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Series:Richmond Fed Economic Brief 

TARGET2: symptom, not cause, of eurozone woes

In recent years, large positive and negative balances have arisen in TARGET2, the interbank settlement and payments system of the Eurozone. These balances show that the Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of Germany, has become a large net creditor to the European Central Bank (ECB). Conversely, they show that central banks in the periphery nations of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain have become significant net debtors to the ECB. Critics of the Eurosystem have portrayed these balances as a "stealth bailout" of the periphery nations, but TARGET2 merely reflects persistent ...
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue Aug

The role of interchange fees on debit and credit card transactions in the payments system

When consumers use debit or credit cards to make purchases, merchants are assessed fees for processing the transactions, the largest of which is called an "interchange" fee. Rising interchange fees, along with the growing dominance of card transactions in the payments system, have brought increasing scrutiny from regulators on the appropriate level of interchange fees and the competitive aspects of card networks. A look at the trends, mechanics, and economic role of interchange fees indicates that the issue is more complicated than it may initially appear.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue May

The Pandemic, Child Care and Women’s Labor Force Participation

The pandemic has changed how households work, spend and care for children. In this Economic Brief, we highlight economic research that examines the patterns seen in women's work experiences in particular. We look at both the pandemic and, more generally, how shocks to the economy affect women's work decisions. Throughout, we will try to connect what we observe to households' broader economic environments and will emphasize — in the case of the pandemic — the role of away-from-home child care.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 22 , Issue 16

Public and Private Debt after the Pandemic and Policy Normalization

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, public debt has increased dramatically and private debt seems likely to increase as well. High indebtedness could influence the effectiveness of monetary policy and lead to political pressure for the Federal Reserve to maintain low interest rates for an extended period of time.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue 20-06 , Pages 6

Slowing Growth in Educational Attainment

Research suggests the economy's demand for college-educated workers exceeds the supply, which might be contributing to slower economic growth. Improving students' preparation at the K-12 level could both increase the college completion rate and help those who are not college-bound choose the best paths for themselves.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue July

What Do Recent Studies Say About Crime and Policing? Part 1

Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 21 , Issue 29a

Should the Fed Issue Digital Currency?

The United States might benefit from eventually replacing most physical cash with central bank digital currency (CBCD), but first the Federal Reserve must resolve several key policy and implementation issues, such as establishing comparative advantage over private issuers and ensuring safety and soundness.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 21 , Issue 10

The Richmond Fed Manufacturing and Service Sector Surveys: A User's Guide

The Richmond Fed conducts monthly surveys of business conditions in the manufacturing and service sectors of the Fifth Federal Reserve District. This article provides background information on these surveys and on other manufacturing and service sector surveys.The Richmond Fed conducts monthly surveys of business conditions in the manufacturing and service sectors of the Fifth Federal Reserve District. This article provides background information on these surveys and on other manufacturing and service sector surveys.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue Mar

How Expectations About Future Productivity Drive Inventories

To what extent do expectations about future productivity developments drive business cycles? This Economic Brief reviews the state of the literature and discusses how new research by the authors establishes a novel method to answer. We specifically focus on firms' inventories, which stock goods available for future sales. We find that these inventories expand strongly to news about future productivity developments. This confirms that expectations about future productivity are a powerful force behind aggregate fluctuations, a finding with important implications for widely used economic models.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 22 , Issue 03

Job search behavior: lessons from online job search

While there is a large body of theoretical work about the job search process, there is relatively little empirical evidence about important aspects of workers? search behavior. A new database of online job posting data sheds light on how workers search for jobs.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue Apr , Pages 1-4




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Briefing 328 items


Price, David A. 25 items

Lubik, Thomas A. 24 items

Sablik, Timothy 24 items

Romero, Jessica Sackett 20 items

Haltom, Renee Courtois 19 items

Ennis, Huberto M. 16 items

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