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Series:Speech  Bank:Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 

Toward a More Inclusive Economy

It is clear that the adverse effects of the pandemic have not been evenly distributed. They have been borne by the most vulnerable in our economy: lower-income and minority workers and communities; those who do not have the opportunity to work from home; those who do not live in areas with reliable telecommunications and internet services or access to adequate healthcare; and the smaller of small businesses. Indeed, the results from a recent Fed survey show that between March and July, a larger percentage of low-income workers, less educated workers, and Black and Hispanic workers were laid ...

Perspectives on the Economic Outlook and Banking Supervision and Regulation; 2017-08-02; The Community Bankers Association of Ohio Annual Convention, Cincinnati, OH

Today, I enjoy the fruits of the strong relationship that has developed between Ohio bankers and the Cleveland Fed. The bankers who serve on our Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council (CDIAC) and on our board of directors generously provide me with their valuable insights into regional economic and banking conditions. As you all know, community banks play a vital role in the economic health of their communities, providing creditworthy businesses the wherewithal to prosper and households the ability to improve their financial standing and quality of life. Because of their important ...
Speech , Paper 85

Economic recovery and the expansion beyond, a speech presented at the INVESTKentucky Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, June 4, 2009

President Pianalto briefly described some forces that will help pull our economy out of its steep decline. She discussed why several long-standing imbalances within the economy will likely cause the recovery to proceed slowly. Finally, she discussed some structural changes in the labor market and the drivers that will lead us again to long-term prosperity.
Speech , Paper 23

Comments on “Managing Disinflations” by Stephen G. Cecchetti, Michael E. Feroli, Peter Hooper, Frederic S. Mishkin, and Kermit L. Schoenholtz with Matthew Luzzetti and Justin Weidner

In the time I have, I will comment on three aspects of the paper: the empirical estimation of the Phillips curve, the role of inflation expectations, and the lessons for policymakers operating in an uncertain environment. The views I present will be my own and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve System or of my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee.

Financial innovation: benefits and challenges, presentation to the Community Development Policy Summit, Cleveland, Ohio, June 22, 2007

Within this increasingly complex mortgage market, policymakers must preserve the benefits of financial innovation while protecting consumers from unfair and abusive practices.
Speech , Paper 13

Communication - a key to value-added supervision

Speech , Paper 44

The Outlook for the Economy and Monetary Policy in 2020, 36th Annual NABE Economic Policy Conference

I thank the National Association for Business Economics for inviting me to participate in this year’s economic policy conference. I had the pleasure of speaking at this conference five years ago and I recall a very engaging question-and-answer session following my remarks. I hope we will have a similar session today because I believe that one of the responsibilities (and pleasures) of being a monetary policymaker is listening to other people’s perspectives and learning from them. Today, I will give you an update of my own take on the economy and monetary policy for the coming year. As ...

U.S. Payment System Improvement and the Federal Reserve 11.18.15 Loretta J. Mester The Clearing House Annual Conference, New York, NY

Good morning. As the central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve has a strong interest in fostering a well-functioning payment system. In my brief time this morning, I will answer three broad questions about the collaborative initiatives being led by the Federal Reserve working with private-sector stakeholders. These initiatives are aimed at improving the U.S. payment system?s speed, efficiency, access, and security. As always, the views I?ll present today are my own and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve System or my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee
Speech , Paper 64

Post-Crisis Financial System Regulation and Its Research Foundation, May 25, 2015

Good afternoon. It is hard for me to convey how honored I am to present the lunch keynote address at this year?s Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) conference. At the risk of dating myself, I am proud to say that I was a founding member of the society, and it?s been a great pleasure to see how FIRS has developed and spread its wings to all parts of the globe. I thank George Pennacchi, president of the society, Vish Viswanathan, president-elect and this year?s program chair, and Allen Berger, my friend and co-author, for the opportunity to speak today. It?s been wonderful ...
Speech , Paper 59

A Diligent Return to Price Stability

Last week, the FOMC raised its target range of the federal funds rate by 75 basis points to 3-3/4 to 4 percent. We also indicated that we anticipate that ongoing increases in the target range will be appropriate in order to attain a monetary policy stance that is sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to 2 percent. Given the level and persistence of inflation, the journey back to 2 percent inflation will likely take some time. The FOMC is also continuing the process of reducing the size of the Fed’s balance sheet by allowing assets to roll off, which also helps to firm the stance ...




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Speech 171 items


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