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Discussion Paper
The Persistent Urban Shortfall in Leisure and Hospitality Employment
Murray, Seth; Chapuis, Brendan J.; Price, Brendan M.
As a high-contact service sector with limited capacity for remote work, the US leisure and hospitality sector—which includes restaurants, bars, hotels, museums, and movie theaters—was hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first two months of the pandemic, leisure and hospitality lost over 8 million jobs, nearly half its employment (Figure 1, solid red line).
FEDS Notes
, Paper 2023-07-28-1
Discussion Paper
The Expected Real Interest Rate in the Long Run : Time Series Evidence with the Effective Lower Bound
Johannsen, Benjamin K.; Mertens, Elmar
In response to the global financial crisis, the Federal Open Market Committee lowered the target for the federal funds rate to a range of 0 to 25 basis points in December 2008, and maintained that target range until the end of 2015. Over that same period, longer-term interest rates in the United States were at historically low levels.
FEDS Notes
, Paper 2016-02-09
Discussion Paper
U.S. Interest Rates and Emerging Market Currencies: Taking Stock 10 Years After the Taper Tantrum
Harikrishnan, Nira; Silk, Benjamin; Yoldas, Emre
In 2013, a shift in expectations of market participants for the timing of the tapering of the Federal Reserve's asset purchases, and its ramifications for normalization of U.S. monetary policy, led to sharp increases in longer-term U.S. Treasury yields and volatility in broader financial markets. The episode came to be known as the "taper tantrum" because the strong market reaction came in response to Federal Reserve communications that were largely consistent with market analysts' expectations.
FEDS Notes
, Paper 2023-10-04
Discussion Paper
2nd Annual International Roles of the U.S. Dollar Conference
Chaboud, Alain P.; Correa, Ricardo; Douglass, Patrick; Goldberg, Linda S.; Londono, Juan M.; Ravazzolo, Fabiola
The U.S. dollar plays a central role in the global economy. In addition to being the most widely used currency in foreign exchange transactions, it represents the largest share in official reserves, international debt securities and loans, cross-border payments, and trade invoicing.
FEDS Notes
, Paper 2023-06-23-4
Discussion Paper
Inflation Perceptions During the Covid Pandemic and Recovery
Lebow, David E.; Peneva, Ekaterina V.
Since 2016, the Michigan Surveys of Consumers (MSC) have included questions on inflation perceptions—what people believe inflation to have been—that are worded symmetrically with their long-standing questions on inflation expectations. The questions on inflation perceptions are currently posed four times a year—in February, May, August, and November. Using available data at the time, Axelrod, Lebow, and Peneva (2018) concluded that inflation expectations and perceptions are very similar and that if perceptions were to change, expectations were likely to change as well.
FEDS Notes
, Paper 2024-01-19-3
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Discussion Paper 1034 items
Hannon, Simona 49 items
