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Series:Center for Latin America Working Papers 

Working Paper
Argentina's recovery and "excess" capital shallowing of the 1990s

The paper examines Argentinas economic expansion in the 1990s through the lens of a parsimonious neoclassical growth model. The main finding is that investment remained considerably weaker than what the model would have predicted. The resulting excessive capital shallowing could be identified as a weakness of the rapid economic growth of the 1990s that may have played a role in Argentinas ultimate inability to escape the crisis that started to unfold towards the end of that decade. ; Economic Research Working Paper 0204
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0102

Working Paper
Argentina's lost decade and subsequent recovery: hits and misses of the neoclassical growth model

We examine the economic depression that Argentina suffered in the 1980s, as well as the subsequent recovery, from the perspective of growth theory, taking total factor productivity as exogenous. The predictions of the neoclassical growth model conform rather well with the evidence for the "lost decade" depression and at the same time point to a puzzle: Investment did not recover in the subsequent decade of the 1990s nearly as fast as it should have according to that same model.
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0403

Working Paper
Choosing among rival poverty rates : some tests for Latin America

Poverty rates are now widely available, but are they reliable? Wide variations in estimated poverty rates for the same poverty line, year and country reflect an underlying reality: there is no widely accepted procedure for estimating national poverty rates. This paper proposes a simple, ex post procedure for selecting poverty rates that have certain desirable properties. Absolute poverty measures, estimated uniformly across countries, should be correlated with nonmonetary indicators that reflect the consequences of physical deprivation (e.g., malnutrition, birth rates, school attendance). A ...
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0103

Working Paper
Dolarizacion y uniones monetarias: pautas de implementacion

Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0201

Working Paper
Banking and finance in Argentina in the period 1900-35

From 1900 to 1935, Argentina evolved from an economy highly dependent on external, primarily British, finance to one more nearly self-sufficient. We examine the failure of domestic finance to adequately fill the void left by the decline of London and the breakdown of the world financial system in the interwar period, when neither the Buenos Aires Bolsa nor the private domestic banks developed rapidly enough to fully replace British investors as efficient channels for financing private investment. One consequence is that Argentine investable funds were increasingly concentrated in a single ...
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0501

Working Paper
Argentina's lost decade

Argentina suffered a depression in the 1980s that was as severe as the Great Depression experienced in the United States and Germany in the interwar period. Our paper examines this depression from the perspective of growth theory, taking total factor productivity as exogenous. The predictions of the growth model conform rather well with the observations during the lost decade years. ; Economic Research Working Paper 0107
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0401

Working Paper
Dollarization and monetary unions: implementation guidelines

Economic Research Working Paper 0105
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0201

Working Paper
The implications of capital-skill complementarity in economies with large informal sectors

In most developing nations, formal workers tend to be more experienced, more educated, and earn more than informal workers. These facts are often interpreted as evidence that low-skill workers face barriers to entry into the formal sector. Yet, there exists little direct evidence that such barriers are important. This paper describes a model where significant differences arise between formal and informal workers even though labor markets are perfectly competitive. In equilibrium, the informal sector emphasizes low-skill work because informal managers have access to less outside financing, and ...
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0404

Working Paper
Limited enforcement and the organization of production

This paper describes a dynamic, general equilibrium model designed to assess whether contractual imperfections in the form of limited enforcement can account for international differences in the organization of production. In the model, limited enforcement constrains some agents to operate establishments below their optimal scale. As a result, economies where contracts are enforced more efficiently tend to be richer and emphasize large scale production. Calibrated simulations of the model reveal that these effects can be large and account for a sizeable part of the observed differences in ...
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0601

Working Paper
Are labor markets segmented in Argentina? a semiparametric approach

A large part of the theoretical literature on informal economic activities in developing nations is founded on the assumption that labor markets are segmented. In this paper, we evaluate this premise with data from Argentina's permanent household survey for the 1993-1995 time period. We consider various definitions of informality based on the benefits mandated by Argentina's labor laws. We find that average wages are significantly higher in the formal sector than in the informal sector. We proceed to use a matching estimator to correct for the possible endogeneity of employment outcomes. ...
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0701