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Series:Economic Synopses 

Journal Article
Have Labor Costs Slowed the Recovery?

Labor costs after 2009 grew more slowly than labor costs after 2001.
Economic Synopses , Issue 14 , Pages 1-2

Journal Article
India’s Atypical Structural Transformation

Economic Synopses , Issue 23

Journal Article
Geographic Disparity in U.S. Output

A mere 81 of more than 3,000 counties produced half of total U.S. GDP in 2018.
Economic Synopses , Issue 5

Journal Article
The current recession: how bad is it?

In a recession, the severity of the decline is just as relevant as the duration of the recession.
Economic Synopses

Journal Article
Synchronization of Business Cycles and the Extensive Margin of Trade

The business cycle is more highly synchronized between countries that trade more differentiated intermediate products with each other.
Economic Synopses , Issue 15

Journal Article
Capital controls by any other name

The embrace of ad hoc capital controls to address temporary market inefficiencies on a case-by-case basis, while pragmatic, perpetuates the view that each capital crisis is an isolated example of failed financial institutions.
Economic Synopses

Journal Article
Japan as a role model?

Some analysts, noting Japan's continued slow deflation, assert that Japan is trapped in a slow-growth, deflationary equilibrium. Former Governor Shirakawa argued that Japan had "gotten out"?at least when judged by the growth of real GDP.>
Economic Synopses

Journal Article
Is the Fed Following a “Modernized” Version of the Taylor Rule? Part 2

The past period?s policy rate is extraordinarily important for setting the current period?s policy rate in the modernized Taylor rule.
Economic Synopses , Issue 3 , Pages 1-3

Journal Article
Unintended Consequences of Coronavirus-Related Unemployment Insurance Tax Laws

Waived employer payroll tax increases for state unemployment insurance appear to have increased layoffs.
Economic Synopses , Issue 21

Journal Article
Making Technical Adjustments: The Difference Between “Conducting” and “Implementing” Monetary Policy

Technical adjustments to the Fed’s administered rates help to implement existing monetary policy in changing market conditions.
Economic Synopses , Issue 21 , Pages 1-2




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Thornton, Daniel L. 38 items

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