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Author:Belongia, Michael T. 

Working Paper
Selecting an intermediate target variable for monetary policy when the goal is price stability

Conventional investigations of the "best" intermediate target variable for monetary policy have used a single criterion: the best fit between the behavior of an aggregate and that of some goal variable such as nominal spending or the aggregate price level. Ignored in this type of study, however, is the ability of the central bank to control the behavior of the aggregate which has the best fit relative to the goal variable. This paper treats the issue of monetary control explicitly and selects an intermediate target variable on the basis of a joint criterion of monetary control and ...
Working Papers , Paper 1992-008

Working Paper
The effects of federal credit programs on farm output

Working Papers , Paper 1986-007

Journal Article
Would lower federal deficits increase U.S. farm exports?

Review , Volume 67 , Issue Nov , Pages 5-19

Working Paper
Interest-bearing checkable deposits: are they \"money\"?

Working Papers , Paper 1985-008

Working Paper
Estimates of the link between variable money growth and GNP: a supplement to Mascaro and Meltzer

Mascaro and Meltzer have implied, but not tested, that increased uncertainty about monetary policy will reduce real income. This proposition is tested directly by adding a. Kalman filter estimate of monetary uncertainty to a St. Louis-type GNP equation. The results indicate that -increased uncertainty about monetary policy has permanent negative effects on both the level and growth rate of GNP.
Working Papers , Paper 1984-008

Journal Article
Outlook for agriculture in 1983

Review , Volume 65 , Issue Feb

Working Paper
Agricultural and financial market interdependence: another view

Working Papers , Paper 1984-012

Working Paper
Derivation of the set of exact hedges for the financial portfolio

Working Papers , Paper 1984-026

Journal Article
The pitfalls of exchange rate targeting: a case study from the United Kingdom

Review , Issue Sep , Pages 15-24

Journal Article
Commodity options: a new risk management tool for agricultural markets

Review , Volume 65 , Issue Jun , Pages 5-15




Review 27 items

Working Papers 19 items

Proceedings 2 items

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