Search Results
International trade and income differences
Waugh, Michael E.
I develop a novel view of the trade frictions between rich and poor countries by arguing that to reconcile bilateral trade volumes and price data within a standard gravity model, the trade frictions between rich and poor countries must be systematically asymmetric, with poor countries facing higher costs to export relative to rich countries. I provide a method to model these asymmetries and demonstrate the merits of my approach relative to alternatives in the trade literature. I then argue that these trade frictions are quantitatively important to understanding the large differences in ...
Staff Report
, Paper 435
Homework in macroeconomics: household production and aggregate fluctuations
Wright, Randall; Benhabib, Jess; Rogerson, Richard
This paper explores some macroeconomic implications of including household production in an otherwise standard real business cycle model. We calibrate the model based on microeconomic evidence and long run considerations, simulate it, and examine its statistical properties Our finding is that introducing home production significantly improves the quantitative performance of the standard model along several dimensions. It also implies a very different interpretation of the nature of aggregate fluctuations.
Staff Report
, Paper 135
Do banks follow their customers abroad?
Nolle, Daniel E.; Seth, Rama
The market share of U.S. business loans made by foreign-owned banks has increased dramatically since 1980. At the same time, foreign direct investment in the U.S. rose, so that much of the increase in foreign-owned U.S.-based bank lending to businesses in the U.S. could conceivably be accounted for by an increase in loans to the U.S. affiliates of firms headquartered abroad, an expectation in line with the conventional wisdom that bans "follow their customers" abroad. Our study investigates the lending patterns of U.S.-based banks from Japan, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and ...
Research Paper
, Paper 9620
What moves investment? Cash flows in a forward-looking model of capital expenditures
Wizman, Thierry A.
Research Paper
, Paper 9201
Time variation in asset price responses to macro announcements
Grisse, Christian; Goldberg, Linda S.
Although the effects of economic news announcements on asset prices are well established, these relationships are unlikely to be stable. This paper documents the time variation in the responses of yield curves and exchange rates using high-frequency data from January 2000 through August 2011. Significant time variation in news effects is present for those announcements that have the largest effects on asset prices. The time variation in effects is explained by economic conditions, including the level of policy rates at the time of the news release, and risk conditions: Government bond yields ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 626
Real-time search in the laboratory and the market
Brown, Meta; Flinn, Christopher J.; Schotter, Andrew
While widely accepted models of labor market search imply a constant reservation wage policy, the empirical evidence strongly suggests that reservation wages decline in the duration of search. This paper reports the results of the first real-time-search laboratory experiment. The controlled environment that subjects face is stationary, and the payoff-maximizing reservation wage is constant. Nevertheless, subjects' reservation wages decline sharply over time. We investigate two hypotheses to explain this decline: 1) searchers respond to the stock of accruing search costs, and 2) searchers ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 410
Providing Labor Market Context for Debt-Related Driver’s License Suspensions in Ohio
Fee, Kyle; Mikelbank, Brian A.
More than 60 percent of Ohio’s driver’s license suspensions do not stem from bad driving; instead, they arise because the driver owes an unpaid debt. Debt-related suspensions (DRS) could prevent people from getting to work where they could make the money needed to repay the debt. In this report, we investigate whether DRS has implications for Ohio’s labor force.
Community Development Publications
Supplementary appendix: Careers in firms: estimating a model of learning, job assignment, and human capital aquisition
Pastorino, Elena
In this appendix I present details of the model and of the empirical analysis and results of counterfactual experiments omitted from the paper. In Section 1 I describe a simple example that illustrates how, even in the absence of (technological) human capital acquisition, productivity shocks, or separation shocks, the learning component of the model can naturally generate mobility between jobs within a firm and turnover between firms. I also present omitted details of the proofs of Propositions 1, 2, and 3 in the paper. In Section 2 I provide an overview of the numerical solution of the ...