Flagg, Jessica N. 44 items
de Soyres, Francois 41 items
Palazzo, Berardino 35 items
Bord, Vitaly M. 34 items
Brunetti, Celso 33 items
Dennis, Benjamin 33 items
Kotta, Gurubala 33 items
Smith, Adam 32 items
Benson, David A. 31 items
Crawley, Edmund 31 items
Gamber, William L. 30 items
Villar Vallenas, Daniel 30 items
Darst, Matt 29 items
Garner, Aaron 29 items
Montag, Hugh 29 items
Taragin, Charles 29 items
Zhang, Mary 27 items
Londono, Juan M. 21 items
Kitsul, Yuriy 20 items
Lang, Bill 20 items
Moore, Dylan 20 items
Samadi, Mehrdad 20 items
Tito, Maria D. 18 items
Merchant, Zofsha 17 items
Monin, Phillip J. 16 items
Banegas, Ayelen 15 items
Kahn, R. Jay 15 items
Maniff, Jesse Leigh 15 items
Wilson, Beth Anne 15 items
Young, Henry L. 15 items
Dasgupta, Kabir 14 items
Gaillard, Alexandre 14 items
Ortiz, Julio L. 14 items
Aladangady, Aditya 13 items
Bertaut, Carol C. 13 items
Durfee, Jon 13 items
Hempel, Samuel J. 13 items
Slattery, Priyanka 13 items
Ihrig, Jane E. 12 items
Volz, Alice Henriques 12 items
Zarutskie, Rebecca 12 items
Cavallo, Michele 11 items
Larrimore, Jeff 11 items
Li, Geng 11 items
Ma, Sai 11 items
Price, Brendan M. 11 items
Sahm, Claudia R. 11 items
Vojtech, Cindy M. 11 items
Bhutta, Neil 10 items
Isley, Calvin 10 items
McCabe, Patrick E. 10 items
Petrasek, Lubomir 10 items
Warusawitharana, Missaka 10 items
Feiveson, Laura 9 items
Infante, Sebastian 9 items
Kiley, Michael T. 9 items
Pérez-Orive, Ander 9 items
Ringo, Daniel R. 9 items
Senyuz, Zeynep 9 items
Zer, Ilknur 9 items
Bricker, Jesse 8 items
Byrne, David M. 8 items
Curcuru, Stephanie E. 8 items
Decker, Ryan A. 8 items
Meade, Ellen E. 8 items
Pierce, Justin R. 8 items
Ratner, David 8 items
Styczynski, Mary-Frances 8 items
Weinbach, Gretchen C. 8 items
Yoldas, Emre 8 items
Batty, Michael M. 7 items
Carlson, Mark A. 7 items
Chung, Hess T. 7 items
Ionescu, Felicia 7 items
Judson, Ruth A. 7 items
Luciani, Matteo 7 items
Meisenzahl, Ralf R. 7 items
Morelli, Juan M. 7 items
Peneva, Ekaterina V. 7 items
Queraltó, Albert 7 items
Seira, Amber 7 items
Watsky, Cy 7 items
von Beschwitz, Bastian 7 items
Adams, Robert M. 6 items
Alp, Harun 6 items
Anderson, Alyssa G. 6 items
Anenberg, Elliot 6 items
Cascaldi-Garcia, Danilo 6 items
Dettling, Lisa J. 6 items
Dunn, Wendy E. 6 items
Favara, Giovanni 6 items
Flaaen, Aaron 6 items
Holmquist, Elizabeth Ball 6 items
Hsu, Joanne W. 6 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad R. 6 items
Klepacz, Matthew 6 items
Kurtzman, Robert J. 6 items
Macchiavelli, Marco 6 items
McCallum, Andrew H. 6 items
Meldrum, Andrew C. 6 items
Mezza, Alvaro 6 items
Moore, Kevin B. 6 items
Paciorek, Andrew D. 6 items
Palomino, Francisco J. 6 items
Rezende, Marcelo 6 items
Saravay, Zack 6 items
Sarisoy, Cisil 6 items
Saxena, Akhil 6 items
Schlusche, Bernd 6 items
Sommer, Kamila 6 items
Tian, Mary 6 items
Wei, Min 6 items
Wong, Paul 6 items
Yu, David 6 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 6 items
Ahn, Hie Joo 5 items
Cai, Fang 5 items
Chang, Andrew C. 5 items
Correa, Ricardo 5 items
Cuba-Borda, Pablo A. 5 items
Dumont, Andrew M. 5 items
García, Daniel I. 5 items
Hacioglu Hoke, Sinem 5 items
