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Journal Article
The mortgage meltdown, financial markets, and the economy
This Economic Letter is adapted from a speech delivered by Janet L. Yellen, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, on October 30, 2008, to the UC Berkeley-UCLA Symposium "The Mortgage Meltdown, the Economy, and Public Policy," at the University of California, Berkeley.
Comments on \"The Revival of Fiscal Policy\"
Presentation to the Annual AEA/ASSA Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 4, 2009
The U.S. economic outlook: a monetary policymaker’s perspective
Presentation to Arizona State University?s 41st Annual Forecast Luncheon, Phoenix, Arizona, December 1, 2004
Journal Article
Hong Kong and China and the global recession
Hong Kong and China are recovering impressively from global recession thanks to effective stimulus programs. But authorities worry that expansionary U.S. monetary policy may fuel asset bubbles in their economies. In the long run, the recession may nudge China toward increased domestic consumption by highlighting the risks of export-driven development. This Letter is adapted from a report by the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco on her visit to Hong Kong and China November 15-21, 2009. Each year, the president of the San Francisco Fed joins the Federal Reserve ...
Prospects for the U. S. economy
Speech to a Community Outreach Luncheon, Boise, ID, September 7, 2006
2006: a year of transition at the Federal Reserve
Presentation to the Los Angeles Chapter, National Association for Business Economics (NABE) Los Angeles, CA, January 19, 2006