Staff Report
, Paper 470
Global imbalances and structural change in the United States
Kehoe, Timothy J.; Ruhl, Kim J.; Steinberg, Joe
Since the early 1990s, as the United States has borrowed from the rest of the world, employment in U.S. goods-producing sectors has fallen. Using a dynamic general equilibrium model, we find that rapid productivity growth in goods production, not U.S. borrowing, has been the most important driver of the decline in goods-sector employment. As the United States repays its debt, its trade balance will reverse, but goods-sector employment will continue to fall. A sudden stop in foreign lending in 2015?2016 would cause a sharp trade balance reversal and painful reallocation across sectors, but ...
Staff Report
, Paper 489
Why do services prices rise more rapidly than goods prices?
Brauer, David A.
Research Paper
, Paper 9330
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1492 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 701 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 192 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 190 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 75 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 71 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 41 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 31 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 30 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 20 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 17 items
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Staff Reports 1141 items
Staff Report 664 items
Research Paper 341 items
Annual Report 215 items
Reports and Studies 192 items
Current Policy Perspectives 80 items
Consumer Finance Institute Research Briefs and Special Reports 57 items
Annual Report, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 36 items
New England Public Policy Center Research Report 34 items
Research Data Report 30 items
Staff Memoranda 26 items
Community Development Publications 16 items
Consumer Payments Research Data Reports 13 items
Annual Report Domestic Open Market Operations 10 items
Cascade Focus 8 items
New England Public Policy Center Policy Reports 8 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Notes 8 items
Research Report 6 items
Community Affairs Report 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Brief 4 items
Beyond the Numbers 3 items
Consumer Finance Institute conference summaries 3 items
Special Report 3 items
Cleveland Fed Regional Policy Report 2 items
Community Outlook 2 items
Community Outlook Survey 1 items
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 98 items
Kehoe, Patrick J. 70 items
anonymous 61 items
Adrian, Tobias 58 items
McGrattan, Ellen R. 55 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 48 items
Feliz, Raul Anibal 47 items
Chari, V. V. 46 items
Martin, Antoine 44 items
Prescott, Edward C. 44 items
Sarkar, Asani 44 items
Akana, Tom 43 items
Atkeson, Andrew 40 items
Kehoe, Timothy J. 38 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 35 items
Fleming, Michael J. 33 items
Zafar, Basit 33 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 31 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 27 items
Tracy, Joseph 27 items
Crump, Richard K. 26 items
Del Negro, Marco 26 items
Perri, Fabrizio 26 items
Heathcote, Jonathan 24 items
Copeland, Adam 23 items
Kovner, Anna 23 items
Cipriani, Marco 22 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 22 items
Hirtle, Beverly 22 items
Morgan, Donald P. 22 items
Vickery, James 22 items
Williams, John C. 22 items
Bryant, John 21 items
Eusepi, Stefano 21 items
Greene, Claire 21 items
Sargent, Thomas J. 21 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 20 items
Cole, Harold L. 20 items
Nicolini, Juan Pablo 20 items
Potter, Simon M. 20 items
Estrella, Arturo 19 items
Holmes, Thomas J. 19 items
Peristiani, Stavros 19 items
Schmitz, James A. 19 items
Stavins, Joanna 19 items
Wallace, Neil 19 items
Arellano, Cristina 18 items
McAndrews, James J. 18 items
Shin, Hyun Song 18 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 17 items
Cox, W. Michael 17 items
Giannone, Domenico 17 items
Mehran, Hamid 17 items
Remolona, Eli M. 17 items