Harikrishnan, Nira 5 items
Hoops, Matthew 5 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 5 items
Iorio, Benjamin 5 items
Kurz, Christopher J. 5 items
Lee, Seung Jung 5 items
Li, Yi 5 items
Liu, Emily 5 items
Merry, Ellen A. 5 items
Miller, David S. 5 items
Modugno, Michele 5 items
Nakata, Taisuke 5 items
Narajabad, Borghan N. 5 items
Pinto, Eugénio 5 items
Puglia, Michael 5 items
Rua, Gisela 5 items
Sabelhaus, John Edward 5 items
Sharpe, Steven A. 5 items
Sinha, Nitish R. 5 items
Smith, Paul A. 5 items
Smolyansky, Michael 5 items
Stefanescu, Irina 5 items
Vazquez-Grande, Francisco 5 items
Barth, Daniel 4 items
Baylor, Solveig 4 items
Bodenstein, Martin 4 items
Bonis, Brian 4 items
Cajner, Tomaz 4 items
Caldara, Dario 4 items
Carapella, Francesca 4 items
Chapuis, Brendan J. 4 items
De Pooter, Michiel 4 items
Dobrev, Dobrislav 4 items
Engstrom, Eric 4 items
Gissler, Stefan 4 items
Glancy, David P. 4 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 4 items
Goodman, Sarena 4 items
Harkrader, James Collin 4 items
Iercosan, Diana A. 4 items
Kadyrzhanova, Dalida 4 items
Kumbhat, Ashish 4 items
Lengermann, Paul 4 items
Li, Dan 4 items
Liu, Matthew 4 items
Ly, Nolan 4 items
Mann, Robert 4 items
Migueis, Marco 4 items
Morin, Norman J. 4 items
Na, Dave 4 items
Nekarda, Christopher J. 4 items
Nielsen, Eric R. 4 items
Ogden, Rick 4 items
Orr, Kurtis 4 items
Passmore, Wayne 4 items
Perozek, Maria G. 4 items
Pettit, Luke 4 items
Saijid, Zina 4 items
Silk, Benjamin 4 items
Singer, Eliezer 4 items
Tibay, Sean 4 items
Tranfaglia, Anna 4 items
Van Leemput, Eva 4 items
Vida, Zach 4 items
Vidangos, Ivan 4 items
Vilán, Diego 4 items
Weiss, Colin 4 items
Wu, Lawrence 4 items
Yook, Youngsuk 4 items
Ajello, Andrea 3 items
Akcigit, Ufuk 3 items
Aron-Dine, Shifrah 3 items
Ates, Sina T. 3 items
Baughman, Garth 3 items
Bowman, David 3 items
Braun, Robin 3 items
Campbell, Sean D. 3 items
Castro, Andrew 3 items
Cheng, Jess 3 items
Cochran, Paul 3 items
Coglianese, John 3 items
Corrado, Carol 3 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 3 items
Daud, Hamzah 3 items
De Michelis, Andrea 3 items
DeMane, Laura 3 items
Detmeister, Alan K. 3 items
Devlin-Foltz, Sebastian 3 items
Diercks, Anthony M. 3 items
Doniger, Cynthia L. 3 items
Driscoll, John C. 3 items
Fleming, Michael J. 3 items
Gagnon, Etienne 3 items
Gallin, Joshua H. 3 items
Garcia-Cabo, Joaquin 3 items
Gilbert, Charles E. 3 items
Goldberg, Jonathan 3 items
Grundl, Serafin J. 3 items
Haberkorn, Flora 3 items
Hall, Hannah 3 items
Haltiwanger, John 3 items
Hebden, James 3 items
Ibert, Markus F. 3 items
Iyer, Rajkamal 3 items
Johannsen, Benjamin K. 3 items
Johansson, Peter 3 items
Kara, Gazi I. 3 items
Katcher, Bradley 3 items
Kim, Nyssa 3 items
Kleymenova, Anya V. 3 items
Krimmel, Jacob 3 items
Laforte, Jean-Philippe 3 items
Laubach, Thomas 3 items
Leu, Lori 3 items
Lloro, Alicia 3 items
Lofstrom, Grace 3 items
Loucky, Andrew 3 items
Loudis, Bert 3 items
López-Salido, J. David 3 items
Malin, Benjamin A. 3 items
McCormick, Matthew 3 items
Molloy, Raven S. 3 items
Nathe, Lucas 3 items
Ng, Michael 3 items
Niepmann, Friederike 3 items
Orak, Musa 3 items
