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Author:Wilkerson, Chad R. 

Journal Article
How high tech is the Tenth District?

Newspapers in the Tenth Federal Reserve District generally keep a close eye on where their cities rank in national studies of high-tech activity. Readers have good reason to be interested in how ?high tech? their communities are, despite the recent downturn in the sector. High-tech workers are among the best paid of all workers and, if these recent studies are correct, an area?s failure to embrace the ?New Economy? could result in a lower standard of living and fewer opportunities for residents down the road. But studies of high-tech cities, which are usually produced by think tanks, trade ...
Economic Review , Volume 87 , Issue Q II , Pages 1-27

Journal Article
Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma and the Federal Reserve's formative years

U.S. Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma played a key role in the formation of the Federal Reserve in the early twentieth century. He championed the creation of a quasi-public central bank with a decentralized structure. Author Chad Wilkerson explores how Senator Owen contributed to the Fed's early development and sought a Fed structure that would avoid placing too much control either in a centralized agency in Washington, D.C., or in a small number of Wall Street bankers. Owen generally praised the Fed's early performance but became a critic in the early 1920s, and again in the 1930s, when its ...
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 95-117

Journal Article
How is Oklahoma Real Estate Positioned in this Oil Downturn?

This edition of The Oklahoma Economist examines historical trends for residential and commercial construction and finds there has been much less building heading into this downturn in the oil and gas industry than in some previous episodes.
Oklahoma Economist , Volume 2015 , Issue Q4

Journal Article
Another Difficult Year in 2016, but Cautious Optimism for 2017

This edition of the Oklahoma Economist explores firms expectations, which suggest some cautious optimism for the state's economy in 2017, despite a sharp economic decline in 2015.
Oklahoma Economist , Volume 2016 , Issue Q4

Journal Article
Update on Kansas and Missouri economies: Spotlight on Western Kansas

The economic situation in Kansas improved during the summer of 2012, but conditions in Missouri weakened. Employment growth was positive in Kansas during the second quarter, but the pace of growth slowed. In Missouri, employment growth was negative. The unemployment rate rose slightly in both states, but labor market indicators suggest that conditions could improve in the third quarter of 2012.
Midwest Economist , Issue Q III

Journal Article
Update on Oklahoma's economy

Oklahoma Economist , Issue Q IV , Pages 1-4

Journal Article
Will tightness in Tenth District labor markets result in economic slowdown?

Labor markets in the Tenth District are tighter now than at any time in recent memory. The steady fall of unemployment rates in recent years has led many analysts to wonder if future economic growth in the region could be restricted by labor shortages. The district's labor market is actually even tighter than suggested by its unemployment rate of less than 4 percent in 1998 due to the presence of two other significant, but often overlooked, factors: high labor force participation rates and slowing domestic migration flows.> The labor force participation rate, meaning roughly the percentage of ...
Economic Review , Volume 83 , Issue Q IV , Pages 67-80

Journal Article
Nonmetro Oklahoma in the 21st Century—More Boom than Bust

Oklahoma’s nonmetro economy has performed relatively well in the 21st century.
Oklahoma Economist

Journal Article
Travel and tourism : an overlooked industry in the U.S. and Tenth District

With the onset of recession in early 2001, the U.S. travel and tourism industry fell into its worst slump since World War II. The September 11 terrorist attacks and subsequent tightening of airport restrictions dealt the industry an unprecedented blow. Many travel destinations continued to suffer in 2002 and early 2003 from a declining stock market, sluggish economic recovery, and war in Iraq. Prior to these recent difficulties, however, travel and tourism?s role in the national economy had been rising steadily for decades.> As in the nation, the travel and tourism industry has become ...
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 45-72

Journal Article
Update on Kansas and Missouri economies: Spotlight on Joplin, Missouri

The Missouri and Kansas economies expanded during the fall of 2012. Employment growth in Missouri has accelerated since the summer, while job growth slowed in Kansas but remained positive. The unemployment rate fell in both states, and residential real estate continued to rebound in both Kansas and Missouri. Farmland values grew, but agricultural conditions overall began to show effects from the drought.
Midwest Economist , Issue Q IV




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