Tambalotti, Andrea 17 items
Topa, Giorgio 17 items
Wright, Randall 17 items
Alm, Richard 16 items
Christiano, Lawrence J. 16 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 16 items
Moench, Emanuel 16 items
Sahin, Aysegul 16 items
Tille, Cedric 16 items
Weber, Warren E. 16 items
Fuster, Andreas 15 items
Giannoni, Marc 15 items
Hardouvelis, Gikas A. 15 items
Hitczenko, Marcin 15 items
Miller, Preston J. 15 items
Pinkovskiy, Maxim L. 15 items
Shachar, Or 15 items
Larrimore, Jeff 14 items
Lee, Donghoon 14 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 14 items
Rich, Robert W. 14 items
Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor 14 items
Schuh, Scott 14 items
Skeie, David R. 14 items
Violante, Giovanni L. 14 items
Angrisani, Marco 13 items
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Foster, Kevin 13 items
Kahn, James A. 13 items
Keane, Frank M. 13 items
Osler, Carol L. 13 items
Plosser, Matthew 13 items
Rolnick, Arthur J. 13 items
Sbordone, Argia M. 13 items
Steindel, Charles 13 items
Stiroh, Kevin J. 13 items
Abel, Jaison R. 12 items
Armantier, Olivier 12 items
Bai, Yan 12 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 12 items
Bräuning, Falk 12 items
Bullard, James B. 12 items
Eggertsson, Gauti B. 12 items
Garbade, Kenneth D. 12 items
Hansen, Lars Peter 12 items
Lagos, Ricardo 12 items
Merry, Ellen A. 12 items
Wang, J. Christina 12 items
Wynne, Mark A. 12 items
Acharya, Sushant 11 items
Benigno, Gianluca 11 items
Curdia, Vasco 11 items
Dogra, Keshav 11 items
Kocherlakota, Narayana R. 11 items
La Spada, Gabriele 11 items
Lee, Michael Junho 11 items
Levine, David K. 11 items
Lucca, David O. 11 items
Pesenti, Paolo 11 items
Strahan, Philip E. 11 items
di Giovanni, Julian 11 items
Blickle, Kristian S. 10 items
Boldrin, Michele 10 items
Brown, Meta 10 items
Chakravarty, Sugato 10 items
Ludvigson, Sydney 10 items
Pastorino, Elena 10 items
Peach, Richard 10 items
Primiceri, Giorgio E. 10 items
Ruhl, Kim J. 10 items
Sullivan, Riley 10 items
Thomas, Logan 10 items
Wang, Zhenyu 10 items
Acharya, Viral V. 9 items
Afonso, Gara M. 9 items
Alvarez, Fernando 9 items
Bech, Morten L. 9 items
Geweke, John F. 9 items
Groen, Jan J. J. 9 items
Guvenen, Fatih 9 items
Hellerstein, Rebecca 9 items
Hobijn, Bart 9 items
Jagannathan, Ravi 9 items
Karahan, Fatih 9 items
Lewis, Daniel J. 9 items
Lopez, Jose A. 9 items
McCarthy, Jonathan 9 items
Melcangi, Davide 9 items
Park, Sangkyun 9 items
Rodrigues, Anthony P. 9 items
Rogerson, Richard 9 items
Santos, João A. C. 9 items
Townsend, Robert M. 9 items
Uctum, Merih 9 items
Akinci, Ozge 8 items
Cantor, Richard 8 items
Dodini, Samuel 8 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 8 items
Fee, Kyle 8 items
Garratt, Rod 8 items
Gross, Matthew B. 8 items
Hung, Juann H. 8 items
Koşar, Gizem 8 items
Krueger, Dirk 8 items
Minehan, Cathy E. 8 items
Phelan, Christopher 8 items
Roberds, William 8 items
Schmeiser, Maximilian D. 8 items
Schorfheide, Frank 8 items
Schuermann, Til 8 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 8 items
Seth, Rama 8 items
Van Tassel, Peter 8 items
Weinberg, John A. 8 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 8 items
Zhao, Bo 8 items
Amador, Manuel 7 items
Aschauer, David Alan 7 items
Bennett, Paul 7 items
Boldin, Michael D. 7 items
Carvalho, Carlos 7 items
Conesa, Juan Carlos 7 items
Cooper, Daniel H. 7 items
Demsetz, Rebecca 7 items
Divringi, Eileen 7 items
Duffie, Darrell 7 items
Gabe, Todd M. 7 items
Guarino, Antonio 7 items
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Hilton, R. Spence 7 items
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Jones, Larry E. 7 items
Justiniano, Alejandro 7 items
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Litterman, Robert B. 7 items
Malin, Benjamin A. 7 items
Packer, Frank 7 items
Prati, Alessandro 7 items
Preston, Bruce 7 items
Ritter, Dubravka 7 items
Rosenberg, Joshua V. 7 items
Roy, Joydeep 7 items
Stutzer, Michael J. 7 items
Vogt, Erik 7 items
Wenninger, John 7 items
Willen, Paul S. 7 items
Yuengert, Andrew M. 7 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 7 items
Akhtar, M. A. 6 items
Amiti, Mary 6 items
Anadu, Kenechukwu E. 6 items
Antzoulatos, Angelos A. 6 items