Pence, Karen M. 3 items
Peterman, William B. 3 items
Rahman, Ahmad 3 items
Ravazzolo, Fabiola 3 items
Reber, Sarah 3 items
Reyes-Heroles, Ricardo M. 3 items
Roberts, John M. 3 items
Rodden, Megan 3 items
Rodrigues, Tony 3 items
Sanz-Maldonado, Gerardo 3 items
Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim 3 items
Schuetz, Jenny 3 items
Sherlund, Shane M. 3 items
Shin, Chaehee 3 items
Smith, Christopher L. 3 items
Smith, Simon C. 3 items
Suarez, Gustavo A. 3 items
Tabova, Alexandra M. 3 items
Temesvary, Judit 3 items
Troland, Erin 3 items
Vardoulakis, Alexandros 3 items
Waller, Christopher J. 3 items
Webber, Douglas A. 3 items
Weingarden, Alison E. 3 items
Windle, Richard 3 items
Adrian, Tobias 2 items
Afanasyeva, Elena 2 items
Albrecht, Brian C. 2 items
Allen, Jeffrey 2 items
Anbil, Sriya 2 items
Aramonte, Sirio 2 items
Aronovich, Alex 2 items
Arseneau, David M. 2 items
Barigozzi, Matteo 2 items
Bassett, William F. 2 items
Bayard, Kimberly 2 items
Beer, Rachael 2 items
Berry, Jared 2 items
Bowdle, Spencer 2 items
Brain, Doug 2 items
Brandsaas, Eirik E. 2 items
Brayton, Flint 2 items
Bressler, Beau 2 items
Briggs, Joseph S. 2 items
Bruce, Alexander 2 items
Burk, Nicholas A. 2 items
Caglio, Cecilia R. 2 items
Carter, Mary Ellen 2 items
Case, Hannah 2 items
Cashin, David B. 2 items
Chaboud, Alain P. 2 items
Chen, Andrew Y. 2 items
Conflitti, Cristina 2 items
Conlisk, Sarah 2 items
Cordes, Lucy 2 items
Crane, Leland D. 2 items
Daníelsson, Jón 2 items
Deeken, Ella 2 items
Del Negro, Marco 2 items
Demuth, Jochen 2 items
Dias, Daniel A. 2 items
Dore, Timothy E. 2 items
Douglass, Patrick 2 items
Duarte, Joao B. 2 items
Edge, Rochelle M. 2 items
Englund, Chase 2 items
Falcettoni, Elena 2 items
Ferrante, Francesco 2 items
Ferris, Erin E. Syron 2 items
Figura, Andrew 2 items
Fisgin, Ece 2 items
Flemming, Jean 2 items
Foley-Fisher, Nathan 2 items
Frame, W. Scott 2 items
Fuentes-Albero, Cristina 2 items
Fulton, Chad 2 items
Game, Aaron L. 2 items
Gerszten, Jacob 2 items
Gilchrist, Simon 2 items
Gornemann, Nils M. 2 items
Grasing, Jamie 2 items
Gross, Max 2 items
Guse, Matthew 2 items
Hawley, Andrew 2 items
Highkin, Emily 2 items
Hoang, Trang T. 2 items
Hoek, Jasper 2 items
Hou, David 2 items
Isojärvi, Anni T. 2 items
Jeon, Sharon 2 items
Jerow, Sam 2 items
Jiron, Alexander 2 items
Joergensen, Kasper 2 items
Jorento, Daeus 2 items
Josselyn, Melanie 2 items
Kamin, Steven B. 2 items
Keane, Frank M. 2 items
Keating, Thomas 2 items
Kim, Don H. 2 items
Klee, Elizabeth C. 2 items
Kotidis, Antonis 2 items
Kovner, Anna 2 items
Kreiss, Kimberly 2 items
Langemeier, Kathryn 2 items
Laufer, Steven 2 items
Lawson, Angela 2 items
Lebow, David E. 2 items
Lee, Alexander 2 items
Lewis, Gordon 2 items
Lewis, Kurt F. 2 items
Lewis, Virginia 2 items
Li, Canlin 2 items
Little, Daniel 2 items
Llanes, Elizabeth 2 items
Lott, Mitch 2 items
Mach, Traci L. 2 items
Machol, Chris 2 items
Mallucci, Enrico 2 items
Marchal, Greg 2 items
Martinez, Francis 2 items
Massaro, Emily 2 items
McCoy, Jack 2 items
McIntosh, Susan Hume 2 items
Mills, David C. 2 items
Mix, Carter 2 items
Mortenson, Jacob 2 items
Nichols, Joseph B. 2 items
Nygaard, Vegard 2 items
