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Discussion Paper
Then and Now: The Changing Landscape of Education Outcomes and Funding in the 21st Century (Part 2 of 3)
This is part two of a three-part series that brings together labor market, workforce, occupational, and educational trends since 2000 to tell a story of American workers through data. This is primarily a decennial retrospective, but some sections include additional years to shape a complete story. Part two looks at policy interventions related to unemployment, health care insurance, and retirement savings. The charts illustrate the mixed experiences of workers over this period.The "Then and Now" series explores data broadly and granularly with a demographic lens, recognizing that general ...
Discussion Paper
Discontent, Occupational Change, and the Roles Workers Are Leaving amid the Great Resignation
Workers are dissatisfied with the world of work and are holding out for flexible and worker-centric opportunities. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity (CWEO) has been hosting conversations with workers who have expressed displeasure with on-the-job treatment from both customers and management, inflexible work schedules, poor work-life balance, inability to work remotely or with a hybrid schedule, inadequate pay and benefits, limited opportunities for growth and training, and pay raises that are not keeping up with inflation. In fact, the Pew ...
Discussion Paper
Then and Now: Key Trends and Transformations in the 21st Century Labor Market (Part 1 of 3)
The US labor market has experienced significant changes since the turn of the century. Some of the most profound changes were driven by technology, others shaped by business, policy, and shifting social norms. Two enormous economic shocks, the Great Recession of 2007–2009 and the pandemic recession of 2020, also drove changes in the economy and labor market. At the time of this writing, the Federal Reserve has been working to bring down inflation rates that last year reached a 40-year high. These major developments have transformed the nature of work and opportunities for American workers. ...
Discussion Paper
Then and Now: The Changing Landscape of Education Outcomes and Funding in the 21st Century (Part 3)
This is the final installment of a three-part series which brings together labor market, workforce, occupational, and educational trends since 2000 to tell a story of the American worker through data. Part three looks at wage disparities between workers with and without college degrees, and the rising costs of higher education.The "Then and Now" series explores data broadly and granularly with a demographic lens, recognizing that general trends often are not experienced universally across groups. We identify where opportunities for some workers have improved and where there may be a need for ...