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Author:Antunovich, Peter 

Do investors mistake a good company for a good investment?

Do investors confuse the quality of a firm with its attractiveness as an investment? If so, shares of well-run companies will be bid up too high and subsequently earn negative abnormal returns. Our analysis of Fortune magazine?s annual survey of "America?s Most Admired Companies" for 1983-96 finds the opposite. A portfolio of the most admired decile of firms earns an abnormal return of 3.2 percent in the year after the survey is published and 8.3 percent over three years. The least admired decile of firms earns a negative abnormal return of 8.6 percent in the nine months through the end ...
Staff Reports , Paper 60

Fifteen minutes of fame? The market impact of internet stock picks

We examine 120 Nasdaq and Over-the-Counter "buy" recommendations made by Internet sites from April 1999 to June 2001. The stock picks show substantial short- and long-run price and liquidity gains, although no new information is revealed about them. For example, liquidity one year after the pick day remains higher for these stocks than for a sample matched according to size, book-to-market value, and liquidity in the preceding year. In addition, after controlling for fundamental and microstructure factors, we find that stocks with lower initial liquidity have greater improvements in liquidity ...
Staff Reports , Paper 158

Journal Article
Are high-quality firms also high-quality investments?

The relationship between corporate reputation and investment results is the subject of ongoing debate. Some argue that high-quality firms ultimately provide superior stock price performance; others counter that stock prices already reflect these firms' prospects for growth and profitability. This study advances the debate by providing fresh evidence that investing in high-quality firms yields above-average returns and that these superior returns continue for up to five years.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 6 , Issue Jan



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