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Author:Ongena, Steven 

Discussion Paper
Credit, Income, and Inequality

Access to credit plays a central role in shaping economic opportunities of households and businesses. Access to credit also plays a crucial role in helping an economy successfully exit from the pandemic doldrums. The ability to get a loan may allow individuals to purchase a home, invest in education and training, or start and then expand a business. Hence access to credit has important implications for upward mobility and potentially also for inequality. Adverse selection and moral hazard problems due to asymmetric information between lenders and borrowers affect credit availability. Because ...
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20210701

Working Paper
Firms and their distressed banks: lessons from the Norwegian banking crisis (1988-1991)

We use the near-collapse of the Norwegian banking system during the period 1988-91 to measure the impact of bank distress announcements on the stock prices of firms maintaining a relationship with a distressed bank. We find that although banks experienced large and permanent downward revisions in their equity value during the event period, firms maintaining relationships with these banks faced only small and temporary changes, on average, in stock price. In other words, the aggregate impact of bank distress on listed firms in Norway appears small. Our results stand in contrast to studies that ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 686

Conference Paper
Distance and competition

Proceedings , Paper 833

Conference Paper
Rules, discretion, and loan rates

Proceedings , Paper 1048

Conference Paper
Firms and their distressed banks: lessons from the Norwegian banking crisis (1988-1991)

Proceedings , Paper 746

Working Paper
The impact of bank consolidation on commercial borrower welfare

We estimate the impact of bank merger announcements on borrowers' stock prices for publicly traded Norwegian firms. In addition, we analyze how bank mergers influence borrower relationship termination behavior and relate the propensity to terminate to borrower abnormal returns. We obtain four main results. First, on average borrowers lose about 1 percent in equity value when their bank is announced as a merger target. Small borrowers of target banks are especially hurt in mergers between two large banks, where they lose an average of about 3 percent. Small target borrowers are not harmed, and ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 679

Working Paper
To what extent will the banking industry be globalized? a study of bank nationality and reach in 20 European nations

We model two dimensions of bank globalization -- bank nationality (a bank from the firm's host nation, its home nation, or a third nation) and bank reach (a global, regional, or local bank) using a two-stage nested multinomial logit model. Our data set includes over 2,000 foreign affiliates of multinational corporations operating in 20 European nations. We find that these firms frequently use host nation banks for cash management services, and that bank reach may be strongly influenced by this choice of bank nationality. Our results suggest limits to the degree of future bank globalization.
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2002-25

Working Paper
To what extent will the banking industry be globalized? a study of bank nationality and reach in 20 European nations

We model two dimensions of bank globalization -- bank nationality (a bank from the firm's host nation, its home nation, or a third nation) and bank reach (a global, regional, or local bank) -- using a two-stage nested multinomial logit model. Our data set includes over 2,000 foreign affiliates of multinational corporations operating in 20 European nations. We find that these firms frequently use host nation banks for cash management services, and that bank reach may be strongly influenced by this choice of bank nationality. Our results suggest limits to the degree of future bank globalization.
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 725

Credit and Entrepreneurs’ Income

Small business entrepreneurs facing credit-constraints may have significantly different future income paths compared to unconstrained entrepreneurs. We quantify this difference using uniquely detailed loan application data and a regression discontinuity design based on a bank’s credit score cutoff rule employed in the decision to grant loans. We find that application acceptance increases recipients’ income five years later by 11 percent compared to rejected loan applicants. This effect survives in a large battery of robustness tests and is driven by the use of borrowed funds to make ...
Staff Reports , Paper 929

Working Paper
The Impact of Merger Legislation on Bank Mergers

We find that stricter merger control legislation increases abnormal announcement returns of targets in bank mergers by 7 percentage points. Analyzing potential explanations for this result, we document an increase in the pre-merger profitability of targets, a decrease in the size of acquirers, and a decreasing share of transactions in which banks are acquired by other banks. Other merger properties, including the size and risk profile of targets, the geographic overlap of merging banks, and the stock market response of rivals appear unaffected. The evidence suggests that the strengthening of ...
Working Papers , Paper 16-14R


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