 items
STVAR 1 items
SVAR 1 items
Saving and investment 1 items
Savings and loan associations 1 items
Search and matching 1 items
Search frictions 1 items
Seasonal variations (Economics) 1 items
Second best 1 items
Sectoral Data 1 items
Sectoral effects 1 items
Sectoral policy 1 items
Securities and Exchange Commission 1 items
Self-employed 1 items
Silver - Prices 1 items
Smart cards 1 items
Social Distancing 1 items
Sovereign Debt Crises 1 items
Stochastic analysis 1 items
Structural VAR 1 items
Subjective beliefs 1 items
Subprime mortgage 1 items
Sunk cost 1 items
Survey of Consumer Finances 1 items
TARP 1 items
TFP 1 items
Tariffs 1 items
Taste Shocks 1 items
Tax credits 1 items
Taxation and Subsidies 1 items
Technology Shocks 1 items
Technology adoption 1 items
Testing 1 items
Theory of the firm 1 items
Time variation 1 items
Trade 1 items
Trade Policy 1 items
Transitions 1 items
Transitory Shocks 1 items
Treasury bills 1 items
U.S. housing collapse 1 items
U.S. monetary policy 1 items
Unemployment Insurance 1 items
Unemployment Rate 1 items
Vector autoregression 1 items
Velocity of money 1 items
Volcker rule 1 items
Wavelets 1 items
academic learning 1 items
agency costs 1 items
asymmetric information 1 items
bandpass filter 1 items
bank credit allocation 1 items
bank runs 1 items
bankruptcy reorganization 1 items
belief shocks 1 items
brain gain 1 items
capital ratios 1 items
capital structure 1 items
casinoes 1 items
central banks 1 items
changing volatility 1 items
climate finance 1 items
climate risk 1 items
cognitive non-routine 1 items
collateral 1 items
college education 1 items
composite likelihood 1 items
computer scientists 1 items
contingent debt 1 items
coordination 1 items
core inflation 1 items
corporate bonds 1 items
corporate finance 1 items
corporate investment 1 items
cost of capital 1 items
credit boom 1 items
credit conditions 1 items
credit pool 1 items
credit relationships 1 items
default risk 1 items
dimension reduction 1 items
disability 1 items
disaster risk communication 1 items
disasters 1 items
dynamic incentives 1 items
dynamic structural models 1 items
earnings dynamics 1 items
economic education 1 items
economic fluctuations 1 items
economic inequality 1 items
education 1 items
elderly 1 items
endogenous borrowing constraints 1 items
environmental risk 1 items
equality 1 items
equilibrium default 1 items
equilibrium model 1 items
experimental economics 1 items
external finance dependence 1 items
extreme weather 1 items
family structure 1 items
fast reflection 1 items
financial conditions 1 items
financial constraints 1 items
financial intermediation 1 items
financial regulations 1 items
financial restructuring 1 items
firm borrowing constraints 1 items
gender in economics 1 items
general equilibrium 1 items
global imbalances 1 items
government demand 1 items
government spending 1 items
growth-at-risk 1 items
health 1 items
heterogeneous agents 1 items
heterogeneous beliefs 1 items
high school 1 items
household behavior 1 items
housing net worth 1 items
identification 1 items
incarceration 1 items
inflation dynamics 1 items
inflation persistence 1 items
inflation shortfall 1 items
instantaneous control 1 items
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