Onishi, Ken 2 items
Paligorova, Teodora 2 items
Palumbo, Michael G. 2 items
Penn, Maddie 2 items
Powell, Tyler 2 items
Press, Charles 2 items
Prestipino, Andrea 2 items
Priebsch, Marcel A. 2 items
Raajkumar, Adithya 2 items
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Ruffino, Doriana 2 items
Santacreu, Ana Maria 2 items
Scaramucci, Mikaël 2 items
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Scotti, Chiara 2 items
Seay, Matthew P. 2 items
Shachar, Or 2 items
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Splinter, David 2 items
Stebunovs, Viktors 2 items
Stephens, Suzanna 2 items
Szőke, Bálint 2 items
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Thomas, Damian R. 2 items
Thorp, Alex 2 items
Timmer, Yannick 2 items
Timmermann, Allan 2 items
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Tuzun, Tugkan 2 items
Valenzuela, Marcela 2 items
Verani, Stéphane 2 items
Wang, Ashley W. 2 items
Wasserman, Melanie 2 items
Williams, Jacob 2 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 2 items
Wu, Jason J. 2 items
Yang, Jie 2 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 2 items
Zhang, Tony 2 items
von Hafften, Alexander H. 2 items
Abboud, Alice 1 items
Aboulaiz, Laila 1 items
Acharya, Shaily 1 items
Acosta, Miguel 1 items
Adams, Austin 1 items
Ahmed, Shaghil 1 items
Ahn, Michael 1 items
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Almadani, Sara 1 items
Altig, David E. 1 items
Amel, Dean F. 1 items
Anadu, Kenechukwu E. 1 items
Anderson, Christopher 1 items
Andros, Joseph 1 items
Asnani, Dev 1 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 1 items
Ausubel, Nathan 1 items
Bansak, Cynthia 1 items
Bao, Jack 1 items
Barnes, Kayleigh 1 items
Bayer, Amanda S. 1 items
Beall, Michael 1 items
Benigno, Gianluca 1 items
Benzoni, Luca 1 items
Berge, Travis J. 1 items
Berrospide, Jose M. 1 items
Blascak, Nathan 1 items
Blonz, Joshua 1 items
Bochner, Jacob 1 items
Bodovski, David 1 items
Boehm, Christoph E. 1 items
Bongard, Michelle 1 items
Bopst, Connor 1 items
Bostrom, Erik 1 items
Bowen, Dillon 1 items
Brando, Danny 1 items
Brown, Meta 1 items
Bräuning, Falk 1 items
Buttecali, Jillian 1 items
Byun, Sung Je 1 items
Cagetti, Marco 1 items
Caines, Colin C. 1 items
Carl, Uri 1 items
Chabot, Lia 1 items
Chen, Han 1 items
Chen, Kathryn 1 items
Chen, Lisa 1 items
Chernousov, Michael M. 1 items
Chikis, Craig A. 1 items
Cho, David 1 items
Chuan, Grace 1 items
Church, Maggie 1 items
Chylak, Jack 1 items
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Clark, Hunter L. 1 items
Clouse, James A. 1 items
Cohen, Andrew M. 1 items
Coleman, Nicholas S. 1 items
Collins, Christopher G. 1 items
Correia, Sergio A. 1 items
Covas, Francisco 1 items
Covitz, Daniel M. 1 items
Cowhey, Maureen 1 items
Cox, Joseph 1 items
Daigle, Ainsley 1 items
Datsenko, Ruslana 1 items
David, Josh 1 items
Davin, Carolyn 1 items
De Ferra, Sergio 1 items
De Francisco, Eva 1 items
DeHaven, Matthew 1 items
DeMarco, Laurie Pounder 1 items
Degerli, Ahmet 1 items
Delak, Katya 1 items
Demartini, Courtney 1 items
Di Lucido, Katherine 1 items
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