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Author:Bolt, Wilko 

Working Paper
Consumer choice and merchant acceptance of payment media

We study the ability of banks and merchants to influence the consumer's payment instrument choice. Consumers participate in payment card networks to insure themselves against three types of shocks -- income, theft, and their merchant match. Merchants choose which payment instruments to accept based on their production costs and increased profit opportunities. Our key results can be summarized as follows. The structure of prices is determined by the level of the bank's cost to provide payment services including the level of aggregate credit loss, the probability of theft, and the timing of ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-08-11

Working Paper
Payment network scale economies, SEPA, and cash replacement

The goal of SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) is to facilitate the emergence of a competitive, intra-European market by making cross-border payments as easy as domestic transactions. With crossborder inter-operability for electronic payments, card transactions will increasingly replace cash and checks for all types of payments. Using different methods, the authors estimate card and other payment network scale economies for Europe. These indicate substantial cost efficiency gains if processing is consolidated across borders rather than "piggybacked" onto existing national operations. Cost ...
Working Papers , Paper 07-32

Working Paper
The effect of transaction pricing on the adoption of electronic payments: a cross-country comparison

Pricing should speed up the substitution of low cost electronic payments for expensive paper-based transactions and cash. But by how much? Norway has explicitly priced individual payment transactions and rapidly shifted to electronic payments while the Netherlands has experienced the same shift without direct pricing. Controlling for differences between countries, the authors estimate the incremental effect of pricing on the shift to electronic payments. If users strongly value the improved convenience or security of electronic payments, pricing?viewed negatively by most consumers?may not be ...
Working Papers , Paper 05-28

Journal Article
Economics of payment cards: a status report

This article surveys the recent theoretical literature on payment cards (focusing on debit and credit cards) and studies this research's possible implications for the current public policy debate over payment card networks and the pricing of their services for both consumers and merchants.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 32 , Issue Q IV , Pages 15-27

Working Paper
Competition in bank-provided payment services

Banks supply payment services that underpin the smooth operation of the economy. To ensure an efficient payment system, it is important to maintain competition among payment service providers, but data available to gauge the degree of competition are quite limited. We propose and implement a frontier- based method to assess relative competition in bank-provided payment services. Billion dollar banks account for around 90 percent of assets in the U.S., and those with around $4 to $7 billion in assets turn out to be both the most and the least competitive in payment services, not the very ...
Working Papers , Paper 13-17

What is the role of public authorities in retail payment systems?

On June 21?22, 2010, the Chicago Fed and the University of Granada co-sponsored a conference that brought together policymakers, academics and industry practitioners to discuss evolving retail payment systems and the role of public authorities, with several panels focusing on the Single Euro Payments Area.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Nov


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Payment systems 4 items

Credit cards 3 items

Banks and banking 1 items

Competition 1 items

Consumer credit 1 items

Electronic funds transfers 1 items

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