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Bai, Jennie 6 items
Brauer, David A. 6 items
Campa, Jose Manuel 6 items
Choi, Dong Beom 6 items
Corsetti, Giancarlo 6 items
Cotton, Christopher D. 6 items
Crosignani, Matteo 6 items
Durante, Alex 6 items
Elias, Leonardo 6 items
Ferrero, Andrea 6 items
Groshen, Erica L. 6 items
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Higgins, Matthew 6 items
Klesta, Matthew 6 items
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Los, Cornelis A. 6 items
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Niepmann, Friederike 6 items
Queraltó, Albert 6 items
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St. Louis, Federal Reserve Bank 6 items
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Van Wincoop, Eric 6 items
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Wu, Lifan 6 items
Zabek, Mike 6 items
Afonso, Gara 5 items
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Backus, David K. 5 items
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Deitz, Richard 5 items
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Fisher, Peter R. 5 items
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Gerdes, Geoffrey R. 5 items
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Wiswall, Matthew 5 items
Wizman, Thierry A. 5 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 5 items
Yogo, Motohiro 5 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 5 items
Allen, Beth 4 items
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Armenter, Roc 4 items
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Fisher, Richard W. 3 items
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Lopez Gaffney, Ignacio 3 items
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R20 1 items
R33 1 items
R58 1 items
Z10 1 items
show more (438)
show less
FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 203 items
COVID-19 93 items
Business cycles 89 items
Interest rates 84 items
Econometric models 78 items
Inflation (Finance) 69 items
Foreign exchange rates 59 items
Wages 50 items
International trade 48 items
Liquidity (Economics) 46 items
Fiscal policy 46 items
Forecasting 46 items
Risk 45 items
Productivity 45 items
Financial crises 43 items
Stock - Prices 40 items
liquidity 37 items
Consumption (Economics) 36 items
Banks and banking, Central 35 items
Taxation 34 items
inflation 34 items
Stock market 32 items
Prices 30 items
Unemployment 30 items
financial stability 30 items
time series analysis 29 items
Asset pricing 27 items
Economic development 27 items
Credit 26 items
International finance 26 items
Mortgages 25 items
systemic risk 25 items
Banks and banking 24 items
Labor market 24 items
Bank capital 24 items
Bonds 23 items
Competition 23 items
Corporations - Finance 23 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 23 items
Debt 23 items
Bank loans 22 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 items
Income 22 items
Macroeconomics 22 items
Education 22 items
Employment 22 items
inequality 21 items
Income distribution 20 items
Investments 20 items
Money 20 items
Economic indicators 19 items
Foreign exchange 19 items
Intermediation (Finance) 19 items
credit cards 19 items
regulation 19 items
Futures 18 items
Open market operations 18 items
Securities 18 items
Human capital 18 items
Uncertainty 18 items
Debts, External 17 items
Depressions 17 items
Developing countries 17 items
Economic policy 17 items
Financial markets 17 items
Recessions 17 items
banks 17 items
Bank supervision 17 items
Corporate bonds 17 items
Capital movements 16 items
Econometrics 16 items
Federal Reserve System 16 items
Manufactures 16 items
Production (Economic theory) 16 items
Saving and investment 16 items
Financial leverage 15 items
Government securities 15 items
Imports 15 items
New England 15 items
Technology 15 items
Wealth 15 items
financial crisis 15 items
financial intermediation 15 items
Bank reserves 14 items
Labor productivity 14 items
Labor supply 14 items
Money supply 14 items
Payment systems 14 items
Consumer behavior 14 items
Bank holding companies 13 items
DSGE models 13 items
Dollar, American 13 items
Federal Open Market Committee 13 items
