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Journal Article
Eighth District population growth follows national pattern
Journal Article
Employment growth mixed across Eighth District
Journal Article
Immigrants: skills, occupations and locations
Early childhood education
Which public investment offers greater returns?a subsidy for a sports stadium or early childhood education? It might surprise some, but the answer is an investment in early childhood education. A research study from the Federal Reserve found a 16 percent return on such an investment, with 80 percent of the return going to the general public. The October 2009 Newsletter explains the lifelong benefits of early childhood education.
Journal Article
Which came first-democracy or growth?
Most economists agree that economic freedom promotes growth, but fewer agree that more political freedom improves economic performance as well. Chile of the 1970s and 1980s and China today are just two autocracies with strong economies.
Journal Article
Which came first—better education or better health?
Better-educated people appear to be in better health than less-educated people. But does more education cause better health, or are there other factors at play ? such as income and access to information?
Journal Article
The dismal science tackles happiness data
While many believe that money does buy happiness, research shows that richer people aren't necessarily happier people, especially in the United States.
A crack in the nest egg: are Americans doing enough to save for retirement?
Before the current recession, soaring stock prices and housing values made many Americans feel well off, and thus many were lax in saving for retirement. The current financial market downturn has erased much of the previous gains, leaving many workers unprepared for retirement.
Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility can be profitable
Businesses have found that it can pay off to engage in social stewardship, such as donating to charity, protecting the environment and nurturing a diverse and safe workplace.