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Author:Jacob, Katy 

Discussion Paper
The efficiency and integrity of payment card systems: industry views on the risks posed by data breaches

Consumer confidence in payment card systems has been built up over many decades. Cardholders expect to use their cards to execute payment instructions in a reliable and timely manner. Data breaches that degrade the perceived safety and reliability of payment cards may weaken consumer confidence in those systems and potentially cause cardholders to shift to other, and perhaps less efficient, forms of payment. A sizable shift away from payment cards ?induced by the consequences of one or more data breaches is unlikely. Even so, the probability of such an outcome is uncertain. In other words, ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers , Paper 12-04

Competitive forces shaping the payments environment: what's next?—a conference summary

Technological innovations have enabled numerous payment methods to proliferate in the market. As a result, payment providers have to address concerns about pricing, infrastructure, and regulatory standards. To discuss these and related issues, the Chicago Fed hosted its seventh payments conference on May 10?11, 2007.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Aug

Two cheers for the Monetary Control Act

This article explains how the Monetary Control Act (MCA) of 1980 paved the way for the transition away from paper to electronic check clearing and processing, ultimately leading to the successful implementation of the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21) in 2003.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Jun

Exploring the new face of retail payments (special issue)

At the Chicago Fed?s 2011 Payments Conference, held on May 19?20, participants discussed how changes in consumers? behavior in the wake of the financial crisis and recession can translate into opportunities and challenges for both traditional and nascent payment providers. They also focused on the impact of payment innovations and new consumer protection regulations.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Sep

Journal Article
A focus group study of Latin American immigrants' financial behaviors

The subject of U.S. immigration ? particularly more recent immigration trends ? has generated many contentious debates around crime, impacts of worker skill levels on economic growth patterns, and on relative wage rates, among other areas. Further, analysis and focused studies of immigrant populations reveal varied and disjointed economic behaviors.
Profitwise , Issue Dec , Pages 1-7

Journal Article
Payments fraud: perception versus reality - a conference summary

The authors highlight key issues from the presentations, keynote addresses, and open floor discussions at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's eighth annual Payments Conference. The conference's agenda appears at the end of this article.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 33 , Issue Q I , Pages 7-13

After the financial crisis: the future of payment innovations

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago hosted its tenth annual Payments Conference, Payment Innovations in the Wake of the Financial Crisis, on May 20?21, 2010, to discuss emerging trends within the payments industry and new regulation following the financial crisis.research on health and health care policy.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Sep

Conference Paper
Stored-value cards: challenges and opportunities for reaching emerging markets

In recent years, the financial services industry has become very inventive around new uses of technology to improve the structure and delivery of retail products. One relatively new type of payment product, stored value cards (SVCs), serves as a cash or check alternative. At this point in the industry's development, many of these cards do not provide a platform for saving, saving, building assets, or establishing (or repairing) credit. However, SVCs could pave the way for individuals to have both transactional services and links to broader financial opportunities. This paper discusses the ...
Proceedings , Paper 965

Evaluating the potential of immediate funds transfer for general-purpose payments in the United States

Immediate funds transfer (IFT) is a convenient, certain, secure, and low-cost means of electronically transferring money between bank accounts with no or minimal delay in receivers? receipt and use of funds. Yet IFT is not widely available in the U.S. This article summarizes discussions on the potential for IFT in the U.S. held at the Symposium on Immediate Funds Transfer for General-Purpose Payments, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, on September 7, 2011.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Nov

Payments pricing: who bears the cost? - a conference summary

As consumers and merchants increasingly adopt electronic payments, the pricing of these services has generated substantial scrutiny by public authorities around the world. To discuss these developments and related issues, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago hosted its ninth annual Payments Conference on May 14?15, 2009.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Sep