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Working Paper
Climate Shocks in the Anthropocene Era: Should Net Domestic Product Reflect Climate Disasters?
The asset costs of natural disasters in the United States grew rapidly from 1980 to 2023, with the trend rising 4.9 percent annually in real terms to $90 billion in 2023. Much of this trend in costs is likely due to climate change and, as a loss of assets, implies a faster depreciation of real assets. We argue that the expected depreciation from these events should be included in Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC), leading to lower levels and slightly lower growth rates for Net Domestic Product (NDP) and Net Domestic Investment. We use Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood regressions to estimate ...
Working Paper
Climate Shocks in the Anthropocene Era: Should Net Domestic Product Be Affected by Climate Disasters
The monetary costs of weather and climate disasters in the U.S. have grown rapidly from 1980 to 2022, rising more than 5 percent in real terms annually. Much of this real growth in costs is likely due to climate change. Regardless of its cause, these costs imply a faster depreciation of real assets. We argue that the expected depreciation from these events could be included in the consumption of fixed capital, leading to lower levels, and slightly lower growth rates, for net domestic product (NDP). We use Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood regressions to estimate this expectation and to ...