Federal funds market (United States) 13 items
Industrial capacity 13 items
Swaps (Finance) 13 items
exchange rates 13 items
options 13 items
Bank liquidity 12 items
Capital investments 12 items
Capital market 12 items
Exports 12 items
Game theory 12 items
Japan 12 items
NEPPC 12 items
technological innovations 12 items
Trade 12 items
housing 12 items
Bank management 11 items
COVID 11 items
Consumer credit 11 items
Deposit insurance 11 items
Diary of Consumer Payment Choice 11 items
Expenditures, Public 11 items
Great Recession 11 items
Gross domestic product 11 items
Inventories 11 items
Monetary policy - United States 11 items
cash 11 items
financial frictions 11 items
consumption 11 items
firm dynamics 11 items
Bank competition 10 items
Branch banks 10 items
Business cycles - Econometric models 10 items
Demography 10 items
European Monetary System (Organization) 10 items
Federal funds rate 10 items
Financial institutions 10 items
Industrial productivity 10 items
Industries 10 items
Investments, Foreign 10 items
Latin America 10 items
Repurchase agreements 10 items
Stochastic analysis 10 items
Survey of Consumer Payment Choice 10 items
Treasury bonds 10 items
Welfare 10 items
payments 10 items
Assets (Accounting) 9 items
Capital 9 items
Consolidation and merger of corporations 9 items
Economic forecasting 9 items
Federal Reserve lending facilities 9 items
Financial risk management 9 items
Great Britain 9 items
Hedging (Finance) 9 items
Rate of return 9 items
Subprime mortgage 9 items
expectations 9 items
heterogeneity 9 items
money market funds 9 items
prepaid cards 9 items
repo 9 items
runs 9 items
insurance 9 items
Balance of payments 8 items
Bank failures 8 items
Bank investments 8 items
Bank mergers 8 items
Banking law 8 items
Corporate governance 8 items
Default (Finance) 8 items
Economic conditions 8 items
Electronic funds transfers 8 items
Federal Reserve District, 12th 8 items
Insurance industry 8 items
Loans, Foreign 8 items
Price levels 8 items
Stocks - Rate of return 8 items
Vector autoregression 8 items
banking 8 items
checking accounts 8 items
checks 8 items
college majors 8 items
debit cards 8 items
electronic payments 8 items
inflation expectations 8 items
payment preferences 8 items
school finance 8 items
student loans 8 items
subjective expectations 8 items
zero lower bound 8 items
Cointegration 8 items
Bank assets 7 items
Bank deposits 7 items
Bank profits 7 items
Banks and banking - History 7 items
China 7 items
Contracts 7 items
Corporate profits 7 items
Corporations 7 items
Disclosure of information 7 items
Economies of scale 7 items
Education - Economic aspects 7 items
Employment (Economic theory) 7 items
Households - Economic aspects 7 items
Housing - Finance 7 items
Housing - Prices 7 items
Industrial location 7 items
Mexico 7 items
Occupational licensing 7 items
Phillips curve 7 items
Political science 7 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 7 items
Regression analysis 7 items
Retirement 7 items
Sovereign default 7 items
Treasury market 7 items
bank regulation 7 items
economic conditions - United States 7 items
forward guidance 7 items
labor contracts 7 items
leverage 7 items
monetary policy transmission 7 items
money markets 7 items
quantitative easing 7 items
search 7 items
securitization 7 items
term structures 7 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 6 items
Banks and banking, International 6 items
Deficit financing 6 items
Deflation (Finance) 6 items
Economic history 6 items
Economics 6 items
Emigration and immigration 6 items
Federal Reserve 6 items
Fedwire 6 items
Financial market regulatory reform 6 items
Free trade 6 items
Monetary theory 6 items
Money market 6 items
Money theory 6 items
Mutual funds 6 items
Retail trade 6 items
Social security 6 items
Tariff 6 items
Treasury bills 6 items
asymmetric information 6 items
capital asset pricing model 6 items
capital flows 6 items
capital regulations 6 items
federal funds market 6 items
global banks 6 items
household debt 6 items
information 6 items
international banking 6 items
learning 6 items
macroprudential policy 6 items
mortgage 6 items
raking 6 items
recession 6 items
survey forecasts 6 items
Arbitrage 5 items
Balance of trade 5 items