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Author:Weber, Warren E. 

Working Paper
A model of banknote discounts

Prior to 1863, state-chartered banks in the United States issued notes - dollar-denominated promises to pay specie to the bearer on demand. Although these notes circulated at par locally, they usually were quoted at a discount outside the local area. These discounts varied by both the location of the bank and the location where the discount was being quoted. Further, these discounts were asymmetric across locations, meaning that the discounts quoted in location A on the notes of banks in location B generally differed from the discounts quoted in location B on the notes of banks in location A. ...
Working Papers , Paper 641

Journal Article
The debasement puzzle: an essay on medieval monetary history

This study establishes several facts about medieval monetary debasements: they were followed by unusually large minting volumes and by increased seigniorage; old and new coins circulated concurrently; and, at least some of the time, coins were valued by weight. These facts constitute a puzzle because debasements provide no additional inducements to bring coins to the mint. On theoretical and empirical grounds, the authors reject explanations based on by-tale circulation, nominal contracts, and sluggish price adjustment. They conclude that debasements pose a challenge to monetary economics. ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 21 , Issue Fall , Pages 8-20

Journal Article
Banking instability and regulation in the U.S. free banking era

Quarterly Review , Volume 9 , Issue Sum

A method for estimating distributed lags when observations are randomly missing

This paper presents a frequency-domain technique for estimating distributed lag coefficients (the impulse-response function) when observations are randomly missed. The technique treats stationary processes with randomly missed observations as amplitude-modulated processes and estimates the transfer function accordingly. Estimates of the lag coefficients are obtained by taking the inverse transform of the estimated transfer function. Results with artificially created data show that the technique performs well even when the probability of an observation being missed is one-half and in some ...
Staff Report , Paper 65

Interest rates under the U.S. national banking system

According to previous studies, the demand-liability feature of national bank notes did not present a problem for note-issuing banks because the nonbank public treated notes and other currency as perfect substitutes. However, that view, when combined with nonbindingness of the collateral restriction against note issue, itself an implication of the fact that some eligible collateral was not used for that purpose, implies that the safe short-term interest rate is pegged at the tax rate on note circulation. Since evidence on short-term interest rates is inconsistent with such a peg, that view ...
Staff Report , Paper 161

Working Paper
The Suffolk Bank and the Panic of 1837: how a private bank acted as a lender-of-last-resort

Working Papers , Paper 592

Journal Article
Free banking, wildcat banking, and shinplasters

Quarterly Review , Volume 6 , Issue Fall

Journal Article
Lessons from a laissez-faire payments system: the Suffolk Banking System (1825-58)

A classic example of a privately created interbank payments system was operated by the Suffolk Bank of New England (1825?58). Known as the Suffolk Banking System, it was the nation?s first regionwide net-clearing system for bank notes. While it operated, notes of all New England banks circulated at par throughout the region. Some have concluded from this experience that unfettered competition in the provision of payments services can produce an efficient payments system. But another look at the history of the Suffolk Banking System questions this conclusion. The Suffolk Bank earned ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 22 , Issue Sum , Pages 11-21

Conference Paper
Private money creation and the Suffolk Banking System


A model of commodity money, with applications to Gresham's law and the debasement puzzle

We develop a model of commodity money and use it to analyze the following two questions motivated by issues in monetary history: What are the conditions under which Gresham's Law holds? And, what are the mechanics of a debasement (lowering the metallic content of coins)? The model contains light and heavy coins, imperfect information, and prices determined via bilateral bargaining. There are equilibria with neither, both, or only one type of coin in circulation. When both circulate, coins may trade by weight or by tale. We discuss the extent to which Gresham's Law holds in the various cases. ...
Staff Report , Paper 215


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