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Author:Felix, Alison 

Journal Article
Effect of aging on labor force participation rates in the Mountain States

Rocky Mountain Economist , Issue Q I , Pages 1-6

Journal Article
Population growth trends in the Mountain States

This issue of the Rocky Mountain Economist explores population trends since the 1990s across the nation and within the Mountain States.
Rocky Mountain Economist , Issue Q I , Pages 1-4

Working Paper
Who offers tax-based business development incentives?

Many American communities seek to attract or retain businesses with tax abatements, tax credits, or tax increment financing of infrastructure projects (TIFs). The evidence for 1999 indicates that communities are most likely to offer one or more of these business development incentives if their residents have low incomes, if they are located close to state borders, and if their states have troubled political cultures. Ten percent greater median household income is associated with a 3.2 percent lower probability of offering incentives; ten percent greater distance from a state border is ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 11-05

Journal Article
Industrial diversity, growth, and volatility in the seven states of the Tenth District

State and local officials have long sought to diversify the mix of industries in their regions, hoping to reduce short-term volatility in their communities? economic growth rates and potentially boost overall long-term growth. ; While theory does suggest that industrial diversity can reduce economic volatility, views are mixed on whether and how industrial diversity affects long-term growth. ; Examining the varied landscape of industrial diversity across hundreds of counties in the Tenth District?s seven-state region, Felix finds that counties with greater diversity did see more economic ...
Economic Review , Volume 97 , Issue Q IV

Journal Article
Key industries in the Mountain states

Rocky Mountain Economist , Issue Q III , Pages 1-4

Journal Article
Update on Kansas and Missouri economies: Spotlight on industrial specialization in Kansas and Missouri

The Kansas and Missouri economies continued to improve during the winter months. Missouri employment growth was slightly negative, but employment growth in Kansas was positive throughout the fourth quarter of 2011. In both Kansas and Missouri, the unemployment rate fell, and there are indications that labor market conditions will improve in each state during the first quarter of 2012. Agricultural conditions were positive in the fourth quarter, and farmland values increased in both Kansas and Missouri.
Midwest Economist , Issue Q I

Working Paper
The incidence of capital taxation and the magnitude of its burden.

Regional Research Working Paper , Paper RRWP 07-02

Working Paper
Corporate taxes and union wages in the United States

Regional Research Working Paper , Paper RRWP 09-02

Journal Article
The impact of an aging U.S. population on state tax revenues

As the baby boom generation retires, the nation?s labor force participation rate is expected to decline. And since most people earn less and spend less during retirement, the aging of the U.S. population will likely reduce income and sales tax revenue per capita for state governments. Felix and Watkins draw from data on different age groups? earning and spending patterns to assess how projected changes in the age distribution across the American population are likely to affect earning and spending?and therefore state revenue from income taxes and sales taxes. They find that demographic change ...
Economic Review , Issue Q IV , Pages 95-127

Journal Article
Update on the Kansas and Missouri economies: Spotlight on manufacturing survey

The Kansas and Missouri economies showed further signs of stabilization heading into 2011, and some firms were seeking to expand. However, unemployment remains elevated,and real estate and construction activity is still sluggish.
Midwest Economist , Issue Q 1



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